List of 7400-series integrated circuits

Last updated

The following is a list of 7400-series digital logic integrated circuits. In the mid-1960s, the original 7400-series integrated circuits were introduced by Texas Instruments with the prefix "SN" to create the name SN74xx. Due to the popularity of these parts, other manufacturers released pin-to-pin compatible logic devices and kept the 7400 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts. However, other manufacturers use different prefixes and suffixes on their part numbers.



Some TTL logic parts were made with an extended military-specification temperature range. These parts are prefixed with 54 instead of 74 in the part number. [1]

A short-lived 64 prefix on Texas Instruments parts indicated an industrial temperature range; this prefix had been dropped from the TI literature by 1973. Most recent 7400-series parts are fabricated in CMOS or BiCMOS technology rather than TTL. Surface-mount parts with a single gate (often in a 5-pin or 6-pin package) are prefixed with 741G instead of 74.

Some manufacturers released some 4000-series equivalent CMOS circuits with a 74 prefix, for example, the 74HC4066 [2] was a replacement for the 4066 with slightly different electrical characteristics (different power-supply voltage ratings, higher frequency capabilities, lower "on" resistances in analog switches, etc.). See List of 4000-series integrated circuits. Conversely, the 4000-series has "borrowed" from the 7400 series  such as the CD40193 and CD40161 being pin-for-pin functional replacements for 74C193 and 74C161.

Older TTL parts made by manufacturers such as Signetics, Motorola, Mullard and Siemens may have different numeric prefix and numbering series entirely, such as in the European FJ family FJH101 is an 8-input NAND gate like a 7430.

A few alphabetic characters to designate a specific logic subfamily may immediately follow the 74 or 54 in the part number, e.g., 74LS74 for low-power Schottky. Some CMOS parts such as 74HCT74 for high-speed CMOS with TTL-compatible input thresholds are functionally similar to the TTL part. Not all functions are available in all families. The generic descriptive feature of these alphabetic characters was diluted by various companies participating in the market at its peak and are not always consistent especially with more recent offerings. The National Semiconductor trademarks of the words FAST [3] and FACT [4] are usually cited in the descriptions from other companies when describing their own unique designations. [5] [6]

In a few instances, such as the 7478 and 74107, the same suffix in different families do not have completely equivalent logic functions.

Another extension to the series is the 7416xxx variant, representing mostly the 16-bit-wide counterpart of otherwise 8-bit-wide "base" chips with the same three ending digits. Thus e.g. a "7416373" would be the 16-bit-wide equivalent of a "74373". Some 7416xxx parts, however, do not have a direct counterpart from the standard 74xxx range but deliver new functionality instead, which needs making use of the 7416xxx series' higher pin count. For more details, refer primarily to the Texas Instruments documentation mentioned in the References section.

For CMOS (AC, HC, etc.) subfamilies, read "open drain" for "open collector" in the table below.

There are a few numeric suffixes that have multiple conflicting assignments, such as the 74453.

Logic gates

Schematic of 74LS51 IC consists of a 3-3 AOI gate and 2-2 AOI gate. AOI means AND-OR-Invert (AND-NOR). Most AOI chips are currently obsolete. Logique74ls51.svg
Schematic of 74LS51 IC consists of a 3-3 AOI gate and 2-2 AOI gate. AOI means AND-OR-Invert (AND-NOR). Most AOI chips are currently obsolete.
74LS51 pinout diagram Ttl inside 7451.svg
74LS51 pinout diagram
TI SN74LS51 in DIP-14 package TI SN74LS51N.jpg
TI SN74LS51 in DIP-14 package

Since there are numerous 7400-series parts, the following groups related parts to make it easier to pick a useful part number. This section only includes combinational logic gates.

For part numbers in this section, "x" is the 7400-series logic family, such as LS, ALS, HCT, AHCT, HC, AHC, LVC, ...

Normal inputs / push–pull outputs
Hex 1-input74x3474x04
Quad 2-input74x0874x0074x3274x0274x8674x7266
Triple 3-Input74x1174x1074x407574x27n/an/a
Dual 4-input74x2174x2074x407274x29n/an/a
Single 8-inputn/a74x3074x407874x4078n/an/a
Schmitt-trigger inputs / push–pull outputs
Hex 1-input74x701474x14
Quad 2-input74x700174x13274x703274x7002
Dual 4-inputn/a74x13n/an/a
Normal inputs / open-collector outputs
Hex 1-input74x0774x05
Quad 2-input74x0974x03n/a74x3374x13674x266
Triple 3-input74x1574x12n/an/an/an/a
Dual 4-inputn/a74x22n/an/an/an/a
Schmitt-trigger inputs / three-state outputs
Octal 1-input74x241
AND-OR-invert (AOI) logic gates
NOTE: in past decades, a number of AND-OR-invert (AOI) parts were available in 7400 TTL families, but currently most are obsolete.

Larger footprints

Parts in this section have a pin count of 14 pins or more. The lower part numbers were established in the 1960s and 1970s, then higher part numbers were added incrementally over decades. IC manufacturers continue to make a core subset of this group, but many of these part numbers are considered obsolete and no longer manufactured. Older discontinued parts may be available from a limited number of sellers as new old stock (NOS), though some are much harder to find.

For the following table:

74x00 – 74x99

Part number
74x004quad 2-input NAND gate 14 SN74LS00
74x014quad 2-input NAND gate; different pinout for 74H01 open-collector 14 SN74LS01
74x024quad 2-input NOR gate 14 SN74LS02
74x034quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector14 SN74LS03
74x046hex inverter gate 14 SN74LS04
74x056hex inverter gateopen-collector14 SN74LS05
74x066hex inverter gateopen-collector 30 V / 40 mA14 SN74LS06
74x076hex buffer gate open-collector 30 V / 40 mA14 SN74LS07
74x084quad 2-input AND gate 14 SN74LS08
74x094quad 2-input AND gateopen-collector14 SN74LS09
74x103triple 3-input NAND gate14 SN74LS10
74x113triple 3-input AND gate14 SN74LS11
74x123triple 3-input NAND gateopen-collector14 SN74LS12
74x132dual 4-input NAND gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS13
74x146hex inverter gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74LS14
74x153triple 3-input AND gateopen-collector14 SN74LS15
74x166hex inverter gateopen-collector 15 V / 40 mA14 SN7416
74x176hex buffer gateopen-collector 15 V / 40 mA14 SN7417
74x182dual 4-input NAND gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74LS18
74x196hex inverter gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74LS19
74x202dual 4-input NAND gate14 SN74LS20
74x212dual 4-input AND gate14 SN74LS21
74x222dual 4-input NAND gateopen-collector14 SN74LS22
74x232dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe, one gate expandable with 74x6016 SN7423
74x244quad 2-input NAND gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74LS24
74x252dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe14 SN7425
74x264quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector 15 V14 SN74LS26
74x273triple 3-input NOR gate14 SN74LS27
74x284quad 2-input NOR gatedriver NO=3014 SN74LS28
74x292dual 4-input NOR gate14 US7429A
74x301single 8-input NAND gate14 SN74LS30
74x316hex delay elements (two 6ns, two 23-32ns, two 45-48ns)16 SN74LS31
74x324quad 2-input OR gate 14 SN74LS32
74x334quad 2-input NOR gateopen-collector driver NO=3014 SN74LS33
74x346hex buffer gate14 MM74HC34
74x356hex buffer gateopen-collector14 SN74ALS35
74x364quad 2-input NOR gate (different pinout than 7402)14 SN74HC36
74x374quad 2-input NAND gatedriver NO=3014 SN74LS37
74x384quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector driver NO=3014 SN74LS38
74x394quad 2-input NAND gate (different pinout than 7438)open-collector 60 mA14 SN7439
74x402dual 4-input NAND gatedriver NO=3014 SN74LS40
74x411 BCD to decimal decoder / Nixie tube driveropen-collector 70 V16 DM7441A
74x421BCD to decimal decoder16 SN74LS42
74x431 excess-3 to decimal decoder16 SN7443A
74x441 Gray code to decimal decoder16 SN7444A
74x451BCD to decimal decoder/driveropen-collector 30 V / 80 mA16 SN7445
74x461BCD to 7-segment display decoder/driveropen-collector 30 V16 SN7446A
74x471BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector 15 V16 SN74LS47
74x481BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector, 2 pull-up 16 SN74LS48
74x491BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector14 SN74LS49
74x502dual 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, one gate expandable14 SN7450
7451, 74H51, 74S512dual 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI) gate14 SN7451
74L51, 74LS5123-3-input AND-OR-Invert gate and 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 SN74LS51
74x5213-2-2-2-input AND-OR gate, expandable with 74x6114 SN74H52
745312-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable14 SN7453
74H5313-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable14 SN74H53
745412-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 SN7454
74H5413-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 SN74H54
74L54, 74LS5413-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 SN74LS54
74x5514-4-input AND-OR-Invert gate, 74H55 is expandable14 SN74LS55
74x56150:1 frequency divider 8 SN74LS56
74x57160:1 frequency divider8 SN74LS57
74x5823-3-input AND-OR gate and 2-2-input AND-OR gate14 74HC58
74x592dual 3-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 US7459A
74x602dual 4-input expander for 74x23, 74x50, 74x53, 74x5514 SN7460
74x613triple 3-input expander for 74x5214 SN74H61
74x6213-3-2-2-input AND-OR expander for 74x50, 74x53, 74x5514 SN74H62
74x636hex current sensing interface gates14 SN74LS63
74x6414-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate14 SN74S64
74x6514-3-2-2 input AND-OR-Invert gateopen-collector14 SN74S65
74x671AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear (improved 74L72)(16) BL54L67Y
74L682dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear (improved 74L73)(18) BL54L68Y
74LS682dual 4-bit decade counters16 SN74LS68
74L692dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset, common clock and clear(18) BL54L69Y
74LS692dual 4-bit binary counters16 SN74LS69
74x701AND-gated positive edge triggered J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear14 SN7470
74H711AND-OR-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, preset14 SN74H71
74L711AND-gated R-S master-slave flip-flop, preset and clear14 SN54L71
74x721AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear14 SN7472
74x732dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear14 SN54LS73A
74x742dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear14 SN74LS74A
74x7514-bit bistable latch, complementary outputs16 SN74LS75
74x762dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear16 SN74LS76A
74x7714-bit bistable latch14 SN54LS77
74H782dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear14 SN74H78
74L782dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear14 SN54L78
74LS782dual negative edge triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear14 SN74LS78A
74x792dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear14 MC7479
74x801gated full adder 14 SN7480
74x81116-bit RAM 14 SN7481A
74x8212-bit binary full adder14 SN7482
74x8314-bit binary full adder16 SN74LS83A
74x84116-bit RAM 16 SN7484A
74x8514-bit magnitude comparator 16 SN74LS85
74x864quad 2-input XOR gate 14 SN74LS86A
74x8714-bit true/complement/zero/one element14 SN74H87
74x881256-bit ROM (32x8)open-collector16 SN7488A
74x89164-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputsopen-collector16 SN7489
74x901 decade counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections)14 SN74LS90
74x9118-bit shift register, serial in, serial out, gated input14 SN74LS91
74x921divide-by-12 counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-6 sections)14 SN74LS92
74x9314-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections); different pinout for 74L9314 SN74LS93
74x9414-bit shift register, dual asynchronous presets16 SN7494
74x9514-bit shift register, parallel in, parallel out, serial input; different pinout for 74L9514 SN74LS95B
74x9615-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register, asynchronous preset16 SN74LS96
74x971synchronous 6-bit binary rate multiplier16 SN7497
74x9814-bit data selector/storage register16 SN54L98
74x9914-bit bidirectional universal shift register16 SN54L99

74x100 – 74x199

Part number
74x1002dual 4-bit bistable latch24 SN74100
74x1011AND-OR-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset14 SN74H101
74x1021AND-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear14 SN74H102
74x1032dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear14 SN74H103
74x1041J-K master-slave flip-flop14 SN74104
74x1051J-K master-slave flip-flop, J2 and K2 inverted14 SN74105
74x1062dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear16 SN74H106
74x1072dual J-K flip-flop, clear14 SN74LS107A
74x1082dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clear and common clock14 SN74H108
74x1092dual J-NotK positive-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset16 SN74LS109A
74x1101AND-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout14 SN74110
74x1112dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset, set16 SN74111
74x1122dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset16 SN74LS112A
74x1132dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset14 SN74LS113A
74x1142dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clock and clear14 SN74LS114A
74x1152dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset14 TL74115N
74116, 74L1162dual 4-bit latch, clear24 SN74116 [7] :1–123
74H1161AND-gated J-K flip flop??14 MC74H116
74x1171AND-gated J-K flip flop, one J and K input inverted??14 MC74H117
74x1186hex set/reset latch, common reset16 ITT74118
741196hex set/reset latch24 TL74119N [7] :1–125
74H1192dual J-K flip-flop, shared clear and clock inputs??14 MC74H119
741202dual pulse synchronizer/drivers15 kΩ pull-up16 SN74120
74H1202dual J-K flip-flop, separate clock inputs??14 MC74H120
74x1211monostable multivibrator Schmitt trigger14 SN74121
74x1221 retriggerable monostable multivibrator, clear14 SN74LS122
74x1232dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator, clear16 SN74LS123
74x1242dual voltage-controlled oscillator analog16 SN74S124
74x1254quad bus buffer, negative enable three-state 14 SN74LS125A
74x1264quad bus buffer, positive enable three-state 14 SN74LS126A
74x1284quad 2-input NOR gatedriver 50 Ω 14 SN74128
74x1302retriggerable monostable multivibrator16 SN74130
741314quad 2-input AND gateopen-collector 15 V14 ITT74131
74AS131, 74ALS13113-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address register, inverting outputs16 SN74AS131
74x1324quad 2-input NAND gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74LS132
74x1331single 13-input NAND gate16 SN74ALS133
74x1341single 12-input NAND gate three-state 16 SN74S134
74x1354quad XOR/XNOR gate, two inputs to select logic type16 SN74S135
74x1364quad 2-input XOR gate open-collector14 SN74LS136
74x13713-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address latch, inverting outputs16 SN74LS137
74x13813-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs16 SN74LS138
74x1392dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs16 SN74LS139A
74x1402dual 4-input NAND gatedriver 50 Ω14 SN74S140
74x1411BCD to decimal decoder/driver for cold-cathode indicator / Nixie tubeopen-collector 60 V16 DM74141
74x1421decade counter/latch/decoder/driver for Nixie tubesopen-collector 60 V16 SN74142
74x1431decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driverconstant current 15 mA24 SN74143
74x1441decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driveropen-collector 15 V / 25 mA24 SN74144
74x1451BCD to decimal decoder/driveropen-collector 15 V / 80 mA16 SN74LS145
74x14613-to-8 line decoder MCE74H146
74x147110-line to 4-line priority encoder16 SN74LS147
74x14818-line to 3-line priority encoder16 SN74LS148
74x14918-line to 8-line priority encoder20 MM74HCT149
74x150116-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer 24 SN74150
74x15118-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer16 SN74LS151
74x15218-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting output14 SN54152A
74x1532dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs16 SN74LS153
74x15414-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs24 SN74154
74x1552dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs16 SN74LS155A
74x1562dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputsopen-collector16 SN74LS156
74x1574quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs16 SN74LS157
74x1584quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputs16 SN74LS158
74x15914-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexeropen-collector24 SN74159
74x1601synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, asynchronous clear16 SN74LS160A
74x1611synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear16 SN74LS161A
74x1621synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, synchronous clear16 SN74LS162A
74x1631synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear16 SN74LS163A
74x16418-bit serial-in parallel-out (SIPO) shift register, asynchronous clear, not output latch14 SN74164
74x16518-bit parallel-in serial-out (PISO) shift register, parallel load, complementary outputs16 SN74LS165A
74x1661parallel-load 8-bit shift register16 SN74LS166A
74x1671synchronous decade rate multiplier16 SN74167
74x1681synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down decade counter16 DM74LS168
74x1691synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down binary counter16 SN74LS169B
74x170116-bit register file (4x4)open-collector16 SN74170
74x1714quad D flip-flops, clear16 SN74LS171
74x172116-bit multiple port register file (8x2) three-state 24 SN74172
74x1734quad D flip-flop, asynchronous clear three-state 16 SN74LS173A
74x1746hex D flip-flop, common asynchronous clear16 SN74LS174
74x1754quad D edge-triggered flip-flop, complementary outputs and asynchronous clear16 SN74LS175
74x1761presettable decade (bi-quinary) counter/latch14 SN74176
74x1771presettable binary counter/latch14 SN74177
74x17814-bit parallel-access shift register14 SN74178
74x17914-bit parallel-access shift register, asynchronous clear input, complementary Qd output16 SN74179
74x18019-bit odd/even parity bit generator and checker14 SN74180
74x181 14-bit arithmetic logic unit and function generator24 SN74LS181
74x1821lookahead carry generator16 SN74S182
74x1832dual carry-save full adder 14 SN74LS183
74x1841BCD to binary converteropen-collector16 SN74184
74x18516-bit binary to BCD converteropen-collector16 SN74185A
74x1861512-bit ROM (64x8)open-collector24 SN74186
74x18711024-bit ROM (256x4)open-collector16 SN74187
74x1881256-bit PROM (32x8)open-collector16 SN74S188
74x189164-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs three-state 16 SN74S189
74x1901synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter16 SN74LS190
74x1911synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter16 SN74LS191
74x1921synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter, clear16 SN74LS192
74x1931synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter, clear16 SN74LS193
74x19414-bit bidirectional universal shift register16 SN74194
74x19514-bit parallel-access shift register16 SN74195
74x1961presettable 4-bit decade counter/latch14 SN74196
74x1971presettable 4-bit binary counter/latch14 SN74197
74x19818-bit bidirectional universal shift register24 SN74198
74x19918-bit universal shift register, J-NotK serial inputs24 SN74199

74x200 – 74x299

Part number
74x2001256-bit RAM (256x1) three-state 16 DM74S200
74x2011256-bit RAM (256x1) three-state 16 SN74S201
74x2021256-bit RAM (256x1) with power down three-state 16 SN74LS202
74x2061256-bit RAM (256x1)open-collector16 DM74S206
74x20711024-bit RAM (256x4) three-state 16 SN74LS207
74x20811024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data in- and outputs three-state 20 SN74LS208
74x20911024-bit RAM (1024x1) three-state 16 SN74S209
74x2108octal buffer, inverting three-state 20 SN74LS210
74x2111144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latch three-state 20 74F211
74x2121144-bit RAM (16x9) three-state 20 74F212
74x2131192-bit RAM (16x12) three-state 20 74F213
74x21411024-bit RAM (1024x1) three-state 16 SN74LS214
74x21511024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down mode three-state 16 SN74LS215
74x2161256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/O three-state 16 SN74LS216
74x2171256-bit RAM (64x4) three-state 20 SN74ALS217
74x2181256-bit RAM (32x8) three-state 20 SN74ALS218
74x219164-bit RAM (16x4), non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS219
74x2212dual monostable multivibratorSchmitt trigger16 SN74LS221
74x222164-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enable three-state 20 SN74LS222
74x224164-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous three-state 16 SN74LS224
74x225180-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74S225
74x22614-bit parallel latched bus transceiver three-state 16 SN74S226
74x227164-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enableopen-collector20 SN74LS727
74x228164-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronousopen-collector20 SN74LS728
74x229180-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS229B
74x2302dual 4-bit buffer/driver, one inverted, one non-inverted; negative enable three-state 20 SN74AS230
74x2312dual 4-bit buffer/driver, both inverted; one positive and one negative enable three-state 20 SN74AS231
74x232164-bit FIFO memory (16x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS232B
74x233180-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS233B
74x2341256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS234
74x2351320-bit FIFO memory (64x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS235
74x2361256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS236
74x23713-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address latch, active high outputs16 CD74HC237
74x23813-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs16 CD74HC238
74x2392dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs16 SN74HC239
74x2408octal buffer, inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS240
74x2418octal buffer, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS241
74x2424quad bus transceiver, inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state14 SN74LS242
74x2434quad bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state14 SN74LS243
74x2448octal buffer, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS244
74x2458octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS245
74x2461BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector 30 V16 SN74246
74x2471BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector 15 V16 SN74LS247
74x2481BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector, 2 kΩ pull-up16 SN74LS248
74x2491BCD to 7-segment decoder/driveropen-collector16 SN74249
74x25011 of 16 data selector/multiplexerthree-state24 SN74AS250
74x25118-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, complementary outputsthree-state16 SN74LS251
74x2532dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexerthree-state16 SN74LS253
74x2552dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputsthree-state16 74LS255
74x2562dual 4-bit addressable latch16 MC74F256
74x2574quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS257B
74x2584quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS258B
74x25918-bit bit addressable input latch with clr16 SN74LS259B
74x2602dual 5-input NOR gate14 SN74LS260
74x26112-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier16 SN74LS261
74x26215760-bit ROM (Teletext character set, 128 characters 5x9)three-state20 SN74S262N
74x2641look ahead carry generator16 SN74AS264
74x2654quad complementary output elements16 SN74265
74x2664quad 2-input XNOR gate open-collector14 SN74LS266
74x2686hex D-type latches, common output control, common enablethree-state16 SN74S268
74x26918-bit bidirectional binary counter24 MC74F269
74x27012048-bit ROM (512x4)open-collector16 SN74S270
74x27112048-bit ROM (256x8)open-collector20 SN74S271
74x27318-bit register, asynchronous clear20 SN74LS273
74x27414-bit by 4-bit binary multiplierthree-state20 SN74S274
74x27517-bit slice Wallace tree three-state16 SN74S275
74x2764quad J-NotK edge-triggered flip-flops, separate clocks, common preset and clear20 SN74276
74x27814-bit cascadeable priority registers, latched data inputs14 SN74278
74x2794quad set-reset latch16 SN74LS279A
74x28019-bit odd/even parity bit generator/checker14 SN74LS280
74x28114-bit parallel binary accumulator24 SN74S281
74x2821look-ahead carry generator, selectable carry inputs20 SN74AS282
74x28314-bit binary full adder (has carry in function)16 SN74LS283
74x28414-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (high order 4 bits of product)16 SN74284
74x28514-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (low order 4 bits of product)16 SN74285
74x28619-bit parity generator/checker, bus driver parity I/O port14 SN74AS286
74x28711024-bit PROM (256x4)three-state16 SN74S287
74x2881256-bit PROM (32x8)three-state16 SN74S288
74x289164-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputsopen-collector16 SN74S289
74x2901decade counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections)14 SN74LS290
74x2921programmable frequency divider/digital timer16 SN74LS292
74x29314-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections)14 SN74LS293
74x2941programmable frequency divider/digital timer16 SN74LS294
74x29514-bit bidirectional shift registerthree-state14 SN74LS295B
74x2971digital phase-locked loop filter16 SN74LS297
74x2984quad 2-input multiplexer, storage16 SN74298
74x29918-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage registerthree-state20 SN74LS299

74x300 – 74x399

Part number
74x3001256-bit RAM (256x1)open-collector16 SN74LS300A
74x3011256-bit RAM (256x1)open-collector16 SN74S301
74x3021256-bit RAM (256x1)open-collector16 SN74LS302
74x3031octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 2 outputs inverted16 SN74AS303
74x3041octal divide-by-2 clock driver16 SN74AS304
74x3051octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 4 outputs inverted16 SN74AS305
74x30618-bit LV-TTL to GTL+ bus transceiverthree-state and open-collector(24) SN74GTLPH306
74x30911024-bit RAM (1024x1)open-collector16 SN74S309
74x3108octal buffer, invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS310
74x3111144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latchopen-collector20 74F311
74x3121144-bit RAM (16x9)open-collector20 74F312
74x3131192-bit RAM (16x12)open-collector20 74F313
74x31411024-bit RAM (1024x1)open-collector16 SN74LS314
74x31511024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down modeopen-collector16 SN74LS315
74x3161256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/Oopen-collector16 SN74LS316
74x3171256-bit RAM (64x4)open-collector20 SN74ALS317
74x3181256-bit RAM (32x8)open-collector20 SN74ALS318
74x319164-bit RAM (16x4)open-collector16 SN74LS319
74x3201crystal-controlled oscillator 16 SN74LS320
74x3211crystal-controlled oscillators, F/2 and F/4 count-down outputs16 SN74LS320
74x32218-bit shift register, sign extendthree-state20 SN74LS322A
74x32318-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage register, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS323
74x3241voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputsanalog14 SN74LS324
74x3252dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), complementary outputsanalog16 SN74LS325
74x3262dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputsanalog16 SN74LS326
74x3272dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled)analog14 SN74LS327
74x3301 PLA (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs)three-state20 SN74S330
74x3311 PLA (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs)open-collector, 2.5 kΩ pull-up20 SN74S331
74x3331 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers)three-state24 SN74LS333
74x3341 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs)three-state24 SN74LS334
74x3351 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers)open-collector24 SN74LS335
74x3361 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs)open-collector24 SN74LS336
74x3371clock driverthree-state20 SN74ABT337
74x3408octal buffer, inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74S340
74x3418octal buffer, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74S341
74x3448octal buffer, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74S344
74x3471BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 7447open-collector16 SN74LS347
74x34818 to 3-line priority encoderthree-state16 SN74LS348
74x35014-bit shifterthree-state16 SN74S350
74x3512dual 8-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, 4 common data inputsthree-state20 SN74351
74x3522dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputs16 SN74LS352
74x3532dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS353
74x35418-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registersthree-state20 CD74HC354
74x35518-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registersopen-collector20 SN74LS355
74x35618-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registersthree-state20 CD74HCT356
74x35718-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registersopen-collector20 SN74LS357
74x3611 bubble memory function timing generator22 SN74LS361
74x3621 four-phase clock generator/driver for Texas Instruments TMS9900 20 SN74LS362
74x3631octal transparent latchthree-state20 SN74LS363
74x3641octal edge-triggered D-type registerthree-state20 SN74LS364
74x3656hex buffer, non-inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS365A
74x3666hex buffer, inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS366A
74x3676hex buffer, non-inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS367A
74x3686hex buffer, inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS368A
74x37012048-bit ROM (512x4)three-state16 SN74S370
74x37112048-bit ROM (256x8)three-state20 SN74S371
74x3738octal transparent latchthree-state20 SN74LS373
74x3748octal registerthree-state20 SN74LS374
74x3754quad bistable latch16 SN74LS375
74x3764quad J-NotK flip-flop, common clock and common clear16 SN74376
74x37718-bit register, clock enable20 SN74LS377
74x37816-bit register, clock enable16 SN74LS378
74x37914-bit register, clock enable and complementary outputs16 SN74LS379
74x38018-bit multifunction register (combines features of x374, x377, x273, x534 ICs)three-state24 SN74LS380
74x38114-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, generate and propagate outputs20 SN74LS381A
74x38214-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, ripple carry and overflow outputs20 SN74LS382
74x38318-bit registeropen-collector20 SN74S383
74x38418-bit by 1-bit two's complement multipliers16 SN74LS384
74x3854quad serial adder/subtractor20 SN74LS385
74x3864quad 2-input XOR gate 14 SN74LS386
74x38711024-bit PROM (256x4)open-collector16 SN74S387
74x38814-bit D-type registerthree-state and standard16 Am74S388
74x3902dual 4-bit decade counter, asynchronous clear16 SN74LS390
74x3932dual 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear14 SN74LS393
74x39514-bit cascadable shift registerthree-state16 SN74LS395A
74x3968octal storage registers, parallel access16 SN74LS396
74x3984quad 2-input multiplexers, storage and complementary outputs20 SN74LS398
74x3994quad 2-input multiplexer, storage16 SN74LS399

74x400 – 74x499

Part number
74x4011CRC generator/checker14 74F401
74x4021serial data polynomial generator/checker16 74F402
74x403164-bit FIFO memory (16x4)three-state24 74F403
74x40513-to-8 line decoder (equivalent to Intel 8205)16 UCY74S405
7440613-to-8 line decoder??14 MC74406P
74AVCA4061ESD-protected voltage-translation transceiver(48) SN74AVCA406
74x4071data access registerthree-state24 74F407
7440818-bit parity tree14 MC74408
74S4081controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM48 SN74S408
74x4091controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM48 SN74S409
74x410164-bit RAM (16x4) with output registerthree-state18 74F410
74x4111FIFO RAM controller40 74F411
74x4121multi-mode buffered 8-bit latches (equivalent to Intel 3212/8212)three-state24 SN74S412
74x4131256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)16 74F413
74x4141interrupt priority controller for Intel 8080 (equivalent to Intel 8214)24 UCY74S414
744161modulo 10 counter, preload and clear inputs16MC74416 [8] :50
74S41614-bit bidirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting (equivalent to Intel 8216)three-state16 UCY74S416
74x4172modulo 2 and modulo 5 counters, common preload and clear inputs16 MC74417
744181modulo 16 counter, preload and clear inputs16MC74418 [8] :51
74F418132-bit error detection and correction circuitthree-state48 74F418
744192dual modulo 4 counters, common preload and clear inputs16 MC74419
74S4191FIFO RAM controller40 74S419
74x420132-bit check bit / syndrome bit generatorthree-state48 74F420
74x4221retriggerable monostable multivibrators, two inputs14 SN74LS422
74x4232dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator16 SN74LS423
744242dual voltage-controlled oscillator14MC74424 [8] :52
74LS4241 two-phase clock generator/driver for Intel 8080 (equivalent to Intel 8224)16 SN74LS424
74x4254quad bus buffers, active low enablesthree-state14 SN74425
74x4264quad bus buffers, active high enablesthree-state14 SN74426
74x4281system controller for Intel 8080A (equivalent to Intel 8228)28 SN74S428
74x4291FIFO RAM controllerthree-state28 74LS429
74x4301cyclic redundancy checker/corrector28 74F430
74x43218-bit multi-mode buffered latchthree-state24 74F432
74x4331256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)three-state24 74F433
74x4361line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface, damping output resistor16 SN74S436
74x4371line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface16 SN74S437
74x4381system controller for Intel 8080A (equivalent to Intel 8238)28 SN74S438
74x4404quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS440
74x4414quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS441
74x4424quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS442
74x4434quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS443
74x4444quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS444
74x4451BCD to decimal decoders/driversdriver 80 mA16 SN74LS445
74x4464quad bus transceivers, direction controls, inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS446
74x4471BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 74247open-collector16 SN74LS447
74x4484quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS448
74x4494quad bus transceivers, direction controls, non-inverting outputsthree-state16 SN74LS449
744501counter, latch, 7-segment decoder?open-collector16 MC74450
74S45018192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-downthree-state24 SN74S450
74LS450116-to-1 multiplexer, complementary outputs24 SN74LS450
74S45118192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-downopen-collector24 SN74S451
74LS4512dual 8-to-1 multiplexer24 SN74LS451
74x4522dual decade counter, synchronous??16 MC74452
744532dual binary counter, synchronous??16 MC74453
74LS4534quad 4-to-1 multiplexer24 SN74LS453
74x4542dual decade up/down counter, synchronous, preset input??24 MC74454
744552dual binary up/down counter, synchronous, preset input??24 MC74455
74F4551octal buffer / line driver with parity, invertingthree-state24 74F455
7445614-bit NBCD full adder??16 MC74456
74F4561octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-invertingthree-state24 74F456
74x4581nines complement / zero element??14 MC74458
7446014-bit bus transfer switch?three-state16 MC74460
74LS460110-bit comparator24 SN74LS460
74x46118-bit presettable binary counterthree-state24 SN74LS461
74x4621fiber-optic data-link transmitteropen-collector 100 mA and standard20 SN74LS462
74x4631fiber-optic data-link receiveranalog20 SN74LS463
74x4658octal buffer, non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS465
74x4668octal buffers, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS466
74x4678octal buffers, non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS467
74x4688octal buffers, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS468
74x46918-bit synchronous up/down counter, parallel load and hold capabilitythree-state24 SN74LS469
74x47012048-bit PROM (256x8)open-collector20 SN74S470
74x47112048-bit PROM (256x8)three-state20 SN74S471
74x47214096-bit PROM (512x8)three-state20 SN74S472
74x47314096-bit PROM (512x8)open-collector20 SN74S473
74x47414096-bit PROM (512x8)three-state24 SN74S474
74x47514096-bit PROM (512x8)open-collector24 SN74S475
74x47614096-bit PROM (1024x4)three-state18 SN74S476
74x47714096-bit PROM (1024x4)open-collector18 SN74S477
74x47818192-bit PROM (1024x8)three-state24 SN74S478
74x47918192-bit PROM (1024x8)open-collector24 SN74S479
74x4801single burst error recovery circuit24 SN74S480
74x48114-bit slice cascadable processor elements(48) SN74S481
74x48214-bit slice expandable control elements20 SN74S482
74x4841BCD-to-binary converterthree-state20 SN74S484A
74x4851binary-to-BCD converterthree-state20 SN74S485A
74x4881 IEEE-488 bus interface48 74ACT488
74x4902dual decade counter16 SN74490
74x491110-bit binary up/down counter, limited presetthree-state24 SN74LS491
74x49818-bit bidirectional shift register, parallel inputsthree-state24 SN74LS498

74x500 – 74x599

Part number
74x50016-bit flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC)analog24 74F500
74x50218-bit successive approximation register16 74LS502
74x50318-bit successive approximation register with expansion control16 74LS503
74x504112-bit successive approximation register with expansion control24 74LS504
74x50518-bit successive approximation ADC analogthree-state24 74F505
74x50818-bit multiplier/divider24 SN74S508
74x5151programmable mapping decoder (2-to-4 line decoder with 9 programmable enable inputs)2074HCT515 [9] :310
74x516116-bit multiplier/divider24 SN74S516
74x51818-bit comparator20 kΩ pull-upopen-collector20 SN74ALS518
74x51918-bit comparatoropen-collector20 SN74ALS519
74x52018-bit comparator, inverting output20 kΩ pull-up20 SN74ALS520
74x52118-bit comparator, inverting output20 SN74ALS521
74x52218-bit comparator, inverting output20 kΩ pull-upopen-collector20 SN74ALS522
74x52418-bit registered comparatoropen-collector20 74F524
74x525116-bit programmable counter28 74F525
74x5261fuse programmable identity comparator, 16-bit20 SN74ALS526
74x5271fuse programmable identity comparator, 8-bit + 4-bit conventional Identity comparator20 SN74ALS527
74x5281fuse programmable Identity comparator, 12-bit16 SN74ALS528
74x5318octal transparent latchthree-state20 SN74S531
74x5328octal registerthree-state20 SN74S532
74x5331octal D-type transparent latch, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS533A
74x5341octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS534A
74x5351octal transparent latch, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74S535
74x5361octal register, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74S536
74x5371BCD to decimal decoderthree-state20 MC74F537
74x53813-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexerthree-state20 SN74ALS538
74x5392dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexerthree-state20 SN74ALS539
74x5401octal buffer, inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS540
74x5411octal buffer, non-inverting outputsSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74LS541
74x5431octal registered transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74F543
74x5441octal registered transceiver, invertingthree-state24 MC74F544
74x5451octal bidirectional transceiver, non-invertingthree-state20 74F545
74x54618-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74LS546
74LS54718-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74LS547
74F54713-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with address latches and acknowledge output20 74F547
74LS54818-bit two-stage pipelined registerthree-state24 SN74LS548
74F54813-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with acknowledge output20 74F548
74x54918-bit two-stage pipelined latchthree-state24 SN74LS549
74x5501octal registered transceiver with status flags, non-invertingthree-state28 74F550
74x5511octal registered transceiver with status flags, invertingthree-state28 74F551
74x5521octal registered transceiver with parity and flagsthree-state28 74F552
74x556116x16-bit multiplier slicethree-state(84) 74S556
74x55718-bit by 8-bit multiplierthree-state40 SN74S557
74x55818-bit by 8-bit multiplierthree-state40 SN74S558
74x55918-bit expandable two's complement multiplier/dividerthree-state24 74F559
74x56014-bit decade counterthree-state20 SN74ALS560A
74x5611synchronous 4-bit binary counterthree-state20 SN74ALS561A
74x5631octal D-type transparent latch, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS563B
74x5641octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS564B
74x56618-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, invertingthree-state24 SN74LS566
74x56718-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, invertingthree-state24 SN74LS567
74x5681decade up/down counterthree-state20 SN74ALS568A
74x5691binary up/down counterthree-state20 SN74ALS569A
74x57012048-bit PROM (512x4)open-collector16 DM74S570
74x57112048-bit PROM (512x4)three-state16 DM74S571
74x57214096-bit PROM (1024x4)open-collector18 DM74S572
74x5731octal D-type transparent latchthree-state20 SN74ALS573C
74x5741octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flopthree-state20 SN74ALS574B
74x5751octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clearthree-state24 SN74ALS575A
74x5761octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS576B
74x5771octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS577A
74x57918-bit bidirectional binary counterthree-state20 MC74F579
74x5801octal D-type transparent latch, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74ALS580B
74x58214-bit BCD arithmetic logic unit24 74F582
74x58314-bit BCD adder16 74F583
74x5881octal bidirectional transceiver with IEEE-488 termination resistorsthree-state20 74F588
74x58918-bit shift register, input latchthree-state16 SN74LS589
74x59018-bit binary counter, output registersthree-state16 SN74LS590
74x59118-bit binary counter, output registersopen-collector16 SN74LS591
74x59218-bit binary counter, input registers16 SN74LS592
74x59318-bit binary counter, input registersthree-state20 SN74LS593
74x59418-bit shift registers, serial-in, parallel-out, output latchesbuffered16 SN74LS594
74x59518-bit shift registers, serial-in, parallel-out, output latches, output enablethree-state16 SN74LS595
74x59618-bit shift registers, serial-in, parallel-out, output latches, output enableopen-collector16 SN74LS596
74x59718-bit shift registers, parallel-in, serial-out, input latches16 SN74LS597
74x59818-bit shift register, selectable parallel-in/out input latchesthree-state20 SN74LS598
74x59918-bit shift registers, serial-in, parallel-out, output latchesopen-collector16 SN74LS599

74x600 – 74x699

Part number
74x6001dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAMthree-state20 SN74LS600A
74x6011dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 64K dRAMthree-state20 SN74LS601A
74x6021dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAMthree-state20 SN74LS602A
74x6031dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 64K dRAMthree-state20 SN74LS603A
74x6041octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speedthree-state28 SN74LS604
74x6051octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speedopen-collector28 SN74LS605
74x6061octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-freethree-state28 SN74LS606
74x6071octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-freeopen-collector28 SN74LS607
74x6081memory cycle controller16 SN74LS608
74x6101memory mapper, latchedthree-state40 SN74LS610
74x6111memory mapper, latchedopen-collector40 SN74LS611
74x6121memory mapperthree-state40 SN74LS612
74x6131memory mapperopen-collector40 SN74LS613
74x6141octal bus transceiver and register, invertingopen-collector24 SN74ALS614
74x6151octal bus transceiver and register, non-invertingopen-collector24 SN74ALS615
74x616116-bit parallel error detection and correctionthree-state40 SN74ALS616
74x617116-bit parallel error detection and correctionopen-collector40 SN74ALS617
74x6201octal bus transceiver, invertingthree-state20 SN74LS620
74x6211octal bus transceiver, non-invertingopen-collector20 SN74LS621
74x6221octal bus transceiver, invertingopen-collector20 SN74LS622
74x6231octal bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74LS623
74x6241 voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range control, two-phase outputsanalog14 SN74LS624
74x6252dual voltage-controlled oscillator, two-phase outputsanalog16 SN74LS625
74x6262dual voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, two-phase outputsanalog16 SN74LS626
74x6272dual voltage-controlled oscillator analog14 SN74LS627
74x6281 voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range control,
external temperature compensation, two-phase outputs
analog14 SN74LS628
74x6292dual voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range controlanalog16 SN74LS629
74x630116-bit error detection and correction (EDAC)three-state28 SN74LS630
74x631116-bit error detection and correctionopen-collector28 SN74LS631
74x632132-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-writethree-state52 SN74ALS632
74x633132-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-writeopen-collector52 SN74ALS633
74x634132-bit parallel error detection and correctionthree-state48 SN74ALS634
74x635132-bit parallel error detection and correctionopen-collector48 SN74ALS635
74x63618-bit parallel error detection and correctionthree-state20 SN74LS636
74x63718-bit parallel error detection and correctionopen-collector20 SN74LS637
74x6381octal bus transceiver, inverting outputsthree-state and open-collector20 SN74LS638
74x6391octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsthree-state and open-collector20 SN74LS639
74x6401octal bus transceiver, inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS640
74x6411octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS641
74x6421octal bus transceiver, inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS642
74x6431octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS643
74x6441octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74LS644
74x6451octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputsthree-state20 SN74LS645
74x6461octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS646A
74x6471octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputsopen-collector24 SN74LS647
74x6481octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS648A
74x6491octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputsopen-collector24 SN74LS649
74x6511octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS651A
74x6521octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS652A
74x6531octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputsthree-state and open-collector24 SN74ALS653
74x6541octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputsthree-state and open-collector24 SN74ALS654
74x6551octal buffer / line driver with parity, invertingthree-state24 74F655
74x6561octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-invertingthree-state24 74F656
74x6571octal bidirectional transceiver with 8-bit parity generator/checkerthree-state24 SN74F657
74x6581octal bus transceiver, parity, invertingthree-state24 SN74HC658
74x6591octal bus transceiver, parity, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74HC659
74x6641octal bus transceiver, parity, invertingthree-state24 SN74HC664
74x6651octal bus transceiver, parity, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74HC665
74x66618-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS666
74x66718-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS667
74x6681synchronous 4-bit decade up/down counter16 SN74LS668
74x6691synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter16 SN74LS669
74x670116-bit register file (4x4)three-state16 SN74LS670
74x67114-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, direct clearthree-state20 SN74LS671
74x67214-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS672
74x673116-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register, output storage registersthree-state24 SN74LS673
74x674116-bit parallel-in, serial-out shift registerthree-state24 SN74LS674
74x675116-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register24 74F675A
74x676116-bit serial/parallel-in, serial-out shift register24 74F676
74x677116-bit address comparator, enable24 SN74ALS677
74x678116-bit address comparator, latch24 SN74ALS678
74x679112-bit address comparator, latch20 SN74ALS679
74x680112-bit address comparator, enable20 SN74ALS680
74x68114-bit parallel binary accumulatorthree-state20 SN74LS681
74x68218-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output20 kΩ pull-up20 SN74LS682
74x68318-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output20 kΩ pull-upopen-collector20 SN74LS683
74x68418-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output20 SN74LS684
74x68518-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q outputopen-collector20 SN74LS685
74x68618-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enable24 SN74LS686
74x68718-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enableopen-collector24 SN74LS687
74x68818-bit magnitude comparator, enable20 SN74LS688
74x68918-bit magnitude comparator, enableopen-collector20 SN74LS689
74x69014-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS690
74x69114-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS691
74x69214-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS692
74x69314-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS693
74x69414-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous and asynchronous clearsthree-state20 SN74ALS694
74x69514-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous and asynchronous clearsthree-state20 SN74ALS695
74x69614-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS696
74x69714-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS697
74x69814-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS698
74x69914-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74LS699

74x700 – 74x799

Part number
74x7001octal dRAM driver, invertingthree-state20 SN74S700
74x70118-bit register/counter/comparatorthree-state24 74F701
74x70218-bit registered read-back transceiverthree-state24 74F702
74x7051arithmetic logic unit for digital signal processing applicationsthree-state(84) 74ACT705
74x70718-bit TTL-ECL shift register20 74F707
74x7081576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)three-state28 74ACT708
74x71018-bit single-supply TTL-ECL shift register20 74F710
74x7115quint 2-to-1 multiplexersthree-state20 74F711
74x7125quint 3-to-1 multiplexers24 74F712
74x7151programmable video sync generator20 74ACT715
74x7161programmable decade counter16 SN74LS716
74x7181programmable binary counter16 SN74LS718
74x7231576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)three-state28 74ACT723
74x7241voltage-controlled multivibratoranalog8 SN74LS724
74x72514608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)three-state28 74ACT725
74x7301octal dRAM driver, invertingthree-state20 SN74S730
74x7311octal dRAM driver, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74S731
74x73214-bit 3-bus multiplexer, invertingthree-state20 74F732
74x73314-bit 3-bus multiplexer, non-invertingthree-state20 74F733
74x7341octal dRAM driver, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74S734
74x7402dual 4-bit line driver, invertingthree-state20 SN74S740
74x7412dual 4-bit line driver, non-inverting, complementary enable inputsthree-state20 SN74S741
74x7421octal line driver, invertingopen-collector20SN74ALS742 [10] :3-122 [11] :25
74x7431octal line driver, non-invertingopen-collector20SN74ALS743 [10] :3-124 [11] :25
74x7442dual 4-bit line driver, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74S744
74x7461octal buffer / line driver, inverting20 kΩ pull-upthree-state20 SN74ALS746
74x7471octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting20 kΩ pull-upthree-state20 SN74ALS747
74x74818 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less)16 SN74LS748
74x7561octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74AS756
74x7571octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs, complementary enable inputsopen-collector20 SN74AS757
74x7581quadruple bus transceivers, inverting outputsopen-collector14 SN74AS758
74x7591quadruple bus transceivers, non-inverting outputsopen-collector14 SN74AS759
74x7601octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74ALS760
74x7621octal buffer/line driver, inverting and non-inverting outputsopen-collector20 SN74ALS762
74x7631octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputs, complementary enable inputsopen-collector20 SN74ALS763
74x7641dual-port dRAM controller40 74F764
74x7651dual-port dRAM controller with address latch40 74F765
74x77618-bit latched transceiver for FutureBus three-state and open-collector28 SN74F776
74x7773triple latched transceiverthree-state and open-collector20 74F777
74x77918-bit bidirectional binary counterthree-state16 MC74F779
74x7831synchronous address multiplexer for display systems40 SN74LS783
74x78418-bit serial/parallel multiplier with adder/subtractor20 74F784
74x7851synchronous address multiplexer for display systems with 256-column refresh40 SN74LS785
74x78614-input asynchronous bus arbiter16 74F786
74x7901error detection and correction (EDAC)three-state48 SN74ALS790
74x79318-bit latch, readback20 SN74LS793
74x79418-bit register, readback20 SN74LS794
74x7951octal buffer, non-inverting, common enablethree-state20 SN74LS795
74x7961octal buffer, inverting, common enablethree-state20 SN74LS796
74x7971octal buffer, non-inverting, enable for 4 buffers eachthree-state20 SN74LS797
74x7981octal buffer, inverting, enable for 4 buffers eachthree-state20 SN74LS798

74x800 – 74x899

Part number
74x8003triple 4-input AND/NAND driversdriver20 SN74AS800
74x8023triple 4-input OR/NOR driversdriver20 SN74AS802
74x8034quad D flip flops with matched propagation delays14 MC74F803
74x8046hex 2-input NAND driversdriver20 SN74ALS804A
74x8056hex 2-input NOR driversdriver20 SN74ALS805A
74x80711-to-10 clock driverdriver20 IDT74FCT807
74x8086hex 2-input AND driversdriver20 SN74AS808B
74x8104quad 2-input XNOR gates14 SN74ALS810
74x8114quad 2-input XNOR gatesopen-collector14 DM74ALS811
74x8171 GTL+ to LV-TTL 1-to-6 fanout / LV-TTL to GTL+ 1-to-2 fanout driverthree-state and open-collector(24) SN74GTLP817
74x81818-bit diagnostic registerthree-state24 74ACT818
74x81918-bit diagnostic / pipeline registerthree-state24 SN74ALS819
74x821110-bit bus interface flip-flopthree-state24 SN74AS821A
74x822110-bit bus interface flip-flop, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74AS822
74x82319-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputsthree-state24 SN74AS823A
74x82419-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74AS824
74x82518-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputsthree-state24 SN74AS825A
74x82618-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74AS826
74x827110-bit buffer, non-invertingthree-state24 MC74F827
74x828110-bit buffer, invertingthree-state24 MC74F828
74x8326hex 2-input OR driversdriver20 SN74ALS832A
74x83318-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ABT833
74x83418-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, invertingthree-state24 IDT74FCT834
74x83518-bit shift register with 2:1 input multiplexers, one input latched, serial output24 74F835
74x8391field-programmable logic array 14x32x6three-state24 SN74PL839
74x8401field-programmable logic array 14x32x6open-collector24 SN74PL840
74x841110-bit D-type flip-flopthree-state24 SN74ALS841
74x842110-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74ALS842
74x84319-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputsthree-state24 SN74ALS843
74x84419-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74ALS844
74x84518-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputsthree-state24 SN74ALS845
74x84618-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputsthree-state24 SN74ALS846
74x84818 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less)three-state16 SN74LS848
74x85011 of 16 data selector/multiplexer, clocked selectthree-state28 SN74AS850
74x85111 of 16 data selector/multiplexerthree-state28 SN74AS851
74x85218-bit universal transceiver port controllerthree-state24 SN74AS852
74x85318-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ABT853
74x85418-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, invertingthree-state24 IDT74FCT854
74x85618-bit universal transceiver port controllerthree-state24 SN74AS856
74x8576hex 2-line to 1-line multiplexerthree-state24 SN74ALS857
74x861110-bit bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ABT861
74x862110-bit bus transceiver, invertingthree-state24 SN74ABT862
74x86319-bit bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ABT863
74x86419-bit bus transceiver, invertingthree-state24 74F864
74x86618-bit magnitude comparator with latches24 SN74AS866
74x8671synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, asynchronous clear24 SN74ALS867A
74x8691synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, synchronous clear24 SN74ALS869
74x8701dual 16x4 register files24 SN74AS870
74x8711dual 16x4 register files28 SN74AS871
74x8732dual 4-bit transparent latch with clearthree-state24 SN74ALS873B
74x8742dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with clearthree-state24 SN74ALS874B
74x8762dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with set, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS876A
74x87718-bit universal transceiver port controllerthree-state24 SN74AS877
74x8782dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, non-inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS878
74x8792dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS879
74x8802dual 4-bit transparent latch with clear, inverting outputsthree-state24 SN74ALS880
74x88114-bit arithmetic logic unit24 SN74AS881A
74x882132-bit lookahead carry generator24 SN74AS882
74x88518-bit magnitude comparator24 SN74AS885
74x88718-bit processor element (non-cascadable version of 74x888)(68) SN74AS887
74x88818-bit processor slice 64 SN74AS888
74x88918-bit processor slice (68) SN74AS889
74x8901microoperation sequencer64 SN74AS890
74x8911microoperation sequencer(68) SN74AS891
74x89518-bit memory address generator(68) SN74AS895
74x897116-bit parallel/serial barrel shifter(68) SN74AS897A
74x89919-bit latchable transceiver with parity generator / checkerthree-state(28) 74AC899

74x900 – 74x999

Part number
74x9004quad 2-input NAND gatedriver14 SN74ALS900
74x9016hex inverting TTL buffer14 MM74C901
74C9026hex non-inverting TTL buffer14 MM74C902
74ALS9024quad 2-input NOR gatedriver14 SN74ALS902
74C9036hex inverting PMOS buffer14 MM74C903
74ALS9034quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector driver14 SN74ALS903
74x9046hex non-inverting PMOS buffer14 MM74C904
74x905112-bit successive approximation register24 MM74C905
74x9066hex open drain n-channel buffersopen-collector14 MM74C906
74x9076hex open drain p-channel buffers14 MM74C907
74x9082dual 2-input NAND 30 V / 250 mA relay driver8 MM74C908
74x9094quad voltage comparatoranalogopen-collector14 MM74C909
74x9101256-bit RAM (64x4)three-state18 MM74C910
74x91114-digit expandable display controllerthree-state28 MM74C911
74x91216-digit BCD display controller and driverthree-state28 MM74C912
74x91316-digit BCD display controller and driver, no decimal point24 MM74C913
74x9146hex inverter gate, extended input voltageSchmitt trigger14 MM74C914
74x91517-segment to BCD converterthree-state18 MM74C915
74x91716-digit hex display controller and driverthree-state28 MM74C917
74x9182dual 2-input NAND 30 V / 250 mA relay driver14 MM74C918
74x92011024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data inputs and outputsthree-state22 MM74C920
74x92111024-bit RAM (256x4)three-state18 MM74C921
74x922116-key encoderthree-state18 MM74C922
74x923120-key encoderthree-state20 MM74C923
74x92514-digit counter/display driver16 MM74C925
74x92614-digit decade counter/display driver, carry out and latch (up to 9999)16 MM74C926
74x92714-digit timer counter/display driver (up to 9599, intended as time elapsed, i.e. 9:59.9 min)16 MM74C927
74x92814-digit counter/display driver (up to 1999)16 MM74C928
74x92911024-bit RAM (1024x1), single chip selectthree-state16 MM74C929
74x93011024-bit RAM (1024x1), three chip selectsthree-state18 MM74C930
74x9321 phase comparator 8 MM74C932
74x93317-bit address bus comparator20 MM74C933
749341ADC similar to ADC0829, see corresponding NSC datasheet
74x9351 ADC for 3.5-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed 7-segment display outputsanalog28 MM74C935
74x9361ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed 7-segment display outputsanalog? MM74C936
74x9371ADC for 3.5-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputsanalog24 MM74C937
74x9381ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputsanalog24 MM74C938
74x9401octal bus/line drivers/line receiversSchmitt triggerthree-state20 DM74S940
74x9411octal bus/line drivers/line receiversSchmitt triggerthree-state20 DM74S941
74x9421300 baud Bell 103 modem (+/- 5 V supply)20 MM74HC942
74x9431300 baud Bell 103 modem (single 5 V supply)20 MM74HC943
74x94514-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, output latch40 MM74C945
74x94614.5-digit counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking40 MM74C946
74x94714-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking40 MM74C947
74x94818-bit ADC with 16-channel analog multiplexeranalogthree-state40 MM74C948
74x94918-bit ADC with 8-channel analog multiplexeranalogthree-state28 MM74C949
74x95018-bit ADC with 8-channel analog multiplexer and sample and hold analogthree-state28 MM74C950
74x9521dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clearthree-state18 DM74LS952
74C95614-digit, 17-segment alpha-numeric LED display driver with memory and decoder40 MM74C956
74BCT9561octal bus transceiver and latchthree-state24 SN74BCT956
74x9621dual rank 8-bit shift register, register exchange modethree-state18 DM74LS962
74x9631dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clearthree-state20 SN74ALS963
74x9641dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous and asynchronous clearthree-state20 SN74ALS964
74x9681controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k/1M dRAM52 74F968
74x9781octal flip-flop with serial scanner24 74F978
74x97919-bit registered transceiver with parity generator/checker for FutureBus three-state and open-collector(48) SN74BCT979
74x989164-bit RAM (64x4), inverting outputthree-state16 MM74C989
74x99018-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74ALS990
74x99118-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, invertingthree-state20 SN74ALS991
74x99219-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS992
74x99319-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS993
74x994110-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS994
74x995110-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, invertingthree-state24 SN74ALS995
74x99618-bit D-type edge-triggered read-back latchthree-state24 SN74ALS996

74x1000 – 74x1999

Part number
74x10004quad 2-input NAND gatedriver14 SN74AS1000A
74x10024quad 2-input NOR gatedriver14 SN74ALS1002A
74x10034quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector driver14 SN74ALS1003A
74x10046hex inverting bufferdriver14 SN74ALS1004
74x10056hex inverting bufferopen-collector driver14 SN74ALS1005
74x10084quad 2-input AND gatedriver14 SN74AS1008A
74ALS10103triple 3-input NAND gatedriver14 SN74ALS1010A
116x16-bit multiplier/accumulatorthree-state64 74AC1010
74x10113triple 3-input AND gatedriver14 SN74ALS1011A
74F10161616-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array(20) SN74F1016
116x16-bit multiplierthree-state64 74AC1016
74x1017116x16-bit parallel multiplierthree-state64 74AC1017
74x10181818-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array(24) SN74F1018
74x10202dual 4-input NAND gatedriver14 SN74ALS1020A
74x10324quad 2-input OR gatedriver14 SN74AS1032A
74x10346hex non-inverting bufferdriver14 SN74ALS1034
74x10356hex non-inverting bufferopen-collector driver14 SN74ALS1035
74x10364quad 2-input NOR gatedriver14 SN74ALS1036
74x10501212-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND16 SN74S1050
74x10511212-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/VCC16 SN74S1051
74x10521616-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND20 SN74S1052
74x10531616-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/VCC20 SN74S1053
74x105688-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND(16) SN74F1056
74x10711010-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function(14) SN74ACT1071
74x10731616-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function(20) SN74ACT1073
74x10742dual D negative edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear14 74FR1074
74x118114-bit arithmetic logic unit24 SN74AS1181
74x12401octal buffer / line driver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x240)three-state20 SN74ALS1240
74x12411octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x241)three-state20 SN74ALS1241
74x12421quad bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x242)three-state14 SN74ALS1242
74x12431quad bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x243)three-state14 SN74ALS1243
74x12441octal buffer / driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x244)three-state20 SN74ALS1244
74x12451octal bus transceiver (lower-power version of 74x245)three-state20 SN74ALS1245A
74x128019-bit parity generator/checker with registered outputsthree-state20 QS74FCT1280
74x12841parallel printer interface transceiver / buffer (IEEE 1284)20 74HCT1284
74x139412-bit GTLP transceiver with split LV-TTL portthree-state and open-collector(16) SN74GTLP1394
74x13952Dual 1-bit GTLP transceiver with split LV-TTL portthree-state and open-collector(20) SN74GTLP1395
74x140318-bit bus receiver plus 4-bit bus driverSchmitt triggerthree-state(32) 74LVT1403
74x14041oscillator driverSchmitt trigger(8) SN74LVC1404
74x16041dual 8-bit transparent latch with output multiplexer28 74F1604
74x1612118-bit LV-TTL-to-GTLP adjustable-edge-rate universal bus transceiverthree-state and open-collector(64) SN74GTLPH1612
74ALS1616116x16-bit multimode multiplierthree-state64 SN74ALS1616
74GTLPH1616117-bit LV-TTL-to-GTLP adjustable-edge-rate universal bus transceiver with buffered clock outputsthree-state and open-collector(64) SN74GTLPH1616
74x16201octal bus transceiver, invertingthree-state20 SN74ALS1620
74x16211octal bus transceiver, non-invertingopen-collector20 SN74ALS1621
74x16221octal bus transceiver, invertingopen-collector20 SN74ALS1622
74x16231octal bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state20 SN74ALS1623
74x1627118-bit LV-TTL-to-GTLP adjustable-edge-rate bus transceiver with source synchronous clock outputsthree-state and open-collector(64) SN74GTLPH1627
74x16311quad bus driver with complementary outputsthree-state16SN74ALS1631 [10] :3-336
74x16381octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x638)three-state and open-collector20 SN74ALS1638
74x16391octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x639)three-state and open-collector20 SN74ALS1639
74x16401octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x640)three-state20 SN74ALS1640A
74x16411octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x641)open-collector20 SN74ALS641
74x16421octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x642)open-collector20 SN74ALS642
74x16431octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x643)three-state20 SN74ALS643
74x16441octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x644)open-collector20 SN74ALS644
74ALS16451octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x645)three-state20 SN74ALS1645A
74GTLPH1645116-bit LV-TTL-to-GTLP adjustable-edge-rate bus transceiverthree-state and open-collector(56) SN74GTLPH1645
74x16502dual 9-bit Futurebus universal storage transceiver with split TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(100) SN74FB1650
74x165129-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(100) SN74FB1651
74x165329-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split 3.3V TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(100) SN74FB1653
74x16552dual 8-bit GTL universal storage transceivers with live insertionthree-state and open-collector(64) SN74GTL1655
74x1760110-bit 4-way latched address multiplexerthree-state64 74F1760
74x17611dRAM and interrupt vector controller48 74F1761
74x17621dRAM address controller40 74F1762
74x17631single-port dRAM controller48 74F1763
74x17641dual-port dRAM controller48 74F1764
74x17651dual-port dRAM controller with address latch48 74F1765
74x17661burst mode dRAM controller48 74F1766
74x177918-bit bidirectional binary counterthree-state16 74F1779
74x18011 FM, MFM, and DM encoder / decoder, data rates up to 10 MHz24 74LS1801
74x18021 SerDes with ECC and CRC, data rates up to 10 MHzthree-state48 74LS1802
74x18031quad clock driver14 MC74F1803
74x18046hex 2-input NANDdriver20 DM74AS1804
74x18056hex 2-input NORdriver20 DM74AS1805
74x18086hex 2-input ANDdriver20 DM74AS1808
74x18111 FM, MFM, and DM encoder / decoder, data rates up to 20 MHz24 74LS1811
74x18121 SerDes with ECC and CRC, data rates up to 30 MHzthree-state48 74LS1812
74x1821110-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state24 SN74AS1821
74x182319-bit bus interface flip-flops with clearthree-state24 SN74AS1823
74x18326hex 2-input ORdriver20 DM74ALS1832
74x1841110-bit bus interface transparent latchesthree-state24 SN74AS1841
74x184319-bit bus interface transparent latches with clearthree-state24 SN74AS1843

74x2000 – 74x2999

Part number
74x20001direction discriminator with microprocessor interfacethree-state28 SN74LS2000
74x200318-bit level translator(20) SN74GTL2003
74x2006113-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translatoropen-collector(28) SN74GTL2006
74x2007112-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translatoropen-collector(28) SN74GTL2007
74x2010110-bit level translator(24) SN74GTL2010
74x201414-bit GTL to TTL transceiverthree-state and open-collector(14) SN74GTL2014
74x203119-bit Futurebus address/data transceiverthree-state and open-collector(48) SN74FB2031
74x203219-bit Futurebus competition transceiverthree-state and open-collector(48) SN74FB2032
74FB203318-bit Futurebus registered transceiver with split TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(52) SN74FB2033
74GTLP203318-bit GTLP registered transceiver with split LV-TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(48) SN74GTLP2033
74x203418-bit GTLP adjustable-edge-rate registered transceiver with split LV-TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(48) SN74GTLP2034
74x204018-bit Futurebus transceiver with split TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(48) SN74FB2040
74x204117-bit Futurebus transceiver with split TTL I/Othree-state and open-collector(52) SN74FB2041
74x2107112-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translatoropen-collector(28) SN74GTL2107
74x21254quad bus bufferthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(14) TC74VCX2125
74x214018k x 18 cache data RAMthree-state(52) SN74ACT2140A
74x21501512 x 8 cache address comparator24 SN74ACT2150A
74ACT215111k x 11 cache address comparator28 SN74ACT2151
74FCT215118-line to 1-line multiplexer25 Ω series resistor(16) CD74FCT2151
74x215212k x 8 cache address comparator28 SN74ACT2152A
74ACT215311k x 11 cache address comparatoropen-collector28 SN74ACT2153
74FCT21532dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer25 Ω series resistor(16) CD74FCT2153
74x215412k x 8 cache address comparatoropen-collector28 SN74ACT2154A
74x215512k x 8 burst cache address comparatorthree-state(44) SN74ACT2155
74x2156116k x 4 burst cache address comparatorthree-state(44) SN74ACT2156
74ACT215712k x 16 cache address comparatorthree-state(44) SN74ACT2157
74FCT21574quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexer25 Ω series resistor(16) CD74FCT2157
74x215818k x 9 cache address comparatorthree-state(44) SN74ACT2158
74x215918k x 9 cache address comparatorthree-state(44) SN74ACT2159
74x216018k x 4 2-way cache address comparatorthree-state(32) SN74ACT2160
74x21611synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear25 Ω series resistor16 QS74FCT2161T
116k x 5 cache address comparatorthree-state(32) SN74ACT2163
74FCT21631synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear25 Ω series resistor16 QS74FCT2163T
74x2164116k x 5 cache address comparatorthree-state(32) SN74ACT2164
74x2166116k x 5 cache address comparator with input latchesthree-state(32) SN74BCT2166
74x21911synchronous presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter, common clock25 Ω series resistor16 QS74FCT2191T
74x21931synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, separate up/down clocks25 Ω series resistor16 QS74FCT2193T
74x22262dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1)(24) SN74ACT2226
74x22272dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1)three-state(28) SN74ACT2227
74x22282dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1)(24) SN74ACT2228
74x22292dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1)three-state(28) SN74ACT2229
74x22321512-bit FIFO memory (64x8)three-state24 SN74ALS2232A
74x22331576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)three-state28 SN74ALS2233A
74x2235118432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9)three-state(44) SN74ACT2235
74x2236118432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9)three-state(44) SN74ACT2236
74x22381576-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x32x9)three-state40 SN74ALS2238
74x22402dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74BCT2240
74x22412dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74BCT2241
74x224214-bit bus transceiver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor14 SN74ALS2242
74x224314-bit bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(14) 74F2243
74x22442dual 4-bit buffer / line driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74BCT2244
74x22451octal bus transceiverthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74ABT2245
74x22532dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexerthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(16) CD74FCT2253
74x22574quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexerthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(16) CD74FCT2257
74x22738octal D-type flip-flop with common clock and reset25 Ω series resistor(20) CD74FCT2273
74x229918-bit universal shift registerthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2299T
74x23232dual line receiveranalog(8) SN74LS2323
74x237318-bit transparent latchthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(20) CD74FCT2373
74x23748octal D-type flip-flop with common clockthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor(20) CD74FCT2374
74x237718-bit register with clock enable25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2377T
74x24002dual 4-bit buffer, invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 74THC2400
74x2410111-bit MOS memory driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74BCT2410
74x2411111-bit MOS memory driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74BCT2411
74x24142dual 2-to-4 line decoder with supply voltage monitor20 SN74BCT2414
74x2420116-bit NuBus address/data transceiver and registerthree-state(68) SN74BCT2420
74x2423116-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer NuBus transceiver, invertingthree-state(68) SN74BCT2423
74x2424116-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer NuBus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state(68) SN74BCT2424
74x24251 Macintosh Coprocessor Platform NuBus address/data registered transceiverthree-state(100) SN74BCT2425
74x24401 NuBus interface controller(68) SN74ACT2440
74x24411 NuBus interface controller(100) SN74ACT2441
74x24421 NuBus block slave address generatorthree-state(20) SN74ALS2442
74x250919-output clock driver with PLL three-state(24) HD74CDC2509
74x2510110-output clock driver with PLL three-state(24) HD74CDC2510
74x252518-output clock driver14 74AC2525
74x252618-output clock driver with input multiplexer16 74AC2526
74x253318-bit bus interface latch, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2533T
74x253418-bit bus interface register, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2534T
74x254018-bit buffer / line driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74ALS2540
74x254118-bit buffer / line driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74ALS2541
74x254318-bit latched transceiver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2543T
74x254418-bit latched transceiver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2544T
74x257318-bit transparent latchthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2573T
74x25748octal D-type flip-flop with common clockthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 QS74FCT2574T
74x26201octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74AS2620
74x26231octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74AS2623
74x26401octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74AS2640
74x26431octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputsthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 74F2643
74x26451octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor20 SN74AS2645
74x26461octal registered transceiver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2646T
74x26481octal registered transceiver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2648T
74x26511octal registered transceiver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2651T
74x26521octal registered transceiver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2652T
74S270818192-bit PROM (1024x8)three-state24 SN74S2708
74AC27081576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)three-state28 74AC2708
74x272514608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)28 74ACT2725
74x272614608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (512x9)28 74ACT2726
74x2821110-bit D-type flip-flopthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2821T
74x282319-bit D-type flip-flop with clearthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2823T
74x282518-bit D-type flip-flop with clear and clock enablethree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2825T
74x2827110-bit buffer, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 SN74BCT2827A
74x2828110-bit buffer, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 SN74BCT2828A
74x283318-bit bus transceiver with parity error flip-flopthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2833T
74x2841110-bit transparent latchthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2841T
74x284319-bit transparent latch with asynchronous resetthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2843T
74x284518-bit transparent latch with asynchronous reset and multiple output enablethree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2845T
74x285318-bit bus transceiver with parity error latchthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2853T
74x2861110-bit non-inverting bus transceiverthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2861T
74x2862110-bit inverting bus transceiverthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2862T
74x286319-bit non-inverting bus transceiver with dual output enablethree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2863T
74x286419-bit inverting bus transceiver with dual output enablethree-state, 25 Ω series resistor24 QS74FCT2864T
74x29521octal bus transceiver and register, non-invertingthree-state24 SN74LVC2952A
74x29531octal bus transceiver and register, invertingthree-state24 74F2953
74x29601 error detection and correction (EDAC), equivalent to Am2960 three-state48 MC74F2960
74x296114-bit EDAC bus buffer, inverting, equivalent to Am2961 three-state24 MC74F2961A
74x296214-bit EDAC bus buffer, non-inverting, equivalent to Am2962 three-state24 MC74F2962A
74x29671controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM48 SN74ALS2967
74x29681controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM48 SN74ALS2968
74x29691memory timing controller for use with EDAC 48 MC74F2969
74x29701memory timing controller for use without EDAC24 MC74F2970

74x3000 – 74x3999

Part number
74x30041selectable GTL voltage referenceanalog(6) SN74GTL3004
74x30374quad 2-input NAND gatedriver 30 Ω16 74F3037
74x30384quad 2-input NAND gateopen-collector driver 30 Ω16 74F3038
74x30402dual 4-input NAND gatedriver 30 Ω16 74F3040
74x31254quad FET bus switch, output enable active low(14) SN74CBT3125
74x31264quad FET bus switch, output enable active high(14) SN74CBT3126
74FCT32442dual 4-bit buffer / line driverthree-state20 IDT74FCT3244
2dual 4-bit FET bus switch20 SN74CBT3244
74FCT32451octal bidirectional transceiverthree-state20 IDT74FCT3245
1octal FET bus switch20 SN74CBT3245A
74LVX32451octal bidirectional voltage-translating transceiverthree-state(24) 74LVX3245
74GTLPH3245132-bit LV-TTL-to-GTLP adjustable-edge-rate bus transceiverthree-state and open-collector(114) SN74GTLPH3245
74x325118-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer(16) SN74CBT3251
74x32532dual 4-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer(16) SN74CBT3253
74x32574quad 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer(16) IDT74FST3257
74x3283132-bit latchable transceiver with parity checker / generatorthree-state(120) 74ACTQ3283
74x3284118-bit synchronous datapath multiplexerthree-state(100) 74ABT3284
74x33052dual FET bus switch with extended voltage range(8) SN74CBT3305C
74x33062dual FET bus switch(8) SN74CBT3306
74x33451octal FET bus switch, dual output enable(20) SN74CBT3345
74x337418-bit metastable-resistant D-type flip-flopthree-state20 SN74AS3374
74x338315-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch24 IDT74FST3383
74x33842dual 5-bit FET bus switch24 IDT74FST3384
74x338615-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch with extended voltage range(24) SN74CBT3386
74x33901octal 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / bus switch(28) IDT74FST3390
74x35731octal transparent latchthree-state20 IDT74FCT3573
74x35741octal D-type flip flopthree-state20 IDT74FCT3574
74x35842dual 5-bit FET bus switch25 Ω series resistor24 QS74QST3584
74x361112304-bit FIFO memory (64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT3611
74x361214608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT3612
74x361312304-bit FIFO memory (64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT3613
74x361414608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT3614
74x3622118432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x256x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3622
74x3631118432-bit FIFO memory (512x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3631
74x3632136864-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3632
74x3638132768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32)three-state(120) SN74ACT3638
74x3641136864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3641
74x3642173728-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3642
74x3651173728-bit FIFO memory (2048x36)three-state(120) SN74ACT3651
74x370818192-bit PROM (1024x8)open-collector24 SN74S3708
74x380711-to-10 clock driverdriver20 IDT74FCT3807
74x3827110-bit bufferthree-state24 IDT74FCT3827
74x3861110-bit FET bus switch(24) SN74CBT3861
74x3862110-bit FET bus switch with dual output enable(24) IDT74CBTLV3862
74x38931quad Futurebus backplane transceiverthree-state and open-collector(20) MC74F3893A
74x39071 Pentium clock synthesizerthree-state(28) IDT74FCT3907
74x39321PLL-based clock driverthree-state(48) IDT74FCT3932

74x4000 – 74x5999

Part number
74x40022dual 4-input NOR gate14 CD74HC4002
74x40152dual 4-bit shift registers16 CD74HC4015
74x40164quad bilateral switchanalog14 CD74HC4016
74x401715-stage ÷10 Johnson counter16 CD74HC4017
74x4020114-stage binary counter16 SN74HC4020
74x402214-stage ÷8 Johnson counter14 SN74HC4022
74x402417-stage ripple carry binary counter14 CD74HC4024
74x40281BCD to decimal decoder16 TC74HC4028P
74x4040112-stage binary ripple counter16 SN74HC4040
74x40461 phase-locked loop and voltage-controlled oscillator 16 CD74HC4046A
74x40496hex inverting buffer16 CD74HC4049
74x40506hex buffer/converter (non-inverting)16 CD74HC4050
74x40511high-speed 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexeranalog16 CD74HC4051
74x40522dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexersanalog16 CD74HC4052
74x40533triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexersanalog16 CD74HC4053
74x40591programmable divide-by-N counter24 CD74HC4059
74x4060114-stage binary ripple counter with oscillator16 SN74HC4060
74x4061114-stage asynchronous binary counter with oscillator16 SN74HC4061
74x40664quad single-pole single-throw analog switch14 SN74HC4066
74x4067116-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexeranalog24 CD74HC4067
74x40722dual 4-input OR gate14 TC74HC4072
74x40753triple 3-input OR gate14 CD74HC4075
74x40781single 8-input OR/NOR gate14 MM74HC4078
74x409418-bit three-state shift register/latchthree-state16 CD74HC4094
74x410212-digit BCD presettable synchronous down counter16 74HC4102
74x410318-bit binary presettable synchronous down counter16 74HC4103
74x424518-bit 3V/5V translating transceiverthree-state(24) 74LVX4245
74x430118-bit latch, invertingthree-state20 MN74HC4301
74x430218-bit latch, non-invertingthree-state20 MN74HC4302
74x430318-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting outputsthree-state20 MN74HC4303
74x430418-bit D-type flip-flop, non-inverting outputsthree-state20 MN74HC4304
74x43052dual 4-bit buffer, invertingthree-state20 MN74HC4305
74x43062dual 4-bit buffer, non-invertingthree-state20 MN74HC4306
74x43164quad analog switchanalog14 MM74HC4316
74x435118-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latchanalog20 CD74HC4351
74x43522dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latchanalog20 CD74HC4352
74x43533triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latchanalog20 MC74HC4353
74x437418-bit dual-rank synchronizerthree-state20 SN74AS4374
74x45031controller for 64k/256k/1M dynamic RAMthree-state52 SN74ACT4503
74x45101BCD decade up/down counter16 CD74HC4510
74x45111BCD to 7-segment decoder16 CD74HC4511
74x451414-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, input latches24 CD74HC4514
74x451514-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer with input latches; inverting24 CD74HC4515
74x451614-bit binary up/down counter16 CD74HC4516
74x45182dual 4-bit synchronous decade counter16 CD74HC4518
74x45202dual 4-bit synchronous binary counter16 CD74HC4520
74x45382dual retriggerable precision monostable multivibrator16 CD74HC4538
74x45431BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver for LCDs16 CD74HC4543
74x456014-bit BCD adder16 MM74HC4560
74x472418-bit addressable latch16 SN74HC4724
74x47641programmable dRAM controller(100) 74ABT4764
74x47991Timer for NiCd and NiMH chargersSchmitt triggeropen-collector and three-state16 74LV4799
74x485118-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexeranalog16 SN74HC4851
74x48522dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexeranalog16 SN74HC4852
74x50742dual positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop (metastable immune)14 74ABT5074
74x52451octal bidirectional transceiverSchmitt triggerthree-state20 DM74ALS5245
74x53001fiber optic LED driverdriver 120 mA8 74F5300
74x53022dual fiber optic LED / clock driverdriver 160 mA14 74F5302
74x5400111-bit line/memory driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74ABT5400
74x5401111-bit line/memory driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74ABT5401
74x5402112-bit line/memory driver, non-invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74ABT5402
74x5403112-bit line/memory driver, invertingthree-state, 25 Ω series resistor28 SN74ABT5403
74x55551programmable delay timer with oscillator16 74HC5555
74x56201octal bidirectional transceiverSchmitt triggerthree-state20 DM74ALS5620

74x6000 and above

Part number
74x60001logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-inverting6 74OL6000
74x60011logic-to-logic optocoupler, inverting6 74OL6001
74x60101logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-invertingopen-collector 15 V6 74OL6010
74x60111logic-to-logic optocoupler, invertingopen-collector 15 V6 74OL6011
74x63001programmable dynamic memory refresh timer16 SN74ALS6300
74x63011dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM52 SN74ALS6301
74x63021dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM52 SN74ALS6302
74x63101static column and page mode access detector for dRAM20 SN74ALS6310A
74x63111static column and page mode access detector for dRAM20 SN74ALS6311A
74x63231programmable ripple counter with oscillatorthree-state(8) 74HC6323A
74x6364164-bit flow-through error detection and correction circuitthree-state(207) SN74AS6364
74x6800110-bit FET bus switch with precharge24 IDT74FST6800
74x684518-bit FET bus switch with precharge and extended voltage range(20) SN74CBT6845C
74x70014quad 2-input AND gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74HC7001
74x70024quad 2-input NOR gateSchmitt trigger14 SN74HC7002
74x70034quad 2-input NAND gateSchmitt triggeropen-collector14 SN74HC7003
74x70066two inverters, one 3-input NAND, one 4-input NAND, one 3-input NOR, one 4-input NOR24 SN74HC7006
74x70076hex buffer gate14 TC74HCT7007AP
74x70086two inverters, three 2-input NAND, three 2-input NOR24 SN74HC7008
74x70146hex buffer gateSchmitt trigger14 74HC7014
74x702214-stage ÷8 Johnson counter with power-up clear14 SN74HC7022
74x70301576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)three-state28 74HC7030
74x70324quad 2-input OR gatesSchmitt trigger14 SN74HC7032
74x703819-bit bus transceiver with latchthree-state24 CD74HC7038
74x70461 phase-locked loop with voltage-controlled oscillator and lock detector16 CD74HC7046A
74x7060114-stage binary counter with oscillatorSchmitt trigger20 CD74AC7060
74x70746two inverters, one 2-input NAND, one 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops24 SN74HC7074
74x70756two inverters, two 2-input NAND, two D-type flip-flops24 SN74HC7075
74x70766two inverters, two 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops24 SN74HC7076
74x7080116-bit parity generator / checker20 74HCT7080
74x71324quad adjustable comparator with output latchesSchmitt triggerthree-state14 74HCT7132
74x720012304-bit FIFO memory (256x9)28 SN74ACT7200L
74x720114608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)28 SN74ACT7201LA
74x720219216-bit FIFO memory (1024x9)28 SN74ACT7202LA
74x7203118432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9)28 SN74ACT7203L
74ACT7204136864-bit FIFO memory (4096x9)28 SN74ACT7204L
74HCU72042dual unbuffered inverters(8) SN74HCU7204
74x7205173728-bit FIFO memory (8192x9)28 SN74ACT7205L
74x72061147456-bit FIFO memory (16384x9)28 SN74ACT7206L
74x72401octal bus buffer, invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 TC74HC7240AP
74x72411octal bus buffer, non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 TC74HC7241AP
74x72441octal bus buffer, non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 TC74HC7244AP
74x72451octal bus transceiver, non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 M74HC7245
74x72664quad 2-input XNOR gate14 SN74HC7266
74x72738octal positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with resetopen-collector20 74HCT7273
74x72921programmable divider/timer16 TC74HC7292AP
74x72941programmable divider/timer16 M74HC7294
74x734018-bit bus driver with bidirectional registersthree-state24 SN74HC7340
74x74031256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)three-state16 74HC7403
74x74041320-bit FIFO memory (64x5)three-state18 74HC7404
74x75408octal buffer/line driver, invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 74HC7540
74x75418octal buffer/line driver, non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 74HC7541
74x759718-bit shift register with input latches16 74HC7597
74x76231octal bus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state and open-drain20 CD74AC7623
74x76401octal bus transceiver, invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 M74HC7640
74x76431octal bus transceiver, non-inverting/invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 M74HC7643
74x76451octal bus transceiver, non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 M74HC7645
74x77314quad 64-bit static shift register16 74HC7731
74x779318-bit noninverting transparent latch with readbackthree-state20 MC74HC7793
74x7801118432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clockedthree-state(68) SN74ACT7801
74x7802118432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18)three-state(68) SN74ACT7802
74x780319216-bit FIFO memory (512x18), clockedthree-state(56) SN74ACT7803
74x780419216-bit FIFO memory (512x18)three-state(56) SN74ACT7804
74x780514608-bit FIFO memory (256x18), clockedthree-state(56) SN74ACT7805
74x780614608-bit FIFO memory (256x18)three-state(56) SN74ACT7806
74x7807118432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9), clockedthree-state(44) SN74ACT7807
74x7808118432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9)three-state(44) SN74ACT7808
74x7811118432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clockedthree-state(68) SN74ACT7811
74x781311152-bit FIFO memory (64x18), clockedthree-state(56) SN74ACT7813
74x781411152-bit FIFO memory (64x18)three-state(56) SN74ACT7814
74x781514608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT7815
74x781614608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT7816
74x781712304-bit FIFO memory(64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT7817
74x781812304-bit FIFO memory(64x36)three-state(120) SN74ABT7818
74x7819118432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18), clockedthree-state(80) SN74ABT7819
74x7820118432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18)three-state(80) SN74ABT7820
74x7821132768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32)three-state(120) SN74ACT7821
74x7822132768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32), clockedthree-state(120) SN74ACT7822
74x7823136864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36), clockedthree-state(120) SN74ACT7823
74x7881118432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clockedthree-state(68) SN74ACT7881
74x7882136864-bit FIFO memory (2048x18), clockedthree-state(68) SN74ACT7882
74x7884173728-bit FIFO memory (4096x18), clockedthree-state(68) SN74ACT7884
74x80032dual 2-input NAND gate8 SN74ALS8003
74x8151110-bit inverting/non-inverting bufferSchmitt triggerthree-state24 SN74LV8151
74x815318-bit serial-to-parallel interfacethree-state or open-collector20 SN74LV8153
74x81542dual 16-bit counters with output registersthree-state20 SN74LV8154
74x816118-bit synchronous binary counter24 SN74ALS8161
74x82401octal inverting buffer with JTAG portthree-state24 SN74BCT8240A
74x82441octal non-inverting buffer with JTAG portthree-state24 SN74BCT8244A
74x82451octal bus transceiver with JTAG portthree-state24 SN74ABT8245
74x83731octal D-type latch with JTAG portthree-state24 SN74BCT8373A
74x83741octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop with JTAG portthree-state24 SN74BCT8374A
74x84001expandable error checker / correctorthree-state48 SN74ALS8400
74x854118-bit buffer, selectable inverting/non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state20 SN74AHC8541
74x85431octal registered bus transceiver with JTAG portthree-state28 SN74ABT8543
74x86461octal bus transceiver and register with JTAG portthree-state28 SN74ABT8646
74x86521octal bus transceiver and register with JTAG portthree-state28 SN74ABT8652
74x8818116-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadablethree-state(84) SN74ACT8818
74x8832132-bit registered ALUthree-state(208) SN74ACT8832
74x8834140-bit register filethree-state(156) SN74AS8834
74x8835116-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadablethree-state(156) SN74AS8835
74x8836132x32-bit multiplier/accumulatorthree-state(156) SN74ACT8836
74x8837164-bit floating point unitthree-state(208) SN74ACT8837
74x8838164-bit barrel shifterthree-state(84) SN74AS8838
74x8839132-bit shuffle/exchange networkthree-state(85) SN74AS8839
74x88401digital crossbar switchthree-state(156) SN74AS8840
74x88411digital crossbar switchthree-state(156) SN74ACT8841
74x8847164-bit floating point and integer unitthree-state(208) SN74ACT8847
74x8867132-bit vector processor unitthree-state(208) SN74ACT8867
74x89521octal registered bus transceiver with JTAG portthree-state28 SN74ABT8952
74x896018-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, invertingthree-state and open-collector28 74F8960
74x896118-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state and open-collector28 74F8961
74x896219-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, invertingthree-state and open-collector(44) 74F8962
74x896319-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, non-invertingthree-state and open-collector(44) 74F8963
74x896519-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, latch selectthree-state and open-collector(44) 74F8965
74x896619-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, idle arbitration request / outputthree-state and open-collector(44) 74F8966
74x89801 JTAG test access port master with 8-bit host interfacethree-state24 SN74LVT8980
74x89861linkable, multidrop-addressable JTAG transceiverthree-state(64) SN74LVT8986
74x89901 JTAG test access port master with 16-bit host interfacethree-state(44) SN74ACT8990
74x89941 JTAG scan-controlled logic/signature analyzer(28) SN74ACT8994
74x89961multidrop-addressable JTAG transceiver24 SN74ABT8996
74x89971scan-controlled JTAG concatenatorthree-state28 SN74ACT8997
74x89991scan-controlled JTAG multiplexerthree-state28 SN74ACT8999
74x90001programmable timer with oscillator20 MC74HC9000
74x90149nine-wide buffer/line driver, invertingSchmitt trigger20 74HC9014
74x90159nine-wide buffer/line driver, non-invertingSchmitt trigger20 74HC9015
74x90349nine-wide buffer, inverting20 MC74HC9034
74x90359nine-wide buffer, noninverting20 MC74HC9035
74x90461PLL with band gap controlled VCO16 74HCT9046
74x91149nine-wide inverterSchmitt triggeropen-collector20 74HC9114
74x91159nine-wide bufferSchmitt triggeropen-collector20 74HC9115
74x91349nine-wide buffer, invertingopen-collector20 MC74HC9134
74x91359nine-wide buffer, noninvertingopen-collector20 MC74HC9135
74x916418-bit shift register (serial in/out, parallel in/out)Schmitt triggerthree-state(16) TC74VHC9164
74x924019-bit buffer / line driver, invertingthree-state24 74FR9240
74x924419-bit buffer / line driver, non-invertingthree-state24 74FR9244
74x924519-bit bidirectional transceiver, non-invertingthree-state24 74FR9245
74x93231programmable ripple counter with oscillatorthree-state(8) 74HC9323A
74x9510116×16-bit multiplier/accumulator (compatible to Am29510 and TDC1010)three-state(68)74HC9510 [9] :534
74x954118-bit buffer / line driver, inverting / non-invertingSchmitt triggerthree-state(20) 74AHC9541A
74x959518-bit shift register with latch (serial in, parallel out)Schmitt trigger(16) TC74VHC9595
74x401021presettable synchronous 2-decade BCD down counter16 CD74HC40102
74x401031presettable 8-bit synchronous down counter16 CD74HC40103
74x4010444-bit bidirectional universal shift registerthree-state16 CD74HC40104
74x40105164-bit FIFO memory (16x4)three-state16 CD74HC40105
Part numberUnitsDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet

Widebus Devices

The widebus range in the 74xxx series includes higher-numbered parts like the 7416xxx and others, designed for extended functionality beyond standard chips. These components often feature 16-bit or wider data handling, serving as direct expansions of existing 8-bit designs (e.g., 74373 to 7416373) or introducing entirely new capabilities. They utilize higher pin counts to support larger data buses, advanced operations, and scalable digital logic solutions for more complex circuit requirements.

Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x161218-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTLPH
74x161617-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP adjustable edge rate universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTLPH
74x162718-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTLPH
74x164516-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP adjustable edge rate bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector56 GTLPH
74x165018-bit TTL/BTL universal storage transceiverthree-state, open-collector(100) FB
74x165117-bit TTL/BTL universal storage transceiverthree-state, open-collector(100) FB
74x165317-bit LVTTL/BTL universal storage transceiverthree-state, open-collector(100) FB
74x165516-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP adjustable edge rate universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTL
74x1620918-bit FET bus exchange switches48 CBT
74x1621020-bit FET bus switch48 CBT
74x1621124-bit FET bus switch56 CBT
74x1621224-bit FET bus exchange switches56 CBT
74x1621324-bit FET bus exchange switches56 CBT
74x1621412-bit 1-of-3 FET multiplexer/demultiplexer56 CBT
74x1622222-bit voltage clamp48 TVC
74x16232synchronous 16-bit 1-of-2 FET multiplexer/demultiplexer56 CBT
74x1623316-bit 1-of-2 FET multiplexer/demultiplexer56 CBT
74x1624016-bit inverting buffer/driver with grouped 4-bit output enables (all active-low)three-state48 ABT
74x1624116-bit non-inverting buffer/driver with grouped 4-bit output enables (1 and 4 active-low)three-state48 ABT
74x1624416-bit non-inverting buffer/driver with grouped 4-bit output enables (all active-low)three-state48 ABT
74x1624516-bit bus transceiverthree-state48 ABT
74x1624611-bit incident wave switching bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector48 ABTE
74x1626012-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latchesthree-state56 ABT
74x1626912-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchangerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1627012-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchangerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1627112-bit to 24-bit multiplexed bus exchangerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1628218-bit to 36-bit registered bus exchangerthree-state80 ALVCH
74x1629212-bit 1-of-2 FET multiplexer/demultiplexer56 CBT
74x1633416-bit universal bus driverthree-state48 ALVC
74x163441-bit to 4-bit address driverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1637316-bit transparent D-type latchesthree-state48 ABT
74x1637416-bit edge-triggered D-type flip-flopsthree-state48 ABT
74x1637716-bit edge-triggered D-type flip-flops48 ABT
74x1639016-bit to 32-bit FET multiplexer/demultiplexer bus switch56 CBT
74x164099-bit 4-port universal bus exchangerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x164604-to-1 multiplexed/demultiplexed registered transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x1647016-bit registered transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x1650018-bit universal bus transceiver (registered, active low clock)three-state56 ABT
74x1650118-bit universal bus transceiver (registered, active high clock)three-state56 ABT
74x1652418-bit registered bus transceiverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1652518-bit registered bus transceiverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1654016-bit inverting buffer/driver with grouped 8-bit output enables (active-low)three-state48 ABT
74x1654116-bit non-inverting buffer/driver with grouped 8-bit output enables (active-low)three-state48 ABT
74x1654316-bit registered tranceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x1660018-bit universal bus transceiver (registered, active low clock)three-state56 ABT
74x1660118-bit universal bus transceiver (registered, active high clock)three-state56 ABT
74x1661218-bit LVTTL-to-GTL+ universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector56 GTL
74x1661617-bit LVTTL-to-GTL+ universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector56 GTL
74x1662016-bit bus transceiverthree-state48 AC
74x1662218-bit LVTTL-to-GTL+ bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTL
74x1662316-bit bus transceiverthree-state48 ABT
74x1664016-bit bus transceiverthree-state48 ABT
74x1664616-bit bus transceiver and registersthree-state56 ABT
74x1664816-bit bus transceiver and registersthree-state56 ABT
74x1665116-bit bus transceiver and registersthree-state56 ABT
74x1665216-bit bus transceiver and registersthree-state56 ABT
74x1665716-bit bus transceiver with parity generators/checkersthree-state56 ABT
74x167213.3-V 20-bit flip-flopthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1672222-bit flip-flopthree-state64 AVC
74x1680020-bit FET bus switch48 CBT
74x1681124-bit FET bus switch56 CBT
74x168203.3-V 10-bit flip-flop with dual outputsthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1682120-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state56 ABT
74x1682318-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state56 ABT
74x1682518-bit non-inverting bus buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x1682618-bit inverting bus buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x1682720-bit non-inverting bus buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x1682820-bit inverting bus buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x168311-to-4 address register/driverthree-state80 ALVCH
74x168321-to-4 address register/driverthree-state64 ALVCH
74x16833dual 8-bit to 9-bit parity bus transceiversthree-state, open-collector56 ABT
74x1683418-bit universal bus driverthree-state56 AVC
74x1683518-bit universal bus driverthree-state56 ALVC
74x1684120-bit bus interface D-type latchesthree-state56 ABT
74x1684318-bit bus interface D-type latchesthree-state56 ABT
74x16853dual 8-bit to 9-bit parity bus transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x1685714-bit registered buffer48 SSTVF
74x1685913-bit to 26-bit registered buffer64 SSTVF
74x1686120-bit FET bus switch56 CBT
74x1686318-bit bus transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x1690118-bit universal bus transceiver with parity generators/checkers64 ALVCH
74x169033.3-V 12-bit universal bus driver with parity checkerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1691218-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector56 GTLPH
74x1691617-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector56 GTLPH
74x1692318-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP universal bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector64 GTL
74x1694516-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP bus transceiverthree-state, open-collector48 GTLPH
74x1695216-bit registered transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x169738-bit bus transceiver and transparent D-type latch48 ALVCH
74x16128419-bit bus interfaceopen-drain with internal 1.4-kΩ pull up resistors48 LVC
74x1622403.3-V ABT 16-bit buffer/driverthree-state48 LVTH
74x1622413.3-V ABT 16-bit buffer/driverthree-state48 LVTH
74x16224416-bit buffer/driverthree-state48 ALVCH
74x16224516-bit bus transceiverthree-state48 LVCR
74x16226012-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latchthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16226812-bit to 24-bit registered bus exchangerthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16228016-bit to 32-bit registered bus exchanger with byte masksthree-state80 ALVCHG
74x16228218-bit to 36-bit registered bus exchangerthree-state80 ALVCHG
74x16229212-bit 1-of-2 FET multiplexer/demultiplexerinternal 500-Ω pull down resistors56 CBT
74x16233416-bit universal bus driverthree-state48 ALVC
74x1623441-bit to 4-bit address driverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1623733.3-V ABT 16-bit transparent D-type latchthree-state48 LVTH
74x1623743.3-V ABT 16-bit edge triggered D-type flip-flopthree-state48 LVTH
74x1624604-to-1 multiplexed/demultiplexed registered transceiverthree-state56 ABTH
74x16250018-bit universal bus transceiverthree-state56 ABT
74x16250118-bit registered transceiverthree-state56 FCT
74x16252518-bit registered bus transceiverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1625413.3-V ABT 16-bit buffers/driversthree-state48 LVTH
74x16254316-bit latched transceiverthree-state56 FCT
74x16260118-bit universal bus tranceiverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16264616-bit registered transceiverthree-state56 FCT
74x16265216-bit registered transceiverthree-state56 FCT
74x1627213.3-V 20-bit flip-flopthree-state56 ALVCH
74x1628203.3-V 10-bit flip-flopthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16282120-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state56 ALVT
74x16282318-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state56 ABT
74x16282518-bit buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x16282720-bit buffer/driverthree-state56 ABT
74x1628301-bit to 2-bit address driverthree-state80 ALVCH
74x1628311-bit to 4-bit address register/driverthree-state80 ALVCH
74x1628321-bit to 4-bit address register/driverthree-state64 ALVCH
74x1628343.3-V CMOS 18-bit universal bus driverthree-state56 ALVCF
74x16283518-bit universal bus driverthree-state56 ALVC
74x16283620-bit universal bus driverthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16284120-bit bus interface D-type latchthree-state56 ALVCH
74x16424516-bit dual supply bus transceiverthree-state48 AVCA
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x18245scan test devices with 18-bit bus transceiversthree-state56 ABT
74x18502scan test devices with 18-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state(64) ABTH
74x18504scan test devices with 20-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state(64) LVTH
74x18512scan test devices with 18-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state64 LVTH
74x18640scan test devices with 18-bit inverting bus transceiversthree-state56 ABT
74x18646scan test devices with 18-bit transceivers and registersthree-state(64) LVTH
74x18652scan test devices with 18-bit transceivers and registersthree-state(64) LVTH
74x182502scan test devices with 18-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state(64) ABTH
74x182504scan test devices with 20-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state(64) LVTH
74x182512scan test devices with 18-bit universal bus transceiversthree-state64 LVTH
74x182646scan test devices with 18-bit transceivers and registersthree-state(64) LVTH
74x182652scan test devices with 18-bit transceivers and registersthree-state(64) LVTH
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x2024520-bit dual supply bus transceiverthree-state56 AVC
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x220338-bit LVTTL-to-GTLP adjustable edge rate registered transceiverthree-state, open-collector48 GTLP
74x225018-bit universal bus transceiver and two 1-bit bus transceiversthree-state48 VMEH
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x2524425-Ω octal bus transceiverthree-state24 BCT
74x2524525-Ω octal bus transceiverthree-state24 BCT
74x2564225-Ω octal bus transceiver24 ABT
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x2982110-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state24 ALS
74x298258-bit bus interface flip-flopsthree-state24 BCT
74x2982710-bit bus buffer/driverthree-state24 ALS
74x2982810-bit bus buffer/driverthree-state24 BCT
74x2984110-bit bus interface D-type latchesthree-state24 BCT
74x298439-bit bus interface D-type latchesthree-state24 BCT
74x298548-bit to 9-bit parity bus transceiver24 BCT
74x298639-bit bus transceiverthree-state24 BCT
74x298649-bit bus transceiverthree-state24 BCT
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x3224032-bit bus buffer/driverthree-state(96) LVT
74x3224432-bit bus buffer/driverthree-state(96) LVT
74x3224536-bit bus tranceiverthree-state(100) ABTH
74x3231616-bit tri-port universal bus exchangers(80) ABTH
74x3231818-bit tri-port universal bus exchangers(80) ABTH
74x3237332-bit D-type latchesthree-state(96) LVCH
74x3237432-bit D-type flip-flopsthree-state(96) LVCH
74x3250136-bit universal bus transceiverthree-state(100) ABTH
74x3254336-bit registered bus transceiverthree-state(100) ABTH
74x3297316-bit bus transceiver and transparent D-type latch(96) LVCH
74x32224432-bit buffer/driverthree-state(96) LVCH
74x32237432-bit D-type flip-flopsthree-state(96) LVTH
74x32424532-bit dual supply bus transceiverthree-state(120) AVCB

Smaller footprints

As board designs have migrated away from large amounts of logic chips, so has the need for many of the same gate in one package. Since about 1996, [12] there has been an ongoing trend towards one / two / three logic gates per chip. Now logic can be placed where it is physically needed on a board, instead of running long signal traces to a full-size logic chip that has many of the same gate. [13] [14]

All chips in the following sections are available 5- to 10-pin surface-mount packages. The right digits, after the 1G/2G/3G, typically has the same functional features as older legacy chips, except for the multifunctional chips and 4-digit chip numbers, which are unique to these newer families. The "x" in the part number is a place holder for the logic family name. For example, 74x1G14 in "LVC" logic family would be "74LVC1G14". The previously stated prefixes of "SN-" and "MC-" are used to denote manufacturers, Texas Instruments and ON Semiconductor respectively. [14] [15] [16]

Some of the manufacturers that make these smaller IC chips are: Diodes Incorporated, Nexperia (NXP Semiconductors), ON Semiconductor (Fairchild Semiconductor), Texas Instruments (National Semiconductor), Toshiba. [14]

The logic families available in small footprints are: AHC, AHCT, AUC, AUP, AXP, HC, HCT, LVC, VHC, NC7S, NC7ST, NC7SU, NC7SV. The LVC family is very popular in small footprints because it supports the most common logic voltages of 1.8 V, 3.3 V, 5 V, its inputs are 5 V tolerant when the device is powered at a lower voltage, and an output drive of 24 mA. Gates that are commonly available across most small footprint families are 00, 02, 04, 08, 14, 32, 86, 125, 126. [14]

Chips in this section typically contain the number of units noted by the number immediately before the 'G' in their prefix (e.g. 2G = 2 gates).

Part numberUnitsDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x1G001single 2-input NAND gate 5 LVC
74x1G021single 2-input NOR gate 5 LVC
74x1G041single inverter gate 5 LVC
74x1GU041single inverter gateunbuffered5 LVC
74x1GX041single crystal oscillator driver6 LVC
74x1G061single inverter gate open-drain 5 LVC
74x1G071single buffer gate open-drain5 LVC
74x1G081single 2-input AND gate 5 LVC
74x1G091single 2-input AND gateopen-drain5 AUP
74x1G101single 3-input NAND gate6 LVC
74x1G111single 3-input AND gate6 LVC
74x1G141single inverter gateschmitt-trigger5 LVC
74x1G161single inverter gateschmitt-triggeropen-drain5 LVC
74x1G171single buffer gateschmitt-trigger5 LVC
74x1G181single 1-of-2 demultiplexer three-state 6 LVC
74x1G191single 1-to-2 line decoder, active-low outputs6 LVC
74x1G271single 3-input NOR gate6 LVC
74x1G291single 2-to-3 line decoder, active-low outputs8 LVC
74x1G321single 2-input OR gate 5 LVC
74x1G341single buffer gate5 LVC
74x1G381single 2-input NAND gateopen-drain5 LVC
74x1G571single configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G581single configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G661single SPST analog switchanaloganalog5 LVC
74x1G741single positive edge D flip-flop, asynchronous preset/clear8 LVC
74x1G791single positive edge D flip-flop, single non-inverted output5 LVC
74x1G801single positive edge D flip-flop, single inverted output5 LVC
74x1G861single 2-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 2-bit even-parity generator)5 LVC
74x1G971single configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G981single configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G991single configurable 15-function gate, active-low enableschmitt-triggerthree-state8 LVC
74x1G1231single retriggerable monostable multivibratorschmitt-trigger8 LVC
74x1G1251single bus buffer gate, active-low enablethree-state5 LVC
74x1G1261single bus buffer gate, active-high enablethree-state5 LVC
74x1G1321single 2-input NAND gateschmitt-trigger5 LVC
74x1G1391single 2-to-4 line decoder, active-low outputs8 LVC
74x1G1571single 2-to-1 data selector/multiplexerschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G1581single 2-input multiplexer, active-low outputsschmitt-trigger6 AUP
74x1G1751single positive edge D flip-flop, asynchronous clear, single non-inverted output6 LVC
74x1G2401single bus buffer gate, active-low enablethree-state5 LVC
74x1G3321single 3-input OR gate6 LVC
74x1G3731single D-type transparent latch, single non-inverted output, active-low output enablethree-state6 LVC
74x1G3741single positive edge D flip-flop, single non-inverted output, active-low output enablethree-state6 LVC
74x1G3841single FET bus switchthree-state5 CBT
74x1G3861single 3-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 3-bit even-parity generator)6 LVC
74x1G08321single 3-input AND-OR combo gate (2-input AND into 2-input OR)schmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x1G31571single SPDT analog switchanaloganalog6 LVC
74x1G32081single 3-input OR-AND combo gate (2-input OR into 2-input AND)schmitt-trigger6 LVC
Part numberDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x2G002dual 2-input NAND gate8 LVC
74x2G022dual 2-input NOR gate8 LVC
74x2G042dual inverter gate6 LVC
74x2GU042dual inverter gateunbuffered6 LVC
74x2G062dual inverter gate open-drain 6 LVC
74x2G072dual buffer gateopen-drain6 LVC
74x2G082dual 2-input AND gate8 LVC
74x2G142dual inverter gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x2G172dual buffer gateschmitt-trigger6 LVC
74x2G322dual 2-input OR gate8 LVC
74x2G342dual buffer gate6 LVC
74x2G382dual 2-input NAND gateopen-drain8 LVC
74x2G531single SPDT analog switch, 2:1 analog multiplexer/demultiplexeranaloganalog8 LVC
74x2G572dual configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger10 AUP
74x2G582dual configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger10 AUP
74x2G662dual SPST analog switchanaloganalog8 LVC
74x2G742dual positive edge D flip-flop, asynchronous preset/clear8 LVC
74x2G792dual positive edge D flip-flop, single non-inverted output8 LVC
74x2G802dual positive edge D flip-flop, single inverted output8 LVC
74x2G862dual 2-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 2-bit even-parity generator)8 LVC
74x2G972dual configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger10 AUP
74x2G982dual configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger10 AUP
74x2G1252dual bus buffer, active-low enable three-state 8 LVC
74x2G1262dual bus buffer, active-high enablethree-state8 LVC
74x2G1322dual 2-input NAND gateschmitt-trigger8 LVC
74x2G1572dual 2-to-1 data selector/multiplexer8 LVC
74x2G2402dual inverting bus buffer gate, active-low enablethree-state8 LVC
74x2G2412dual bus buffer gate, active-low and active-high enablesthree-state8 LVC
74x2G06042dual inverter gate (one open-drain)open-drain6 AUP
74x2G34042singe buffer and single inverter6 AUP
74x2G34072dual buffer gate (one open-drain)open-drain6 AUP
Part numberUnitsDescriptionInputOutputPinsDatasheet
74x3G043triple inverter gate8 LVC
74x3GU043triple inverter gateunbuffered8 LVC
74x3G063triple inverter gateopen-drain8 LVC
74x3G073triple buffer gateopen-drain8 LVC
74x3G143triple inverter gateschmitt-trigger8 LVC
74x3G163triple buffer gate8 LVC
74x3G173triple buffer gateschmitt-trigger8 LVC
74x3G343triple buffer gate8 LVC
74x3G573triple configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger14 LVC
74x3G583triple configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger14 LVC
74x3G973triple configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger14 LVC
74x3G983triple configurable 7-function gateschmitt-trigger14 LVC
74x3G04343dual buffer and single inverter8 AUP
74x3G34043dual buffer and single inverter8 AUP

Voltage translation

All chips in this section have two power-supply pins to translate unidirectional logic signals between two different logic voltages. The logic families that support dual-supply voltage translation are AVC, AVCH, AXC, AXCH, AXP, LVC, where the "H" in AVCH and AXCH means "bus hold" feature.

Part numberUnitsDescriptionPinsDatasheet
74x1T001single-supply 2-input NAND gate5 AUP LV
74x1T021single-supply 2-input NOR gate5 AUP LV
74x1T041single-supply inverter5 AUP LV
74x1T081single-supply 2-input AND gate5 AUP LV
74x1T141single-supply schmitt-trigger inverter5 AUP
74x1T171single-supply schmitt-trigger buffer5 AUP
74x1T321single-supply 2-input OR gate5 AUP LV
74x1T341dual-supply unidirectional buffer/driver5 AUP LV
74x1T451dual-supply 1-bit bus transceiver6 AXC AXP LVC
74x1T501single-supply schmitt-trigger buffer5 AUP
74x1T571single-supply configurable 9-function gate6 AUP
74x1T581single-supply configurable 9-function gate6 AUP
74x1T861single-supply 2-input XOR gate5 AUP LV
74x1T871single-supply 2-input XNOR gate5 AUP
74x1T971single-supply configurable 9-function gate6 AUP
74x1T981single-supply configurable 9-function gate6 AUP
74x1T1251single-supply single buffer/driver with 3-state output5 LV
74x1T1261single-supply single buffer/driver with 3-state output5 LV
74x1T1571single-supply 2-input schmitt-trigger multiplexer (non-inverted)6 AUP
74x1T1581single-supply 2-input schmitt-trigger multiplexer (inverted)6 AUP
74x2T452dual-supply 2-bit bus transceiver8 AXC AXP LVC
74x4T2344dual-supply 4-bit bus transceiver16 AVC
74x4T2454dual-supply 4-bit bus transceiver16 AXC AXP
74x4T7744dual-supply 4-bit bus transceiver16 AXC
74x8T2458dual-supply 8-bit bus transceiver24 AXC AXP LVC
74x16T24516dual-supply 16-bit bus transceiver48 LVC
74x20T24520dual-supply 20-bit bus transceiver56 AVC
74x24T24524dual-supply 24-bit bus transceiver(83) AVC
74x32T24532dual-supply 32-bit bus transceiver(120) AVC

Chips in the above table support the following voltage ranges on either power supply pin:

See also


  1. "1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10)". Texas Instruments . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  2. "RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536)". RCA . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  3. "FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page)". National Semiconductor . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  4. "FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page))". National Semiconductor . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  5. "Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31)". Samsung . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  6. "1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401)". Integrated Device Technology . Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  7. 1 2 TTL-Taschenbuch, Teil 1[TTL Pocket Reference, Part 1] (in German). Vaterstetten: IWT Verlag. 1992. ISBN   3-88322-191-0.
  8. 1 2 3 Don Lancaster (1974). TTL Cookbook (PDF). SAMS. ISBN   0-672-2 1035-5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-04-07.
  9. 1 2 HCMOS-Taschenbuch[HCMOS Pocket Reference] (in German). Bonn: mitp-Verlag. 2003. ISBN   3-8266-1314-7.
  10. 1 2 3 TTL-Taschenbuch, Teil 3[TTL Pocket Reference, Part 3] (in German). Bonn: mitp-Verlag. 2002. ISBN   3-8266-0802-X.
  11. 1 2 "Catálogo de Componentes" [Components Catalog](PDF) (in Spanish). 2006-01-20. Retrieved 2022-01-17.
  12. "The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic". Fairchild Semiconductor. 1996-11-25. Archived from the original on 1998-05-12. Retrieved 2018-07-27.
  13. "Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family" (PDF). ON Semiconductor. June 2000. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2001-07-09. Retrieved 2018-07-27.
  14. 1 2 3 4 "Little Logic Guide" (PDF). Texas instruments. 2018.
  15. 74AUP Logic Guide; NXP.
  16. 74LVC Logic Guide; NXP.

Further reading