Nassau Stakes

Last updated

Nassau Stakes
ClassGroup 1
Location Goodwood Racecourse
W. Sussex, England
Race type Flat / Thoroughbred
Website Goodwood
Race information
Distance1m 1f 197y (1,991 m)
QualificationThree-years-old and up
fillies & mares
Weight9 st 0 lb (3yo);
9 st 9 lb (4yo+)
Purse £600,000 (2022)
1st: £340,260
Nassau Stakes
Owner Michael Tabor.svg Owner Mr J C Smith.svg Owner Al Shaqab Racing.svg
Opera SingerSee The FireSparkling Plenty
Previous years
Owner Mr Hamdan Al Maktoum.svg Owner Mrs John Magnier.svg Owner Mr Imad Alsagar.svg
Al HusnAbove The CurveNashwa
Owner Mr Imad Alsagar.svg Owner Mrs E Roberts.svg Owner Mr Jon Aisbitt.svg
NashwaAristiaLilac Road
Owner Ms E L Banks.svg Owner Mr Hamdan Al Maktoum.svg Owner Mr Derrick Smith.svg
Lady BowthorpeZeyaadahJoan Of Arc
Owner Michael Tabor.svg Owner Craig Bernick.svg Owner Mr Hamdan Al Maktoum.svg
Fancy BlueOne VoiceNazeef
Owner Mr Toji Morita.svg Owner Emirates Park Pty Ltd.svg Owner Mr Abdullah Saeed Al Naboodah.svg
Owner Godolphin.svg Owner Barnane Stud Ltd.svg Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg
Wild IllusionUrban FoxVeracious
Owner Mrs John Magnier.svg Owner Mrs Barbara M Keller.svg Owner Godolphin.svg
WinterBlond MeSobetsu
Owner Mr Derrick Smith.svg Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg Owner Al Shaqab Racing.svg
MindingQueen's TrustJemayel
Owner Michael Tabor.svg Owner Michael Tabor blue cap.svg Owner Mr J C Smith.svg
LegatissimoWedding VowArabian Queen
Owner Normandie Stud Ltd.svg Owner H H Aga Khan.svg Owner Mrs John Magnier.svg
SultaninaNarniynVenus de Milo
Owner Mr K Abdulla 2nd.svg Owner Lady Rothschild.svg Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg
WinsiliThistle BirdHot Snap
Owner Lord Lloyd-Webber.svg Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner Mr Derrick Smith.svg
The FugueTimepieceWas
Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner Anamoine Ltd.svg Owner Mr K Abdulla 2nd.svg
MiddaySnow FairyPrincipal Role
Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner Mr Martin S Schwartz.svg Owner Godolphin.svg
Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner Mr George Strawbridge.svg Owner Mrs Simon Marsh.svg
MiddayRainbow ViewMoneycantbuymelove
Owner Michael Tabor.svg Owner Mrs J S Bolger.svg Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg
Halfway To HeavenLush LashesPassage of Time
Owner Michael Tabor.svg Owner Princess Zahra Aga Khan.svg Owner Niarchos Family.svg
Peeping FawnMandeshaLight Shift
Owner Lord Derby.svg Owner Mrs N O'Callaghan.svg Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg
Ouija BoardAlexander GoldrunNannina
Owner Mrs N O'Callaghan.svg Owner Hesmonds Stud.svg Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg
Alexander GoldrunCassydoraRed Bloom
Owner Maktoum Al Maktoum.svg Owner Miss J Semple.svg Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg
Favourable TermsSilence Is GoldenChorist
Owner Cheveley Park Stud.svg Owner Ecurie Bader.svg Owner Helena Springfield Ltd.svg
Russian RhythmAna MarieZee Zee Top
Owner Ballymacoll Stud.svg Owner Mr James Wigan.svg Owner Mrs Richard Henry and Mrs John Magnier.svg
IslingtonSulkQuarter Moon
Owner Maktoum Al Maktoum.svg Owner Mrs John Magnier.svg Owner Mr R Barnett.svg
LailaniSnowflakeTime Away
Owner Sheikh Marwan Al Maktoum.svg Owner Andreas Michael.svg Owner Mrs S Y Thomas.svg
CrimpleneEla AthenaPrincess Ellen
Owner Godolphin.svg Owner Pegasus Racing Ltd.svg Owner Peter P Scott.svg
Zahrat DubaiLady In WaitingDiamond White
Owner Miss K Rausing.svg Owner S Khaled.svg Owner HRH Prince Fahd Salman.svg
AlboradaDigitalizeMidnight Line
Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner Godolphin.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg
Owner Mr Faisal Salman.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed white cap.svg
Last SecondPaperingAnnaba
Owner Lady Carolyn Warren.svg Owner Sheikh Marwan Al Maktoum.svg Owner Mr Teruya Yoshida.svg
CarambaWarning ShadowsErin Bird
Owner Maktoum Al Maktoum.svg Owner Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktoum.svg Owner Helena Springfield Ltd.svg
HawajissDel DeyaRelatively Special
Owner S Khaled.svg Owner G Sainaghi.svg Owner Mr Mohamed Obaida.svg
Lyphard's DeltaOnly RoyaleSueboog
Owner Mrs Philip Blacker.svg Owner Mr K Abdulla.svg Owner A R G Cane.svg
Ruby TigerAll At SeaMohican Girl
Owner Mrs Philip Blacker.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg Owner HRH Princess Michael Of Kent.svg
Ruby TigerShamshirNorth Wind
Owner H H Aga Khan.svg Owner The King.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg
KartajanaStarletMoon Cactus
Owner Mr Athos Christodoulou.svg Owner The Snailwell Stud Company Limited.svg Owner Lucayan Stud.svg
MamalunaLady ShipleyTessla
Owner Mollers Racing.svg Owner Princess Lucy Ruspoli.svg Owner Mr Hamdan Al Maktoum.svg
Ela RomaraSudden LoveAshayer
Owner Sheikh Mohammed white cap.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg Owner H H Aga Khan.svg
Nom de PlumeThree TailsMamouna
Owner p burns.svg Owner Maktoum Al Maktoum.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg
Park ExpressMaysoonAsteroid Field
Owner Scuderia Giocri.svg Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg Owner Mr N J F Robinson.svg
Free GuestI Want To BeDomino's Nurse
Owner Sheikh Mohammed.svg Owner The Hon. Mrs J. M. Corbett.svg Owner Mr J L C Pearce.svg
Optimistic LassDesirableMiss Beaulieu
Owner Mr J Hambro.svg Owner Mr A D G Oldrey.svg Owner Mr D O McIntyre original.svg
AcclimatiseElysianLa Grigia
Owner Mr A E Oppenheimer.svg Owner Mr R Barnett Time Charter.svg Owner Fittocks Stud.svg
Dancing RocksTime CharterTriple Tipple
Owner Mr W E Norton.svg Owner Mr T F Blackwell.svg Owner Gillian, Lady Howard de Walden.svg
Go LeasingVielleStrigida
Owner Mr T F Blackwell.svg Owner Mrs A Struthers.svg Owner Ballymacoll Stud.svg
VielleBonnie IsleDancing Shadow
Owner Mr H Barker.svg Owner Helena Springfield Ltd.svg Owner Sir Emile Littier.svg
Connaught BridgeOdeonTempus Fugit
Owner Ballymacoll Stud.svg Owner Mrs V Hue-Williams.svg Owner Mr J R Hindley.svg
CistusSeraphimaDouble Lock
Owner r clifford turner.svg Owner B McAllister.svg Owner Sir Robin McAlpine.svg
Triple FirstWestern StarRanimer
Owner succ phillips nicolas h.svg Owner Lt.-Col J Hornung.svg Owner Ballymacoll Stud.svg
RoussalkaSauceboatSilken Way
Owner succ phillips nicolas h.svg Owner Lt.-Col J Hornung.svg Owner Mr Duncan Davidson.svg
RoussalkaSauceboatFoiled Again
Owner Cliveden Stud.svg Owner Mr Junzo Kashiyama.svg Owner J McGrath.svg
Mil's BombHimawariSilk Buds
Owner Mollers Racing.svg Owner Mr M W Wickham-Boynton.svg Owner Mr P G Williams.svg
Cheveley PrincessFisherman's BridgeMiss Petard
Owner Brenda Davis.svg Owner Mrs Noel Murless.svg Owner Mr Maurice Howard.svg
CrespinallSarkless KittySpirit in the Sky
Owner Mr T F Blackwell.svg Owner Mr H J Joel.svg Owner The Dowager Lady Beaverbrook.svg
Catherine WheelMainaSeaswan
Owner Mr B W Hager.svg Owner Mr T F C Frost.svg Owner Sir Victor Sassoon.svg
PulchraFrancoiseRoyal Pancake

The Nassau Stakes is a Group 1 flat horse race in Great Britain open to fillies and mares aged three years or older. It is run at Goodwood over a distance of 1 mile, 1 furlong and 197 yards (1,991 metres), and it is scheduled to take place each year in late July or early August.



The title of the event acknowledges the friendship between the 5th Duke of Richmond, a former owner of Goodwood Racecourse, and the House of Orange-Nassau. The race was established in 1840, and it was originally restricted to three-year-old fillies. During the early part of its history it was contested over a distance of 1 mile. It was extended to 1½ miles in 1900, and shortened to its present length in 1911.

The Nassau Stakes was opened to fillies and mares aged four or older in 1975. For a period it was classed at Group 2 level, and it was promoted to Group 1 status in 1999.

The race is currently held on the third day of the five-day Glorious Goodwood meeting.


Most successful horse (3 wins):

Leading jockey (6 wins):

Leading trainer (8 wins):

Leading owner (7 wins):

Winners since 1974

1974Mil's Bomb3 Geoff Lewis Noel Murless Louis Freedman 2:07.44
1975 Roussalka 3 Lester Piggott Henry Cecil Nicky Phillips2:09.13
1976 Roussalka 4 Lester Piggott Henry Cecil Nicky Phillips2:12.07
1977Triple First3 Greville Starkey Michael Stoute R Clifford-Turner2:07.88
1978Cistus3 Willie Carson Dick Hern Michael Sobell 2:08.67
1979 Connaught Bridge 3 Joe Mercer Henry Cecil H Barker2:11.99
1980Vielle3Geoff Baxter Bruce Hobbs Tom Blackwell2:08.37
1981Go Leasing3 Greville Starkey Guy Harwood W. Norton2:09.77
1982Dancing Rocks3 Pat Eddery Harry Wragg Philip Oppenheimer 2:07.07
1983Acclimatise3Geoff Baxter Bruce Hobbs Jocelyn Hambro2:08.76
1984Optimistic Lass3 Walter Swinburn Michael Stoute Sheikh Mohammed 2:11.94
1985Free Guest4 Pat Eddery Luca Cumani Fittocks Stud2:14.11
1986 Park Express 3 John Reid Jim Bolger Paddy Burns2:08.44
1987Nom de Plume3 Steve Cauthen Henry Cecil Sheikh Mohammed 2:07.08
1988Ela Romara3 Pat Eddery Geoff Wragg Exors of Eric Moller2:10.36
1989Mamaluna3 Greville Starkey Guy Harwood Athos Christodoulou2:06.88
1990Kartajana3 Walter Swinburn Michael Stoute HH Aga Khan IV 2:04.96
1991Ruby Tiger4 Richard Quinn Paul Cole Mrs Philip Blacker2:08.71
1992Ruby Tiger5 Richard Quinn Paul Cole Mrs Philip Blacker2:07.78
1993Lyphard's Delta3 Willie Ryan Henry Cecil Saud bin Khaled2:11.93
1994Hawajiss3 Walter Swinburn Michael Stoute Maktoum Al Maktoum 2:06.17
1995Caramba3 Michael Roberts Richard Hannon Sr. 7th Earl of Carnarvon 2:08.65
1996Last Second3 George Duffield Mark Prescott Faisal bin Salman 2:07.45
1997 Ryafan 3 Michael Hills John Gosden Khalid Abdullah 2:05.56
1998 Alborada 3 George Duffield Sir Mark Prescott Bt Kirsten Rausing 2:08.01
1999 Zahrat Dubai 3 Gary Stevens Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin 2:05.56
2000 Crimplene 3 Philip Robinson Clive Brittain Marwan Al Maktoum2:05.30
2001 Lailani 3 Frankie Dettori Ed Dunlop Maktoum Al Maktoum 2:07.12
2002 Islington 3 Kieren Fallon Sir Michael Stoute Exors of Lord Weinstock 2:04.69
2003 Russian Rhythm 3 Kieren Fallon Sir Michael Stoute Cheveley Park Stud 2:04.80
2004 Favourable Terms 4 Kieren Fallon Sir Michael Stoute Maktoum Al Maktoum 2:05.70
2005 Alexander Goldrun 4 Kevin Manning Jim Bolger Miriam O'Callaghan2:08.02
2006 Ouija Board 5 Frankie Dettori Ed Dunlop 19th Earl of Derby 2:04.47
2007 Peeping Fawn 3 Johnny Murtagh Aidan O'Brien Tabor / Magnier 2:04.53
2008 Halfway to Heaven 3 Johnny Murtagh Aidan O'Brien Tabor / Smith / Magnier 2:09.73
2009 Midday 3 Tom Queally Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 2:09.42
2010 Midday 4 Tom Queally Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 2:07.25
2011 Midday 5 Tom Queally Sir Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 2:07.72
2012 The Fugue 4 Richard Hughes John Gosden Lord Lloyd-Webber 2:09.61
2013 Winsili 3 William Buick John Gosden Khalid Abdullah 2:06.19
2014 Sultanina 4 William Buick John Gosden Normandie Stud2:06.58
2015 Legatissimo 3 Wayne Lordan David Wachman Magnier / Tabor / Smith2:06.04
2016 Minding 3 Ryan Moore Aidan O'Brien Smith / Magnier / Tabor 2:05.05
2017 Winter 3 Ryan Moore Aidan O'Brien Magnier / Tabor / Smith2:11.79
2018 Wild Illusion 3 William Buick Charlie Appleby Godolphin 2:06.22
2019 Deirdre 5 Oisin Murphy Mitsuru HashidaToji Morita2:02.93
2020 Fancy Blue 3 Ryan Moore Donnacha O'Brien Magnier / Tabor / Smith2:04.99
2021 Lady Bowthorpe 5Kieran ShoemarkWilliam JarvisEmma Banks2:08.94
2022 Nashwa 3 Hollie Doyle John & Thady GosdenImad Alsagar2:05.77
2023Al Husn4 Jim Crowley Roger Varian Shadwell Racing 2:13.37
2024 Opera Singer 3 Ryan Moore Aidan O'Brien Tabor / Smith / Magnier / Westerberg 2:04.96

Earlier winners

See also
