Pro Electron

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Pro Electron or EECA is the European type designation and registration system for active devices (such as semiconductors, liquid crystal displays, sensor devices, electronic tubes and cathode-ray tubes).


Pro Electron was set up in 1966 in Brussels, Belgium. In 1983 it was merged with the European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association (EECA) and since then operates as an agency of the EECA.

The goal of Pro Electron is to allow unambiguous identification of electronic parts, even when made by several different manufacturers. To this end, manufacturers register new devices with the agency and receive new type designators for them.

Designation system

Examples of Pro Electron type designators are:

Pro Electron took the popular European coding system in use from around 1934 for valves (tubes), i.e. the Mullard–Philips tube designation, and essentially re-allocated several of the rarely used heater designations (first letter of the part number) for semiconductors. The second letter was used in a similar way to the valves naming convention: "A" for signal diode, "C" for low-power bipolar transistor or triode, "D" for high-power transistor (or triode), and "Y" for rectifier, but other letter designations did not follow the vacuum tube mode so closely.

The three digits (or letter followed by two digits) after the first two letters were essentially a sequence number, with (at first) a vestige of the valve-era convention that the first one or two digits would indicate the base (package) type in examples such as in this family of general-purpose transistors:

TO-18 BC10xBC17x
Lockfit BC14xBC15x
TO-92 BC54x BC55x

... where x may be:

Pro Electron naming for transistors and Zener diodes has been widely taken up by semiconductor manufactures around the world. Pro Electron naming of integrated circuits, other than some special (e.g. television signal-processing) chips, did not greatly take hold (even in Europe). Other popular designation systems were used for many integrated circuits.

Differences between Pro Electron and earlier valve-naming conventions

Frequently used first letters in European active devices

Electron tubes

 ECC81    /  \ \\__ last digit(s)=serial number   /    \ \__ first digit(s)=base (3=8pin 8,18,80=Noval (B9A), 9=Mini 7-pin (B7G)  /      \___ one letter per valve unit in the tube: D=1.4v or less      A=single-diode (low power) E=6.3v*             B=double-diode (usually shared cathode, but not always) P=300mA             C=triode U=100mA             F=pentode (low power)                     L=pentode (high power)                     Y=Single-phase rectifier                     Z=Full-wave rectifier * Note: some 6.3 volt heater types have a split heater allowing series (12.6 volt; the   default for Noval pins 4 to 5) or parallel (6.3 volt) operation.

Semiconductor diodes and transistors

The first letter gives the semiconductor type

(see above)

The second letter denotes the intended use

2nd letterUsageExample
ALow-power/small-signal diodeAA119, BA121
B Varicap diode BB105G
CSmall signal transistor, RthJC > 15K/WBC546C
DHigh-power, low-frequency power transistor, RthJC  15K/WBD139
E Tunnel (Esaki-)diode AE100
FLow-power, RF (high-frequency) bipolar or FET, RthJC > 15K/WBF245
G Hybrid device BGY32, BGY585
H Hall effect sensor/diode
LHigh-frequency, high-power transistor (for transmitters), RthJC  15K/WBLW34
M Ring modulator-type frequency mixer
N Opto-isolator CNY17
PRadiation detector (photodiode, phototransistor)BPW34
QRadiation generator (LED)CQY99
RLow-power control or switching device: thyristors, diacs, triacs, UJTs, programmable unijunction transistors (PUT), silicon bidirectional switch (SBS), opto-triacs etc.BR100
SLow-power switching transistor, bipolar or MOSFET, RthJC > 15K/WBS170
THigh-power control or switching device: thyristors, TRIACs, silicon bidirectional switch (SBS), etc.BT138
UHigh-power switching transistors, bipolar or MOSFET, RthJC  15K/WBU508, BUZ11
V Antenna
W Surface-acoustic-wave device
X Frequency multiplier: varactor, step recovery diode
YHigh-power rectifying diodeBY228
Z Avalanche, TVS, Zener diodeBZY91

The serial number

Following these two letters is a 3- or 4-digit serial number (or another letter then digits), assigned by Pro Electron. It is not always merely a sequence number; there is sometimes information conveyed in the number:

Suffixes and version specifiers

Suffixes may be used, letters or perhaps blocks of digits delimited by "/" or "-" from the serial number, often without fixed meanings but some of the more common conventions are:

Examples of suffixes and manufacturers' extensions to the basic sequence number include:

Prefix classUsageExampleNotes
AC Germanium small signal transistorAC127/01an AC127 (TO-1 case) with built-on heat-conducting block
AF Germanium RF transistorAFY40Rthe "Y40" sequence number implies industrial uses,
the "R" indicates reduced specifications
BCSilicon, small-signal transistor ("allround" or "G.P.")BC183LBthe "L" indicates Base-Collector-Emitter pinout while
the "B" suffix indicates medium gain (240-500 hFE) selection
BCSilicon, small-signal transistorBC337-25-25 indicates an hFE of around 250 (140-400 range)
BDSilicon Darlington-pair power transistorBDT60Bthe "B" suffix here indicates medium voltage (-100VCBO)
BFSilicon RF (high-frequency) BJT or FET BF493Sa BF493 with a -350VCEO rating
BLSilicon high-frequency, high-power (for transmitters)BLY49ABLY49 in a TO-66 case
BSSilicon switching transistor, bipolar or MOSFET BSV52LT1SOT-23 (surface-mount) package
BTSilicon Thyristor or TRIACBT138/800800V-rated TRIAC
BUSilicon high-voltage (for CRT horizontal deflection circuits)BU508Da BU508 with integral damper diode
BZSilicon regulator ("Zener") diodeBZY88-C5V6"C" indicates 5% tolerance, "5V6" indicates 5.6Vz

Note: A BC546 might only be marked "C546" by some manufacturers, thus possibly creating confusion with JIS abbreviated markings, because a transistor marked "C546" might also be a 2SC546.

Short summary of the most common semiconductor diode and transistor designations:

      BC549C      / |--- \___ variant (A,B,C for transistors implies low, medium or high gain)     /  |   \____ serial number (at least 3 digits or letter and 2 digits)    /  device type: A=Ge     A=Signal diode B=Si     C=LF low-power transistor          D=LF Power transistor          F=RF transistor (or FET)           P=Photosensitive transistor etc.          T=Triac or thyristor          Y=Rectifier diode          Z=Zener diode

Usage in the Eastern Bloc

Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Cuba mostly used Pro Electron designations for discrete semiconductors just like Western Europe. Starting in 1971, in Poland the letter "P" was inserted, e.g. BUY54 became BUYP54. [4] Kombinat Mikroelektronik Erfurt (KME) in East Germany and Tesla (Czechoslovak company) used designations derived from the Pro Electron scheme. In particular, the first letter specifying the material differed while the second letter followed the table above (with the few exceptions for KME noted below). [5]

Material1st letter Pro Electron1st letter KME East Germany1st letter Tesla
Compound materials (GaAs etc.)CVL
Multiple materials (e.g. Si + GaAs)CM
2nd letterKME East Germany usage
BOptoisolator (varicaps were included with other diodes under letter A)
MMOSFET (Pro Electron includes MOSFETs in letters C, D, F, L, S, U)
WSensors other than radiation detectors

Examples: GD241C - Germanium power transistor from KME; MB111 - optoisolator from KME; KD503 - Silicon power transistor from Tesla; LQ100 - LED from Tesla.

Integrated circuits

The integrated circuit designation consists of three letters, followed by a serial number of three to five digits. [1] Initially, only three-digit serial numbers were allowed. For designations with a three-digit serial number the third initial letter had a defined meaning for digital integrated circuits (see below) and the operating temperature range was encoded in the last digit of the serial number. [6] The specification was changed in 1973 [6] to allow longer serial numbers. For designations with a serial number of more than three digits the third initial letter encodes the temperature range. [1] [6] Optionally, a version letter (A, B, ...) and / or a package designation can follow after the serial number. [1]

1st letterUsageExample
F, G, H, IDigital integrated circuit that is part of a family FLH101
M Microprocessor MAB2650A
N Charge-transfer devices and switched capacitors
PDigital integrated circuit that is part of a family PMB2205
SDigital integrated circuit that is not part of a family ("solitary") SAA1099
TAnalogue integrated circuit TEA1002
U Mixed-signal integrated circuit (analogue and digital)UAA180
Operating temperature ranges [1]
Range3-digit serial number)serial number with more than 3 digits
3rd digitExample3rd letterExample
No temperature range specified0 TCA220 A TDA5140A
0 °C to +70 °C1 FLH241 B PSB2115F
−55 °C to +125 °C2TAA762 [6] CHCC4012B [7]
−10 °C to +85 °C3
+15 °C to +55 °C4
−25 °C to +70 °C5 FLH185 D SAD1009P
−25 °C to +85 °CETBE2335 [6]
−40 °C to +85 °C6FJH106 [8] F HEF4011BP
Common package designations [1]
E Ball grid array (BGA) PMB2800E
H Quad Flat Package (QFP) SAA7146AH
N Quad Flat Package (QFP) non leaded PEB2086N
PPlastic dual in-line package (DIP) PCF8574P
T Small Outline Package (SOP) PCF8574AT

Digital logic families

The combination of first letter and second letter is assigned to a specific manufacturer. [1]

   FCH171   //  \ \__ serial number (including temperature range)  //    \___ H=gate ("Combinatorial circuit"), J=flip-flop, K=monostable, L=level shifter, Q=RAM, R=ROM, Y=miscellaneous etc. FC=DTL by Philips  [9]  / Mullard  [8]  FD=dynamic PMOS by Philips  [9]  / Mullard  [8]  FE=PMOS by Philips  [9]  / Mullard  [8]  FH=TTL by Philips  [9]  (SUHL II series) FJ=TTL by Philips  [9]  / Mullard  [8]  (7400 series) FK=E2CL by Philips  [9]  FL=TTL by Siemens (7400 series) [10]  FN=ECL by Telefunken  [11]  FP=HTL by Telefunken  [11]  [12]  FQ=DTL by SGS-ATES  [13]  [14]  FS=SECL by Telefunken  [11]  FY=ECL by Siemens  [10]  FZ=HTL by Siemens  [10]  GD=PMOS by Siemens (MEM1000 series) [15]  GH=ECL by Philips  [16]  GJ=TTL by Mullard (74H00 series) [8]  GR=interface devices by Mullard (7500 series) [8]  GT=TTL by Mullard (74S00 series) [8] 

Unfortunately the serial number does not specify the same type of gate in each family, e.g. while an FJH131 is a quadruple 2-input NAND gate (like the 7400), an FCH131 is a dual 4-input NAND gate, [8] and an FLH131 is an 8-input NAND gate (equivalent to 7430). [10] To lessen the confusion at least for the 7400 series, at some point manufacturers included the well-known 7400 series designation both in their literature and on the integrated circuits themselves.

See also

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In Europe, the principal method of numbering vacuum tubes was the nomenclature used by the Philips company and its subsidiaries Mullard in the UK, Valvo(deit) in Germany, Radiotechnique (Miniwatt-Dario brand) in France, and Amperex in the United States, from 1934 on. Adhering manufacturers include AEG (de), CdL (1921, French Mazda brand), CIFTE (fr, Mazda-Belvu brand), EdiSwan (British Mazda brand), Lorenz (de), MBLE(frnl), RCA (us), RFT(desv) (de), Siemens (de), Telefunken (de), Tesla (cz), Toshiba (ja), Tungsram (hu), and Unitra. This system allocated meaningful codes to tubes based on their function and became the starting point for the Pro Electron naming scheme for active devices.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">TO-18</span>

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Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) has standard JIS-C-7012 for semiconductor part numbers. The first digit denotes the p-n junction count ; then follows the letter "S", then:

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