Orders, decorations, and medals of Norway

Last updated

National Service Medal,
army version Norwegian natl service medal army.jpg
National Service Medal,
army version

This is a list of Norwegian orders and medals, in order of precedence. This list contains all medals approved for wearing on a Norwegian military uniform in ranked order.


Group 1: Awarded by or approved by H.M. The King

Those awards presented by or approved by the King of Norway are worn in an order of precedence established by Royal Decree of 11 June 1943, with subsequent additions. [1]

No.RibbonName in English [a] Note
1 Krigskorset med sverd stripe.svg War Cross With Sword
2 Borgerdadsmedaljen stripe.svg Medal for Outstanding Civic Service obsolete since 2004
3 St. Olavs Orden stripe.svg Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav all ranks and classes
4 Den kongelige norske fortjenstorden.svg Royal Norwegian Order of Merit all ranks and classes
5 Haakon VIIs frihetskors stripe.svg Haakon VII Freedom Cross
6 St. Olavsmedaljen med ekegren stripe.svg St. Olav's Medal With Oak Branch
7 Medaljen for edel dad stripe.svg Medal for Heroism in Gold
8 Kongens fortjenstmedalje.svg King's Medal of Merit in Gold
9 St. Olavs Orden stripe.svg St. Olav's Medal
10 Krigsmedaljen stripe.svg War Medal without and with stars
11 Kongens fortjenstmedalje.svg King's Medal of Merit
12 Forsvarets medalje for edel dad.svg Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds
13 Haakon VIIs frihetsmedalje stripe.svg King Haakon VII Freedom Medal
14 Medaljen for edel dad stripe.svg Medal for Heroism in Silver
15 Medaljen for redningsdad til sjos stripe.svg Medal for Rescue at Sea
16 Nansenmedaljen for femragende forskning stripe.svg Nansen Medal for Outstanding Research
17 Politiets hederskors stripe.svg Norwegian Police Cross of Honor equal in rank, listed by seniority
18 Sivilforsvarets hederskors stripe.svg Civil Defence Cross of Honor
19 Forsvarets hederskors stripe.svg Norwegian Defence Cross of Honour
20 Forsvarsmedaljen med laurbaergren stripe.svg Defence Service Medal with Laurel Branch
21 Politimedaljen med laurbaergren.svg Police Service Medal with Laurel Branch
22 Sivilforsvarsmedaljen med laurbaergren stripe.svg Civil Defence Service Medal with Laurel Branch
23 Deltagermedaljen stripe.svg Defence Medal 1940 – 1945 without and with rosette
24 Heimevernets fortjenstmedalje stripe.svg Home Guard Medal of Merit
24a Haerens fortjenstmedalje stripe.png Army Medal of Merit
24b Sjoforsvarets fortjenstmedalje stripe.png Navy Medal of Merit
24c Luftforsvarets fortjenstmedalje stripe.png Air Force Medal of Merit
24d Etterretningstjenestens fortjenstmedalje stripe.png Intelligence Service Medal of Merit
25 Den norske koreamedalje stripe.svg Norwegian Korea Medal
26 Maudheimmedaljen stripe.svg Maudheim Medal
27 Antarktismedaljen stripe.svg Antarctic Medal
28 Kongens erindringsmedalje.svg H. M. The King's Commemorative Medal in Gold
29 Kongehusets 100-arsmedalje stripe.svg Royal House Centennial Medal
30 Haakon VIIs minnemedalje stripe.svg King Haakon VII's Commemorative Medal in gold and silver
31 Haakon VIIs jubileumsmedalje 1905-1930.svg King Haakon VII's 1905–1930 Jubilee Medal
32 Haakon VIIs jubileumsmedalje 1905-1955 stripe.svg King Haakon VII's 1905–1955 Jubilee Medal
33 Haakon VIIs 70-arsmedalje stripe.svg King Haakon VII's 70th Anniversary Medal
34 Haakon VIIs 100-arsmedalje stripe.svg King Haakon VII's Centennial Medal
35 Olav Vs minnemedalje stripe.svg King Olav V's Commemorative Medal in gold and silver
36 Olav Vs jubileumsmedalje 1957-1982 stripe.svg King Olav V's Anniversary Medal 1957-1982
37 Olav Vs 100-arsmedalje stripe.svg King Olav V's 100th Anniversary Medal
38 Kong Harald Vs jubileumsmedalje 1991-2016.png King Harald V's Jubilee Medal 1991-2016
39 Kongens erindringsmedalje.svg H. M. The King's Commemorative Medal in Silver
40 Forsvarsmedaljen stripe.svg Defence Service Medal without and with stars
41 Politimedaljen stripe.svg Police Service Medal without and with stars
42 Sivilforsvarsmedaljen stripe.svg Civil Defence Service Medal without and with stars
43 Forsvarets medalje for sarede i strid.svg Wounded in Action Medal without and with stars
44 Forsvarets medalje for internasjonale operasjoner stripe.svg Armed Forces Medal for International Operations without and with stars, laurel branch, golden laurel branch
45 Politiets medalje for internasjonale tjeneste stripe.svg Police Medal for International Service without and with stars, laurel branch
46 Sivilforsvarets medalje for internasjonale tjeneste stripe.svg Civil Defence Medal for International Service without and with stars, laurel branch
47 Forsvarets innsatsmedalje stripe.svg Medal for Defence Service Abroad without and with rosette
47a Forsvarets innsatsmedalje - Saudi Arabia stripe.svg Medal for Defence Service Abroad - Saudi Arabia without and with rosette
47b Forsvarets innsatsmedalje - Balkan stripe.svg Medal for Defence Service Abroad - Balkans without and with rosette
47c Forsvarets innsatsmedalje med rosett - Afghanistan stripe.svg Medal for Defence Service Abroad with rosette – Afghanistan
48 Medals for Defence Operations Abroad
48a Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Kosovo Serbia-Montenegro stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Kosovo-Serbia-Montenegro
48b Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Active Endeavour stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Operation Active Endeavour
48c Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Afghanistan stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Afghanistan
48d Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Irak stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Iraq
48e Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Baltic Accession-Litauen stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Operation Baltic Accession
48f Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Bosnia stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Bosnia-Herzegovina
48g Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Sudan stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Sudan
48h Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Libanon stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Lebanon
48i Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Tsjad stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Chad
48j Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Somalia stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Somalia
48k Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Libya stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Libya
48l Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Syria stripe.svg Medal for Defence Operations Abroad – escorting the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons
48m Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Mali stripe.png Medal for Defence Operations Abroad - Mali
48n Forsvarets operasjonsmedalje Middelhavet stripe.png Medal for Defence Operations Abroad – Mediterranean Sea
49 National Service Medal
49a Vernedyktighetsmedaljen Haeren stripe.svg National Service Medal - Army without and with stars
49b Vernedyktighetsmedaljen Sjoforsvaret stripe.svg National Service Medal - Navy without and with stars
49c Vernedyktighetsmedaljen Luftforsvaret stripe.svg National Service Medal - Air Force without and with stars
49d Vernedyktighetsmedaljen Heimevernet stripe.svg National Service Medal - National Guard without and with stars
For obvious reasons not worn on uniform:
Forsvarets medalje for falne i strid stripe.svg Killed in Action Medal

Royal Family Orders

Royal Family order of King Haakon VII King Haakon VII's portrait badge.jpg
Royal Family order of King Haakon VII

These are not worn on military uniform.

Group 2: Foreign state decorations

Decorations that are awarded or approved by foreign heads of state. They are ranked as follows: British, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Swedish, other countries are ranked alphabetically by their name in French.

Group 3: Decorations of UN, NATO, EU, OSCE and similar

Decorations from international operations led by UN, NATO and other international organisations. The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is also placed in this group, so was the formerly approved PLANELM Medal. Medals are ranked by the year a mission started, oldest first.

Group 4: Other Norwegian decorations

No.RibbonName in English [a] Note
1 Norsk militaert tidsskrifts medalje for besvarelse av prisoppgave stripe.svg Norwegian Military Journal's Medal for Answering a Prize Thesis
2 Selskapet for Norges Vels medalje for lang og tro tjeneste stripe.svg Royal Norwegian Society for Development's Medal for Long and Faithful Service
3 Sjomilitaere Samfunds medalje for besvarelse av prisoppgave stripe.svg Naval Society's Medal for Answering a Prize Thesis
4 Det frivillige skyttervesens fortjenstmedalje stripe.svg Norwegian Civilian Marksmanship Association's Medal of Merit
5 Sjomilitaere Samfunds fortjenstmedalje stripe.svg Naval Society's Medal of Merit
6 Norges Rode Kors hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Red Cross' Badge of Honour
7 Norske reserveoffiserers forbunds hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Reserve Officers' Federation's Badge of Honourwithout or with golden laurel branch
8 Norges skytterforbunds hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Shooting Association's Badge of Honour
9 Norges militaere kameratforbunds hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Federation of Military Comrade Associations's Badge of Honour
10 Norges forsvarsforenings verneidrettsmedalje stripe.svg The Norwegian Defense Association's Defense Sports Medal
11 Det frivillige skyttervesens hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Civilian Marksmanship Association's Badge of Honour
12 Krigsdeltagerforbundets hederstegn stripe.svg War Participants' Association's Badge of Honour
13 HM Kongens Gardes medalje stripe.svg His Majesty The King's Guard's Medalgold, silver, bronze
14 Norske officerers rideklub hederstegn stripe.svg The Norwegian Officers Riding Club's Badge of Honour
15 Norges forsvarsforenings hederstegn stripe.svg The Norwegian Defense Association's Badge of Honour, and Honorary membershipsame ribbon
16 Tysklandsbrigadens veteranmedalje stripe.svg German Brigade Veterans Medal
17 Norges lotteforbunds hederstegn stripe.svg The Norwegian Lotte Association's Badge of Honour
18 FNs fredsprismedalje 1988 stripe.svg UN's Peace Prize Medal 1988
19 Norges veteranforbund for internasjonale operasjoners hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Veterans' Association for International Operations' Badge of Honourgold, silver, bronze
20 Oslo militaere samfunds hederstegn stripe.svg Oslo Military Society's Badge of Honourgold, silver, bronze
21 Luftmilitaere samfunds hederstegn stripe.svg Air Force Society's Badge of Honour
22 Norsk Areo Klubbs hederstegn stripe.svg Norwegian Aero Club's Badge of Honour
23 Politiets Afghanistanmedalje stripe.svg Police Afghanistan Medal
24 Hakon Hansens gullmedalje stripe.svg Hakon Hansen's Gold Medal
25 Forsvarets seniorforbunds hederstegn stripe.svg The Defense Seniors Association' Badge of Honour
26 Brigadeveteranforbundet Hederstegn stripe.png Brigade Veterans Association's Badge of Honour
27 Borgerdadsmedaljen stripe.svg Holmenkollen Medal

Group 5: Other foreign decorations

Foreign awards that do not fall into any of the groups above can be approved for use on Norwegian military uniform upon application. The order of wear as for group 2.

Group 6: Medals awarded for military skills

Since 2008, the old medals were no longer approved worn on military uniform, and got replaced by the following medals in 2012:

Military medals of skills

These decorations are most often divided in three classes: bronze, silver and gold. They are most often awarded as metal badges, but if the gold requirements are met over several years a medal is awarded:

Since 2008, the above medals are no longer approved worn on military uniform. The requirements for these medals can be a part of earning the current military medals

Civilian medals of skills

These share most of the characteristics of the badges and medals awarded for military skills, but the requirements may vary more:

Since 2008, the above medals are no longer approved worn on military uniform. The requirements for these medals can be a part of earning the current military medals.

Additional civilian skills medal no longer approved worn on military uniform:

Foreign medals of skills

Foreign military and civilian skill medals are generally not permitted to be used on Norwegian military uniforms, unless permission has been applied and granted. Such skill medals then rank very last, after all other awards and skill marks.

The following foreign skill mark is approved:

Unit citations

The Norwegian Armed Forces does not have any unit citations.

Norwegian personnel who have fought in departments that have been honored with a foreign unit citation or unit award and who have received a ribbon as a sign of this, are allowed to wear these on Norwegian military uniform, but then separate from other ribbon stripes and located below these.

Unit citations in the form of ribbons are not worn with medals.

Examples of foreign unit citations given to Norwegian personnel:

No longer awarded

Star of the Order of the Norwegian lion Kraschan Norska Lejonets orden - Livrustkammaren - 22496.tif
Star of the Order of the Norwegian lion

The following obsolete awards are no longer approved on military uniform:

The Military cross, in both versions, are since 2014 no longer approved worn on military uniform. Personnel still serving got it converted to other medals. Similarly has the Medal for International Operations with Golden Laurel Branch been converted for personnel still serving.

Approved worn on military uniform in the years 1961–1981:

See also


  1. 1 2 Original Norwegian name as mouse-over text on the ribbon.

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  1. "Norwegian Decorations". royalcourt.no. The Royal House of Norway. Retrieved 27 February 2023.