Soviet integrated circuit designation

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KL USSR KP580BM80A i8080 clone.jpg

The soviet integrated circuit designation is an industrial specification for encoding the names of integrated circuits manufactured in the Soviet Union and the Post-Soviet states. 25 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a number of manufacturers in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, and Uzbekistan still use this designation.


The designation uses the Cyrillic alphabet which sometimes leads to confusion where a Cyrillic letter has the same appearance as a Latin letter but is romanized as a different letter. Furthermore, for some Cyrillic letters the Romanization is ambiguous.


The nomenclature for integrated circuits has changed somewhat over the years as new standards were published:

Throughout this article the standards are referred to by the year they came into force. Before 1968 each manufacturer used its own integrated circuit designation. [1] [15] Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the standards were not as strictly enforced, and a number of manufacturers introduced manufacturer-specific designations again. These were typically used in parallel with the standards. However, integrated circuits for military, aerospace, and nuclear applications in Russia still have to follow the standard designation. Underlining this, the 2010 standard is explicitly labelled a Russian military standard. Beside Russia the 2010 standard is applied in Belarus as well. Companies in Ukraine mostly stayed with the 1980 standard and prefixed the designation with the letter У (U), e.g. УМ5701ВЕ51. [16] The 1980 standard was published in Ukraine as DSTU 3212—95 (Ukrainian : ДСТУ 3212-95). Bulgarian designations for bipolar integrated circuits, e.g. 1УО709С, [17] look confusingly similar to the 1968 Soviet designations but the standards differ. The functional group is also indicated by two letters in the Cyrillic alphabet and many groups were obviously copied from the Soviet standard (АГ, ИД, ИЕ, ЛБ, ЛН, ЛП, МП, ПК, СА, УС). Some subgroups differ (ТД, УМ, УО) and some groups are completely different (НС, ОИ, РН). For the number after the functional group there is no concept of a series. Instead, that number usually matches the Western counterpart (e.g. the 1УО709С is equivalent to a μA709).

Also as a consequence of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, COCOM restrictions were lifted and Russian integrated circuit design firms gained access to foundries abroad. In that sense it could be argued that the importance of the Soviet designation has spread across the globe. When foundries are not able to label the circuit in the Cyrillic alphabet then the Latin alphabet is used (e.g. KF1174PP1 [18] ). The sanctions in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine ended this international co-operation in 2022.

In general, devices already in production when a new standard came out kept their old designation. However, in some case devices were renamed:

Structure of the designation


Functional groups

GroupDescriptionExample [6] [24] [25]
АAPulse shapers and drivers
ААAAAddress line drivers (esp. for magnetic-core memory)К170АА7SN75327
АГAG Square wave pulse shapers (including monostable multivibrators) К555АГ4 74LS221
АИAITime interval shaper (timer)1512АИ1У
АНANVoltage pulse shaper
АПAPOther pulse shapers (e.g. digital buffers including tri-state buffers, bubble memory drivers, CCD drivers) ЭКР1533АП5 74ALS244
АРARBit-line drivers (esp. for magnetic-core memory)146АР1
АТATCurrent pulse shaper
АФAFPulse shapers for special waveforms К174АФ5
БBDelay devices [lower-alpha 1] Array of cells
БАBAArray of analogue cells [lower-alpha 2] Н1451БА1У-А502
БКBKArray of mixed-signal cells [lower-alpha 3] 1451БК2У
БМBM Passive delay device
БПBPOther delay deviceOther array of cells (e.g. gate array plus processor)К5512БП1Ф
БРBR Active delay device (e.g. bucket-brigade device)КА528БР2
БЦBTs, BCArray of digital cells (gate array) [lower-alpha 4] 5585БЦ1У
ВVComputing devices [lower-alpha 5]
ВАVA Bus interface КР580ВА86 Intel 8286
ВБVBSynchronization device (e.g. arbiter) КР1810ВБ89 Intel 8289
ВВVVInput / output interface (e.g. serial or parallel interface) КР580ВВ55А Intel 8255
ВГVGController (e.g. memory controller, video display controller) КР1810ВГ88 Intel 8288
ВДVDController with digital inputs and outputs1875ВД1Т Intel 80C186
ВЕVESingle-chip microcontroller КМ1816ВЕ48 Intel 8748
ВЖVZhSpecialized device (e.g. error correction circuit)К1800ВЖ5 Motorola MC10905
ВИVI Timer device, real-time clock КР580ВИ53 Intel 8253
ВКVKCombined device (e.g. bus controller, GPIB controller) КР580ВК28 Intel 8228
ВМVM Microprocessor [lower-alpha 6] КР580ВМ80A Intel 8080
ВНVN Programmable interrupt controller КР580ВН59 Intel 8259
ВПVPOther computing devices (e.g. gate array) К1801ВП1
ВРVRExtender for e.g. word size, number of ports, number of interrupt lines, available arithmetic operations (esp. a multiplier)КМ1804ВР1 AMD Am2902
ВСVSMicroprocessor section, esp. bit-slice КР1804ВС1 AMD Am2901
ВТVT Memory controller КР1810ВТ37 Intel 8237
ВУVU Microcode control device М1804ВУ4 AMD Am2909
ВФVFData transformation functions (calculation of e.g. CRC, Fourier transform)1815ВФ3
ВХVKh, VX, VHDevices for calculators К145ВХ1
ВЦVTs, VC Digital signal processor [lower-alpha 6] 1867ВЦ10Т TMS320F240x
ВЮVYuController with analogue inputs and outputsК1055ВЮ1Т
ВЯVYa Digital signal processor with analogue inputs and outputs 1879ВЯ1Я
ГG Signal generators and oscillators
ГГGG Square wave generators (including astable multivibrators and blocking oscillators)КР531ГГ1 74S124
ГЛGL Sawtooth wave generators (e.g. for CRT deflection circuits)К174ГЛ1TDA1170
ГМGM Noise generators К1316ГМ1У
ГНGNProgrammable signal generators1316ГН2Н4
ГПGPOther signal generatorsКМ1012ГП1MM5555
ГСGS Sine wave generators (including harmonic oscillators)К277ГС1
ГФGFSignal generators for special waveforms (including generators for multiple waveforms) К174ГФ2 XR2206
ДD Detectors and demodulators
ДАDA Amplitude modulation detectors 235ДА1
ДИDI Pulse modulation detectors
ДКDKFrequency-phase modulation detectors
ДНDNVoltage detector (monitor)К1230ДН1БРMC34161
ДПDPOther detectorsК1230ДП46ПMC34064
ДСDS Frequency modulation detectors К2ДС241
ДФDF Phase modulation detectorsК1102ДФ1MC4044
ЕE Power supply devices
ЕАEAPositive fixed-voltage linear regulator
ЕВEV Rectifiers К299ЕВ1
ЕГEGNegative adjustable-voltage linear regulator 1349ЕГ1УLM137
ЕДEDDual-polarity symmetric fixed-voltage linear regulator
ЕЕEEVoltage supervisor, reset circuit1363ЕЕ1ТMAX709L
ЕИEINegative fixed-voltage linear regulator 1343ЕИ5У 7905
ЕКEK Switched-mode power supply devicesК1156ЕК1АПLM2596
ЕЛELDual-polarity asymmetric fixed-voltage linear regulator
ЕМEM Electric power conversion devices (e.g. thyristor controller)КР1182ЕМ2
ЕНEN Linear voltage regulators КР142ЕН8А 7808
ЕПEPOther power supply devices (e.g. charge pump devices)КР1168ЕП1ICL7660
ЕРERPositive adjustable-voltage linear regulator 1325ЕР1У AMS1117
ЕСESPower supply systems
ЕТET Constant-current sources УР1101ЕТ51TSM1051
ЕУEUController for switched-mode power supplies КР1033ЕУ2TDA4605
ЕФEFAdjustable-voltage switched-mode power supply devicesК1290ЕФ1АПLM2576-ADJ
ЖZhMulti-functional devices [lower-alpha 7]
ЖАZhAAnalog multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 8] К2ЖА375
ЖВZhVAnalog and logical multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 9]
ЖЕZhEAnalog and pulse multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 9]
ЖГZhGLogical and pulse multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 10] К1ЖГ453
ЖИZhIPulse multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 10]
ЖКZhKAnalog, logical, and pulse multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 9]
ЖЛZhLLogical multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 10] K5ЖЛ012
ИIDigital circuits
ИАIA Arithmetic logic unit [lower-alpha 11] 1815ИА1
ИВIV Encoder [lower-alpha 12] 1564ИВ3 54HC147
ИДID Decoder КР1533ИД4 74ALS155
ИЕIE Counter 533ИЕ7 54LS193
ИКIKCombination of digital circuits [lower-alpha 5] [lower-alpha 11] К145ИК1901
ИЛIL Half adder K5ИЛ011
ИМIM Full adder [lower-alpha 13] КМ155ИМ3 6483
ИНIN Interface receiver, transmitter, or transceiver 5559ИН1Т MAX232
ИПIPOther digital circuits (e.g. parity bit checker, multiplier) [lower-alpha 11] К155ИП3 74181
ИРIR Register, shift register К561ИР2 4015
ИСIS Full adder [lower-alpha 13] 1ИС061А
ИФIFFunction expander (e.g. multiplier)1825ИФ1У
ИШISh Encoder [lower-alpha 12] К5ИШ011
КK Switches and Multiplexers
КДKDDiode-based switch
КЗKZOpto-electronic switch
КНKN Analogue switches and Multiplexers for voltages [lower-alpha 14] КР590КН1
КПKPOther switches and multiplexers (especially digital; also optocouplers) К561КП1 4052
КТKTTransistor-based switch Analogue switches and Multiplexers for currents [lower-alpha 14] К561КТ3А 4066
ЛL Logic gates
ЛАLA NAND gates [lower-alpha 15] К155ЛА3 7400
ЛБLB NAND gates and NOR gates [lower-alpha 15] К134ЛБ1
ЛДLDExpander [lower-alpha 16] К155ЛД1 7460
ЛЕLE NOR gates [lower-alpha 15] КР1533ЛЕ1 74ALS02
ЛИLI AND gates КР531ЛИ3 74S11
ЛКLKAND-OR-NOT/AND-OR gates [lower-alpha 17] 199ЛК3
ЛЛLL OR gates К555ЛЛ1 74LS32
ЛМLMOR-NOT/OR gates 1500ЛМ101 Fairchild F100101
ЛНLN NOT gates 136ЛН1 54L04
ЛПLPExpander [lower-alpha 16] Other gates (e.g. XOR gates, majority function gates) [lower-alpha 18] К555ЛП5 74LS86
ЛРLR AND-OR-NOT gates КР531ЛР11 74S51
ЛСLSAND-OR gates [lower-alpha 17] К561ЛС2 4019
ЛЭLEOther gates [lower-alpha 18] К1ЛЭ941
МM Modulators
МАMA Amplitude modulators (e.g. ring modulator)КР140МА1
МИMI Pulse modulators К854МИ1
МПMPOther modulators (e.g. quadrature amplitude modulator)1324МП1УAD8346
МСMS Frequency modulators 219МС2
МФMF Phase modulators К1327МФ1У
НNArrays of electronic components
НДND Diode array 542НД1
НЕNE Capacitor array 820НЕ1Б
НКNKArray with a combination of components 2НК041
НПNPArray of other components
НРNR Resistor array [lower-alpha 19] К301НР1А
НСNS Resistor array [lower-alpha 19] 3НС011А
НТNT Transistor array КР198НТ5Б
НФNFArray with a specific function (e.g. resistor ladder)317НФ1
ПPSignal converters
ПАPA Digital-to-analogue converter [lower-alpha 20] КР572ПА7Б AD7541
ПВPV Analogue-to-digital converter [lower-alpha 21] 1108ПВ1 TDC1013J
ПДPDDecoding converter (incl. Digital-to-analogue converter [lower-alpha 20] )Pulse duration converterК1102ПД1
ПЕPEAnalogue frequency multiplier
ПКPKCoding converter (incl. Analogue-to-digital converter [lower-alpha 21] ) К1ПК201
Analogue frequency divider [lower-alpha 22] К1055ПК1Т1
ПЛPL Frequency synthesizer КР1508ПЛ1NJ88C30
ПМPMSignal shape converterPower converter (including attenuators)КР1446ПМ1
ПНPNVoltage converterVoltage or current converter [lower-alpha 23] К252ПН1
ППPPOther converter (including photovoltaic optocouplers)КР572ПП2ICL7104
ПРPR Code converter К155ПР7 74185
ПСPSFrequency converter (including frequency mixers, analog multipliers) [lower-alpha 24] К174ПС1
ПТPT Digital potentiometer 1315ПТ11ТAD8400
ПУPUSignal level converter (including impedance matching, logic voltage level shifters) К561ПУ4 4050
ПФPFPhase converter [lower-alpha 25] Functional signal converter (e.g. digital autocorrelator)5862ПФ1Н4
ПЦPTs, PC Digital frequency divider К555ПЦ1 74LS292
РR Memory devices [lower-alpha 26]
РАRAAnalogue memory Associative memory К589РА04Intel 3104
РВRVMatrix of ROM elements (e.g. diode matrix) [lower-alpha 27] К539РВ1А
РГRG FIFO [lower-alpha 28] 1642РГ1РБМIDT7205L
РДRD DRAM [lower-alpha 29] 1654РД2MT48LC4M16A2P
РЕRE ROM (including PROM) [lower-alpha 30] Mask ROM [lower-alpha 30] К155РЕ21 74187
РКRKMulti-ported RAM (e.g. dual-ported RAM) [lower-alpha 28] 1642РК1УБМIDT7005
РМRMMatrix of RAM elements [lower-alpha 27] К188РМ1
РПRPOther memory devices (e.g. dual-ported RAM) [lower-alpha 28] Other memory devicesК1800РП6 Motorola MC10806
РРRR EEPROM [lower-alpha 30] EEPROM or flash memory with a parallel interface [lower-alpha 31] КМ1609РР12816
РСRS EEPROM or flash memory with a serial interface [lower-alpha 31] 1644PC1ATБM24FC65
РТRT PROM [lower-alpha 30] 530РТ1 54S287
РУRU RAM (DRAM or SRAM) SRAM [lower-alpha 29] КР537РУ16А 6264
РФRF EPROM [lower-alpha 30] КМ573РФ8А 27256
РЦRTs, RC Bubble memory К1602РЦ2Б
САSAAmplitude (signal level) comparator [lower-alpha 32] Voltage comparator К1401СА1 LM339
СВSVTiming comparatorК2СВ381
СКSKAmplitude (signal level) comparator (including sample-and-hold circuits) [lower-alpha 32] КР1100СК3LF398
СПSPOther comparator (especially digital comparator)Other comparatorК555СП1 74LS85
ССSSFrequency comparator К284СС2Б
СФSFPhase comparator [lower-alpha 33]
СЦSTs Digital comparator
ТT Triggers / Flip-Flops
ТВTV JK flip-flops К555ТВ6 74LS107
ТДTD Dynamic flip-flops
ТКTKCombination of triggers / flip-flops K5TK011
ТЛTL Schmitt triggers [lower-alpha 34] К555ТЛ2 74LS14
ТМTM D flip-flops КР1533ТМ2 74ALS74
ТПTPOther triggers / flip-flops290ТП1
ТРTR RS flip-flops КР1533ТР2 74ALS279
ТСTS T flip-flops [lower-alpha 35] 2ТС051
ТТTT T flip-flops [lower-alpha 35] 6500ТТ1
ТШTSh Schmitt triggers [lower-alpha 34] К1ТШ181Г
УU Amplifiers
УБUBVideo amplifierК1УБ181Б
Instrumentation amplifier К1463УБ1Р
УВUV Radio frequency (high frequency) amplifier171УВ2μA733
УГUG Low-noise amplifier
УДUD Operational amplifier or Differential amplifier [lower-alpha 36] Operational amplifier КР140УД7μA741
УЕUE Unity gain buffer (e.g. emitter follower) [lower-alpha 37] КР1436УЕ1
УИUIPulse amplifierКР1054УИ1TBA2800
УКUK Wideband amplifier (e.g. video amplifier)К174УК1TCA660
УЛULRead amplifier (e.g. for magnetic core memory, magnetic tape, magnetic disks)КР1075УЛ1TA7784P
УМUMIndicator amplifier564УМ1 4054
УНUN Audio frequency (low frequency) amplifierКР1438УН2 LM386
УПUPOther amplifier (e.g. log amplifier, limiter, gyrator)174УП2TL441CN
УРUR Intermediate-frequency amplifier К174УР1 TBA120
УСUS Sine wave amplifier Differential amplifier [lower-alpha 36] К157УС1
УТUT DC amplifier [lower-alpha 36] КР119УТ1
УУUU Programmable-gain amplifier К1463УУ1AD620
УФUFFunctional amplifier (e.g. Log amplifier)1313УФ1АУ
УЭUE Unity gain buffer (e.g. emitter follower) [lower-alpha 37] К2УЭ182
ФF Filters
ФАFA Adaptive filter
ФБFB Band-pass filter [lower-alpha 38]
ФВFV High-pass filter 528ФВ1
ФГFG Band-stop filter [lower-alpha 39]
ФЕFE Band-pass filter [lower-alpha 38] 811ФЕ1
ФМFMProgrammable filter
ФНFN Low-pass filter И1146ФН1
ФПFP Band-pass filter [lower-alpha 38] Other filterКР1146ФП1MK5912
ФРFR Band-stop filter [lower-alpha 39]
ФСFS Smoothing filter
ФУFUUniversal filter1478ФУ1ТMAX274
ХKh, X, HMulti-functional devices [lower-alpha 7]
ХАKhA, XA, HAAnalog multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 8] КР1568ХА3TDA4555
ХБKhB, XB, HBMultifunctional device for radio, television, tape recorders, displays К1879ХБ1Я
ХВKhV, XV, HVMulti-functional device for automotive electronics К1323ХВ1РL497B
ХДKhD, XD, HDMulti-functional device for telecommunications1892ХД1Я
ХИKhI, XI, HIArray of analogue cells [lower-alpha 40] Multi-functional device for photo- and video cameras
ХКKhK, XK, HKCombination of multifunctional devices (including mixed-signal multi-functional devices) [lower-alpha 9] КР1051ХК1TDA8432
ХЛKhL, XL, HLDigital multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 10] КР1568ХЛ2TDA3048
ХМKhM, XM, HMArray of digital cells (gate array) [lower-alpha 4] 1515ХМ1
ХНKhN, XN, HNArray of analogue cells [lower-alpha 2] Н1451ХН3-А502
ХПKhP, XP, HPOther multi-functional devices (e.g. programmable logic devices)Other multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 41] КР1556ХП4PAL16R4
ХРKhR, XR, HRMulti-functional circuit for household devicesК1331ХР1П
ХСKhS, XS, HS Programmable logic devices [lower-alpha 42] 5577ХС2ТActel RH1020
ХТKhT, XT, HTArray of mixed-signal cells [lower-alpha 3] 5515ХТ1У
ХХKhKh, XX, HHMulti-functional devices for power electronics 1474ХХ3ТHCPL316J
ЦTs, C Charge-coupled device image sensors
ЦЛTsL, CLOne-dimensional (linear) image sensor1200ЦЛ3CCD131
ЦМTsM, CMTwo-dimensional image sensorК1200ЦМ1CCD211
ЦПTsP, CPOther image sensor
ЧCh Transducers / Sensors
ЧВChV Humidity sensor
ЧГChG Gas sensor
ЧДChD Pressure sensor К1245ЧД1Н3
ЧИChI Ionizing radiation sensor
ЧМChM Mechanical displacement sensor [lower-alpha 43] 1243ЧМ3Н4
ЧПChPOther sensorК5331ЧП01Т
ЧТChT Temperature sensor [lower-alpha 44] 1019ЧТ4У LM135
ЧЭChE Electromagnetic field sensor
ШShDelay devices [lower-alpha 1]
ШПShPOther delay device
ШСShS Active or passive delay device
ЭEDelay devices [lower-alpha 1]
ЭМEM Passive delay device
ЭПEPOther delay device
ЭРER Active delay device (e.g. bucket-brigade device)
ЯYa Memory devices [lower-alpha 26]
ЯЛYaLMagnetic memory device
ЯПYaPOther memory device (e.g. RAM or ROM memory element) K5ЯП011
ЯМYaMMatrix of memory elements (RAM or ROM) [lower-alpha 27] К1ЯМ881

Functional groups (2010)

АA Signal generators and oscillators
АНANProgrammable signal generators5025АН015
АСAS Sine wave generators (including harmonic oscillators)1508АС01А5
ВVComputing devices
ВВVVInput / output interface (e.g. serial or parallel interface)2011ВВ034
ВМVM Microprocessor 1907ВМ014
ВНVN Digital signal processor [lower-alpha 6] 1967ВН034 ADSP-TS201
ВХVKh, VHOther computing devices5022ВХ014
ЕE Power supply devices
ЕАEAAdjustable-voltage Switched-mode power supply devices5320ЕА015ADP3050
ЕВEVFixed-voltage Switched-mode power supply devices5319ЕВ025
ЕМEMNegative fixed-voltage linear regulator 5321ЕМ06А179Mxx
ЕНENPositive fixed-voltage Linear voltage regulator 1380ЕН013
ЕРERPositive adjustable-voltage linear regulator 1378ЕР014
ЕСES Voltage reference devices1369ЕС01В4
ЕТET Constant current sources 3005ЕТ015
ЕУEUController for switched-mode power supplies 1363ЕУ045
ЕХEKh, EXOther power supply devicesK5300ЕХ025
КK Switches and Multiplexers
КВKVOpto-electronic switch2609КВ014
КИKIIntelligent switch (power switch with protection circuits)К1376КИ021BTS141
КНKN Analogue switches and Multiplexers 5023КН015ADG731
КРKRSwitch with galvanic isolation3012КР014
КТKTCurrent switch5333КТ014µPD16305
КХKKh, KXOther switches and multiplexers1923КХ028
НNSignal converters
НАNA Digital-to-analogue converter [lower-alpha 20] 430НА014
НВNV Analogue-to-digital converter [lower-alpha 21] 5023НВ04В5
НМNM Mechanical displacement sensor [lower-alpha 43] К1382НМ025
ННNNVoltage or current converter [lower-alpha 23] К5331НН015
НСNSFrequency converter [lower-alpha 24] 5546НС015
НТNT Temperature sensor [lower-alpha 44] 5306НТ015ВDS18B20
НХNKh, NXOther convertersК5331НХ011
РR Memory devices
РРRR EEPROM or Flash memory with a parallel interface9023РР018
РСRS EEPROM or Flash memory with a serial interface5578РС015
САSA Voltage comparator 1495СА065
СХSKh, SXOther comparator (including supply voltage supervisors)5322СХ085
ТTMulti-functional devices
ТАTAAnalog multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 8]
ТВTVDigital multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 10] 5861ТВ01Н4
ТКTKCombination of multifunctional devices (including mixed-signal multi-functional devices) [lower-alpha 9] 5201ТК015
ТМTMArray of analogue cells [lower-alpha 2]
ТНTNArray of digital cells (gate array) [lower-alpha 4] 5529ТН114
ТРTRArray of mixed-signal cells [lower-alpha 3] 5400ТР045А
ТСTS Programmable logic devices [lower-alpha 42] 5578ТС024
ТХTKh, TXOther multi-functional devices [lower-alpha 41] 1888ТХ018
УU Amplifiers
УАUA Operational amplifier 1494УА02Б3
УМUMFunctional amplifier (e.g. Log amplifier)1259УМ015AD640
УНUNPower amplifierК1496УН014TDA2822
УРUR Intermediate-frequency amplifier 5421УР015
УСUS Differential amplifier 544УС015
УХUKh, UXOther amplifier1288УХ025
  1. 1 2 3 In 1973 group Ш was moved to Б and then in 2000 to Э. Unfortunately, this makes some transcriptions ambiguous since both Е and Э are transcribed as E.
  2. 1 2 3 Subgroup ХН was moved to БА in 2000 and then to ТМ in 2010. [14]
  3. 1 2 3 Subgroup ХТ was moved to БК in 2000 and then to ТР in 2010. [14]
  4. 1 2 3 Subgroup ХМ was moved to БЦ in 2000 and then to ТН in 2010. [14]
  5. 1 2 Before the definition of group В (V) in 1980 computing devices were all assigned subgroup ИК (IK), e.g. microprocessors (КР580ИК80А), peripheral devices (КР580ИК51А). With the introduction of group В the devices in the 580 series were renamed (to КР580ВМ80А and КР580ВВ51А, respectively) in 1986.
  6. 1 2 3 Initially digital signal processors (DSP) were assigned subgroup ВМ (VM, e.g. 1867ВМ2). In 2000 the new subgroup ВЦ (VTs) was added (e.g. 1867ВЦ2АТ). In 2010 DSP were moved to subgroup ВН (VN). [22]
  7. 1 2 In 1973 group Ж was replaced with group Х.
  8. 1 2 3 Analog multi-functional devices were moved in 1973 from subgroup ЖА to ХА and then in 2010 to ТА. [14]
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 In 1973 the subgroups ЖВ, ЖЕ, and ЖК were combined into subgroup ХК. In 2010 digital multi-functional devices were moved to subgroup ТК. [14]
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 In 1973 the subgroups ЖГ, ЖИ, and ЖЛ were combined into subgroup ХЛ. In 2010 digital multi-functional devices were moved to subgroup ТВ. [14]
  11. 1 2 3 Before the introduction of subgroup ИА in 1980, many ALU devices had already been assigned subgroups ИК (e.g. КР531ИК2) or ИП (e.g. К155ИП3, 564ИП3, КР1530ИП14).
  12. 1 2 In 1973 encoders were moved from subgroup ИШ to subgroup ИВ.
  13. 1 2 In 1973 full adders were moved from subgroup ИС to subgroup ИМ.
  14. 1 2 The distinction between voltage switches (КН) and current switches (КТ) is somewhat unclear. There are analogue switches and multiplexers in both subgroups.
  15. 1 2 3 With the introduction of subgroups ЛА and ЛЕ in 1973 most devices from subgroup ЛБ were re-labelled (e.g. К1ЛБ553 to К155ЛА3). It appears that subgroup ЛБ was kept in the standard for devices from subgroup ЛБ that fit neither in ЛА nor in ЛЕ (e.g. 134ЛБ2 with 2 NAND gates and 1 NOT gate).
  16. 1 2 In 1973 expander circuits were moved from subgroup ЛП to subgroup ЛД.
  17. 1 2 All known ECL devices in subgroup ЛК are listed as OR-AND-NOT instead of AND-OR-NOT. [6] :90 [24] The equivalent Motorola devices (e.g. Motorola MC10117 for К500ЛК117) are also listed as OR-AND-NOT. Similarly, ECL devices in subgroup ЛС are listed as OR-AND instead of AND-OR (e.g. К500ЛС118, equivalent to Motorola MC10118).
  18. 1 2 In 1973 the catch-all subgroup ЛЭ was moved to ЛП.
  19. 1 2 In 1973 resistor arrays were moved from subgroup НС to subgroup НР.
  20. 1 2 3 In 1973 D/A converters were moved from subgroup ПД to subgroup ПА and then in 2010 to НА. [23]
  21. 1 2 3 In 1973 A/D converters were moved from subgroup ПК to subgroup ПВ and then in 2010 to НВ. [23]
  22. For the 1980 standard subgroup ПК is listed in [6] [8] [9] but not in. [7] [10]
  23. 1 2 Subgroup ПН was moved to НН in 2010
  24. 1 2 Subgroup ПС was moved to НС in 2010
  25. For the 1980 standard subgroup ПФ is listed in [7] [10] but not in. [6] [8] [9]
  26. 1 2 In 1973 group Я was replaced with group Р.
  27. 1 2 3 In 1974, subgroup ЯМ was split into РВ and РМ.
  28. 1 2 3 Initially FIFO and multi-port devices were included in subgroup РП. In 2000 they were assigned the separate subgroups РГ and РК, respectively.
  29. 1 2 In 2000 subgroup РУ was split into РУ and РД, with РУ from then on limited to SRAM.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 In 1980 subgroup РЕ was split into РЕ, РР, РТ, and РФ, with РЕ from then on limited to mask ROM. In [5] :19РР and РТ are listed for the 1973 standard. This is somewhat implausible, as early PROMs were placed in subgroup РЕ (e.g. К555РЕ4 [6] :59 or К500РЕ149 [6] :91).
  31. 1 2 Initially subgroup РР was used for all EEPROM and Flash devices, regardless of the interface. In 2000 subgroup РС was introduced for devices with a serial interface and subgroup РР was limited to devices with a parallel interface.
  32. 1 2 In 1980 amplitude comparators were moved from subgroup СА to subgroup СК.
  33. For the 1980 standard subgroup СФ is listed in [10] but not in. [6] [7] [8] [9]
  34. 1 2 In 1973 Schmitt triggers were moved from subgroup ТШ to subgroup ТЛ.
  35. 1 2 In 1973 T flip-flops were moved from subgroup ТС to subgroup ТТ.
  36. 1 2 3 Until 1973 both differential and operational amplifiers were included in subgroup УТ. In 1980 differential amplifiers were moved out of subgroup УД into their own subgroup УС.
  37. 1 2 In 1973 unity gain buffers were moved from subgroup УЭ to subgroup УЕ.
  38. 1 2 3 In 1973 band-pass filters were moved from subgroup ФП to subgroup ФЕ, and then in 2000 to subgroup ФБ.
  39. 1 2 For 1968 [2] lists ФГ for band-stop filters while [3] lists ФС. In 1973 band-stop filters were moved to subgroup ФР.
  40. Group ХИ is somewhat dubious. For the 1980 standard it is listed in [10] [7] while [6] [8] give ХН instead for arrays of analogue cells.
  41. 1 2 Subgroup ХП was moved to ТХ in 2010. [14]
  42. 1 2 Subgroup ХС was moved to ТС in 2010. [14]
  43. 1 2 Subgroup ЧМ was moved to НМ in 2010
  44. 1 2 Subgroup ЧТ was moved to НТ in 2010


Package designation (1973)

The package of an integrated circuit was generally not indicated in the 1973 designation, except:

Package designation (1980)

АAPlastic flatpack
БB Bare chip without package
ЕEMetal-polymer dual in-line package (DIP)
ИIGlass-ceramic flatpack
ЛL Pin grid array (PGA) or ball grid array (BGA)
МMMetal-ceramic dual in-line package (DIP)
НNCeramic leadless chip carrier
РRPlastic dual in-line package (DIP)
СSGlass-ceramic dual in-line package (DIP)
ФF Small outline package

Package designation (2000)

НN Bare chip without package
ПP Single in-line package (SIP), zig-zag in-line package (ZIP)
РR Dual in-line package (DIP)
СSRound metal can package
ТT Flatpack, small outline package (SOP), quad flat package (QFP)
УU Chip carrier
ФF Pin grid array (PGA)
ХKh, X ISO 7816 smart cards
ЯYa Ball grid array (BGA)

Package designation (2010)

1 Single in-line package (SIP), zig-zag in-line package (ZIP)
2 Dual in-line package (DIP)
3Round metal can package
4 Flatpack, small outline package (SOP), quad flat package (QFP)
5 Chip carrier
6 Pin grid array (PGA)
7 ISO 7816 smart cards
8 Ball grid array (BGA)
НN Bare chip without package

Bare chips

For bare chips without a package an additional digit indicates the constructive variant. [6] :16 [9] [10] [11] For the 1973 and 1980 standards the variant digit is appended with a dash after the designation (e.g. К712РВ2-1 and Б533ТМ2-2, respectively). For the 2000 and 2010 standards the variant digit follows immediately after the package designation N (e.g. 5862ПФ1Н4 and 1374МХ01Н1, respectively).

Constructive variantDescription
1with flexible wires (flying wire)
2on polyamide carrier tape (film bonding technology)
3with rigid wires (beam lead technology)
4on a wafer (uncut)
5on a wafer, cut without loss of orientation (e.g. pasted on a carrier)
6with bonding pads without wires

Manufacturer designation

A manufacturer designation was introduced only with the 2000 standard. [12] As part of the type designation the manufacturer is required only for a second-source integrated circuit that was "developed and produced according to an independently developed design and technological documentation, and corresponding to the technical requirements of the originally developed original microcircuit". [12] :9 Manufacturer logos [26] [27] are more common.

АКAKAlmaz, Kotovsk, Russia [12] [28]
АМAM Angstrem, Zelenograd, Russia [12] [29]
АРARAS Alfa, Riga, Latvia [30]
ББBBOAO "BZPP", Bolkhov, Russia [12] [31] [32]
БМBMOAO "Integral", Minsk, Belarus [33]
БСBSSIT, Bryansk, Russia [34]
ВКVKAO "Voshod", Kaluga, Russia [12] [35]
ВНVNNPP "Vostok", Novosibirsk, Russia [12] [36]
ВЭVENIIET, Voronezh, Russia [12] [37]
ГГGGOAO "GZPP", Georgiyevsk, Russia [12]
ГРGRTOO "Gelion", Ryazan, Russia [12]
ДЛDLAOOT "Disk", Livny, Russia [12]
ДМDMOAO "Diod", Moscow, Russia [12]
ИМIM"Transistor" branch of OAO "Integral", Minsk, Belarus [38]
ИПIPAO ZPP, Ioshkar-Ola, Russia [12]
ИСISAO NII "Inmikrotekh", Saransk, Russia [12]
ИУIUOAO "Iskra", Ulyanovsk, Russia [12] [39]
КБKBZAO "Group Kremny", Bryansk, Russia [12] [40] [41]
МДMDAO PMZR, Moscow, Russia [12]
МКMKZAO "OKB MEL", Kaluga, Russia [42]
ММMM OAO "NIIME and Mikron", Moscow, Russia [12] [43]
МОMOOptron, Moscow, Russia [12] [44]
МФMFFREP MEI, Moscow, Russia [12]
МЭME"Eldag", Makhachkala, Russia [12]
НИNIMVC [45] / NIIIS, [46] Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
НМNMNII "Delta", Moscow, Russia [12]
ННNNAO "NZPP", Novosibirsk, Russia [12] [47]
НПNPNZPP-KBR, Nalchik, Russia [12] [48]
НСNSNPP "Salyut", Nizhny Novgorod, Russia [12]
НТNTAO "NIIPP", Tomsk, Russia [12] [49]
ПМPMOAO "Pulsar", Moscow, Russia [50]
РАRARD Alfa, Riga, Latvia [51]
СОSOOrbita, Saransk, Russia [52]
СПSP ZAO Svetlana Semiconductors, Saint Petersburg, Russia [53]
ЭВEVOAO "VZPP-S", Voronezh, Russia [54]
ЭПEPOAO "Exiton", Moscow, Russia [55]

Other manufacturers which as of 2016 used a version of the Soviet integrated circuit designation include NTC Module, [56] MCST, [57] ELVEES Multicore, [58] Fizika, [59] Sapfir, [60] NPK TTs, [61] and Progress, [62] all of them in Moscow, as well as PKK Milandr, [63] Soyuz, [64] and NIITAP in Zelenograd, [65] SKTB ES Voronezh, [66] Proton [67] and Proton-Impuls [68] Oryol, Planeta Novgorod, [69] NIIEMP Penza, [70] Eltom Tomilino, [71] Krip Tekhno Alexandrov, [72] DELS Minsk, [73] Kvazar Kyiv, [74] Krystal Kyiv, [16] Elektronni Komponenti Ivano-Frankivsk, [75] Dnepr Kherson, [76] and Foton Tashkent. [77]

Other markings

Although not strictly part of the designation, a number of markings are often found on integrated circuit packages: [78] [14]

ОПOPEngineering or pre-production sample
ОСOSMilitary acceptance, higher quality and reliability
ОСДOSDMilitary acceptance, higher quality and reliability, extended lifetime
ОСМOSMMilitary acceptance, highest quality and reliability, available in only in small quantities
СSMilitary acceptance, used in the 1970s instead of ОС

Military acceptance here means that the integrated circuit can be used in applications where its failure would be catastrophic and where repair or exchange is difficult or impossible (e.g. aerospace applications).

For mask-programmed devices (e.g. gate arrays, mask-programmed single-chip microcontrollers, mask ROMs) a three- or four-digit mask number follows the type designation (e.g. К1801ВП1-014).

For bare chips a one-digit constructive variant identifier follows the type designation.

A date code is usually printed on the package. In the early 1970s the date code consisted of a Roman numeral for the month and a two-digit year (e.g. IX 72). Later the month was given as one or two digits (e.g. 5-73 or 0386). In the late 1980s most plants switched to a 4-digit code with a 2-digit year followed by a 2-digit month (e.g. 8909) or a 2-digit week (e.g. 9051). Overall, the date code format was not strictly enforced. Several series of integrated circuits (e.g. 1408, 1821) bore an IEC 60062 letter and digit code (e.g. A1 for January 1990).


The Romanization of Russian is standardized, but there are at least 12 standards to choose from. Fortunately, the Soviet integrated circuit designation uses a subset of the Cyrillic alphabet where only a few letters are ambiguous:

The more-common romanizations in bold are given as alternatives in the above tables.

Е and Э are both romanized as E.

The French romanization of Russian and the German romanization of Russian differ in some letters from the one used in English. For instance, the Russian КР580ВМ80A becomes KR580VM80A in English and French but KR580WM80A in German literature.

See also

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