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In the particle physics, minimon is a hypothetical particle with the minimum possible mass (as opposed to maximon), not equal to 0. [1] [2] [3]


It is probable that the minimon mass is determined by that of the maximon. In other Universes (if any), the masses of minimon and maximon may be different. The minimon mass lies in the range (0; 3.5*10–35)g. [4]

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  1. Markov, M. A. (February 1987). "'Maximon' and 'minimon' in the light of a possible formulation of the concept of an 'elementary particle'": 115–117. Bibcode:1987PZETF..45..115M.Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. Markov, A. A. "The maximon and minimon in light of a possible formulation of the concept of an "elementary particle"". Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics . Retrieved 28 July 2020.