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Cinema of Lithuania | |
Romuva Cinema, the oldest still operational movie theater in Lithuania | |
No. of screens | 95 (2011) [1] |
• Per capita | 3.4 per 100,000 (2011) [1] |
Main distributors | Acme Filmai 46.0% Forum Cinemas 45.0% Incognito 5.0% [2] |
Produced feature films (2017) [3] | |
Total | 41 |
Fictional | 29 |
Animated | 7 |
Documentary | 5 |
Number of admissions (2017) [4] | |
Total | 4.060.159 |
• Per capita | 1,44 |
National films | 21,47% |
Gross box office (2017) [5] | |
Total | EUR 20.4 million [6] |
Films have been made in Lithuania since the early twentieth century. [7]
On 28 July 1896, Thomas Edison live photography session was held in the Concerts Hall of the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University. After a year, similar American movies were available with the addition of special phonograph records that also provided sound. First cinema theatres opened in 1906 in Lithuania. In 1909, Lithuanian cinema pioneers Antanas Račiūnas and Ladislas Starevich released their first movies. Soon the Račiūnas' recordings of Lithuania's views became very popular among the Lithuanian Americans abroad. In 1925, Pranas Valuskis filmed movie Naktis Lietuvoje (Night in Lithuania) about Lithuanian book smugglers that left first bright Lithuanian footprint in Hollywood.
The first short films in 1909 were shot by Antanas Račiūnas who filmed the sights of his native village and Vladislav Starevich who made a short film Prie Nemuno (By the Nieman River, 1909) [8] The first Lithuanian newsreel screened in cinemas in 1921 was made by Feognijus Dunajevas.
The first film production companies and first films schools were founded in 1926. In 1927 a short film Rūpestingas tėvas (Caring Father) was produced by Lietfilm. Lithuania's most important film directors during the era were Jurgis Linartas and Vladas Sipaitis. Kareivis – Lietuvos gynėjas ( The Soldier Lithuania's Defender ) (1928) and a feature film Onytė ir Jonelis (1931) produced by a film company Akis, are the most notable films of the era.
In 1927 first documentary films were created in Lithuania - Prezidentas Suvalkijoje (President in Suvalkija) ir Nemunu į Klaipėdos uostą (Down the River Nemunas to the Port of Klaipėda) by G. Jankauskas.
In 1931 first Lithuanian film critics journal Kino naujienos (Cinema news) established. [9]
Documentary movie chronicles were created by Stepas Uzdonas, Stasys Vainalavičius, Antanas Uibas, Alfonsas Žibas, Kazys Lukšys and others.
The most significant and mature Lithuanian American movie of the time Aukso žąsis (Golden goose) was created in 1965 by Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė that featured motifs from the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
After the Soviet takeover in 1940 the Lithuanian Republican Newsreel Studio was founded, in 1962 it was renamed the Lithuanian Film Studio.
The first Soviet era feature film "Marytė" using Lithuanian composer and actors was produced by Mosfilm. Until 1956 all Lithuanian feature films were made in cooperation with other motion-picture studios in Soviet Union focusing on Communist themes.
After the death of Stalin in 1953 a more liberal period in Soviet Union's cultural policies followed. Filmmakers started to enjoy greater artistic control at the same time the Soviet State Committee for Cinematography (Goskino) in Moscow provided the money, state censorship body Glavlit and CPSU Department of Culture had the control over releasing the movies. [7]
In 1957, the post-Stalinist era Lithuanian feature film Žydrasis horizontas (The Blue Horizon) was directed by Vytautas Mikalauskas . In 1968 - Feelings (Lithuanian: Jausmai) a Lithuanian drama film was directed by Algirdas Dausa and Almantas Grikevičius. In 1997, spectators and critics recognized it the best film in Lithuania.
Film directors Gytis Lukšas, Henrikas Šablevičius, Arūnas Žebriūnas, Raimondas Vabalas were able to overcome the obstacles of censorship and create valuable films.
In the late 1980s an independent Lithuanian national cinema industry was reborn during Perestroika social and political reforms in the Soviet Union. The first independent film production studio Kinema was founded by the director Šarūnas Bartas in 1987. Another notable documentary filmmaker emerged during the era is Arūnas Matelis.
Due to Soviet occupation Jonas Mekas was forced to leave Lithuania. In New York he created Anthology Film Archives and together with his brother Adolfas Mekas, he founded Film Culture.
After Lithuania regained independence on March 11, 1990 the state funding of filmmaking drastically decreased and smaller studios emerged instead. During the era about 10 documentaries and 2 feature films have been made yearly. The most notable directors have been Vytautas Žalakevičius, the director of Žvėris išeinantis is jūros (The Beast Emerging from the Sea) (1992), and Algimantas Puipa the winner of the Ecumenical Jury Prize at Lübeck Nordic Film Days and the winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Rouen Nordic Film Festival for Vilko dantų karoliai (A Wolf Teeth Necklace) (1997).
After the restoration of the independence, Šarūnas Bartas, Audrius Stonys, Arūnas Matelis, Audrius Juzėnas, Algimantas Puipa, Janina Lapinskaitė , Dijana and her husband Kornelijus Matuzevičius received success in international movie festivals. [10] A documentary film by Arūnas Matelis Wonderful Losers: A Different World has been shown in numerous film festivals in Europe and Asia and recognized with multiple awards. [11]
The most internationally known film director of Lithuanian descent born in Chicago, Illinois, United States is Robert Zemeckis. [12]
In 2011 Vilnius Film Cluster was established. Vilnius Film Cluster is an alliance which unites 31 leading audiovisual company and one of the largest universities in Lithuania. Vilnius Film Cluster basis was used for Netflix and HBO TV serials production. [13]
In January 2014 Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive came into effect as a new policy measure to foster local and foreign film production in Lithuania. [14] In 2016 the Lithuanian Film Centre issued 29 certificates representing a total of 1,850,646 EUR rebates. [15] The tax incentive was increased from 20% to 30% in 2019. [16]
Lithuanian film industry experiencing a renaissance over the last decade. The audience for Lithuanian films has reached 23% in 2015, compared with 2.48% in 2012. [17] 21 national films were premiered in 2018. In 2018, 54 new films of various lengths and genres were created, 28 of them were feature films most of them supported by the Lithuanian Film Centre. [18] In 2018, Lithuanian films had 27,9 percent of the domestic market share. [19]
Lithuania has hosted numerous major international productions in recent years, including HBO's Chernobyl, HBO´s Beforeigners , Catherine the Great , BBC's War and Peace, Netflix's Tokyo Trial, Stranger Things 4th season, Young Wallander, Clark [20] [21] [22] TVNorge's The Oil Fund, Swedish TV series Hamilton, [23] Danish film Erna i krig, a film by Norwegian director Hans Petter Moland Out Stealing Horses [24] and many more. [25] Sometimes 5 to 6 different international crews executing filming in Lithuania at the same time. [26]
Actors of Lithuanian descent:
Title | Translation | Year | Genre |
Žydrasis horizontas | The Blue Horizon | 1957 | |
Adomas nori būti žmogumi | Adam Wants to Be a Man | 1959 | |
Paskutinė atostogų diena | The Girl and the Echo | 1964 | |
Niekas nenorėjo mirti | Nobody Wanted to Die | 1965 | historical drama |
Jausmai | Feelings | 1968 | historical drama |
Kai aš mažas buvau | When I Was a Child | 1968 | |
Gražuolė | The Beautiful Girl | 1969 | |
Maža išpažintis | A Small Confession | 1971 | |
Herkus Mantas | Herkus Mantas | 1972 | historical drama |
Velnio nuotaka | Devil's Bride | 1973 | musical |
Perskeltas dangus | Shattered Skies | 1974 | drama |
Sadūto Tūto | Sadūto Tūto | 1974 | drama |
Virto ąžuolai | The Fall of Oak Trees | 1976 | drama |
Mano vaikystės ruduo | The Autumn of My Childhood | 1977 | romantic drama |
Riešutų duona | Walnut Bread | 1978 | tragicomedy |
Faktas | Fact | 1981 | psychological thriller |
Skrydis per Atlantą | The Flight Across the Atlantic | 1983 | historic documentary |
Mano mažytė žmona | My Little Wife | 1984 | romantic drama |
Kažkas atsitiko | Something Has Happened | 1986 | music documentary |
Amžinoji šviesa | Eternal Light | 1987 | drama |
Neatmenu tavo veido | I Don't Remember Your Face | 1988 |
Title | Translation | Year | Genre |
Trys dienos | Three Days | 1991 | |
Vilko dantų karoliai | A Wolf Teeth Necklace | 1997 | |
Elzė iš Gilijos | Elze's Life | 2000 | |
Vienui vieni | Utterly Alone | 2004 | historic drama |
Prieš parskrendant į žemę | Before Flying Back to the Earth | 2005 | documentary |
Dievų miškas | Forest of the Gods | 2005 | historic drama |
Zero. Alyvinė Lietuva | Zero: Lilac Lithuania | 2006 | action comedy |
Anastasija | Anastasia | 2006 | historic drama |
Aš esu tu | You Am I | 2006 | romantic drama |
Jėzus iš Lietuvos | Jesus from Lithuania | 2006 | drama |
Nuodėmės užkalbėjimas | Whisper of Sin | 2007 | romantic drama |
Nereikalingi žmonės | Loss | 2008 | psychological thriller |
Zero II | Zero II | 2010 | action comedy |
Atsisveikinimas (laimingo žmogaus istorija) | Farewell | 2010 | drama |
Tadas Blinda. Pradžia | Tadas Blinda: The Beginning | 2011 | action and adventure |
Mes už... Lietuvą! | We're for... Lithuania! | 2011 | documentary |
Aurora | Aurora | 2011 | fantasy drama |
Kita svajonių komanda | The Other Dream Team | 2012 | documentary |
Kaip pavogti žmoną | How to Steal a Wife | 2013 | comedy |
Ekskursantė | The Excursionist | 2013 | historical drama |
Redirected. Už Lietuvą | Redirected | 2014 | action comedy |
Pelėdų kalnas | Owl Mountain | 2018 | historical drama |
Piktųjų karta | Generation of Evil | 2022 | crime thriller |
Jonas Mekas was a Lithuanian-American filmmaker, poet, and artist who has been called "the godfather of American avant-garde cinema". Mekas's work has been exhibited in museums and at festivals worldwide. Mekas was active in New York City, where he co-founded Anthology Film Archives, The Film-Makers' Cooperative, and the journal Film Culture. He was also the first film critic for The Village Voice.
Artūras Zuokas is a Lithuanian journalist, businessman and politician who served as the mayor of the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, from 2000 to 2007 and again from 2011 to 2015, and as member of Lithuania's unicameral parliament, Seimas, from 2008 to 2009 and from 2024. He was the leader of the Liberal and Centre Union, then YES - Homeland Revival and Perspective and the Lithuanian Freedom Union, and has been the chairman of Freedom and Justice since 3 February 2024.
Several Soviet OMON assaults on Lithuanian border posts occurred after Lithuania declared its independence from the Soviet Union on 11 March 1990. As a Soviet republic, the Lithuanian SSR did not have a state border with customs or checkpoints. The newly declared Republic of Lithuania began establishing the State Border Guard Service, before it was internationally recognized on 27 August 1991 by the states of the European Community. These posts also became a symbol of its struggle for independence. The Soviet government viewed the customs posts as illegal and sent the OMON troops to harass the posts, especially those along the eastern border with Byelorussian SSR. The unarmed customs officers and armed policemen were intimidated, beaten or killed, their cars were stolen or bombed, the posts were burned down or wrecked, and work of the checkpoints was otherwise disrupted. Two of the incidents resulted in the deaths of a total of eight Lithuanian citizens. In total, about 60 officers were attacked and injured, and 23 border posts were burned or destroyed.
Šarūnas Bartas is a Lithuanian film director. He is one of the most prominent Lithuanian film directors internationally from the late 20th century. His 2015 film Peace to Us in Our Dreams was screened in the Directors' Fortnight section at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. His film In the Dusk was part of the official selection of the 2020 Cannes Film Festival.
Arūnas Matelis is a Lithuanian documentary film director. From 1979 till 1983 Arūnas Matelis studied Mathematics at Vilnius University and later in 1989 graduated from the Lithuanian Music Academy. In 1992, he established one of the first independent film production companies in Lithuania, "Nominum". In 2006 Matelis became a full member of European Film Academy with the right to vote.
Lietuvos aidas is a daily newspaper in Lithuania. It was established on September 6, 1917, by Antanas Smetona, and became the semi-official voice of the newly formed Lithuanian government. When the government evacuated from Vilnius to the temporary capital, Kaunas, it ceased publication. The newspaper was revived in 1928 as the newspaper of the Lithuanian government and became the most popular newspaper in Lithuania. At its peak, it published three daily editions with combined circulation of 90,000 copies. World War II disrupted its publication. In 1990, after Lithuania declared independence from the Soviet Union, the newspaper once again became the official newspaper of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania. At the end of 1992, its circulation reached 103,000 copies. However, it was soon privatized and faced shrinking readership, financial difficulties, and other controversies. In April 2006, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated by the State Tax Inspectorate when its tax debts reached more than 4 million litas. The company was liquidated in 2015, but the newspaper continues to be published by a non-profit organization.
Audrius Stonys is a Lithuanian documentary filmmaker. He is recipient of the European Film Award for the documentary film Neregių žemė in 1992 and the Lithuanian National Prize in 2002. Since 1989 he has created 13 documentaries and one short fiction film. His film Skrydis per Lietuvą arba 510 sekundžių tylos co-created with Arūnas Matelis was well received at the Expo 2000. Stonys is a member of the European Documentary Network and European Film Academy.
Algimantas Puipa is a Lithuanian film director and screenwriter. With more than 70,000 admissions, his film Whisper of Sin was a success in Lithuania. Other successful films include Forest of the Gods and Elze's Life.
Kristina Buožytė is a Lithuanian film director, screenwriter and producer. In her early films she focused on women, explored their inner world and depicted them using fantasy elements. Her science fiction film Vanishing Waves is described as a hypnotic, sensual sci-fi experience and sexually explicit sci-fi tale which was rewarded with 22 international awards in Europe and North America. Her and Bruno Samper’s latest science fiction bio-fantasy Vesper is described as melancholic fairytale.
Giedrė Beinoriūtė is a Lithuanian filmmaker, screenwriter, producer and co-founder of a film studio "Monoklis".
Juozas Balčikonis Gymnasium is a secondary state school located in Panevėžys, Lithuania. Teaching started in 1727, however, school reorganised to gymnasium in 1858, making it the oldest gymnasium type school in Lithuania. Juozo Balčikonio gimnazija is always one of the top-ranked institutions in the Lithuania for the high quality of its teaching, long lasting traditions and notable alumni.
Basketball is the most popular sport in Lithuania. During public opinion polls in Lithuania, the Lithuanians regularly describe basketball as their priority interest sport. A research in 2015 indicated that nearly 41% of all population in Lithuania watched the EuroBasket 2015 final between Lithuania and Spain and it became the most watched event of the 21st century in Lithuania. The popularity of basketball among Lithuanians led to it being nicknamed as the "second religion" in Lithuania.
Ina Marija Bartaitė was a Lithuanian film actress. She is known for her roles in Peace to Us in Our Dreams and Seneca's Day, among others.
The Vilnius Soviet of Workers Deputies was a soviet (council) in the city of Vilnius. Following end of the First World War on November 11, 1918, a political vacuum emerged in Vilnius, as the German Ober Ost project crumbled. The pro-communist Vilnius Soviet became one of the political forces seeking to govern the city competing with the Lithuanian Taryba and the Polish Samoobrona. A total of 202 deputies were elected to the soviet in December 1918. Whilst the communists formed the largest faction, the Vilnius Soviet was politically diverse. Bundists and communists clashed at the first meeting of the soviet. The soviet also did not welcome the Provisional Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Government of Lithuania headed by Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas. As such, new elections were organized after Vilnius was captured by the Red Army on January 5, 1919 during the Soviet westward offensive of 1918–1919. By allowing Red Army soldiers to vote, the communist reinforced their control of the Vilnius Soviet.
Nekviesta meilė was a Lithuanian TV soap opera series. Its director was Alvydas Šlepikas assisted by Saulius Balandis and Kristina Kunčinaitė. It run for 4 seasons during 2007–2009 on the LNK TV channel.
Vilnius Vytautas Magnus Gymnasium is a gymnasium in Vilnius, Lithuania. Established in 1915, it became the first Lithuanian-language high school in the city. During the interwar period, the school was one of the key Lithuanian institutions in Vilnius Region which was incorporated into the Second Polish Republic and claimed by Lithuania. Many prominent Lithuanians worked and studied at the school.
Summer Survivors is a 2018 Lithuanian drama film written and directed by Marija Kavtaradzė.
Marija Kavtaradzė is a Lithuanian film director and screenwriter.
Poetas is a 2022 Lithuanian film, based on the true stories of Kostas Kubilinskas and Kazys Skinkys. It was written and directed by Giedrius Tamoševičius and Vytautas V. Landsbergis, and stars Donatas Želvys. The part won Želvys the Silver Crane award for best actor.
Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive came into effect in January 2014 as a new policy measure to foster local and foreign film production in Lithuania. It offers an opportunity to save up to 20% of the film production budget through private investment scheme. Since the introduction of the incentive there has been a rapid growth in the number of foreign film productions.
In 2016 the Lithuanian Film Centre issued 29 certificates representing a total of 1,850,646 EUR rebates. A total of 22 films used the incentives scheme: six national films, six coproductions and ten international. All of them spent more than 9 m EUR in Lithuania in 2016.