"Nahe wollt der Herr uns sein" "Omdat hij niet ver wou zijn" | |
Christian hymn | |
![]() Huub Oosterhuis in 1964 | |
Written | 1964 | /1971
Text | translating Huub Oosterhuis |
Language | German |
Melody | Bernard Huijbers |
Composed | 1964 |
Published | 1975 |
"Nahe wollt der Herr uns sein" (The Lord wanted to be close to us) is a Christian hymn with German text, translated in 1971 from a 1964 Dutch hymn by Huub Oosterhuis. Its refrain says that God is among people but not recognised. The song, of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL), appeared from 1975 in German hymnals, then in the common section of the Catholic Gotteslob. In the hymnal's second edition, it appeared only in regional sections.
In the 1960s Oosterhuis was a Catholic priest in Amsterdam in a parish of students. The group was interested in a renewal of the language in the liturgy, both sung and spoken. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council, their service was primarily a meeting of people, intending to serve and proclaim Biblical words. [1] Oosterhuis wrote the hymn text as "Omdat hij niet ver wou zijn" in 1964. [2] His songs are, like the psalms, "tentative approaches to answer questions of God and man" (tastende Versuche, die Frage nach Gott und dem Menschen zu beantworten). [3]
The melody was composed by Bernard Huijbers . [4] The translation to German was made by Nicolas Schalz in 1971. [2] The hymn was included in the first common German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob of 1975 as GL 617. [5] Intentions to ban songs by Osterhuis from the 2013 edition, because he and his parish had left the Catholic Church, [6] were met with protests from German parishes. [1] "Nahe wollt der Herr uns sein" was included only in regional sections of the Gotteslob in the 2013 second edition, such as GL 807 for the Diocese of Limburg. [7] It is also part of other songbooks, [4] including the Swiss hymnal Kirchengesangbuch as KG 599. [8]
Oosterhuis received an ecumenical German sermon prize in 2014 for his life's work, in recognition of the great influence of his hymns in German parishes. [1]
The text is in five stanzas, each with four lines followed by a refrain [5] [8] of one repeated line: "Mitten unter euch steht er, den er nicht kennt" (Amongst you he stands, whom you don't recognise), expressing that God is secretly close to people. [5] The first stanza says that God wanted to be close to humans ("uns" = "us"). The second stanza points out that he is near us on hidden paths ("auf verborgnen Wegen"). [5] The third stanza quotes the Gloria (God from God, Light from Light), stating that he came to be a brother to all. In the fourth stanza, everybody is encouraged to follow his model of being good to each other in patience and love. The fifth stanza requests to be therefore joyful and free of cares as he dwells with people. [5]
"Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet" is a Lutheran hymn of 1524 with words written by Martin Luther who used an older first stanza and melody. It is a song of thanks after communion. Luther's version in three stanzas was printed in the Erfurt Enchiridion of 1524 and in Johann Walter's choral hymnal Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn the same year. Today, the song appears in German hymnals, including both the Protestant Evangelisches Gesangbuch, and in a different version in the Catholic Gotteslob.
Lothar Zenetti was a German Catholic theologian, priest, and author of books and poetry. In Frankfurt, he was both a minister for young people and a parish priest. He was also active on radio and television. His songs, for example the popular "Das Weizenkorn muss sterben" and "Segne dieses Kind", appear in both Protestant and Catholic hymnals.
"Herr, segne uns" is a poem in three stanzas by Lothar Zenetti, written in 1971. With a 1972 melody by Karl Fink, it became a Christian hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL), appearing in German hymnals. It is usually sung at the end of a service before the blessing. The full title is "Herr, segne uns, lass uns dir dankbar sein".
"Das Grab ist leer, der Held erwacht" is a Catholic hymn for Easter, first printed in 1777 in the hymnal Landshuter Gesangbuch published by Franz Seraph von Kohlbrenner. Keeping only the first of five stanzas, with additional two stanzas, it appeared in hymnals of the 19th century, and later in different versions in several regional sections of the Catholic hymnal Gotteslob. It is a frequently sung hymn in Easter services.
"Zeige uns, Herr, deine Allmacht und Güte" is a Christian hymn of penitence. The lyrics were written in the early 1980s by Raymund Weber. They were combined with a melody from the 1708 hymnal by Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen. The song in three stanzas appeared in the 2013 Catholic hymnal Gotteslob as GL 272 in the section for Lent.
"Ik sta voor U in leegte en gemis" is a Christian hymn with Dutch text by Huub Oosterhuis. The melody was composed by Bernard Huijbers.
"Nun lässest du, o Herr" is a Christian hymn by Georg Thurmair written in 1966 as a paraphrase of the Nunc dimittis canticle. It was part of the German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob of 1975 as GL 660 with a 16th-century melody by Loys Bourgeois. With this melody, it is also part of the Protestant hymnal Evangelisches Gesangbuch as EG 695. It is part of the second edition of the Gotteslob as GL 500, with a new 1994 melody.
"Der Herr wird dich mit seiner Güte segnen" is a Christian poem by Helmut Schlegel. It became a hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied with a 1998 melody by Thomas Gabriel, part of the German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob.
"Das Jahr steht auf der Höhe" is a Christian hymn in German with a text by Detlev Block written in 1978 to an older melody by Johann Steuerlein. In the modern German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob, it appears as GL 465. The hymn initially focuses on observing nature and then compares its transience to that of human life.
"Einer ist unser Leben" is a poem in five stanzas, written by Lothar Zenetti in 1973. It became a Christian hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL) with a 1971 melody by Jean Liesse. The song is part of many hymnals, both Catholic and Protestant, and of songbooks, remaining popular in the 21st century.
"Solang es Menschen gibt auf Erden" is a Christian hymn with German text by Dieter Trautwein, translating a 1969 Dutch hymn by Huub Oosterhuis, "Zolang er mensen zijn op aarde". The song, of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL), is part of German hymnals and songbooks.
"Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder" is an Advent hymn by Valentin Thilo. It partly paraphrases the call to penitence by John the Baptist. The text was first published in 1642 in the collection Preußische Festlieder. The different melody that later became popular dates back to 1557.
"Herr, mach uns stark" is a Christian hymn in German with text by Anna Martina Gottschick written in 1972. The hymn for the end of the church year is sung to the melody "Sine Nomine" by Ralph Vaughan Williams. It is contained in the Catholic hymnal Gotteslob, concluded with an added sixth stanza by Jürgen Henkys. The first line is "Herr, mach uns stark im Mut, der dich bekennt".
"Herr, unser Herr, wie bist du zugegen" is a Christian hymn with German text, translated in 1969 from a 1965 Dutch hymn by Huub Oosterhuis, "Heer, onze Heer". The song, of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL), appeared from 1975 in German hymnals.
"Lamm Gottes, für uns gegeben" is a Christian hymn in German with text by Eugen Eckert and a tune by Horst Christill. It is of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied. The song reflects the liturgical Agnus Dei. It is part of regional sections of the common German Catholic hymnal.
"Herr, du bist mein Leben" is a Christian hymn in German, the translation of an Italian hymn by Pierangelo Sequeri from 1977. The hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL) appears in the 2013 hymnal Gotteslob, and in other songbooks. It is both a confession of faith and a song of encouragement.
"Lass uns in deinem Namen, Herr" is a Christian hymn in German, with text and music written in 1964 by Kurt Rommel. The first lines read "Lass uns in deinem Namen, Herr, die nötigen Schritte tun". It appears in major modern Protestant and Catholic hymnals in German.
"Komm, Herr, segne uns" is a Christian hymn in German in four stanzas with text and music by the Protestant pastor Dieter Trautwein, written in 1978. It is a hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL), appearing in German hymnals of different denominations, including the Protestant Evangelisches Gesangbuch and the Catholic Gotteslob. It begins with the line "Komm Herr, segne uns, dass wir uns nicht trennen".
"Herr, nimm auch uns zum Tabor mit" is a Christian hymn with text by Peter Gerloff, written in 2001, with a melody by Richard Mailänder. The song was included in the Catholic hymnal Gotteslob.
"Wie als een God wil leven" is a Christian hymn with Dutch text by Huub Oosterhuis. The melody was taken from a collection edited by Edmond de Coussemaker in 1856. It has appeared in hymnals in Dutch and German.