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Quassia indica 15.JPG
Flowers of Samadera indica (syn. Quassia indica)
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Simaroubaceae
Genus: Samadera

See text

Synonyms [1]
  • BiporeiaThouars in Gen. Nov. Madagasc.: 14 (1806)
  • HyptiandraHook.f. in G.Bentham & J.D.Hooker, Gen. Pl. 1: 293 (1862)
  • LocandiAdans. in Fam. Pl. 2: 449 (1763)
  • ManungalaBlanco in Fl. Filip.: 306 (1837)
  • MauduitaComm. ex DC. in Prodr. 1: 592 (1824), not validly publ.
  • NiotaLam. in Tabl. Encycl. 1: t. 299 (1792), nom. illeg.
  • SamanduraL. ex Baill. in Hist. Pl. 4: 491 (1873), orth. var.
  • VitmanniaVahl in Symb. Bot. 3: 51 (1794), nom. superfl.

Samadera is a genus of four species of plants belonging to the family Simaroubaceae in the order Sapindales. Its range is from eastern Africa through tropical Asia to eastern Australia. [1]


Type species: Samadera indica Gaertn


Plants in this genus are large or small trees with simple leaves. The flowers are bisexual, produced in axillary or terminal umbels. The calyces (collective name for the sepals) are small, 3-5 partite (divided into parts) and imbricate (overlapping each other). The 3-5 petals are much longer than the calyx, they are coriaceous (leather-like, stiff and tough) and imbricate. The flower disk is large, conical, with 8-10 stamens, including in the corolla, with a small scale at the base. The stigmas are acute and the ovules are solitary and pendulous. The fruit (or seed capsule) consists of 1-5 large dry compressed 1 seeded drupes (stone fruit), each with a narrow unilateral wing. [2] [ failed verification ] [3]


It was first published and described by German Botanist Joseph Gaertner (1732–1791) in his seminal book De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum vol.2 on page 352 in 1791. [1] [4]

The species was later placed in the section Samadera of the Simaroubaceae by Hans Peter Nooteboom (1934–2022) in 1962 (published in 1963), as Quassia indica, along with Samadera harmandiana as Quassia harmandiana. Nooteboom had taken a very broad view of the genus Quassia L. and included therein various genera including, Hannoa Planch., Odyendyea (Pierre) Engl., Pierreodendron Engl., Samadera Gaertn., Simaba Aubl. and Simarouba Aubl. . [5] [6]

In 2007, DNA sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses was carried out on members of the Simaroubaceae family. It found that genus Samadera was a sister to Clade V and that genus Quassia was also a sister to Clade V but they had separate lineages. This suggested the splitting up of genera Quassia again, with all Nooteboom's synonyms listed above being resurrected as independent genera. This includes Samadera indicaGaertn. as the accepted name for Quassia indica. The ornamental Quassia amara L., which is occasionally planted in Singapore, remains in genus Quassia. [7]

Genus Samadera is agreed name by various authors including Klaus Kubitzki, [8] Devecchi et al 2018, [9] and Pirani et al 2021. [10]

It is listed as a possible synonym of Quassia L. by GRIN (United States Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Service), [11] and by World Flora Online. [12]


The genus name of Samadera is derived from the New Latin, from Sinhalese word samadarā, a tree of Ceylon. [13] [14]


It has 4 known species; [1]

Tropicos lists 5 known species; Samadera harmandianaPierre, Samadera indicaGaertn., Samadera lucida(Wall.) Planch., Samadera madagascariensisA. Juss. and Samadera tetrapetala(Poir.) G. Don. [17]


The genus is native to Tanzania (including Pemba Island), Comoros, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Andaman Islands, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Philippines, the Caroline Islands, New Guinea (including the Bismarck Archipelago), the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and eastern Australia (New South Wales and Queensland). [1] [2] [ failed verification ] [16]


Samadera indica for example, occurs in lowland tropical forest and peat swamp forest. at an altitude of 200 m (660 ft) above sea level. [18]

While Samadera bidwillii is commonly found in Queensland, Australia within lowland rainforest often with species Araucaria cunninghamii or on the edges of rain-forests, but it can also be found in other forest types, such as open forest and woodland, it is commonly found in areas adjacent to both temporary and permanent watercourses. At an altitude of 510 m (1,670 ft) above sea level. [16]


Samadera indica (Quassia indica) was assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2019. Samadera indica is listed as least concern (LC). [18]

Samadera bidwillii is listed in Australia as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and vulnerable under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992. Due to threats to its habitat, such as clearing as a result of a range of activities including agriculture, forestry, urban development and recreational activities. The spread of non-native species such as lantana ( Lantana camara ) and exotic grasses, including guinea grass ( Megathyrsus maximus ) and Rhodes grass ( Chloris gayana ), may also threaten populations of Samadera bidwillii. [16]


Some species such as Samadera indica are gathered from the wild and are used medicinally in local folk medicines and also used to produce insecticides. [19] The wood of the tree is used locally for example in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia, where it is used for making knife-handles. [18]

In the state of Kerala, India species Samadera indica has found to have anti-tumor, [20] antifeedant, [21] phytotoxic, [22] antiviral, [23] anthelmintic, [24] and anti-malarial activities, [25] growth regulating activities, [26] and antioxidant,[ citation needed ] and antimicrobial activities. [27] It was used to vitiate diseases such as vata, kapha, arthritis, constipation, and skin diseases like leprosy, scabies, pruritus, and erysipelas. [28]

A methanolic extract of Samadera indica can be used to treat skin diseases. [28]

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