List of political parties in the Netherlands

Last updated

This article lists political parties in the Netherlands. The country has a multi-party system with numerous political parties, and any one party has little chance of gaining power alone; parties work with each other to form coalition governments.


The lower house of the legislature, the House of Representatives, is elected by a national party-list system of proportional representation. There is no threshold for getting a seat, so a party will win a seat with only two-thirds percent of the national vote, roughly one seat for every 67,000 votes.

The first national political party was the Anti-Revolutionary Party (ARP), founded in 1879. [1]

No party has come close to winning a majority of seats since the introduction of proportional representation in 1918. [2] All governments since then have been coalitions between two or more parties. However, there is a broad consensus on the basic principles of the political system, with all parties having to adjust their goals to some extent in order to have a realistic chance at being part of the government.

National political parties

Parties represented in the States General and/or European Parliament

Political party Main ideology Position Leader AffiliationSeatsRef.
Eur. EP group Intl. Senators House reps. MEPs
PvdA PvdA Logo small.svg Labour Party
Partij van de Arbeid
Social democracy Centre-left Frans Timmermans [3] PES S&D PA
14 / 75
25 / 150
4 / 31
[4] [5]
GL GroenLinks logo (1994-present).svg GreenLeft
Green politics Centre-left Frans Timmermans [3] EGP Greens–EFA GG
4 / 31
PVV Party for Freedom
Partij voor de Vrijheid
Right-wing populism Right-wing to far-right Geert Wilders ID PfE
4 / 75
37 / 150
6 / 31
[6] [7] [8] [9]
VVD VVD logo (2020-present).svg People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
Conservative liberalism Centre-right Dilan Yeşilgöz ALDE RE LI
10 / 75
24 / 150
4 / 31
[10] [11] [12]
BBB BoerBurgerBeweging logo.svg Farmer–Citizen Movement
Agrarianism Right-wing Caroline van der Plas EPP
16 / 75
7 / 150
2 / 31
NSC NSC partijlogo.svg New Social Contract
Nieuw Sociaal Contract
Christian democracy Centre-right Pieter Omtzigt EPP
0 / 75
20 / 150
1 / 31
D66 D66 logo (2019-present).svg Democrats 66
Democraten 66
Social liberalism Centre Rob Jetten ALDE RE LI
5 / 75
9 / 150
3 / 31
[11] [10]
CDA CDA logo 2021.svg Christian Democratic Appeal
Christen-Democratisch Appèl
Christian democracy Centre-right Henri Bontenbal EPP EPP CDI
6 / 75
5 / 150
3 / 31
[13] [14] [15] [16]
SP Socialistische Partij (nl 2006) Logo.svg Socialist Party
Socialistische Partij
Democratic socialism Left-wing Jimmy Dijk
3 / 75
5 / 150
0 / 31
[17] [18] [19] [20]
PvdD Party for the Animals logo.svg Party for the Animals
Partij voor de Dieren
Animal welfare Left-wing Esther Ouwehand APEU GUE–NGL
3 / 75
3 / 150
1 / 31
CU ChristenUnie.svg Christian Union
Christian democracy Centre Mirjam Bikker ECPM
3 / 75
3 / 150
0 / 31
[4] [5] [22] [23]
FvD FvD.png Forum for Democracy
Forum voor Democratie
National conservatism Far-right Thierry Baudet ESN
2 / 75
3 / 150
0 / 31
[24] [25] [26]
SGP SGP logo (2016-present).svg Reformed Political Party
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
Christian right Right-wing Chris Stoffer ECPM ECR
2 / 75
3 / 150
1 / 31
[4] [5] [27]
JA21 JA21 logo.svg Right Answer 2021
Juiste Antwoord 2021
Conservative liberalism Right-wing Joost Eerdmans ECR ECR
3 / 75
1 / 150
0 / 31
Volt Logo of Volt.svg Volt Netherlands
Volt Nederland
European federalism Centre Laurens Dassen Volt Greens–EFA
2 / 75
2 / 150
2 / 31
DENK DENK logo (2020-present).svg DENK Minority interests Centre-left Stephan van Baarle
0 / 75
3 / 150
0 / 31
[29] [30]
50+ 50PLUS (nl) Logo.svg 50PLUS Pensioners' interests Centre Gerard van Hooft EDP
1 / 75
0 / 150
0 / 31
[4] [11] [10] [21]
OPNL Onafhankelijke Politiek Nederland logo.png Independent Politics Netherlands
Onafhankelijke Politiek Nederland
Regionalism Auke van der Goot EFA
1 / 75
0 / 150
0 / 31

Parties without representation in the States General and/or European Parliament

Party Main ideology Position Leader AffiliationRef.
European International
BIJ1 BIJ1 logo.svg BIJ1
Anti-capitalism Left-wing to far-left Edson Olf
CO Code Oranje logo.svg Code Orange
Code Oranje
Direct democracy Syncretic Bert Blase
NVU Dutch People's Union
Nederlandse Volks-Unie
Ethnic nationalism Far-right Constant Kusters
OPA Elderly Politically Active
Ouderen Politiek Actief
Pensioners' interests Single-issue politics Vacant
Pensioners' interests Centre Vacant
HVV Heart for Freedom
Hart voor Vrijheid
Antivax Syncretic Vacant
LHK Lijst Henk Krol logo.svg Henk Krol List
Lijst Henk Krol
Progressive conservatism Centre-right Vacant
BVNL BVNL logo (2023-present).svg Interest of the Netherlands
Belang van Nederland
Classical liberalism Right-wing Wybren van Haga
JL Jezus Leeft logo.svg Jesus Lives
Jezus Leeft
Evangelism Right-wing Florens van der Spek
LEF LEF.png LEF - For the New Generation
LEF - Voor de Nieuwe Generatie
Youth politics Daniël van Duijn
LibDem Liberaal Democratische Partij Logo.svg Liberal Democratic Party
Liberaal Democratische Partij
Social liberalism Centre Sammy van Tuyll
LP Libertarischepartij.svg Libertarian Party
Libertaire Partij
Right-libertarianism Right-wing Tom van Lamoen EPIL LI [31]
MDD Meer Directe Democratie logo.svg More Direct Democracy
Meer Directe Democratie
Direct democracy Centre-right Dorien Rookmaker EAFD
NCPN Logo - Nieuwe Communistische Partij van Nederland (2022).svg New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Nieuwe Communistische Partij van Nederland
Marxism–Leninism Far-left Rinze Visser IMCWP
NLB Logo of the NLBeter.svg NLBeter Public sector interests Centre Esther van Fenema
NLPlan Netherlands with a Plan
Nederland met een PLAN
Participatory democracy Centre Kok Kuen Chan
PSP Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij '92 logo.svg Pacifist Socialist Party '92
Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij '92
Pacifist socialism Left-wing Vacant
PvdR Logo of Partij voor de Republiek.png Party for the Republic
Partij voor de Republiek
Republicanism Centre Bruno Braakhuis
PvdS PartijvdSport logo.png Party for Sports
Health promotion Centre Annemarie van Duivenboden
PDNM Party The New Human
Partij De Nieuwe Mens
Spiritual left Centre-left Niraï Melis &
Raishrie Gajadin
PPNL Piratpartiet.svg Pirate Party
Pirate politics Syncretic Mark van Treuren [33] PPEU PPI [34]
PPvB Logo Politieke Partij voor Basisinkomen.png Political Party for Basic Income
Politieke Partij voor Basisinkomen
Universal basic income Single-issue politics Sepp Hannen
TON TROTS.svg Proud of the Netherlands
Trots op Nederland
Conservative liberalism Right-wing Sander van den Raadt
SPL Splinter Secularism Femke Merel van Kooten
DG De Groenen logo.svg The Greens
De Groenen
Green politics Centre-left Mark van Treuren [33]
DFP Partij van de Toekomst logo.svg The Party Party
De Feestpartij
Joke Party Syncretic Johan Vlemmix
SvN Together for the Netherlands
Samen voor Nederland
Right-wing populism Far-right Michel Reijinga
UCF Ubuntu Connected Front Ubuntuism Centre-left Regillio Vaarnold
VCP VCP logo.svg United Communist Party
Verenigde Communistische Partij
Communism Far-left Engel Modderman
VDR vandeRegio Regionalism Centre Sent Wierda EFA

Regional and local political parties

European Netherlands

Regional parties

Political party Active inSeats in the
prov. council
FNP FNP logo.png Frisian National Party
Fryske Nasjonale Partij
Frisian flag.svg  Friesland
4 / 43
GB Groninger Belang logo 01.png Groninger Interest
Groninger Belang
Flag of Groningen.svg  Groningen
3 / 43
LB Lokaal Brabant logo.png Local Brabant
Lokaal Brabant
North Brabant-Flag.svg  North Brabant
2 / 55
LL Lokaal-Limburg logo.png Local Limburg
Flag of Limburg.svg  Limburg
2 / 47
PvhN Party for the North
Partij voor het Noorden
Flag of Groningen.svg  Groningen
Frisian flag.svg  Friesland
Flag of Drenthe.svg  Drenthe
1 / 43
PvZ Partij voor Zeeland logo.png Party for Zeeland
Partij voor Zeeland
Flag of Zeeland.svg  Zeeland
2 / 39
PBF Provinciaal Belang Fryslan logo.png Provincial Interest Fryslân  [ nl ]
Provinciaal Belang Fryslân
Frisian flag.svg  Friesland
1 / 43
SLD Sterk Lokaal Drenthe logo.jpg Strong Local Drenthe
Sterk Lokaal Drenthe
Flag of Drenthe.svg  Drenthe
1 / 43
SLF Sterk Lokaal Flevoland logo.jpg Strong Local Flevoland
Sterk Lokaal Flevoland
Flag of Flevoland.svg  Flevoland
1 / 41

Local parties

Party Main ideology Position
Forza! Forza! Nederland.svg Forza! Netherlands
Forza! Nederland
Right-wing populism Right-wing
HvDH Heart for The Hague
Hart voor Den Haag/Groep de Mos
Conservative liberalism Right-wing
LR LeefbaarRotterdam.jpg Livable Rotterdam
Leefbaar Rotterdam
Fortuynism Right-wing
VSP Verenigde Senioren Partij.svg United Seniors Party
Verenigde Senioren Partij
Pensioners' interests Single-issue politics

Water board parties

Political party Main ideology Position
AWP AWP logo 2022.png General Water Board Party
Algemene Waterschapspartij
Apoliticism Syncretic
WN Water natuurlijk logo.jpg Water Natuurlijk Green politics Centre-left

Defunct political parties

History and evolution of all Dutch political parties to ever have had seats in the House of Representatives. Evolution of Dutch political parties since 1888.svg
History and evolution of all Dutch political parties to ever have had seats in the House of Representatives.
List of parties that have participated in elections for the House or European Parliament since 1918.
Actie Bouwman 193419400.57 [35]
General Elderly Alliance
Algemeen Ouderen Verbond (AOV)
General League of Roman Catholic Electoral Associations
Algemeene Bond van Roomsch-Katholieke Kiesverenigingen
Article 50
Artikel 50
General Dutch Fascist League
Algemeene Nederlandsche Fascisten Bond (ANFB)
Anti-Revolutionary Party
Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP)
18791980 [1]
Workers Party of the Netherlands
Arbeiderspartij van Nederland
Farmers' Party
League of Christian Socialists
Bond Christen-Socialisten
League of Free Liberals
Bond van Vrije Liberalen
Centre Democrats
Centrum Democraten (CD)
Centre Party
Centre Party '86
Centrumpartij '86
Christian Democratic Party
Christen-Democratische Partij
Christian Democratic Union
Christelijk-Democratische Unie
Christian Historical Union
Christelijk-Historische Unie (CHU)
Christian Social Party
Christelijk-Sociale Partij (CSP)
Christian Historical Voters' League
Christelijk Historische Kiezersbond (CHK)
Christian Historical Party
Christelijk Historische Partij
Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communistische Partij Nederland (CPN)
Democratic Party
Democratische Partij
Democratic Socialists '70
Democratisch Socialisten '70 (DS'70)
Economic League
Economische Bond (EB)
Entrepreneurs' Party
OndernemersPartij (OP)
Europe Transparent
Evangelical People's Party
Evangelische Volkspartij (EVP)
Fatherland League
Free and Social Netherlands
Frisian League
Friesche Bond
Reformed Political League
Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond (GPV)
Hervormd Gereformeerde Staatspartij 192119461.06
Independent Socialist Party
Islam Democrats
Islam Democraten
20050.0 [36]
Catholic National Party 2.71
Catholic People's Party 1945198031.88
Communist Workers Organisation (Marxist–Leninist)
Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands (Marxist–Leninist)
Kommunistiese Eenheidsbeweging Nederland
Communism 196419850.03
Independent Citizens' Party
Livable Netherlands
Leefbaar Nederland (LN)
Liberal State Party
Liberale Staatspartij (LSP)
Liberal Party
Liberale Partij
Liberal Union 18851921
Pim Fortuyn List
Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF)
Ratelband List
Middle Party for City and Country
Middle Class Party
National Socialist Dutch Workers Party
Nationaal-Socialistische Nederlandsche Arbeiderspartij (NSNAP)
National socialism 193119410.02
National Socialist Movement
Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB)
Fascism 193119454.22
Dutch Block
New Middle Party
Neutral Party
New National Party
Nieuwe Nationale Partij (NNP)
New Right
Nieuw Rechts
New Ways
Nieuwe Wegen
Pacifist Socialist Party 195719913.03
Party of the Future 2021
Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom and Diversity 2022
Freedom Party
Partij van de Vrijheid (PvdV)
Party for Justice, Action and Progress
Peasants' League
Political Party of Radicals
Politieke Partij Radikalen (PPR)
Progressive Integration Party
Radical League
Reformatory Political Federation 19752003
Roman Catholic Party of the Netherlands 0.92
Roman Catholic State Party 1926194529.64
Social Democratic Workers' Party 1894194623.81
Social Democratic League
Socialist Party
Union 55+
Alliance to Democratise the Forces 0.51
League of Communists in the Netherlands
Alliance for National Reconstruction
Verbond voor Nationaal Herstel
VoorNederland 201420170.36
Free-minded Party
Free-thinking Democratic League
Vrijzinnig Democratische Bond (VDB)
Free Anti Revolutionary Party
Vrij-Antirevolutionaire Partij (VAR)
Union of Actualists
Verbond van Actualisten
Actualism 19231928 [37]

See also


  1. 1 2 "Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP)". Documentatiecentrum Nederlands politieke partijen (in Dutch). 27 July 2021. Retrieved 3 October 2024.
  2. Dieter Nohlen & Philip Stöver (2010) Elections in Europe: A data handbook, p1412 ISBN   978-3-8329-5609-7
  3. 1 2 Lead candidate of the joint list GreenLeft and Labour Party at the 2023 general election.
  4. 1 2 3 4 Wolfram Nordsieck. "Parties and Elections in Europe" . Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Josep M. Colomer (24 July 2008). Comparative European Politics. Taylor & Francis. p. 221f. ISBN   978-0-203-94609-1 . Retrieved 13 July 2013.
  6. Pauwels, Teun (2014). Populism in Western Europe: Comparing Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. Routledge. pp. 117–118. ISBN   9781317653912.
  7. Merijn Oudenampsen (2013). "Explaining the Swing to the Right: The Dutch Debate on the Rise of Right-Wing Populism". In Ruth Wodak, Majid KhosraviNik, Brigitte Mral. Right-Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse. A&C Black. p. 191.
  8. Tjitske Akkerman (2015). "Gender and the radical right in Western Europe: a comparative analysis of policy agendas". Patterns of Prejudice. 49 (1–2): 37–60. doi:10.1080/0031322X.2015.1023655. S2CID   144264153.
  9. "Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) — Europe Politique". Retrieved 13 August 2019.
  10. 1 2 3 Andeweg, R. and G. Irwin Politics and Governance in the Netherlands, Basingstoke (Palgrave) p.49
  11. 1 2 3 Hans Keman (2008), "The Low Countries: Confrontation and Coalition in Segmented Societies", Comparative European Politics, Taylor & Francis, p. 221, ISBN   9780203946091
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  15. Hans Vollaard; Gerrit Voerman; Nelleke van de Walle (2015). "The Netherlands". In Donatella M. Viola (ed.). Routledge Handbook of European Elections. Routledge. p. 171. ISBN   978-1-317-50363-7.
  16. Bremmer, Ian (13 September 2012). "Going Dutch: The Netherlands' election results roll in". Foreign Policy. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
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  19. Watkins, Susan (May–June 2005). "Continental tremors". New Left Review . II (33). New Left Review.
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  21. 1 2 "Parties and Elections in Europe".
  22. Jort Statema; Paul Aarts. Timo Behr; Teija Tiilikainen (eds.). The Netherlands: Follow Washington, Be a Good European. note on p. 237.{{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
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  33. 1 2 Lead candidate of the joint list Pirate Party and The Greens at the 2023 general election.
  34. Piratenpartij (13 April 2010). "Structuur" [Structure] (in Dutch). Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  35. "Actie Bouwman" (PDF). Repetorium kleine politieke partijen (in Dutch).
  36. "Islam Democraten/Lijst 21". Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen (in Dutch).
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