List of political parties in Azerbaijan

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a one party dominant state. Opposition parties against the New Azerbaijan Party are functioning, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power.


As of 2022, 59 political parties are officially registered in Azerbaijan. Ten of them are represented in the National Assembly of Azerbaijan.

Parties represented in the National Assembly

NameAbbr.LeaderIdeology Milli Majlis Political
Stamps of Azerbaijan, 2002-612.jpg New Azerbaijan Party
Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası
YAP Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijani nationalism
70 / 125
Emblem of Civic Solidarity Party.svg Civic Solidarity Party
Vətəndaş Həmrəyliyi Partiyası
VHP Sabir Rustamkhanli National conservatism
3 / 125
Logo of Azerbaijani Democratic Lumieres Party.svg Azerbaijan Democratic Enlightenment Party
Azərbaycan Demokratik Maarifçilik Partiyası
ADMP Elshan Musayev  [ az ] Conservatism
1 / 125
Motherland Party
Ana Vətən Partiyası
AVP Fazail Agamali Azerbaijani nationalism
National conservatism
Azerbaijani irredentism
1 / 125
Emblem of Great Order Party.svg Great Order Party
Böyük Quruluş Partiyası
BQP Fazil Mustafa Liberalism
Liberal democracy
1 / 125
Unity Party
Vəhdət Partiyası
VƏHDƏT Tahir Kerimli  [ az ] Political unionism
1 / 125
Emblem of Azerbaijan Democratic Reforms Party.svg Democratic Reforms Party
Demokratik İslahatlar Partiyası
DİP Asim Mollazade  [ az ] Reformism
1 / 125
Radical centre
Emblem of Republican Alternative Party.svg Republican Alternative Party
Respublikaçı Alternativ Partiyası
REAL Ilgar Mammadov Republicanism
Liberal democracy
National liberalism
1 / 125
Centre to
Emblem of Whole Azerbaijani Popular Front Party.svg Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party
Bütöv Azərbaycan Xalq Cəbhəsi Partiyası
BAXCP Gudrat Hasanguliyev  [ az ] Azerbaijani irredentism
1 / 125

Other parties

NameAbbr.LeaderIdeology Milli Majlis Political
Milli Dirc@lis H@r@kati Partiyasi.jpg National Revival Movement Party
Milli Dirçəliş Hərəkatı Partiyası
MDHP Faraj Guliyev Azerbaijani nationalism

Emblem of Hope Party.svg

Azerbaijan Hope Party
Azərbaycan Ümid Partiyası
ÜMİDIgbal Agazade Social justice
0 / 125
Centre-right Formerly as VBP:


See also

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