Scott Wiener

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23supermajority required to impose a new tax. [14] The American Beverage Association spent more than $9 million to defeat Measure E, [55] which was also opposed by the Libertarian Party of San Francisco. Ultimately, the measure garnered 55.6% of the vote, [14] below the 66% needed to pass.

State Senate

Wiener serves as the Chair of the Senate Housing Committee in the California State Senate and is a member of the Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee, as well as Governance and Finance, Joint Legislative Audit, and Public Safety Committees. He is also the Assistant Majority Whip and serves as the Chair of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus. [56]

Psychedelic decriminalization

In 2021, Wiener authored, sponsored, and introduced SB-519, a bill that provides for the decriminalization of psilocybin, DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine), LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), ibogaine, ketamine, mescaline, and MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) in the state of California. The bill would eliminate criminal penalties for the consumption, possession, and social sharing of these substances and the plants or fungi that contain them. The bill also has a provision that legalizes the furnishing of these substances by licensed physicians/NPs/PAs and licensed mental health practitioners for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of patients. [57] SB-519 passed in the California State Senate by a vote of 21–16 on June 1, 2021. [58] It headed to the California Assembly for a vote to determine final approval, however, after a third reading it was ordered to the inactive file on August 25, 2022, by Assemblywoman Eloise Gómez Reyes. It officially died on November 30, 2022, in the Assembly with no further action to be taken. [59] SB-519 reemerged as SB-58 for the 2023-2024 session and on September 7 passed in the assembly with 21 ayes and 14 noes. The bill was presented to Governor Gavin Newsom on September 13, 2023, and he vetoed it on October 7. [60]

HIV and LGBT issues

In 2017, Wiener originated three bills centered around HIV and LGBT issues. He co-authored Senate Bill 239, which lowered the penalty of exposing someone to HIV without their knowledge and consent from a felony to a misdemeanor. [61] Wiener said that the laws had unfairly singled out HIV-positive people. [62] The bill passed and was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 6, 2017. [63]

Wiener co-authored Senate Bill 179 in 2017, to create a third, non-binary gender option on government documents, which passed in 2018. [64] [65]

Wiener authored Senate Bill 219 in 2017, which strengthened protections against "discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or HIV status" for LGBT seniors living in long-term care facilities. [66] The bill was opposed by groups who argued that the bill criminalized bathroom gender designations and would force care providers to address those under their care with gender-appropriate language. [67] Wiener called these arguments "transphobic" and "absurd". [68] The naming provision of the law was overturned on July 16, 2021, after the Third District Court of Appeals ruled that the law violated employees' free speech rights. [69]

In October 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Wiener's legislation expanding access to HIV-prevention medications PrEP and PEP. Under the new law, pharmacists can distribute HIV pre- and post-prophylaxes without a physician's prescription. [70]

In 2019 and 2020, Wiener attempted to pass Senate Bill 201, [71] a bill that would have restricted physician and parents' ability to decide to perform reconstructive genital surgery on intersex infants, and would instead require the impacted child be old enough to decide to undergo surgery. [72] The bill was opposed by the California Medical Association and other medical groups who said they would not be able to apply medical expertise, which would threaten patient safety. The bill died in committee. [73] [74] Wiener re-introduced the bill a second time in January 2021, this time as Senate Bill 225. [75]

Wiener introduced Senate Bill 145 on January 18, 2019. [76] The bill proposed to remove the requirement to place someone convicted of non-forcible oral or anal sex with a minor over the age of 14 (provided the convicted is less than 10 years older) on the sex offender registry, instead leaving this to the judge’s discretion, as was the case for vaginal sex. [77] He argued that existing law was discriminatory towards LGBT couples where the partners were just above and below the age of legal consent. Wiener received online harassment and death threats from those who claimed the bill protected pedophiles. [78] The bill was signed into law by Gavin Newsom in September 2020. [79]

In 2021, Scott Wiener authored SB 107, a "trans refuge bill" to protect transgender children seeking gender affirming care in California and their families from civil and criminal punishment under other states' laws. [80] The law would restrict the enforcement of out-of-state laws and policies that penalize gender affirming care in subpoenas, arrest warrants, and in parental custody cases. [81] [82] SB 107 became law in 2022. [80]

Solar energy and storage

In 2017, Wiener sponsored two bills that expanded solar and renewable energy use in California. [83] Senate Bill 71 required solar to be installed on many new buildings in California; [84] the bill's rooftop mandate was loosened by regulators in 2020 to allow offsite solar to be purchased instead. [85] Senate Bill 700 created a 10-year program to give rebates to customers who install energy storage systems, including batteries. [86] [87]

Net neutrality

In 2018, Wiener authored Senate Bill 822 which enacted net neutrality protections. [88] Later signed by the governor, this bill reinstated Obama-era regulations in California and banned zero-rating. This legislation was the subject of litigation from the US Justice Department and several trade groups. [89] In February 2021, the Justice Department dropped out of the lawsuit, and a federal judge dismissed the challenge by the trade groups. [90]

Presidential tax return disclosure

In 2019, Wiener co-authored Senate Bill 27, which would have required presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns to be eligible to appear on a California primary ballot. [91] The bill was signed into law by Gavin Newsom and subsequently challenged in court by lawyers of Donald Trump. [92] In September 2019, a federal judge blocked the law, stating it violated four separate sections of the Constitution of the United States in addition to a separate federal law. [93] [94] The Attorney General of California appealed the judge's decision, with a decision expected by a federal appeals court sometime after the March 2020 primary election.

In a November 2019 unanimous ruling, the California Supreme Court said the law violated the California Constitution and that Donald Trump may appear on the state's March 2020 primary ballot without being required to release his tax returns. [95]

Bike lanes

In 2019, Senator Wiener authored Senate Bill 127, which would increase the amount of revenue from the state's new gas tax that could be directed to bike lanes or pedestrian improvements from $100 million to $1 billion. The bill received a veto from Governor Newsom due to opposition from Caltrans over its cost and the potential loss of federal highway funds. [96] [97]

State estate tax

In 2019, Wiener co-authored Senate Bill 378, which would have imposed a 40 percent estate tax in California for estates over $3.5 million, or $7 million for a married couple, until the federal estate tax threshold is reached. [98] The bill failed to move out of committee. [99]


In 2017, Wiener authored SB 35 (which was approved as part of a 15-bill housing package that also included funding and other bills to reform housing production in California) [100] [101] which will require the cities that have fallen behind on their state housing production goals to streamline approval of new housing. [102] [103]

"Local control is about how a community achieves its housing goals, not whether it achieves those goals," Wiener said in a statement. "SB 35 sets clear and reasonable standards to ensure that all communities are part of the solution by creating housing for our growing population." [102]

A study by the UC Berkeley Terner Center for Housing Innovation found that SB 35 resulted in approvals for 18,215 housing units in the immediate three years after its implementation, two-thirds of which was affordable housing. [104]

In 2018, in an effort to address the state's housing affordability crisis and CO2 emissions, Wiener introduced Senate Bill 827, which would require cities and counties to allow apartment buildings of four to eight stories in "transit rich areas"—defined as land within a half-mile of a major transit stop or a quarter mile of a stop on a high-frequency bus route. [105] Wiener introduced the bill as part of a housing package, along with bills to make it easier to build farmworker housing and to improve local accountability to build new housing. [106] SB 827 failed to make it out of committee. [107] In 2019, Wiener introduced SB 50, a follow-up to Senate Bill 827. This version did not advance through committee in the senate in 2019 and was reconsidered in the 2020 legislative session, where it was killed in a senate floor vote, marking the third failed attempt by Wiener to pass a transit-density housing bill. [108] [109] [110]

In 2020, in a fourth failed attempt at passing a statewide upzoning bill, Senator Wiener introduced legislation (Senate Bill 902) that would allow 2 to 4 unit apartment buildings on single-family lots throughout California, depending on a city's size. [111] [112]

Wiener was the co-author of a fifth failed upzoning bill in 2020, Senate Bill 1120, which would have required the approval of duplexes proposed on any single family lot in California. [113]

In 2021, Wiener successfully authored and co-authored several housing bills. Wiener authored Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 478, and he co-authored Senate Bill 9 as well. [114] [115] [116] SB 9 upzones most of California to allow for up to 4 housing units per lot, and SB 10 makes it easier for local governments to rezone for higher densities near transit rich areas. [117] SB 478 prevents local governments from imposing a FAR or a minimum lot size that would make dense housing impossible. [118]

In 2022, Wiener proposed legislation that would exempt the UC, CSU and community college systems from the lengthy California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process. The CEQA process has been used to obstruct, delay, and block campus and housing developments in California. Earlier in 2022, UC Berkeley was forced to cut its enrollment figures because some Berkeley residents used CEQA to block and delay Berkeley from enrolling students. [119]

Weiner also co-sponsored AB 2097, which abolished parking minimums for homes and commercial buildings within a half-mile (0.80 km) of public transit, or for neighborhoods with low rates of car use. [120]

Alcohol sales until 4 AM

Nationwide, 2 AM is the most common last call time, though bars in New York City can serve until 4 am and some until 5 am in Chicago. [121] Citing the cultural and economic benefits of nightlife, Wiener proposed legislation to allow cities to extend alcohol sales in bars and restaurants to 4 am. [122] Senator Mark Leno, Wiener's predecessor, had attempted to pass a similar bill. The bill passed the Senate with bipartisan support, [123] but failed in the Assembly. [124] Wiener reintroduced the bill the following year, this time limited to six cities whose mayors had supported the idea: San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, West Hollywood, and Long Beach. [125] The bill (SB 905) was expanded to include Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Coachella, and passed the Assembly 51–22 and the Senate 28–8. [126] Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the legislation September 28, 2018, citing California Highway Patrol concerns over drunk drivers. [127]

Wiener's most recent bill, SB 930, would allow seven cities to serve alcohol until 4 am under a five-year pilot program, if their city councils allow it. [121] Proponents say that it would help venues still recovering from the pandemic stay in business, while opponents say that it would add to alcohol-related problems, including DUIs in cities adjacent to those allowing later last calls. [121] [128]


In January 2021, Wiener introduced SB 252, the Bear Protection Act. Sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States, SB 252 would ban the sport hunting of black bears, except in situations where the bears must be killed for safety reasons, protecting property, livestock, endangered species, or scientific research. [129] This legislation drew immediate support from animal rights activists. Critics of SB 252 claim that Bear Tags (the license needed to go bear hunting) generate $1.39 million in revenue that goes towards California's wildlife agency. [130]

In February 2024, Wiener proposed SB 1227, one of the broadest rollbacks of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to allow most projects in downtown San Francisco to bypass the law for the next decade. Some critics said it would be a giveaway to developers. David Lewis, executive director of Save the Bay, said the plan sounded "pretty extreme". [131]

Vehicular speed governors

In January 2024, Wiener proposed SB 961 that would require every passenger vehicle, truck and bus manufactured or sold in California to have speed governors starting in 2027. These would automatically limit the vehicle’s speed to 10 miles above the legal limit. [132]

Artificial intelligence safety

In February 2024, Wiener introduced SB 1047 to reduce the potential risks of highly advanced frontier AI models. If passed, the bill would also establish CalCompute, a public cloud computing cluster. [133]



In 2015, Wiener was robbed of his cell phone on the corner of 16th and Valencia in San Francisco. He negotiated with the would-be thieves and got them to agree to accept $200 for the return of his phone. The foursome walked to a nearby ATM, where the transaction was caught on tape by the cameras at the ATM. A Wells Fargo security guard also observed the robbery in progress, and called the police. [134] A woman and a man were later arrested and charged with second-degree robbery. [135] In June 2018, the same woman was arrested again for a similar incident at the same BART station. [136] The same woman was arrested yet again in March 2020, and then one more time in April 2020. [137]

Bomb threat

In June 2022, Wiener was the victim of a false bomb threat, reportedly due to his work on behalf of LGBT community. [138]

Personal life

Wiener is gay [139] [140] and Jewish. [141]

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[1] Retrieved March 7, 2023 [2] Retrieved September 22, 2023

Scott Wiener
Scott Wiener.jpg
Member of the California State Senate
from the 11th district
Assumed office
December 5, 2016
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