List of political parties in Lithuania

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Lithuania. Lithuania has a multi-party system with numerous political parties, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments. As of March 2024, there are 22 active political parties, one inactive political party, and three political parties that are in the process of disestablishment registered with the Ministry of Justice. [1] [2]


As of March 2024, Lithuania has a total of Increase2.svg 101,003 people registered as party members and is experiencing a sharp decline in political congregation, with a Decrease2.svg7.69% decrease from the start of public membership tracking in 2018. [2] This is at least partially a result of a low trust in political parties with the institution firmly occupying the top-2 least trusted positions in the country, alongside the Seimas, in opinion polls. [3]

Registered parties

Parties with parliamentary representation

There are currently twelve parties represented in the Seimas. The current government is a broad majority coalition of the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats, Liberal Movement and Freedom Party.

NameAbbr.LeaderIdeology Seimas MEPs Memb. [2]
Homeland Union
Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
TS–LKD Gabrielius Landsbergis Christian democracy
Liberal conservatism
50 / 140
3 / 11
Decrease2.svg 12,047
Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga
LVŽS Ramūnas Karbauskis Agrarianism
Green conservatism
21 / 140
1 / 11
Increase2.svg 3,799
Union of Democrats "For Lithuania"
Demokratų sąjunga „Vardan Lietuvos“
DSVL Saulius Skvernelis Green conservatism
16 / 140
1 / 11
Increase2.svg 3,761
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania
Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija
LSDP Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Social democracy [4]
13 / 140
2 / 11
Liberals' Movement
Liberalų sąjūdis
LRLS Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen Classical liberalism
13 / 140
1 / 11
Decrease2.svg 6,657
Freedom Party
Laisvės partija
LP Aušrinė Armonaitė Liberalism
Social liberalism
11 / 140
1 / 11
Decrease2.svg 3,150
Labour Party
Darbo partija
DP Viktor Uspaskich
(interim) [5]
1 / 140
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 9,144
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance
Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga,
Akcja Wyborcza Polaków na Litwie – Związek Chrześcijańskich Rodzin
LLRA–KŠS Waldemar Tomaszewski Polish minority interests
Christian democracy
3 / 140
1 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,106
Lithuanian Regions Party
Lietuvos regionų partija
LRP Jonas Pinskus Social democracy [6]
Social conservatism [6]
2 / 140
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 6,932
Lithuanian Christian Democracy Party
Lietuvos krikščioniškosios demokratijos partija
LKDP Mindaugas Puidokas [7] Christian democracy
1 / 140
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 2,041
Dawn of Nemunas
Nemuno aušra
NA Remigijus Žemaitaitis [8] Regionalism [9]
1 / 140
0 / 11
New.png 2,296

Parties without parliamentary representation

NameAbbr.LeaderIdeology Municipal councils MEPs Memb. [2]
People and Justice Union (Centrists, Nationalists)
Tautos ir teisingumo sąjunga (centristai, tautininkai)
TTS Petras Gražulis National conservatism
7 / 1,498
1 / 11
Decrease2.svg 6,768 [2]
Freedom and Justice
Laisvė ir teisingumas
LT Artūras Zuokas Conservative liberalism
55 / 1,498
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 4,125 [2]
Lithuanian Green Party
Lietuvos žaliųjų partija
LŽP Ieva Budraitė Green liberalism
12 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,304 [2]
Christian Union
Krikščionių sąjunga
KS Rimantas Dagys Christian democracy
Christian social policy
8 / 1,498
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 2,387 [2]
National Alliance
Nacionalinis susivienijimas
NS Vytautas Radžvilas Christian conservatism
National conservatism
2 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,017 [2]
Lithuania - For Everyone
Lietuva - visų
Tomas Pačėsas Lithuanian diaspora interests
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 4,096 [2]
Together with the Vytis
Kartu su Vyčiu
KsV Vaclovas Žutautas Pensioner interests
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,731 [2]
Lithuanian People's Party
Lietuvos liaudies partija
LLP Tauras Jakelaitis Russophilia
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 2,328 [2]
Centre of Trade Unions
Profesinių sąjungų centras
PSC Kęstutis Juknis  [ lt ] Trade union interests
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,233 [2]
Together. Left Alliance
KArtu. Kairiųjų aljansas
KArtu Jolanta Bielskienė  [ lt ] Democratic socialism
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
New.png 2,093 [10]
Samogitian Party
Žemaičių partija
ŽP Irena Stražinskaitė-Glinskienė Samogitian regionalism
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,020 [2]
Lithuanian List
Lietuvos sąrašas
Darius Kuolys  [ lt ] Anti-establishment
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Increase2.svg 2,002 [2]
Movement for Forests - Young Lithuania
Sąjūdis už miškus - Jaunoji Lietuva
JL Stanislovas Buškevičius Right-wing populism
Lithuanian nationalism
0 / 1,498
0 / 11
Decrease2.svg 2,000 [2]

Inactive parties

As of 2024, one political party has not submitted the necessary documents to be registered for the upcoming elections. [1]

Parties undergoing liquidation

Defunct and unregistered parties

Historical parties

See also

Related Research Articles

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This article gives an overview of liberalism in Lithuania. Liberalism was a major force in Lithuania since 1900. Next to the urban citizens, agrarian liberal parties became active. It is limited to liberal parties with substantial support, mainly proved by having had a representation in parliament. The sign ⇒ denotes another party in that scheme. For inclusion in this scheme it isn't necessary so that parties labeled themselves as a liberal party.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Kiek politinių organizacijų galėtų dalyvauti kitų metų rinkimuose?". Anyksta (in Lithuanian). VR. 31 October 2023. Retrieved 31 October 2023.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Skėrytė, Jūratė (9 March 2024). "Per pusmetį padaugėjo partijoms priklausančių asmenų, „Drąsos keliui" gresia likvidavimas". LRT (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  3. Naureckaitė, Indrė (6 December 2023). "Iš vienų partijų bėga, į kitas puola: atskleidė, kaip atrodo tikrieji partijų veidai". (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 9 December 2023.
  4. Hans Slomp (26 September 2011). Europe, A Political Profile: An American Companion to European Politics [2 volumes]: An American Companion to European Politics. ABC-CLIO. p. 536. ISBN   978-0-313-39182-8.
  5. "Uspaskich vėl grįžta į Darbo partiją: tapo laikinuoju pirmininku". Delfi (in Lithuanian). 2 July 2024.
  6. 1 2 "Partijos programa". LSDDP (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 2020-07-07.
  7. "Seimo narys Puidokas tapo Krikščioniškosios demokratijos partijos pirmininku". LRT (in Lithuanian). 8 January 2024.
  8. "Leista registruoti Žemaitaičio vadovaujamą partiją „Nemuno aušra"". LRT (in Lithuanian). 10 January 2024.
  9. "Žemaitaitis pateikė dokumentus partijos „Nemuno aušra" steigimui". Delfi (in Lithuanian). 22 November 2023.
  10. Skėrytė, Jūratė (1 May 2024). "Vilniuje įkurta kairioji partija „KArtu"". LRT (in Lithuanian).
  11. Lithuanian Ministry of Justice (2020-04-07). "LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS POLITINIŲ PARTIJŲ SĄRAŠAS" (PDF). Retrieved 2020-07-07.