List of schools in the Northland Region

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Localities offering secondary education in Northland

Northland is the northernmost region of New Zealand. It contains numerous rural primary schools, some small town primary and secondary schools, and a small number of city schools. Area schools in isolated areas provide complete education from primary to secondary level. Intermediate schools exist in Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Dargaville, Whangārei and Kamo.


All schools are coeducational except for Whangārei Boys' and Girls' High Schools in Whangārei. The only private schools are Springbank School in Kerikeri and Otamatea Christian School in Maungaturoto.

Several Kura Kaupapa Māori schools exist in the region, all but one in the Far North District. These schools teach solely or principally in the Māori language. [1] The name "Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o (placename)" can be translated as "The Kaupapa Māori School of (placename)".

In New Zealand schools, students begin formal education in Year 1 at the age of five. [2] Year 13 is the final year of secondary education. Years 14 and 15 refer to adult education facilities.

State schools are those fully funded by the government and at which no fees can be charged, although a donation is commonly requested. [3] A state integrated school is a state school with a special character based on a religious or philosophical belief. A private school, also known as an independent school, charges fees to its students. [4]

The decile indicates the socio-economic group that the school catchment area falls into. A rating of 1 indicates a poor area; a rating of 10 a well-off one. [5] The decile ratings used here come from the Ministry of Education Education Counts website and from the decile change spreadsheet listed in the references. The deciles were last revised using information from the 2013 Census. [6] The roll of each school changes frequently as students start school for the first time, move between schools, and graduate. The rolls given here are those provided by the Ministry of Education, based on figures from November 2012. [7] The Ministry of Education institution number, given in the last column, links to the Education Counts page for each school.

Far North

The Far North District includes the towns of Opononi, Kaikohe and Kawakawa, and the areas north of these towns.

Ahipara School 1–8 Ahipara State3184 1000
Awanui School 1–6 Awanui State239 1004
Bay of Islands College 9–15 Kawakawa State1484 8
Broadwood Area School 1–15 Broadwood State1128 6
Herekino School 1–8 Herekino State229 1013
Horeke School 1–6 Horeke State218 1016
Kaeo Primary School 1–6 Kaeo State3121 1019
Kaikohe Christian School 1–15 Kaikohe State integrated4145 1175
Kaikohe East School 1–6 Kaikohe State1210 1021
Kaikohe Intermediate 7–8 Kaikohe State152 1022
Kaikohe West School 1–6 Kaikohe State1142 1023
Kaingaroa School 1–8 Kaingaroa State3114 1024
Kaitaia College 9–15 Kaitaia State2673 3
Kaitaia Intermediate 7–8 Kaitaia State2186 1025
Kaitaia Primary School 1–6 Kaitaia State1266 1026
Karetu School 1–8 Karetu State376 1031
Kawakawa Primary School 1–8 Kawakawa State1192 1033
Kerikeri High School 7–15 Kerikeri State71,361 5
Kerikeri Primary School 1–6 Kerikeri State7476 1034
Kohukohu School 1–8 Kohukohu State233 1035
Mangamuka School 1–6 Mangamuka State219 1037
Mangonui School 1–6 Mangōnui State3126 1039
Maromaku School 1–8 Maromaku State320 2102
Matauri Bay School 1–6 Matauri Bay State341 1044
Te Kura o Mātihetihe 1–8 Matihetihe State121 1046
Moerewa School 1–8 Moerewa State1111 2103
Motatau School 1–8 Motatau State361 1053
Ngataki School 1–8 Ngataki State241 1055
Northland College 9–15 Kaikohe State1226 9
Ohaeawai School 1–6 Ōhaeawai State2133 1058
Okaihau College 7–15 Ōkaihau State2306 7
Okaihau Primary School 1–6 Ōkaihau State4136 1059
Te Kura o Ōmanaia 1–8 Omanaia State359 1060
Opononi Area School 1–15 Opononi State2126 11
Opua School 1–8 Opua State7116 1063
Oromahoe School 1–8 Oromahoe State6178 1065
Oruaiti School 1–8 Oruaiti State4176 1066
Oturu School 1–8 Kaitaia State1134 1071
Paihia School 1–8 Paihia State4130 1072
Pakaraka School 1–8 Pakaraka State237 1073
Pamapuria School 1–6 Pamapuria State279 1076
Paparore School 1–6 Paparore State3146 1078
Peria School 1–8 Peria State272 1081
Pompallier School 1–8 Kaitaia State integrated3138 1082
Pukenui School 1–8 Pukenui State3101 1086
Pukepoto School 1–6 Kaitaia State236 1087
Rawene School 1–8 Rawene State262 1093
Riverview School 1–6 Kerikeri State8401 1594
Russell School 1–8 Russell State669 1096
Springbank School 1–15 Kerikeri Private7220 436
Taipa Area School 1–15 Taipa State3417 2
Tautoro School 1–8 Tautoro State1143 2101
Te Hapua School 1–8 Te Hāpua State119 1109
Te Kura ā Iwi o Pawarenga1–8 Rotokakahi State10 932
Te Kura o Hato Hohepa Te Kamura [8] 1–8 Whangaroa Harbour State integrated115 1100
Te Kura o Te Kao 1–8 Te Kao State264 1
Te Kura o Waikare 1–8 Waikare State194 1666
Te Kura Taumata o Panguru [9] 1–15 Panguru State2103 10
Te Rangi Aniwaniwa [10] 1–15 Awanui State1190 1147
Te Tii School 1–8 Te Tii State363 1112
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kaikohe 1–15 Kaikohe State1186 4227
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Pukemiro 1–8 Kaitaia State1147 3114
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Taumarere 1–15 Moerewa State1127 2104
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Tonga o Hokianga [11] 1–8 Whirinaki State2145 3117
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whangaroa 1–8 Matauri Bay State249 3106
Totara North School 1–6 Whangaroa Harbour State320 1116
Umawera School 1–6 Umawera State223 1119
Waiharara School 1–8 Waiharara State331 1120
Te Kura O Waima 1–8 Waimā State135 1122
Whangaroa College 7–15 Kaeo State2117 4


The Whangarei District covers the east and centre of the Northland Region. It includes Ruakākā, Tauraroa, and Titoki, but not Kawakawa.

Blomfield Special School and Resource Centre Whangārei State4128 1007
Bream Bay College 7–15 Ruakākā State4470 20
Excellere College 1–15 Springs Flat State integrated5303 429
Glenbervie School 1–6 Glenbervie State7228 1011
He Mataariki School for Teen Parents Raumanga State1n/a 2757
Hikurangi School 1–8 Hikurangi State1175 1014
Hora Hora Primary School 1–6 Horahora State2236 1015
Huanui College 7–15 Glenbervie Private9331 620
Hukerenui School Years 1-8 1–8 Hūkerenui State5168 1017
Hurupaki School 1–6 Kamo State8287 1018
Kamo High School 9–15 Kamo State5592 13
Kamo Intermediate 7–8 Kamo State5796 1029
Kamo Primary School 1–6 Kamo State5402 1030
Kaurihohore School 1–6 Kauri State6148 1032
Kokopu School 1–8 Kokopu State9107 1036
Manaia View School 1–8 Raumanga State1192 1648
Mangakahia Area School 1–15 Titoki State372 18
Matarau School 1–8 Matarau State9257 1043
Maungakaramea School 1–8 Maungakaramea State9110 1047
Maungatapere School 1–8 Maungatapere State9279 1048
Maunu School 1–6 Maunu State9306 1050
Morningside School 1–6 Morningside State3297 1052
Ngunguru School 1–8 Ngunguru State7219 1056
One Tree Point School 1–6 One Tree Point State4186 1061
Onerahi Primary School 1–6 Onerahi State4397 1062
Otaika Valley School 1–6 Otaika State4117 1068
Pakotai School 1–8 Pakotai State213 1075
Parua Bay School 1–8 Parua Bay State9268 1080
Pompallier Catholic College 7–15 Maunu State integrated7649 17
Poroti School 1–8 Poroti State643 1083
Portland School 1–6 Portland State280 1084
Purua School 1–8 Purua State525 1089
Raurimu Avenue School 1–8 Onerahi State246 1092
Renew School 1–15 Morningside State integrated5230 1138
Ruakaka School 1–6 Ruakākā State4305 1094
St Francis Xavier Catholic School 1–6 Whau Valley State integrated6454 1588
Tauraroa Area School 1–15 Tauraroa State7366 12
Te Horo School 1–8 Pipiwai State535 1110
Te Kura o Otangarei 1–8 Otangarei State174 1069
Tikipunga High School 7–15 Tikipunga State2347 14
Tikipunga Primary School 1–6 Tikipunga State2279 1113
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rawhiti Roa [12] 1–15 Tikipunga State1175 1154
Totara Grove School 1–6 Kamo State2253 1028
Waiotira School 1–6 Waiotira State732 1124
Waipu Primary School 1–6 Waipu State7235 1125
Whananaki School 1–8 Whananaki State530 1127
Whangarei Adventist Christian School 1–8 Whau Valley State integrated424 4154
Whangārei Boys' High School 9–15 Whangārei State51,398 15
Whangārei Girls' High School 9–15 Whangārei State51,561 16
Whangarei Heads School 1–8 Whangārei Heads State9155 1128
Whangarei Intermediate 7–8 Whangārei State4501 1129
Whangarei Primary School 1–6 Whangārei State4383 1130
Whangaruru School 1–8 Whangaruru State128 1667
Whau Valley School 1–6 Whau Valley State2279 1131


The Kaipara District is based around the northern reaches of the Kaipara Harbour and includes Dargaville, Ruawai and Maungaturoto.

Aranga School 1–8 Aranga State410 1001
Arapohue School 1–8 Arapohue State642 1002
Dargaville High School 9–15 Dargaville State3312 19
Dargaville Intermediate 7–8 Dargaville State3150 1008
Dargaville Primary School 1–6 Dargaville State4383 1009
Kaihu Valley School 1–8 Kaihu State210 1020
Kaiwaka School 1–6 Kaiwaka State4128 1027
Mangawhai Beach School 1–8 Mangawhai State6617 1038
Matakohe School 1–8 Matakohe State549 1042
Maungaturoto School 1–6 Maungaturoto State6202 1049
Otamatea Christian School 1–15 Maungaturoto Private631 283
Otamatea High School 7–13 Maungaturoto State6691 21
Paparoa School 1–6 Paparoa State432 1077
Pouto School 1–8 Pouto Peninsula State410 1085
Ruawai College 7–13 Ruawai State5159 22
Ruawai School 1–6 Ruawai State5104 1095
Selwyn Park School 1–6 Dargaville State1128 1097
St Josephs School 1–8 Dargaville State integrated396 1098
Tangiteroria School 1–8 Tangiteroria State528 1104
Tangowahine School 1–8 Tangowahine State411 1105
Te Kopuru School 1–8 Te Kōpuru State289 1111
Tinopai School 1–8 Tinopai State112 1114
TKKM o Ngaringaomatariki 1–8 Oruawharo State463 600

See also

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  1. "A Framework for Review and Evaluation in Te Aho Matua Kura Kaupapa Māori". Education Review Office. February 2008. Archived from the original on 14 October 2008. Retrieved 8 June 2008.
  2. "About School: School basics". New Zealand Ministry of Education. Archived from the original on 26 May 2008. Retrieved 8 June 2008.
  3. "School Fees". New Zealand Government. 31 October 2016.
  4. "about NZ education". EduSearch. Archived from the original on 6 December 2007. Retrieved 8 June 2008.
  5. "How The Decile Is Calculated". New Zealand Ministry of Education . Retrieved 8 June 2008.
  6. "2014 decile recalculation". New Zealand Ministry of Education . Retrieved 22 June 2019.
  7. "New Zealand Schools - Education Counts". Ministry of Education (New Zealand). Retrieved 12 January 2013.
  8. "Te Kura o Hato Hohepa Te Kamura" means "The School of St Joseph the Carpenter"
  9. "Te Kura Taumata o Panguru" means "Pangaru High School"
  10. "Te Rangi Aniwaniwa" means "Rainbow (in the) Sky"
  11. "Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Tonga o Hokianga" means "The Kaupapa Maori School of South Hokianga"
  12. "Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rawhiti Roa" means "The Kaupapa Maori School of the East Coast" (literally: long east)