Emboliform nucleus

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Emboliform nucleus
Sobo 1909 658.png
Cross-section of the cerebellum. Emboliform nucleus labeled at bottom-left.
Latin nucleus emboliformis
NeuroNames 688
NeuroLex ID birnlex_1135
TA98 A14.1.07.409
TA2 5838
FMA 72538
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The emboliform nucleus (or anterior interposed nucleus) is a deep cerebellar nucleus that lies immediately to the medial side of the nucleus dentatus, and partly covering its hilum. It is one among the four pairs of deep cerebellar nuclei, which are from lateral to medial: the dentate, interposed (which consists of the emboliform and globose), and fastigial nuclei. These nuclei can be seen using Weigert's elastic stain.


Emboliform, from Ancient Greek, means "shaped like a plug or wedge".


The emboliform nucleus is a wedge-shaped structure of gray matter found at the medial side of the hilum of the dentate nucleus. Its neurons display a similar structure from those of the dentate nucleus. In some mammals the emboliform nucleus is continuous with the globose nucleus, forming together the interposed nucleus. When present, the interposed nucleus can be divided in an anterior and a posterior interposed nucleus, considered homologues of the emboliform and globose nuclei, respectively. [1]


As a part of the interposed nucleus, the emboliform participates in the spinocerebellum, a system that regulates the precision of limb movements. [2] Axons leaving the emboliform exit through the superior cerebellar peduncle and reach the red nucleus in the midbrain and several thalamic nuclei which project into areas of the cerebral cortex that control limb movement. [3] [2]

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The anatomy of the cerebellum can be viewed at three levels. At the level of gross anatomy, the cerebellum consists of a tightly folded and crumpled layer of cortex, with white matter underneath, several deep nuclei embedded in the white matter, and a fluid-filled ventricle in the middle. At the intermediate level, the cerebellum and its auxiliary structures can be broken down into several hundred or thousand independently functioning modules or compartments known as microzones. At the microscopic level, each module consists of the same small set of neuronal elements, laid out with a highly stereotyped geometry.


PD-icon.svgThis article incorporates text in the public domain from page 796 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  1. Carpenter, M. (1991). Core Text of Neuroanatomy. Williams & Wilkins. ISBN   978-0683014570.
  2. 1 2 Kandel, ER.; Schwartz, JH.; Jessel, TM. (2000). Principles of Neural Science (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Medical. pp.  843. ISBN   978-0838577011.
  3. Subramony, SH.; Dürr, A. (2011). Ataxic Disorders, Volume 103: Handbook of Clinical Neurology (1st ed.). Elsevier. p. 26. ISBN   978-0444518927.