Sexual orientation change efforts and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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The 2011 Broadway musical The Book of Mormon satirized church teachings on changing sexual orientation with an LDS missionary character saying he could "turn it off like a light switch" in reference to his gay feelings. Turn It Off Conversion Therapy Light Switch.png
The 2011 Broadway musical The Book of Mormon satirized church teachings on changing sexual orientation with an LDS missionary character saying he could "turn it off like a light switch" in reference to his gay feelings.

Because of its ban against same-sex sexual activity and same-sex marriage The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) has a long history of teaching that its adherents who are attracted to the same sex can and should attempt to alter their feelings through righteous striving and sexual orientation change efforts (or SOCE, also called conversion therapy or reparative therapy). [3] Reparative therapy is the pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual, or their gender identity from transgender to cisgender using psychological, physical, or spiritual interventions. There is no reliable evidence that such practices can alter sexual orientation or gender identity, and many medical institutions warn that conversion therapy is ineffective and potentially harmful.


The LDS Church's statements and actions have overwhelmingly focused on male homosexuality and rarely mention lesbianism or bisexuality. [4] :20 These current teachings and policies leave homosexual members with the option of potentially harmful attempts to change their sexual orientation, entering a mixed-orientation opposite-sex marriage, or living a celibate lifestyle without any sexual expression (including masturbation). [5] [6] :11 [7] :20–21

While the LDS church has somewhat softened its stance toward LGBTQ individuals in recent years leaders continued to communicate into 2015 that changing one's sexual orientation was possible through personal righteousness, prayer, faith in Christ, psychotherapy, and group therapy and retreats. [8] From 1976 until 1989 the Church Handbook called for church discipline for members attracted to the same sex equating merely being homosexual with the seriousness of acts of adultery and child molestation—even celibate gay people were subject to excommunication. [4] :16,43 [9] :382 Church publications now state that "individuals do not choose to have such attractions", its church-run therapy services no longer provides sexual orientation change efforts, and the church has no official stance on the causes of homosexuality. [10] [11] [12] A 2016 article on a church website states that, "While shifts in sexuality can and do occur for some people, it is unethical to focus professional treatment on an assumption that a change in sexual orientation will or must occur." [13]


Stances towards the mutability of homosexuality by church leaders have softened over the years. [8] In the 1960s and 1970s Church leaders taught that homosexuality was a curable disease and they encouraged self-help attempts by homosexual members to change their sexual orientation and cultivate heterosexual feelings. [14] :13–19 To assist in this, leaders developed an aversion therapy program on BYU campus for gay adolescents and adults from 1959 [9] :379 to the mid-1990s [4] :90 since simply being attracted to people of the same sex was an excommunicable sin under church president Kimball. [14] :2 Teachings later changed as it became clear these self-help and aversive techniques were not working and, thus, from the 1980s to the 2000s reparative therapy (also called conversion therapy) became the dominant treatment method. [4] :89 It was often recommended by Evergreen in an attempt to help homosexual members "unchoose" or "unlearn" their attractions. [4] :94

In a 2010 survey of 625 Utah individuals 55% of Mormons believed sexual orientation could be changed, [15] and a 2015 survey of 1,612 LGBT Mormons and former Mormons found that 73% of men and 43% of women had attempted sexual orientation change, usually through multiple methods across many years. [16] :5 Counselor-led sexual orientation change efforts dwindled among members around 2015 [14] :17–20 as church teachings evolved with leaders explicitly stating in 2012 that same-sex sexual attractions were not a choice [14] :21 and affirming in 2016 that therapy focusing on a change in sexual orientation was unethical. [17] [11]

A table summarizing some of the major shifts in official dialogue is found below.

Summary of changes in teachings on sexual orientation change efforts
TopicEarlier teachingsTransitional teachingsCurrent teachings
Sexual orientation change effortsElectroshock aversion therapy recommended, [18] [19] reparative therapy encouraged, [20] curable disease, [21] [22] should be overcome [23] Conversion therapy may be appropriate, [24] denounces any abusive practices [25] Reparative therapy and other sexual orientation change efforts no longer practiced [26] [11]
Heterosexual dating & marriageAs a therapeutic step [27] [28] [29] [30] Not to be seen as a therapy or solution [31] [32]

Aversion therapy at BYU

BYU's Honor Code office required some students reported for homosexual behavior to undergo electroshock and vomit aversion therapies in the 1970s BYU Honor Code Office.png
BYU's Honor Code office required some students reported for homosexual behavior to undergo electroshock and vomit aversion therapies in the 1970s

In 1959 BYU began administering "aversion therapy" to "cure," "repair," or "reorient" homosexual feelings or behavior among Mormon males. [9] :377,379 The on-campus program lasted through the 60s and 70s, and faded out over three decades later in the mid-1990s. [33] :155,157 [4] :90 BYU mental health counselors, LDS bishops, stake presidents, mission presidents, general authorities, and the BYU Standards Office (equivalent to today's Honor Code Office) all referred young men to the BYU program. [9] :377–379 Gerald J. Dye, who was over the University Standards Office from 1971 to 1980 [34] (renamed the Honor Code Office in 1991), stated that part of the "set process" for homosexual BYU students referred to his office for "less serious" offenses was to require that they undergo therapy to remain at BYU and that in special cases this included "electroshock and vomiting aversion therapies." [33] :155 From 1975 to 1976 Max Ford McBride, a student at BYU, conducted electroshock aversion therapy on 17 men (with 14 completing the treatment) and published a dissertation on the use of electrical aversive techniques to treat ego-dystonic homosexuality. [35] Participant in the 1975–76 BYU study Don Harryman wrote that he experienced "burns on [his] arms and ... emotional trauma." [36] [37] In 2011 BYU admitted to the past use of electroshock therapy. [38]


Past leaders' teachings on reparative therapy and the origins of homosexuality have been criticized. In the late 90s psychiatrist Jeffery R. Jensen, a University of Utah alumnus, [39] criticized church reparative therapy modalities and etiological theories around homosexuality in multiple presentations as lacking scientific integrity as he believed they were dictated from top church leaders rather than drawn from actual empirical observation by trained professionals. He also stated that current church publications on the subject were condescending, dehumanizing pontifications using caricatures and stereotypes of gay men and lesbians to distort knowledge and facts in order to justify oppressive standards and norms. He continued asserting that "far too many of our lesbian and gay youths kill themselves because of what you say about them" since gay men and lesbians cannot be made heterosexual, and "those who believe your false promises and remain celibate in the hopes of eventual 'cure' are consigned to a misery." [40] [41] Soon after, The American Psychiatric Association disavowed therapy trying to change sexual orientation as ineffective and destructive. [42]

Timeline of LDS actions and discussions around preventing and changing homosexuality

LDS church leaders explicitly promoted therapy attempts to change sexual orientation in the past, but have recently shifted away from those previous views. [14] :17–20 Some events and publications around reparative or conversion therapy and the LDS church are shown below:





Spencer W. Kimball was assigned as a church specialist on homosexuality in 1947 and shaped church teachings on the subject through numerous speeches and publications in the '60s and '70s. Spencer W. Kimball3.JPG
Spencer W. Kimball was assigned as a church specialist on homosexuality in 1947 and shaped church teachings on the subject through numerous speeches and publications in the '60s and '70s.
Kimball's influential book taught that homosexuality was curable and was officially recommended as a resource for homosexual members into the 90s. The Miracle of Forgiveness Title Page.jpg
Kimball's influential book taught that homosexuality was curable and was officially recommended as a resource for homosexual members into the 90s.

Early 1970s

The apostle Mark E. Petersen was one of the church's primary voices on the topic of homosexuality in the 70s and 80s along with Spencer W. Kimball and Boyd K. Packer. Mark E. Petersen.JPG
The apostle Mark E. Petersen was one of the church's primary voices on the topic of homosexuality in the 70s and 80s along with Spencer W. Kimball and Boyd K. Packer.
Booklet revisions of Kimball's influential '70s discourse on homosexuality (from the top: '70, '71, '78). Kimball 1970s Booklets on Homosexuality.png
Booklet revisions of Kimball's influential '70s discourse on homosexuality (from the top: '70, '71, '78).
A 1973 church publication which taught that a passive father and domineering mother can cause homosexuality and that conforming to gender norms will change it. Homosexuality Welfare Services Packet 1.png
A 1973 church publication which taught that a passive father and domineering mother can cause homosexuality and that conforming to gender norms will change it.
Mormon psychologist Allen Bergin's publications were influential in shaping Mormon thought on homosexuality. Allen Bergin for Wikipedia.jpg
Mormon psychologist Allen Bergin's publications were influential in shaping Mormon thought on homosexuality.

Late 1970s

Members of LDS Social Services (renamed in '95 then again in 2019) were tasked with treating homosexual Mormons in 1972 and produced several important publications on homosexuality in '73, '95, and '99. LDS Family Services logo.svg
Members of LDS Social Services (renamed in '95 then again in 2019) were tasked with treating homosexual Mormons in 1972 and produced several important publications on homosexuality in '73, '95, and '99.
Affirmation's logo Affirmation Logo.png
Affirmation's logo
Cover to the pamphlet containing apostle Boyd K. Packer's 1978 BYU speech on homosexuality. ToTheOneCover.png
Cover to the pamphlet containing apostle Boyd K. Packer's 1978 BYU speech on homosexuality.

Early 1980s

A 1981 manual for local leaders which taught homosexuality wasn't inborn, but caused by masturbation or an unhealthy childhood, and was changeable through praying, and heterosexual dating. Homosexuality LDS Manual 1981.jpg
A 1981 manual for local leaders which taught homosexuality wasn't inborn, but caused by masturbation or an unhealthy childhood, and was changeable through praying, and heterosexual dating.

Late 1980s

Apostle Oaks has been an influential figure in church interactions with homosexual people, instituting a system of surveillance to identify and expel or attempt to "cure" homosexual students as president of BYU in the '70s, and doing numerous important video interviews and articles on the topic in the '80s, '90s, and 2000s. Dallin H. Oaks3.jpg
Apostle Oaks has been an influential figure in church interactions with homosexual people, instituting a system of surveillance to identify and expel or attempt to "cure" homosexual students as president of BYU in the '70s, and doing numerous important video interviews and articles on the topic in the '80s, '90s, and 2000s.

Early 1990s

The 1990 edition of the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet called homosexuality an abomination. 1990 FTSOY.jpg
The 1990 edition of the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet called homosexuality an abomination.
Cover of a 1992 manual which marked a shift in LDS church rhetoric towards changing homosexual behavior rather than feelings. Understanding and Helping Those Who Have Homosexual Problems 1992.png
Cover of a 1992 manual which marked a shift in LDS church rhetoric towards changing homosexual behavior rather than feelings.
Apostle Boyd K. Packer played a large role in shaping over three decades of teachings on homosexuality through numerous speeches containing the subject. Boyd K. Packer.jpg
Apostle Boyd K. Packer played a large role in shaping over three decades of teachings on homosexuality through numerous speeches containing the subject.

Late 1990s

Early 2000s

The Joseph Smith Memorial Building chapel at Temple Square where many Evergreen conferences were held. LDS Chapel.jpg
The Joseph Smith Memorial Building chapel at Temple Square where many Evergreen conferences were held.

Late 2000s

Early 2010s

Late 2010s

"My Husband's Not Gay" was a 2015 TLC special following the lives of several Mormon men attracted to men but married to women. My Husband's Not Gay TLC Logo.png
"My Husband's Not Gay" was a 2015 TLC special following the lives of several Mormon men attracted to men but married to women.
The 2016 website update contained the first church disavowal of all therapy focusing on changing sexual orientation. Mormon and Gay Website.png
The 2016 website update contained the first church disavowal of all therapy focusing on changing sexual orientation.

Early 2020s

Related Research Articles

The law of chastity is a moral code defined by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to the church, chastity means that "sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife." Therefore, abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage, and complete fidelity to one's spouse during marriage, are required. As part of the law of chastity, the church teaches its members to abstain from adultery and fornication.

Affirmation: LGBTQ Mormons, Families, & Friends

Affirmation: LGBTQ Mormons, Families, & Friends is an international organization for individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, queer, intersex, or same-sex attracted, and their family members, friends, and church leaders who are members or former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Evergreen International

Evergreen International, Inc. was a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Salt Lake City, Utah, whose stated mission was to assist "people who want to diminish same-sex attractions and overcome homosexual behavior". It adhered to Christian and particularly LDS teaching and supported the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The organization stated this task could be accomplished with the help of the Lord and, in some cases, psychological counseling. Evergreen was founded in 1989 as a grassroots organization by men who were seeking to deal with their homosexual feelings in ways congruent to the teachings of the LDS Church.

Sexuality has a prominent role within the theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which teaches that gender is defined in the premortal existence, and that part of the purpose of mortal life is for men and women to be sealed together, forming bonds that allow them to progress eternally together in the afterlife. It also teaches that sexual relations within the framework of opposite-sex marriage are healthy, necessary, and ordained of God.

Homosexuality and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gay and lesbian sexuality and The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints

All homosexual or same-sex sexual activity is forbidden by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in its law of chastity, and the church teaches that God does not approve of same-sex marriage. Adherents who participate in same-sex sexual behavior may face church discipline. Members of the church who experience homosexual attractions, including those who self-identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual remain in good standing in the church if they abstain from same-sex marriage and all sexual relations outside an opposite-sex marriage, but all, including those participating in same-sex activity and relationships, are allowed to attend weekly church worship services. However, in order to receive church ordinances such as baptism, and to enter church temples, adherents are required to abstain from same-sex relations or any sexual activity outside a legal marriage between one man and one woman. Additionally, in the church's plan of salvation noncelibate gay and lesbian individuals will not be allowed in the top tier of heaven to receive exaltation unless they repent, and a heterosexual marriage is a requirement for exaltation. The church's policies and treatment of LGBT people has long been a source of controversy both within and outside the church. They have also been a significant cause of disagreement and disaffection by members.

A. Dean Byrd

Albert Dean Byrd was a former president of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a research organization that advocates sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE). He was a psychologist who focused on SOCE, and wrote on the topic. Although raised by a Buddhist mother and a Baptist father, Byrd converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was very active in the debate within the church on issues involving homosexuality.

Students identifying as LGBTQIA+ have a long, documented history at Brigham Young University (BYU), and have experienced a range of treatment by other students and school administrators over the decades. Large surveys of over 7,000 BYU students in 2020 and 2017 found that over 13% had marked their sexual orientation as something other than "strictly heterosexual", while the other survey showed that .2% had reported their gender identity as transgender or something other than cisgender male or female. BYU is the largest religious university in North America and is the flagship institution of the educational system of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Historically, experiences for BYU students identifying as LGBTQIA+ have included being banned from enrolling due to their romantic attractions in the 60s, being required by school administration to undergo electroshock and vomit aversion therapies in the 1970s, having nearly 80% of BYU students refusing to live with an openly homosexual person in a poll in the 1990s, and a ban on coming out until 2007. Until 2021 there were not any LGBTQIA+ - specific resources on campus, though there is now the Office of Student Success and Inclusion. BYU students are at risk of discipline and expulsion by the Honor Code Office for expressions of same-sex romantic feelings that go against the school's code of conduct such as same-sex dating, hugging, and kissing, for gender non-conforming dress, and students and faculty are still banned from meeting together in a queer-straight alliance group on campus.

In society at large LGBT individuals especially youth are at a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide. Though causes of mental health risk are complex, one oft cited reason for these higher risks is minority stress stemming from societal anti-LGBT biases and stigma, rejection, and internalized homophobia. A 2016 empirical study found a correlation between the percentage of Latter-day Saints in a U.S. state and the suicide rates of that State, surmising the reason was due to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' stance on same-sex sexual relations. However, the study could not examine what percentages of the deaths were LGBT persons or the percentage that were Latter-day Saints. A 2002 research report found a negative correlation in suicide between LDS Church youth members and nonmember youth in Utah, finding higher levels of religiosity appear to be inversely associated with suicide, though the study does not take into account sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to LGBT individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings, and estimates of the number of LGBT former and current Mormons range from 4 to 10% of the total membership of the LDS Church. However, it wasn't until the late 1950s that top LDS leaders began regularly discussing LGBT people in public addresses. Since the 1970s a greater number of LGBT individuals with Mormon connections have received media coverage.

On many occasions spanning over a century, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have taught that adherents should not masturbate as part of obedience to the code of conduct known as the law of chastity. The LDS Church places great emphasis on the law of chastity. Commitment to live the law of chastity is required for baptism, and adherence is required to receive a temple recommend, and is part of the temple endowment ceremony covenants devout participants promise by oath to keep. While serving as church president, Spencer W. Kimball taught that the law of chastity includes "masturbation ... and every hidden and secret sin and all unholy and impure thoughts and practices." Before serving full-time missions, young adults are required to abandon the practice as it is believed to be a gateway sin that dulls sensitivity to the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The first recorded public mention of masturbation by a general church leader to a broad audience was in 1952 by apostle J. Reuben Clark, and recent notable mentions include ones in 2013, 2016, and a 2019 update to the Missionary Handbook.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always taught gender roles as an important part of their doctrine, however, leaders have only recently begun directly addressing gender diversity and the experiences of transgender, non-binary, intersex, and other gender minorities whose gender identity and expression differ from the norm.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the first half of the 20th century, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

LGBT rights and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been involved with many pieces of legislation relating to LGBT people and their rights. These include playing an important role in defeating same-sex marriage legalization in Hawaii, Alaska, Nebraska, Nevada, California, and Utah. The topic of same-sex marriage has been one of the church's foremost public concerns since 1993. Leaders have stated that it will become involved in political matters if it perceives that there is a moral issue at stake and wields considerable influence on a national level. Over a dozen members of the US congress had membership in the church in the early 2000s. About 80% of Utah state lawmakers identied as Mormon at that time as well. The church's political involvement around LGBT rights has long been a source of controversy both within and outside the church. It's also been a significant cause of disagreement and disaffection by members.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 1950s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 1960s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 1970s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 1980s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 1990s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the historical record is often scarce, evidence points to queer individuals having existed in the Mormon community since its beginnings. However, top LDS leaders only started regularly addressing queer topics in public in the late 1950s. Since 1970, the LDS Church has had at least one official publication or speech from a high-ranking leader referencing LGBT topics every year, and a greater number of LGBT Mormon and former Mormon individuals have received media coverage.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the first decade of the 2000s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

This is a timeline of LGBT Mormon history in the 2010s, part of a series of timelines consisting of events, publications, and speeches about LGBTQ+ individuals, topics around sexual orientation and gender minorities, and the community of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


  1. Glitz, Michael (28 June 2011). "'The Book Of Mormon' — Why Aren't More People Offended?". Huffington Post. What about 'Turn It Off?' In this show-stopper for Tony-nominated supporting actor Rory O’Malley as Elder McKinley, some missionaries share their approach to confusing thoughts or bad feelings. ... [W]hen you have gay thoughts for your best friend, well, 'Turn it off!' Non-believers hear hypocrisy and an absurdly simplistic solution to difficult issues: 'Turn it off/ Like a light switch/ Just go flick/ It’s our nifty little Mormon trick.' ... It’s not an official approach by any faith, as such, but numerous fundamentalist faiths acknowledge that some men are inherently gay. They want those men to simply tamp down these bad feelings and marry a woman anyway, because with prayer and the proper spouse and God’s love you can be alright.
  2. Atkinson, Sally (7 June 2011). "Clark Johnsen: From Mormon Missionary to Broadway in The Book of Mormon". The Daily Beast. On the show-stopper 'Turn It Off,' sung by a closeted missionary struggling with his sexuality. 'I'm one of the few missionaries who actually was out to myself as a gay person on my mission and out to some of my mission companions—the ones who asked. [The Book of Mormon song] 'Turn It Off' is such an insightful view into the psychology of a homosexual missionary in particular, but also into all Mormons. In the church, you don't say you're gay, you say you have homosexual tendencies, because gay is this label they want you to hopefully outgrow, which I tried to do. It didn't work.
  3. Galliher, Renee; Bradshaw, William; Hyde, Daniel; Dehlin, John; Crowell, Katherine (April 2015). "Sexual orientation change efforts among current or former LDS church members". Journal of Counseling Psychology. 62 (2): 95–105. doi:10.1037/cou0000011. PMID   24635593. The LDS church claims the Holy Bible as scripture and, through traditional Biblical interpretations, has historically both condemned same-sex sexuality as sinful and explicitly encouraged its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) members to attempt sexual orientation change.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Prince, Gregory A. (2019). Gay Rights and the Mormon Church: Intended Actions, Unintended Consequences. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. ISBN   9781607816638.
  5. Fish, Jessica N.; Russell, Stephen T. (Aug 2020). "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts are Unethical and Harmful". American Journal of Public Health. 110 (8): 1113–1114. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2020.305765. PMC   7349462 . PMID   32639919. With substantial evidence of serious harms associated with exposure to [sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts (SOGICE)] particularly for minors, 21 states (and multiple cities and counties) have passed bipartisan laws or regulations prohibiting SOGICE. ... Furthermore, compared with LGBTQ youths with no exposure, those exposed to SOGICE showed 1.76 times greater odds of seriously considering suicide, 2.23 times greater odds of having attempted suicide, and 2.54 times greater odds of multiple suicide attempts in the previous year.
  6. 1 2 Phillips, Rick (2005). Conservative Christian Identity & Same-Sex Orientation: The Case of Gay Mormons (PDF). Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN   978-0820474809. Archived from the original on April 18, 2017. Retrieved May 31, 2017.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  7. 1 2 Cook, Bryce (Summer 2017). "What Do We Know of God's Will for His LGBT Children? An Examination of the LDS Church's Current Position on Homosexuality". Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. 50 (2). doi:10.5406/dialjmormthou.50.2.0001. S2CID   190443414.
  8. 1 2 Galliher, Renee; Bradshaw, William; Hyde, Daniel; Dehlin, John; Crowell, Katherine (April 2015). "Sexual orientation change efforts among current or former LDS church members". Journal of Counseling Psychology. 62 (2): 96. doi:10.1037/cou0000011. PMID   24635593. The LDS church claims the Holy Bible as scripture and, through traditional Biblical interpretations, has historically both condemned same-sex sexuality as sinful and explicitly encouraged its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) members to attempt sexual orientation change. While the LDS church has somewhat softened its stance toward LGBTQ individuals in recent years, it continues to communicate to its LGBTQ members that sexual orientation change is possible through various means including prayer, personal righteousness, faith in Jesus Christ, psychotherapy, group therapy, and group retreats. In these respects, the LDS church’s approach to SSA has closely paralleled other religious traditions including Orthodox Judaism, evangelical Christianity, and Roman Catholicism.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Quinn, D. Michael (1996). Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example. University of Illinois Press. ISBN   978-0252022050.
  10. "Love One Another: A Discussion on Same-Sex Attraction". Mormons and Gays. Retrieved June 16, 2016.
  11. 1 2 3 4 Jones, Morgan (7 February 2018). "The Weeds' story is one of many stories of LGBT Latter-day Saints that continue to be written". Deseret News. LDS Church. Today, [LDS] Family Services says it offers the following: 'We assist individuals and families as they respond to same-sex attraction. Our therapists do not provide what is commonly referred to as 'reparative therapy' or 'sexual orientation change efforts'.'
  12. "Interview With Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Elder Lance B. Wickman: "Same-Gender Attraction"". Mormon Newsroom. LDS Church. September 2006. The Church does not have a position on the causes of any of ... same-gender attraction. Those are scientific questions ....
  13. "Seeking Professional Help". LDS Church. October 2016.
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Prince, Gregory A. (27 September 2017). "Science vs. Dogma: Biology Challenges the LDS Paradigm of Homosexuality" (PDF). University of Utah Tanner Humanities Center. Video of the presentation.
  15. 1 2 "Many Utahns Think Homosexuality Can Be Overcome". Park Record. Swift Communications, Inc. Associated Press. 13 November 2010.
  16. 1 2 3 Galliher, Renee; Bradshaw, William; Hyde, Daniel; Dehlin, John; Crowell, Katherine (April 2015). "Sexual orientation change efforts among current or former LDS church members". Journal of Counseling Psychology. 62 (2): 95–105. doi:10.1037/cou0000011. PMID   24635593.
  17. 1 2 "Mormon and Gay". LDS Church. October 2016. While shifts in sexuality can and do occur for some people, it is unethical to focus professional treatment on an assumption that a change in sexual orientation will or must occur. Again, the individual has the right to define the desired outcome.
  18. Quinn, D. Michael (1996). Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example. University of Illinois Press. p. 379. ISBN   978-0252022050. Shortly after that 1959 meeting of the Church Board of Education, BYU began 'aversion therapy' to 'cure,' 'repair,' or 'reorient' the same-sex desires of Mormon males. These young men were referred to this program by BYU's mental health counselors, by LDS bishops and stake presidents, by BYU's office to enforce student standards, or by referrals from outside BYU (such as mission presidents and general authorities).
  19. Blattner, Robert L. (1 October 1975). "Counseling the Homosexual In A Church Setting". Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy. 1 (1): 3. Retrieved 14 November 2016. What is the church's feeling about electric shock and other forms of behavior modification? ... Our experience so far has been that most people coming to us can be helped with it.
  20. 1 2 Bingham, Ronald D.; Potts, Richard W. (1 April 1993). "Homosexuality: An LDS Perspective". Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy. Brigham Young University. 19 (1): 14. Archived from the original on December 1, 2017. Retrieved December 1, 2017. Most Church leaders seem to agree that professional counselors can play an important role in helping individuals experiencing problems with homosexuality. ... The Church has supported efforts of the LDS Social Services and other consulting professionals to research the issues and to offer a reparative therapy approach which assumes that homosexual behavior can be changed.
  21. Kimball, Spencer W. (10 July 1964). A Counselling Problem in the Church. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. pp. 13–14. We know such a disease [homosexuality] is curable.
  22. Kimball, Spencer W. (1969), The Miracle of Forgiveness, Bookcraft, ISBN   978-0-88494-192-7, [Homosexuality] is curable and forgivable. ... Certainly it can be overcome .... [T]o those who say that this practice ... is incurable, I respond: 'How can you say the door cannot be opened until your knuckles are bloody ...? It can be done.' Quoted on page 31 of "Conservative Christian Identity & Same-Sex Orientation: The Case of Gay Mormons."
  23. Understanding and Helping Those Who Have Homosexual Problems. LDS Church. 1992. pp. 3–4. Retrieved 3 November 2016. [S]uch thoughts and feelings, regardless of their causes, can and should be overcome and sinful behavior should be eliminated. ... Change is possible.
  24. "Interview With Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Elder Lance B. Wickman: "Same-Gender Attraction"". Mormon Newsroom. LDS Church. September 2006. If a young man says, 'Look, I really want these [homosexual] feelings to go away… I would do anything for these feelings to go away,' is it legitimate to look at clinical therapy of some sort that would address those issues? Well, it may be appropriate for that person to seek therapy. Certainly the Church doesn’t counsel against that kind of therapy.
  25. Woodruff, Daniel (15 March 2016). "New book details LDS teen's 'humiliating' gay conversion therapy in Utah". CBS Television Sinclair Broadcast Group. KUTV. Retrieved 3 December 2016. The Church denounces any therapy that subjects an individual to abusive practices.
  26. "Seeking Professional Help". LDS Church. October 2016. [I]t is unethical to focus professional treatment on an assumption that a change in sexual orientation will or must occur.
  27. Kimball, Spencer W. (1969), The Miracle of Forgiveness, Bookcraft, ISBN   978-0-88494-192-7, Some have ... convinced themselves that they ... have no desire toward the opposite sex. ... [L]et this individual repent of his perversion, force himself to return to normal pursuits and interests ... with the opposite sex, and this normal pattern [heterosexual dating] can become natural again. Quoted on page 31 of "Conservative Christian Identity & Same-Sex Orientation: The Case of Gay Mormons."
  28. Kimball, Spencer; Petersen, Mark (1970). Hope for Transgressors. LDS Church. pp. 5–6. The entrenched homosexual has ... moved all of his interests and affections to those of his own sex ... and herein is another step. When you feel he is ready he should be encouraged to date and gradually move his life toward the normal. ...[G]radually they can move their romantic interests where they belong. Marriage and normal life can follow.
  29. Understanding and Changing Homosexual Orientation Problems. LDS Church. 1981. pp. 20, 25. Homosexual orientation problems ... are often a reflection of poor interpersonal relationships with ... peers. ... Discuss dating and dating practices. Give female interaction assignments. ...[S]peaking to a girl may be considered a task, as may inviting her to a movie. However, to actually meet her, escort her to the movie, escort her home, and say goodnight is an experience cycle ... designed to meet a predetermined goal.
  30. Homosexuality. Salt Lake City, UT: LDS Church. 1981. p. 6. Retrieved 22 November 2016. Encourage the member to be in appropriate situations with members of the opposite sex, even if he has to force himself. ... Encourage him (if single) to begin dating and gradually increase its frequency.
  31. Oaks, Dallin H.; Wickman, Lance B. (September 2006). "Same-Gender Attraction". Newsroom (Interview: Transcript). Interviewed by LDS Church Public Affairs staffers. Salt Lake City, Utah: LDS Church. President Hinckley, faced with the fact that apparently some had believed [marriage] to be a remedy, and perhaps that some Church leaders had even counseled marriage as the remedy for [homosexual] feelings, made this statement: ‘Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeutic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices.’ See also the Salt Lake Tribune archived transcript here.
  32. Oaks, Dallin (29 January 2015). Trib Talk: LDS leaders Oaks, Christofferson will appear on Trib Talk to discuss religious freedom. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Salt Lake Tribune. Event occurs at 17:32. We definitely do not recommend marriage as a solution for same-gender feelings. No, it’s not a therapy. In times past, decades ago, there were some practices to that effect. We have eradicated them in the Church now.
  33. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Corcoran, Brent; O'Donovan, Rocky (1994). Multiply and Replenish: Mormon Essays on Sex and Family. Salt Lake City, Utah: Signature Books. ISBN   978-1560850502 . Retrieved 29 November 2016.
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  51. 1 2 3 4 Winkler, Douglas A. (May 2008). Lavender Sons of Zion: A History of Gay Men in Salt Lake City, 1950–1979. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Department of History. ISBN   9780549493075.
  52. Lee, Harold (3 February 1962). The Light of Christ (Speech). BYU Institute of Religion: LDS Church.
  53. 1 2 Kimball, Edward L.; Kimball, Andrew E. (1977). Spencer W. Kimball: Twelfth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft. ISBN   0884943305. Also available at
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  56. Kimball, Spencer W (January 5, 1965), "Love vs. Lust", BYU Speeches of the Year. Transcript reprint with permission by the Mental Health Resource Foundation at Note: References to homosexuality were removed in the reprinted version of the speech in the 1972 book compilation of Kimball's speeches "Faith Precedes the Miracle".
  57. "Tendency Toward Extremes". Deseret News. 15 Apr 1967. p. 20 via
  58. Understanding and Helping Those Who Have Homosexual Problems. LDS Church. 1992. Retrieved 3 November 2016.
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  66. One Hundred Fortieth Annual Conference With Report of Discourses (PDF). Salt Lake City, Utah: LDS Church. April 1970. pp. 31–32.
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  68. Brown, Victor. "The Meaning of Morality". LDS Church.
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  83. General Handbook of Instructions (21 ed.). LDS CHurch. p. 71.
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  95. Petersen, Mark (16 Dec 1978). "Sin Is No Excuse". Church News. LDS Church: 16.
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  98. "Kimball Praises Bryant". The Daily Herald. United Press International. 6 November 1977. p. 17. Archived from the original on 8 December 2017 via
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  110. Bergera, James; Priddis, Ronald (1985). Brigham Young University: A House of Faith. Signature Books. ISBN   0941214346. In 'Homosexuality: Cause for Concern?' DU [Daily Universe], 10 April 1979, Maxine Murdock of the [BYU] Counseling Center conservatively estimated that 4 percent of the student body (approximately 1,200) is homosexual. See footnote 71.
  111. Murphy, Barbara; Tate, Alice; Long, David; Welker, Joseph (10 April 1979). "Homosexuality: Cause for Concern?". The Daily Universe. BYU. p. 1. According to local psychologists who are working on homosexuality research, anywhere from 1 to 4 percent of the BYU male population have homosexual tendencies. Dr. Ford McBride, a psychologist at Timpanogos Community Mental Health Center, and Dr. Maxine Murdock, licensed psychologist at the BYU Counseling Center who works with homosexual students, estimate the figure at 4 percent. McBride said his estimate is based on extrapolation of the old Kinsey report.
  112. 1 2 Murphy, Barbara; Tate, Alice; Long, David; Welker, Joseph (11 April 1979). "Homosexuality Stirs Controversy". The Daily Universe. BYU. p. 1.
  113. Murphy, Barbara; Tate, Alice; Long, David; Welker, Joseph (12 April 1979). "Homosexuality: 'Change Possible'". The Daily Universe. BYU. p. 3.
  114. Kimball, Spencer W. (1980), President Kimball Speaks Out on Morality
  115. Brown Jr., Victor L. "A Better Me, a Better Marriage". LDS Church.
  116. Brown Jr., Victor (1981). Human Intimacy: Illusion & Reality. Parliament Publishers. pp. 73–75. ISBN   9780884944416. Masters and Johnson, world-renowned sexologists, approvingly describe "ambisexuals" who, because of their technical skill and very lack of emotional involvement, achieve orgasm 100 percent of the time in their sexual encounters. These researchers concluded that such physical success gave ambisexuals the advantage over heterosexual men or women because this "absence of sexual preference" also means an absence of "sexual prejudice" which, they claim, is "a cornerstone that supports any number of other social biases." These "privileged" individuals, according to Masters and Johnson, may be pointing the way for society at large. Such messages are disturbing.
  117. Brown Jr., Victor (1981). Human Intimacy: Illusion & Reality. Parliament Publishers. pp. 21–22. ISBN   9780884944416. This fashionable equation of homosexual liaison with heterosexual marriage is sophistry and contains its own fatal inconsistency. ... The temporary and fragile relationships of the ironically nicknamed gay subculture ... were interpreted as superior to the more disciplined, orderly lives of the heterosexual subjects.
  118. Understanding and Changing Homosexual Orientation Problems. LDS Church. 1981. Reprinted with permission at, see authorization here.
  119. 1 2 Homosexuality. Salt Lake City, UT: LDS Church. 1981. Retrieved 22 November 2016.
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  127. "Gay Activists to Picket LDS Temple". The Salt Lake Tribune. 2 October 1981. p. D6 via A local organization of Mormon Gay rights activists have received permission to parade through downtown Salt Lake City, Sunday and protest LDS Church’s policies opposing homosexuality. Albert Haines, Salt Lake chief administrative officer authorized a parade permit for a group calling itself Ethyl and Friends for Gay Rights which plans to picket Temple Square during the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints semiannual conference.
  128. "Group Marches for Gay Rights". The Salt Lake Tribune. 5 October 1981. p. B6 via About 15 'Friends of Ethyl' braved cold temperatures to March from the Federal Building to Temple Square in protest of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints stand on homosexual rights. 'Ethyl', a drag performer whose real name is Randy Smith said ... he went through Brigham Young University’s aversion therapy program and that 'it hurt.' ... The group displaying signs reading, 'We are God’s Children', marched up state street to South Temple and then to Temple Square ....
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  169. Understanding and Helping Individuals with Homosexual Problems. LDS Social Services. 1995.
  170. "Wheatley Institution". Brigham Young University. Professor Judd is currently a professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University (1994-present) where he has served as a department chair ....
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