Trigeminocerebellar fibers

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Trigeminocerebellar fibers
NeuroNames 1428
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The trigeminocerebellar fibers are fibers in the inferior cerebellar peduncles [1] which transmit proprioceptive information from the face to the cerebellum. This information originates in proprioceptors (e.g. muscle spindles) in the face. Primary cell bodies are in the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. These fibers transmit information to secondary afferent cell bodies in the oralis and interpolaris portions of the spinal trigeminal nucleus plus the principal nucleus. Axons from the spinal nucleus (and a smaller number from the principal nucleus) then form the trigeminocerebellar tract and ascend to the cerebellum.

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Inferior cerebellar peduncle

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Dorsal column nuclei

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The trigeminal lemniscus, also called the trigeminothalamic tract, is composed of the ventral trigeminal tract, and the dorsal trigeminal tract – nerve tracts that convey tactile, pain, and temperature impulses from the skin of the face, the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities, and the eye, as well as proprioceptive information from the facial and masticatory muscles.

Anatomy of the cerebellum Structures in the cerebellum, a part of the brain

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  1. J. Nolte, The Human Brain - An Introduction to its Functional Anatomy 6e (2008) p499, 509t