List of political parties in Jordan

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Jordan. Jordan has 31 officially registered political parties, but few play a real role because of lack of organization and clear political platforms.


The role of parties is significantly limited by institutional factors as well. The king is vested with somewhat broader executive power than is usually the case for a constitutional monarch, making it difficult for a party to win control of the government solely at the ballot box. Additionally, the electoral system is significantly malapportioned in favor of rural areas. [1]

There is no clear picture on several political parties in Jordan, but sources mention the following parties.

The parties [2]

PartyAbbr.LeaderIdeologyPolitical PositionSeats in the Chamber of Deputies
Jordanian Equality Party

حزب مساواة الأردني
Hizb Musawah al-Urduni

-Zuheir Shurafa Centrism Centre
Jordanian Democratic People's Party
حزب الشعب الديمقراطي الأردني
Hizb al-Sha'ab al-Dimuqrati al-Urduni
HASHDAbleh Abu Albeh Communism Far-left
Jordanian Model Party

حزب القدوة الأردني
Hizb al-Qudwah al-Urduni

-Iyad Najjar Centrism Centre
New Path Party

حزب النهج الجديد
Hizb an-Nahj aj-Jadeed

-Fawzan Bqour Jordanian nationalism
National Coalition Party

حزب الائتلاف الوطني
Hizb al-I'tilaf al-Watani

-Mustafa 'Imawi Islamic democracy
Islamic Action Front
جبهة العمل الإسلامي
Jabhat al-'Amal al-Islami
IAFMurad Adaileh Islamism
32 / 138
Blessed Land Party

حزب الأرض المباركة
Hizb al-Ard al-Mubarakah

-Mashhour Zreiqat Centrism Centre
Jordanian Shura Party

حزب الشورى الأردني
Hizb ash-Shura al-Urduni

-Feras Abbadi Islamism
National Charter Party

حزب الميثاق الوطني
Hizb al-'Mithaq al-Watani

-Mohammad Momani Centrism Centre
21 / 130
Jordanian Social Democratic Party

الحزب الديمقراطي الاجتماعي الأردني
al-Hizb ad-Dimuqrati al-Ijtima'i al-Urduni

JSDPSalman Nuqrush Social democracy Centre-left
Jordanian Democratic Unionist Party

حزب الوحدويون الديمقراطي الأردني
Hizb al-Wihdawiyun ad-Dimuqrati al-Urduni

-Rakan Abu Tareyeh Centrism Centre
Eradeh Party

حزب إرادة
Hizb Eradeh

-Nidal Bataineh Centrism


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National Union Party

حزب الإتحاد الوطني الأردني
Hizb al-Ittihad al-Watani al-Urduni

-Mohammad Shaheen Centrism


Jordanian al-Ghad Party

حزب الغد الأردني
Hizb al-Ghad al-Urduni

-Mohammad Abdullah Centrism


Jordanian Future and Life Party

حزب المستقبل والحياة الأردني
Hizb al-Mustaqbal wal-Hayah al-Urduni

-Salah Qudah Liberalism
Justice and Reform Party

حزب العدالة والإصلاح
Hizb al-'Adaleh wal-Islah

JRPGhazi 'Elayyan Conservatism

Jordanian nationalism

Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party

حزب الوحدة الشعبية الديمقراطي الأردني
Hizb al-Wihdah al-Sha'abiyah al-Dimuqratiyyah al-Urduni

JDPUP/WihdaSaeed Dhiyab Pan-Arabism


Jordanian National Integration Party

حزب التكامل الوطني الأردني
Hizb at-Takamul al-Watani al-Urduni

-Fayez Basbous Centrism Centre
National Constitutional Party

الحزب الوطني الدستوري
al-Hizb al-Watani ad-Dustouri

-Ahmad Shunnaq Arab nationalism
Labor Party

حزب العمال
Hizb al-Ommal

-Rula Farra Laborism Centre-left
Jordanian Reform and Renewal Party

حزب الإصلاح والتجديد الأردني
Hizb al-Islah wat-Tajdeed an-Urduni

HassadMazen Riyal Arab nationalism Centre-left
Nationalist Movement Party

حزب الحركة القومية
Hizb al-Haraka al-Qawmiyya

HaqAbdelrahman Kasab Arab nationalism
Jordanian Communist Party
الحزب الشیوعی الاردني
al-Hizb ash-Shuyu'i al-Urduni
JCPSaud Qubeilat Communism
Jordanian Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي الأردني
Hizb al-Ba'aṯ al-'Arabi al-Istiraki al-’Urdunni
JASBPZuheir Rawashdeh Arab nationalism
National Current Party
حزب التيار الوطني
Hizb at-Tayar al-Watani
NCPHamdi Murad Jordanian nationalism
Arab nationalism
Big tent
Jordanian Flame Party

حزب الشعلة الأردني
Hizb ash-Sho'leh al-Urduni

-Othman Sawa'i Centrism


Jordanian al Ansar Party

حزب الأنصار الأردني
Hizb al-Ansar al-Urduni

-Awni Rjoub Jordanian nationalism
Progress Party

حزب تقدُم
Hizb Taqadum

-Khaled Bkar Liberalism
Growth Party

حزب نماء
Hizb Namaa'

-Mohammad Rawashdeh Liberalism

Jordanian nationalism

Jordanian Civil Democratic Party

الحزب المدني الديمقراطي الأردني
al-Hizb al-Madani ad-Dimuqrati al-Urduni

-Adnan Sawa'ir Liberalism
Jordanian National Loyalty Party

حزب الوفاء الوطني الأردني
Hizb al-Wafa' al-Watani al-Urduni

-Mazen Dla'een Centrism Centre
Non-registered parties (as of January 2024)
Arab Ba'ath Progressive Party
حزب البعث العربي التقدمي
Hizb al-Ba'aṯ al-'Arabi at-Taqadumi
-Fuad Dabbour Ba'athism
Al-Resalah Party
حزب الرسالة
Hizb ar-Resalah
-Hazem Qashou Centrism
Rescue and Partnership Party
الشراكة والانقاذ
Hizb ash-Sharaka wal-Inqath
SharakaSalim Falahat Islamic democracy Centre
Jordanian United Front Party -Wasef Azar Constitutionalism
Freedom and Equality Party-Satam Abu Zaid Economic liberalism
Historical Parties
PartyAbbr.LeaderIdeologyPolitical position
National Socialist Party

الحزب الوطني الاشتراكي
Hizb al-Watani al-Ishtiraki

NSP Suleiman Nabulsi Arab nationalism, Socialism Left-wing
Banned Parties
PartyAbbr.LeaderPolitical position
Hizb ut-Tahrir

حزب التحرير

HT Ata Abu Rashta Islamic fundamentalism

See also

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  1. Freedom in the World 2018: Jordan
  2. "الأحزاب السياسية القائمة وفق أحكام قانون الاحزاب السياسية رقم (7) لسنة 2022". الهيئة المستقلة للانتخاب (in Arabic). Retrieved 2024-01-25.