Metarhizium anisopliae

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Metarhizium anisopliae
Metarhizium anisopliae infected cockroach (PLoS).jpg
Cockroach killed by M. anisopliae
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Hypocreales
Family: Clavicipitaceae
Genus: Metarhizium
M. anisopliae
Binomial name
Metarhizium anisopliae
Synonyms [1]
  • Entomophthora anisopliaeMetschn. (1879)
  • Metarhizium albumPetch (1931)
  • Metarhizium anisopliae f. minorJ.R. Johnst. (1915)
  • Metarhizium anisopliae f. oryctophagumFrieder. (1930)
  • Metarhizium anisopliae var. dcjhyiumC.J. Dong, Jia M. Zhang, W.G. Chen & Y.Y. Hu (2007)
  • Metarhizium anisopliae var. frigidumA.C. Rath, C.J. Carr & B.R. Graham (1995)
  • Metarhizium guizhouenseQ.T. Chen & H.L. Guo (1986)
  • Metarhizium pinghaenseQ.T. Chen & H.L. Guo (1986)
  • Metarhizium velutinumBorowska, Golonk. & Kotulowa (1970)

Metarhizium anisopliae is the type species in its genus of fungi, that grows naturally in soils throughout the world and causes disease in various insects by acting as a parasitoid. Ilya I. Mechnikov named it Entomophthora anisopliae (basionym) after the insect species from which it was originally isolated – the beetle Anisoplia austriaca and from these early days, fungi such as this have been seen as potentially important tools for pest management. It is a mitosporic fungus with asexual reproduction, which was formerly classified in the form class Hyphomycetes of the phylum Deuteromycota (also often called Fungi Imperfecti).



The taxonomy of the Metarhizium has been subject to many reviews since the 1990s, before which the genus consisted of less than ten "species", based on morphological characteristics only. Many isolates have long been recognised to be specific, and some were initially assigned variety status, [2] with M. anisopliae sensu stricto , M.a. var. major , M.a. var. lepidiotae and M.a. var. acridum (the latter included important isolates used for locust control). However, they have now been assigned as new Metarhizium species in light of newer molecular evidence [3] and subsequent work. The commercially important isolate M.a. 43 (or F52, Met52, etc.), which infects Coleoptera and other insect orders has now been assigned to Metarhizium brunneum . [4]


The disease caused by the fungus is sometimes called green muscardine disease because of the green colour of its spores. When these mitotic (asexual) spores (called conidia) of the fungus come into contact with the body of an insect host, they germinate and the hyphae that emerge penetrate the cuticle. The fungus then develops inside the body, eventually killing the insect after a few days; this lethal effect is very likely aided by the production of insecticidal cyclic peptides (destruxins). The cuticle of the cadaver often becomes red. If the ambient humidity is high enough, a white mould then grows on the cadaver that soon turns green as spores are produced. Most insects living near the soil have evolved natural defenses against entomopathogenic fungi like M. anisopliae. This fungus is, therefore, locked in an evolutionary battle to overcome these defenses, which has led to a large number of isolates (or strains) that are adapted to certain groups of insects. [5]

Economic importance

The previously described range of entomopathogenic fungus isolates known as M. anisopliae, before 2009, had been observed to infect over 200 insect pest species. [6] M. anisopliae and its related species are used as biological insecticides to control a number of pests such as termites, thrips, etc. and its use in the control of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes is under investigation. [7] M. anisopliae does not appear to infect humans but has been reported as a significant pathogen of reptiles. The microscopic spores are typically sprayed on affected areas. A possible technique for malaria control is to coat mosquito nets or cotton sheets attached to the wall with them. According to Paul Stamets, species such as this could prevent colony collapse disorder and catastrophic famine.[ citation needed ]

A simplified method of microencapsulation has been demonstrated to increase the shelf-life of M. anisopliae spores commercialised for biological control of pest insects, potentially increasing its efficiency against red imported fire ants. [8]

Important isolates

Some isolates previously placed here have been assigned to Metarhizium robertsii ; [1] others may include:

See also

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Tariq Butt is a British entomologist. He is a Professor of Biosciences at Swansea University in Wales.

Donald W. Roberts was an American insect pathologist and one of the originators of that field. He was especially known for research into biological pest control of Lepidoptera by Metarhizium but also Beauveria bassiana. He was a Research Professor Emeritus in the Biology Department of Utah State University.


  1. 1 2 "Species Fungorum - GSD Species". Retrieved 2024-05-12.
  2. Driver, F.; Milner, R.J. & Trueman, W.H.A. (2000). "A Taxonomic revision of Metarhizium based on sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA". Mycological Research. 104 (2): 135–151. doi:10.1017/S0953756299001756.
  3. Bischoff J.F.; Rehner S.A. Humber R.A. (2009). "A multilocus phylogeny of the Metarhizium anisopliae lineage". Mycologia. 101 (4): 512–530. doi:10.3852/07-202.
  4. GVP Reddy; Z Zhao; RA Humber (2014). "Laboratory and field efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi for the management of the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Coleoptera: Brentidae)". Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 122: 10–15. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2014.07.009 . PMID   25111763.
  5. Freimoser, F. M.; Screen, S.; Bagga, S.; Hu, G. & St. Leger, R.J. (2003). "EST analysis of two subspecies of M. anisopliae reveals a plethora of secreted proteins with potential activity in insect hosts". Microbiology. 149 (Pt 1): 239–247. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.25761-0 . PMID   12576597.
  6. Cloyd, Raymond A. (1999). "The Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae". Midwest Biological Control News. VI (7).
  7. McNeil, Donald G. Jr. (10 June 2005). "Fungus Fatal to Mosquito May Aid Global War on Malaria". The New York Times. 104: 135–151.
  8. Qiu, Hua-Long; Fox, Eduardo G. P.; Qin, Chang-Sheng; Zhao, Dan-Yang; Yang, Hua; Xu, Jin-Zhu (2019-07-01). "Microcapsuled entomopathogenic fungus against fire ants, Solenopsis invicta" (PDF). Biological Control. 134: 141–149. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.03.018. ISSN   1049-9644.