Timeline of racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska

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The timeline of racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska lists events in African-American history in Omaha. These included racial violence, but also include many firsts as the black community built its institutions. Omaha has been a major industrial city on the edge of what was a rural, agricultural state. It has attracted a more diverse population than the rest of the state. Its issues were common to other major industrial cities of the early 20th century, as it was a destination for 19th and 20th century European immigrants, and internal white and black migrants from the South in the Great Migration. Many early 20th-century conflicts arose out of labor struggles, postwar social tensions and economic problems, and hiring of later immigrants and black migrants as strikebreakers in the meatpacking and stockyard industries. Massive job losses starting in the 1960s with the restructuring of the railroad, stockyards and meatpacking industries contributed to economic and social problems for workers in the city.


19th century

Events reflecting racial tension in 19th century Omaha (in chronological order)
1804 Slavery The first recorded instance of a black person in the Omaha area is York, who arrives in Omaha area as a slave of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
1854 Slavery Nebraska Territory created by Congress with condition that the area stay free of slavery.
1855 Slavery Ongoing debate occurs in the early Territorial Legislature regarding slavery. [1]
1859 Slavery "The bill introduced in Omaha City Council, for the abolition of slavery in this Territory, was called up yesterday, and its further consideration postponed for two weeks. A strong effort will be made among the Republicans to secure its passage; we think, however, it will fail. The farce certainly cannot be enacted if the Democrats do their duty." - From an 1859 Daily Nebraskan newspaper. [2]
1860 Slavery The Omaha-based Nebraskan newspaper quotes the Chicago Times and Herald regarding a slave named "Eliza" who ran away from an Omaha businessman to Chicago and was arrested there under the Fugitive Slave Act.
1860 Slavery Census shows 81 Negroes in Nebraska, 10 of whom were slaves. [3]
1865 Racism A clause in the original proposed Nebraska State Constitution limited voting rights in the state to "free white males". This kept Nebraska from entering the Union for almost a year.
1867 African American Churches St. John's African Methodist Episcopal Church organizes as the first church for African Americans in Nebraska. [4]
1891 Lynching A man called Joe Coe, an African-American, is lynched by a mob for allegedly raping a white woman. No one was charged or convicted for his murder. [1]
1894 Racial segregation The first African-American fair held in the United States takes place in Omaha in July. [5]
1899 Police brutality A local black singer named J. A. Smith died while in custody at the Omaha jail. Arrested for "loud talking" on a public street, Smith and an accomplice were moving through the building when he and an officer had an altercation, and he struck out. The officer struck back at Smith, who fell against a bench and later died. A police examiner thought there was something resembling a stiletto wound in the back of his skull. Anton Inda, the officer, was charged with murder. [6]

1900 to 1950

Events reflecting racial tension in Omaha from 1900 to 1950 (in chronological order)
1905 Labor unrest More than 800 students, children of European immigrant laborers in South Omaha, protested the presence of Japanese students, the children of strikebreakers. Protesting students locked adults out of their school buildings. [7]
1907Mayor "Cowboy" James Dahlman lassoed the editors of the Law Journal of Tokyo during their diplomatic visit to Omaha after they asked him about cow punching. [8]
1909 Race Riot The Greek Town Riot destroyed a successful Greek immigrant community in South Omaha. A mob of 3,000 men burnt the community to the ground after a Greek immigrant shot an ethnic Irish policeman while being taken into custody. Greek residents were forced by the mob to leave town. [9]
1910 Civil rights African Americans build an "Old Colored Folks Home" in North Omaha. [10]
1910 Race Riot After a tremendous upset victory by African-American boxer Jack Johnson in Reno, Nevada, mobs of whites roamed throughout Omaha rioting, as they did in cities across the U.S. The mobs wounded several black men in the city and killed one. [11]
1912 Civil rights Omaha chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People opens. [12]
1917 Black nationalism George Wells Parker founds the Hamitic League of the World in Omaha.
1918 Labor unrest As veterans from World War I attempt to return to their civilian jobs, violent strikes break out in the South Omaha meat packing industry when they discover African American and Eastern European immigrants in their former positions.
1918 Black nationalism Cyril Briggs becomes editor of the African Blood Brotherhood journal, The Crusader, which is printed and distributed in Omaha.
1919 Lynching African-American Willy Brown is lynched by a mob from South Omaha after being accused of raping a white woman from that neighborhood, during the Omaha race riot of 1919, sparked by white political boss Tom Dennison. There was a background of resentment against blacks among the ethnic and immigrant white working class in South Omaha because blacks were hired as strikebreakers. The reformist mayor Edward Parsons Smith tried to calm the crowd, for which they also attempted to lynch him. He was only saved by a last minute rescue. The sheriff and police could not control the mob, which numbered in the thousands. No perpetrators were brought to trial. US Army troops were stationed in South Omaha to prevent another mob from forming among white immigrants and ethnic Americans, and in North Omaha to protect the black community. [13] [14] [15] This large riot shortly followed those of Red Summer, when post-war tensions led to ethnic white attacks against blacks in race riots in numerous cities across the country, increasing fears and tensions in Omaha as well.
1920s Racial segregation Racial segregation becomes normalized as redlining and restrictive covenants keep African Americans in North Omaha. Harry Haywood is said to have become radicalized by the white mob rule that overtook South Omaha in 1919, which drove him to become a leader of the Communist Party of America.
1920 Racial segregation The Colored Commercial Club organizes to help blacks secure employment and to encourage business enterprises among African Americans in Omaha.
1921 Labor unrest Violent strikes broke out in the South Omaha meatpacking plants in reaction to African-American and Eastern-European workers, as well as attempts by labor to organize the plants. [16]
1921 Black Power Earl Little, Malcolm X's father, founds the Omaha chapter of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association.
1921 White supremacy The Ku Klux Klan reports its first Klavern in Nebraska being formed in Omaha. [17] [18]
1926 White supremacy After being born in Omaha in 1925, Malcolm X's family was forced to move from their home in North Omaha by the Ku Klux Klan's threatening Earl Little and his family's safety.
1927 Civil rights The Omaha Urban League (now the Urban League of Nebraska) was founded. [19] It is the first chapter of the National Urban League in the American West. [20]
1929 Civil rights Whitney Young leads the Urban League in Omaha to triple its membership. [21]
1930s Civil rights The Knights and Daughters of Tabor, also known as the "Knights of Liberty", was founded in Omaha in this decade as a secret African-American organization whose goal was "nothing less than the destruction of slavery." [22]
1938 Civil rights Mildred Brown founds the Omaha Star with her husband, likely becoming the first woman, and definitely the first African-American woman, to found a newspaper in the U.S. She continued the paper for 50 years on her own, for the rest of her life. It celebrated African-American contributions and successes in Omaha and America, and became the only newspaper for African Americans in Nebraska. Her niece continues to operate the paper since Brown's death.
1942 Racial segregation Alfonza W. Davis from Omaha fights in the segregated unit known as the Tuskegee Airmen. He is presumed KIA when his aircraft disappears in 1944.
1947 Community organizing The DePorres Club begins at Creighton University, [23] actively seeking to fight racial discrimination in Omaha's housing and job markets.
1948 Community organizing The DePorres Club stages Omaha's first sit-in at a restaurant in the Douglas County Courthouse in Downtown Omaha with 30 members joining. The restaurant commits to desegregation. [24]
1948 Community organizing Mildred Brown invites the DePorres Club to meet at the offices of the Omaha Star after it was kicked off of Creighton's campus. [25]

1950 to 2000

According to several prominent Omaha historians, racial discrimination was a significant issue in Omaha from the 1950s through the 2000s (decade). Analyzing race relations in Omaha during the period they commented, "1968 rivals 1919 as probably the worst year in the history of twentieth-century America from the standpoint of violence and internal tension." [26] In 1969 three days of rioting swept the Near North Side, and in 1970 a policeman was killed by a suitcase bomb while answering a disturbance call at a house in North Omaha. However, as the 1966 Oscar-nominated documentary A Time for Burning and the 1970s books of Lois Mark Stalvey illustrated, the violence apparently served a purpose as lines of communication were opened between the "West Omaha matron and the black laborer." [27]

Events reflecting racial tension in Omaha from 1950 to 2000 (in chronological order)
1950s Racial discrimination "We Don't Serve Any Colored Race." - Signs are posted in café windows throughout the city. [28]
1952-54 Boycott The Omaha Bus Boycott was led by the DePorres Club, including Mildred Brown, who extolled readers of the Omaha Star stating "Don’t ride Omaha’s buses or streetcars. If you must ride, protest by using 18 pennies." Focusing on ending the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Company's policy of not hiring black drivers, the boycott was successful. [29]
1955 Community organizing Picketing and other protests are held at Peony Park after the amusement park refuses to allow black athletes to participate in a regional swim meet. A Nebraska Supreme Court trial finds the park guilty of violating the state's desegregation laws and fines it $50. [30]
1958 Community organizing A group of African-American educators in Omaha Public Schools start a professional caucus called Concerned and Caring Educators.
1958 Civil rights movement Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached at Salem Baptist Church in North Omaha.
1962 Community organizing North Omaha resident Bertha Calloway forms the Negro History Society.
1963 Civil rights movement The Citizens Civic Committee for Civil Liberties, or 4CL, led by Black ministers, rallies to demand change civil rights for all African Americans in Omaha through picketing, stand-ins during city council meetings, and other efforts. [31]
1963 Civil rights movement The Omaha Human Rights Commission is created, holding a rally of more than 10,000 people later in the year. However, organizations such as 4CL were suspicious that the Commission, led by Omaha's mayor at the time James Dworak, was a stalling tactic. [32]
1963 Youth activism Black Association for Nationalism Through Unity (BANTU) was founded in Omaha to rally high school student activists towards action. [33]
1963 Youth activism Local youth activists were successful in bringing down the color barrier at Peony Park, the city's main amusement park, after protesting at the admission gates for several weeks. [34] [35]
1964 Black Power Malcolm X speaks in Omaha.
1966 Race Riot National Guard quells two days of rioting in North Omaha in July. [36]
1966 Racial discrimination A Time for Burning , a documentary made featuring North Omaha and its issues, is released. Later that year it is nominated for an Oscar.
1968 Race Riot National Guard quells North Omaha riots in April after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
1968 Civil rights movement Robert F. Kennedy visits North Omaha in his quest to become president, speaking in support of Omaha's civil rights activists.
1969 Race Riot Riots erupt in June after James Loder, an Omaha police officer, fatally shoots teenager Vivian Strong in the Logan Fontenelle Housing Project in North Omaha. [37]
1969 Youth Activism 54 black students staged a sit-in at the office of the University of Nebraska at Omaha president to lobby for African American history courses and student voices at the institution. [38] [39]
1970s Urban renewal Construction of the North Freeway bisects North Omaha, cutting the African-American community in half and marring its social fabric.
1970 Political activism Ernie Chambers from North Omaha elected to Nebraska State Legislature.
1970 COINTELPRO On August 17 an Omaha police officer is killed when an explosive blows up in an abandoned house in North Omaha. August 28 an African-American man named Duane Peak is arrested, and he implicates six others. August 31 David Rice and Ed Poindexter are arrested, despite not having been originally implicated.
1971 COINTELPRO Rice and Poindexter were convicted of murder in the controversial Rice/Poindexter Case.
1971 Black studies University of Nebraska-Omaha starts a Department of Black Studies in response to student activism. [39]
1974 COINTELPRO Appeal for retrial of Rice and Poindexter denied by the Nebraska State Supreme Court.
1976 Racial integration Omaha Public Schools begins court-ordered integrated busing. [40]
1976 Community organizing Negro History Society with leadership of Bertha Calloway formally opens the Great Plains Black History Museum in the Webster Telephone Exchange Building to celebrate African-American contributions to the city and region.
1981 White Supremacy Arsonists blaze an East Omaha duplex after an African-American family signs a rental agreement there. The arson is unsolved. [41]
1993 COINTELPRO The Nebraska Parole Board votes unanimously and repeatedly to commute Rice and Poindexter's sentences to time served; however, the Nebraska Board of Pardons refuses to schedule a hearing in the matter.
1995 White Supremacy Arsonists tip over and fire an African-American woman's car in East Omaha at the same location as the 1981 arson. Both cases are unsolved. [41]
1996 Racial integration Omaha Public Schools ends court-ordered busing. [42]
1997 Police brutality Marvin Ammons, an African-American Gulf War veteran, is shot and killed by an Omaha police officer. A grand jury indicts the officer for manslaughter, then the judgment was thrown out for jury misconduct. A second grand jury acquits the officer of wrongdoing and admonishes the Omaha Police Department for mishandling the case. [43]


Events reflecting racial tension in Omaha from 2000 to present (in chronological order)
2000 Police brutality George Bibins, an African American who leads Omaha police on a high speed chase, is shot and killed by officer Jared Kruse at the end of the chase. [44] Charges are filed against the officer, but special prosecutors force them to be presented to a grand jury which declines to recommend charges. [45] The Omaha Police Department does not make a decision on the use of force because Jared Kruse refused to be questioned and is allowed to retire a year later for PTSD. [46] A second jury in the civil case refuses to award damages to Bibins' family. [47]
2000 Institutional racism Nebraska State Legislature sets term limits, with some using this action to target Ernie Chambers. [48]
2003 Institutional racism An African-American gang member shoots Jason Tye Pratt, an Omaha police officer. US Attorney General John Ashcroft visits Pratt's wife and makes a statement admonishing a Douglas County District Judge for offering the gang member second chances in past offenses. [ citation needed ]
2004 Institutional racism Omaha police officer Tariq Al-Amin is fired from the police department for comments he made during a television show. He appeals and is reinstated with the maximum penalty allowed by police union contract, along with an apology for his comment. [49]
2006 Racial Segregation Ernie Chambers proposes separating Omaha Public Schools into three districts that reflect the city's racial composition: one for the predominantly white western part of Omaha, one for the now predominantly Hispanic South Omaha, and one for predominantly black North Omaha. [50] The Nebraska State Legislature approves the plan to be implemented in 2008. The NAACP challenges the proposed educational funding plan in court, but the case is thrown out by the Nebraska Supreme Court under the Political question doctrine. [51] In response to a separate lawsuit, Legislature revises the school funding formula and enacts other legislation to attempt to address the need for more equitable school funding and improved services for 'at-risk' students. [52]
2020 Police brutality Omaha George Floyd protests are met with police brutality. [53] During the protests, a white bar owner shot and killed unarmed Black protestor James Scurlock. No charges were filed, which lead to more protests. [54]

See also

Related Research Articles

North Omaha, Nebraska has a recorded history spanning over 200 years, pre-dating the rest of Omaha, encompassing wildcat banks, ethnic enclaves, race riots and social change. North Omaha has roots back to 1812 and the founding of Fort Lisa. It includes the Mormon settlement of Cutler's Park and Winter Quarters in 1846, a lynching before the turn of the twentieth century, the thriving 24th Street community of the 1920s, the bustling development of its African-American community through the 1950s, a series of riots in the 1960s, and redevelopment in the late 20th and early 21st century.

Significant events in the history of North Omaha, Nebraska include the Pawnee, Otoe and Sioux nations; the African American community; Irish, Czech, and other European immigrants, and; several other populations. Several important settlements and towns were built in the area, as well as important social events that shaped the future of Omaha and the history of the nation. The timeline of North Omaha history extends to present, including recent controversy over schools.

The civil rights movement in Omaha, Nebraska, has roots that extend back until at least 1912. With a history of racial tension that starts before the founding of the city, Omaha has been the home of numerous overt efforts related to securing civil rights for African Americans since at least the 1870s.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Omaha, Nebraska</span> Nebraska city settled on west bank of Missouri River

The history of Omaha, Nebraska, began before the settlement of the city, with speculators from neighboring Council Bluffs, Iowa staking land across the Missouri River illegally as early as the 1840s. When it was legal to claim land in Indian Country, William D. Brown was operating the Lone Tree Ferry to bring settlers from Council Bluffs to Omaha. A treaty with the Omaha Tribe allowed the creation of the Nebraska Territory, and Omaha City was founded on July 4, 1854. With early settlement came claim jumpers and squatters, and the formation of a vigilante law group called the Omaha Claim Club, which was one of many claim clubs across the Midwest. During this period many of the city's founding fathers received lots in Scriptown, which was made possible by the actions of the Omaha Claim Club. The club's violent actions were challenged successfully in a case ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, Baker v. Morton, which led to the end of the organization.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Culture of North Omaha, Nebraska</span> Overview of the culture of North Omaha, Nebraska

Culture in North Omaha, Nebraska, the north end of Omaha, is defined by socioeconomic, racial, ethnic and political diversity among its residents. The neighborhood's culture is largely influenced by its predominantly African American community.

Racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska occurred mostly because of the city's volatile mixture of high numbers of new immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and African-American migrants from the Deep South. While racial discrimination existed at several levels, the violent outbreaks were within working classes. Irish Americans, the largest and earliest immigrant group in the 19th century, established the first neighborhoods in South Omaha. All were attracted by new industrial jobs, and most were from rural areas. There was competition among ethnic Irish, newer European immigrants, and African-American migrants from the South, for industrial jobs and housing. They all had difficulty adjusting to industrial demands, which were unmitigated by organized labor in the early years. Some of the early labor organizing resulted in increasing tensions between groups, as later arrivals to the city were used as strikebreakers. In Omaha as in other major cities, racial tension has erupted at times of social and economic strife, often taking the form of mob violence as different groups tried to assert power. Much of the early violence came out of labor struggles in early 20th century industries: between working class ethnic whites and immigrants, and blacks of the Great Migration. Meatpacking companies had used the latter for strikebreakers in 1917 as workers were trying to organize. As veterans returned from World War I, both groups competed for jobs. By the late 1930s, however, interracial teams worked together to organize the meatpacking industry under the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA). Unlike the AFL and some other industrial unions in the CIO, UPWA was progressive. It used its power to help end segregation in restaurants and stores in Omaha, and supported the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Women labor organizers such as Tillie Olsen and Rowena Moore were active in the meatpacking industry in the 1930s and 1940s, respectively.

The Near North Side of Omaha, Nebraska is the neighborhood immediately north of downtown. It forms the nucleus of the city's historic African-American community, and its name is often synonymous with the entire North Omaha area. Originally established immediately after Omaha was founded in 1854, the Near North Side was once confined to the area around Dodge Street and North 7th Street. Eventually, it gravitated west and north, and today it is bordered by Cuming Street on the south, 30th on the west, 16th on the east, and Locust Street to the north. Countless momentous events in Omaha's African American community happened in the Near North Side, including the 1865 establishment of the first Black church in Omaha, St. John's AME; the 1892 election of the first African American state legislator, Dr. Matthew Ricketts; the 1897 hiring of the first Black teacher in Omaha, Ms. Lucy Gamble, the 1910 Jack Johnson riots, the Omaha race riot of 1919 that almost demolished the neighborhood and many other events.

The history of slavery in Nebraska is generally seen as short and limited. The issue was contentious for the legislature between the creation of the Nebraska Territory in 1854 and the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.

The Logan Fontenelle Housing Project was a historic public housing site located from 20th to 24th Streets, and from Paul to Seward Streets in the historic Near North Side neighborhood of Omaha, Nebraska, United States. It was built in 1938 by the Public Works Administration for housing working-class families. With the loss of thousands of industrial jobs in the 1950s and 1960s, the project became filled with families on welfare. As problems increased in the 1970s and 1980s, Logan Fontenelle was referred to as "Little Vietnam" because of drug dealing and gang violence. After Logan Fontenelle residents won a 1991 civil rights lawsuit brought against the Omaha Housing Authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD tore down the projects in 1995 to replace them with new, lower density housing.

Lloyd Hunter was an American trumpeter and big band leader from North Omaha, Nebraska.

African Americans in Omaha, Nebraska are central to the development and growth of the 43rd largest city in the United States. Black people are first recorded arriving in the area that became the city when York came through in 1804 with the Lewis and Clark expedition and the residence of Jean Baptiste Point du Sable who lived at Fort Lisa for an extended period in 1810. There were also enslaved Black people at the Church of Latter Day Saints Winter Quarters in 1846. The first free Black settler in the city arrived in 1854, the year the city was incorporated.

Crime in Omaha, Nebraska has varied widely, ranging from Omaha's early years as a frontier town with typically widespread gambling and prostitution, to civic expectation of higher standards as the city grew, and contemporary concerns about violent crimes related to gangs and dysfunctions of persistent unemployment, poverty and lack of education among some residents.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Christianity in Omaha, Nebraska</span>

Christianity in Omaha, Nebraska has been integral to the growth and development of the city since its founding in 1854. In addition to providing Christian religious and social leadership, individually and collectively the city's churches have also led a variety of political campaigns throughout the city's history.

<i>Omaha Daily Bee</i> Newspaper in Nebraska, United States

The Omaha Daily Bee, in Nebraska, United States, was a leading Republican newspaper that was active in the late 19th and early 20th century. The paper's editorial slant frequently pitted it against the Omaha Herald, the Omaha Republican and other local papers. After a 1927 merger, it was published as the Bee-News until folding in 1937.

The Irish in Omaha, Nebraska have constituted a major ethnic group throughout the history of the city, and continue to serve as important religious and political leaders. They compose a large percentage of the local population.

Various ethnic groups in Omaha, Nebraska have lived in the city since its organization by Anglo-Americans in 1854. Native Americans of various nations lived in the Omaha territory for centuries before European arrival, and some stayed in the area. The city was founded by white Anglo-Saxon Protestants from neighboring Council Bluffs, Iowa. However, since the first settlement, substantial immigration from all of Europe, migration by African Americans from the Deep South and various ethnic groups from the Eastern United States, and new waves of more recent immigrants from Mexico and Africa have added layers of complexity to the workforce, culture, religious and social fabric of the city.

The Greek Town riot was a race riot that took place in South Omaha, Nebraska, on February 21, 1909, during which several Greeks were wounded or injured. A mob of 3,000 men displaced some of the population of Greek Town, wrecked 30 buildings there, and started a riot.

North 24th Street is a two-way street that runs south–north in the North Omaha area of Omaha, Nebraska, United States. With the street beginning at Dodge Street, the historically significant section of the street runs from Cuming Street to Ames Avenue. A portion of North 24th near Lake Street is considered the "Main Street" of the Near North Side, and was historically referred to as "The Street of Dreams." The corridor is widely considered the heart of Omaha's African-American community.

Significant events in the history of Omaha, Nebraska, include social, political, cultural, and economic activities.


  1. 1 2 Bristow, D. (2002) A Dirty, Wicked Town: Tale of 19th Century Omaha. Caxton Press.
  2. A Daily Nebraskan newspaper editorial from 1859, as quoted in Bristow, D. (2002) A Dirty, Wicked Town: Tale of 19th Century Omaha. Caxton Press.
  3. (1938) Arthur Goodlett. American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940, American Memory, Library of Congress
  4. (2003) "The Negroes of Nebraska: The Negro goes to church" Memorial Library
  5. Nebraska Writers Project (1938) Negroes in Nebraska Workers Progress Administration.
  6. "Policeman held for murder", The New York Times. August 14, 1899. Retrieved 4/20/08.
  7. "Revolt over Japanese; South Omaha School Children Want Them Expelled", The New York Times. April 18, 1905. Retrieved 4/20/08.
  8. "Dahlman lassoes [sic] Japanese; Cowboy mayor of Omaha frightens Japanese", The New York Times. May 12, 1907. Retrieved 4/20/08.
  9. "South Omaha mob wars on Greeks". The New York Times. 21 February 1909. Retrieved 16 April 2008.
  10. (1936) Henry Black: Life Histories from the Folklore Project, WPA Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940; American Memory. U.S. Library of Congress.
  11. "Omaha negro killed", The New York Times. July 5, 1910. Retrieved 4/20/08.
  12. (n.d.)Timeline: Omaha's 150th Birthday. Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine KETV.com
  13. "1919 Riot", Nebraska Studies
  14. "A Street of Dreams," Nebraska Public Media. Air Date, 08/01/1994. Retrieved April 8, 2024.
  15. "General Wood orders the arrest of Omaha's rioters", The New York Times. October 1, 1919. Retrieved 4/16/08.
  16. "Deputy and striker killed at Sioux City; Fight Near Packing Plant Results FatallyDisorder at Omaha", The New York Times. December 20, 1921. Retrieved 4/21/08.
  17. Olson, J.C. and Naugle, R.C. (1997) History of Nebraska. University of Nebraska Press. p 290.
  18. Fletcher Sasse, Adam (2023) "A history of the KKK in Omaha", NorthOmahaHistory.com. Retrieved May 31, 2024.
  19. "Urban League Formed." Evening World-Herald 29 Nov. 1927: 2. Print.
  20. (2007) African American History in the American West: Timeline. University of Washington.
  21. (2007) Our History Archived 2006-11-24 at the Wayback Machine Urban League of Nebraska.
  22. (n.d.) Moses Dickson Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine
  23. A Street of Dreams.
  24. Graves, S. (2004) Black history strong at Creighton, Archived 2007-02-28 at the Wayback Machine The Creightonian Online. 83(18).
  25. Mildred Brown Archived 2014-06-06 at the Wayback Machine Nebraska Studies.
  26. Larsen, Cotrell, Dalhstrom and Dalhstrom. (2007) Upstream Metropolis: An urban biography of Omaha and Council Bluffs. University of Nebraska Press. p 361.
  27. Larsen, Cotrell, Dalhstrom and Dalhstrom. (2007) p. 361.
  28. Preston Love reported seeing this sign repeatedly in Omaha cafes in the 1950s in Bristow, N.D. (n.d.) Swingin' with Preston Love Archived 2007-02-16 at the Wayback Machine . Nebraska Life.
  29. "Omaha’s Bus Boycott of 1952-54" [usurped] , Nebraska State Historical Society. Retrieved 11/30/10.
  30. Civil Liberties Docket. Vol. I, No. 2. December, 1955.
  31. A Street of Dreams.
  32. Cutting the path to freedom. Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine The Reader.
  33. Howard, A. M. (2006, Sep) "The Omaha Black Panther Party and BANTU: Exploitation or a Relationship of Mutual Convenience", Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, NA, Atlanta, GA.
  34. Hord, B. "Nebraska Cattlemen's new director is bullish on north Omaha", Omaha World Herald. Jan. 28, 2008. Retrieved 3/30/08.
  35. Calloway, B.W. and Smith, A.N. (1998) Visions of Freedom on the Great Plains: An Illustrated History of African Americans. Donning Company.
  36. (n.d.) National Guard Mobilized in North Omaha Archived 2007-09-28 at the Wayback Machine . Black Facts Online.
  37. "Distilled in Black and White" Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine Omaha Reader.
  38. "UNO Black Studies Digital Exhibit". UNO Student Experience Digital Exhibit. University of Nebraska at Omaha Libraries. Retrieved 8 August 2022.
  39. 1 2 "Coloring history", The Reader. Retrieved 4/16/08.
  40. 1954-1979. Omaha World Herald (Nebraska), June 13, 2004
  41. 1 2 Burbach, C. "Robbery, fire evoke memories of neighborhood's racist past," Omaha World Herald. February 26, 2007.
  42. Omaha World Herald, June 13, 2004
  43. Omaha World-Herald (16 October 2019). "List: Omaha police officers who left the force after in-custody deaths". omaha.com. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  44. Tribune News Services (27 July 2000). "WHITE COP CHARGED IN SHOOTING DEATH OF BLACK SUSPECT". chicagotribune.com. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  45. Earl, David (22 October 2017). "Lawyers call Nebraska's grand jury law flawed, seek a fix". KETV. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  46. Omaha World-Herald (16 October 2019). "Omaha police officers who left the force after in-custody deaths". omaha.com. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  47. Olson, Eric (22 January 2004). "Jury denies all damages to Bibins' family". JournalStar.com. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
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  49. "Fired officer reinstated by personnel board". journalstar.com. 27 February 2004. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  50. Saunders, Michaela. Chambers up close A Q&A with the senator, whose OPS views are rooted in his youth. Omaha World Herald (April 30, 2006))
  51. Nebraska Coalition for Educ. Equity v. Heineman (May 11, 2007). "273 Neb. 531; 731 N.W.2d 164 (2007)". scholar.google.com. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  52. Major Education Litigation Cases in Nebraska. "Education Law Center". edlawcenter.org. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
  53. Conley, Alia (Jun 21, 2020). "Man shot by pepper ball at Omaha protest still can't see out of his right eye". Omaha World-Herald. Retrieved July 6, 2020.
  54. Gowen, Annie (June 3, 2020). "'What about James?' Shooting of black protester fuels more anger in Omaha". The Washington Post. Retrieved July 6, 2020.