General relativity |
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In general relativity, the van Stockum dust is an exact solution of the Einstein field equations in which the gravitational field is generated by dust rotating about an axis of cylindrical symmetry. Since the density of the dust is increasing with distance from this axis, the solution is rather artificial, but as one of the simplest known solutions in general relativity, it stands as a pedagogically important example.
This solution is named after Willem Jacob van Stockum, who rediscovered it in 1938 independently of a much earlier discovery by Cornelius Lanczos in 1924. It is currently recommended that the solution be referred to as the Lanczos–van Stockum dust.
One way of obtaining this solution is to look for a cylindrically symmetric perfect fluid solution in which the fluid exhibits rigid rotation. That is, we demand that the world lines of the fluid particles form a timelike congruence having nonzero vorticity but vanishing expansion and shear. (In fact, since dust particles feel no forces, this will turn out to be a timelike geodesic congruence, but we won't need to assume this in advance.)
A simple ansatz corresponding to this demand is expressed by the following frame field, which contains two undetermined functions of :
To prevent misunderstanding, we should emphasize that taking the dual coframe
gives the metric tensor in terms of the same two undetermined functions:
Multiplying out gives
We compute the Einstein tensor with respect to this frame, in terms of the two undetermined functions, and demand that the result have the form appropriate for a perfect fluid solution with the timelike unit vector everywhere tangent to the world line of a fluid particle. That is, we demand that
This gives the conditions
Solving for and then for gives the desired frame defining the van Stockum solution:
Note that this frame is only defined on .
Computing the Einstein tensor with respect to our frame shows that in fact the pressure vanishes, so we have a dust solution. The mass density of the dust turns out to be
Happily, this is finite on the axis of symmetry , but the density increases with radius, a feature which unfortunately severely limits possible astrophysical applications.
Solving the Killing equations shows that this spacetime admits a three-dimensional abelian Lie algebra of Killing vector fields, generated by
Here, has nonzero vorticity, so we have a stationary spacetime invariant under translation along the world lines of the dust particles, and also under translation along the axis of cylindrical symmetry and rotation about that axis.
Note that unlike the Gödel dust solution, in the van Stockum dust the dust particles are rotating about a geometrically distinguished axis.
As promised, the expansion and shear of the timelike geodesic congruence vanishes, but the vorticity vector is
This means that even though in our comoving chart the world lines of the dust particles appear as vertical lines, in fact they are twisting about one another as the dust particles swirl about the axis of symmetry. In other words, if we follow the evolution of a small ball of dust, we find that it rotates about its own axis (parallel to ), but does not shear or expand; the latter properties define what we mean by rigid rotation. Notice that on the axis itself, the magnitude of the vorticity vector becomes simply .
The tidal tensor is
which shows that observers riding on the dust particles experience isotropic tidal tension in the plane of rotation. The magnetogravitic tensor is
Consider a thought experiment in which an observer riding on a dust particle sitting on the axis of symmetry looks out at dust particles with positive radial coordinate. Does he see them to be rotating, or not?
Since the top array of null geodesics is obtained simply by translating upwards the lower array, and since the three world lines are all vertical (invariant under time translation), it might seem that the answer is "no". However, while the frame given above is an inertial frame, computing the covariant derivatives
shows that only the first vanishes identically. In other words, the remaining spatial vectors are spinning about (i.e. about an axis parallel to the axis of cylindrical symmetry of this spacetime).
Thus, to obtain a nonspinning inertial frame we need to spin up our original frame, like this:
where where q is a new undetermined function of r. Plugging in the requirement that the covariant derivatives vanish, we obtain
The new frame appears, in our comoving coordinate chart, to be spinning, but in fact it is gyrostabilized. In particular, since our observer with the green world line in the figure is presumably riding a nonspinning dust particle (otherwise spin-spin forces would be apparent in the dynamics of the dust), he in fact observes nearby radially separated dust particles to be rotating clockwise about his location with angular velocity a. This explains the physical meaning of the parameter which we found in our earlier derivation of the first frame.
(Pedantic note: alert readers will have noticed that we ignored the fact that neither of our frame fields is well defined on the axis. However, we can define a frame for an on-axis observer by an appropriate one-sided limit; this gives a discontinuous frame field, but we only need to define a frame along the world line of our on-axis observer in order to pursue the thought experiment considered in this section.)
It is worth remarking that the null geodesics spiral inwards in the above figure. This means that our on-axis observer sees the other dust particles at time-lagged locations, which is of course just what we would expect. The fact that the null geodesics appear "bent" in this chart is of course an artifact of our choice of comoving coordinates in which the world lines of the dust particles appear as vertical coordinate lines.
Let us draw the light cones for some typical events in the van Stockum dust, to see how their appearance (in our comoving cylindrical chart) depends on the radial coordinate:
As the figure[ which? ] shows, at , the cones become tangent to the coordinate plane , and we obtain a closed null curve (the red circle). Note that this is not a null geodesic.
As we move further outward, we can see that horizontal circles with larger radii are closed timelike curves. The paradoxical nature of these CTCs was apparently first pointed out by van Stockum: observers whose world lines form a closed timelike curve can apparently revisit or affect their own past. Even worse, there is apparently nothing to prevent such an observer from deciding, on his third lifetime, say, to stop accelerating, which would give him multiple biographies.
These closed timelike curves are not timelike geodesics, so these paradoxical observers must accelerate to experience these effects. Indeed, as we would expect, the required acceleration diverges as these timelike circles approach the null circles lying in the critical cylinder .
Closed timelike curves turn out to exist in many other exact solutions in general relativity, and their common appearance is one of the most troubling theoretical objections to this theory. However, very few physicists refuse to use general relativity at all on the basis of such objections; rather most take the pragmatic attitude that using general relativity makes sense whenever one can get away with it, because of the relative simplicity and well established reliability of this theory in many astrophysical situations. This is not unlike the fact that many physicists use Newtonian mechanics every day, even though they are well aware that Galilean kinematics has been "overthrown" by relativistic kinematics.
In mathematics, the polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and an angle from a reference direction. The reference point is called the pole, and the ray from the pole in the reference direction is the polar axis. The distance from the pole is called the radial coordinate, radial distance or simply radius, and the angle is called the angular coordinate, polar angle, or azimuth. Angles in polar notation are generally expressed in either degrees or radians.
Noether's theorem states that every continuous symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. This is the first of two theorems proven by mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and published in 1918. The action of a physical system is the integral over time of a Lagrangian function, from which the system's behavior can be determined by the principle of least action. This theorem only applies to continuous and smooth symmetries of physical space.
In fluid dynamics, Stokes' law is an empirical law for the frictional force – also called drag force – exerted on spherical objects with very small Reynolds numbers in a viscous fluid. It was derived by George Gabriel Stokes in 1851 by solving the Stokes flow limit for small Reynolds numbers of the Navier–Stokes equations.
In quantum field theory, the Dirac spinor is the spinor that describes all known fundamental particles that are fermions, with the possible exception of neutrinos. It appears in the plane-wave solution to the Dirac equation, and is a certain combination of two Weyl spinors, specifically, a bispinor that transforms "spinorially" under the action of the Lorentz group.
In physics, a first class constraint is a dynamical quantity in a constrained Hamiltonian system whose Poisson bracket with all the other constraints vanishes on the constraint surface in phase space. To calculate the first class constraint, one assumes that there are no second class constraints, or that they have been calculated previously, and their Dirac brackets generated.
The Kerr–Newman metric is the most general asymptotically flat and stationary solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations in general relativity that describes the spacetime geometry in the region surrounding an electrically charged and rotating mass. It generalizes the Kerr metric by taking into account the field energy of an electromagnetic field, in addition to describing rotation. It is one of a large number of various different electrovacuum solutions; that is, it is a solution to the Einstein–Maxwell equations that account for the field energy of an electromagnetic field. Such solutions do not include any electric charges other than that associated with the gravitational field, and are thus termed vacuum solutions.
When studying and formulating Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, various mathematical structures and techniques are utilized. The main tools used in this geometrical theory of gravitation are tensor fields defined on a Lorentzian manifold representing spacetime. This article is a general description of the mathematics of general relativity.
The Gödel metric, also known as the Gödel solution or Gödel universe, is an exact solution, found in 1949 by Kurt Gödel, of the Einstein field equations in which the stress–energy tensor contains two terms: the first representing the matter density of a homogeneous distribution of swirling dust particles, and the second associated with a negative cosmological constant.
A frame field in general relativity is a set of four pointwise-orthonormal vector fields, one timelike and three spacelike, defined on a Lorentzian manifold that is physically interpreted as a model of spacetime. The timelike unit vector field is often denoted by and the three spacelike unit vector fields by . All tensorial quantities defined on the manifold can be expressed using the frame field and its dual coframe field.
In theoretical physics, Nordström's theory of gravitation was a predecessor of general relativity. Strictly speaking, there were actually two distinct theories proposed by the Finnish theoretical physicist Gunnar Nordström, in 1912 and 1913 respectively. The first was quickly dismissed, but the second became the first known example of a metric theory of gravitation, in which the effects of gravitation are treated entirely in terms of the geometry of a curved spacetime.
In general relativity, a congruence is the set of integral curves of a vector field in a four-dimensional Lorentzian manifold which is interpreted physically as a model of spacetime. Often this manifold will be taken to be an exact or approximate solution to the Einstein field equation.
In general relativity, the Raychaudhuri equation, or Landau–Raychaudhuri equation, is a fundamental result describing the motion of nearby bits of matter.
In the theory of Lorentzian manifolds, spherically symmetric spacetimes admit a family of nested round spheres. There are several different types of coordinate chart which are adapted to this family of nested spheres; the best known is the Schwarzschild chart, but the isotropic chart is also often useful. The defining characteristic of an isotropic chart is that its radial coordinate is defined so that light cones appear round. This means that, the angular isotropic coordinates do not faithfully represent distances within the nested spheres, nor does the radial coordinate faithfully represent radial distances. On the other hand, angles in the constant time hyperslices are represented without distortion, hence the name of the chart.
Great-circle navigation or orthodromic navigation is the practice of navigating a vessel along a great circle. Such routes yield the shortest distance between two points on the globe.
In relativistic physics, the Born coordinate chart is a coordinate chart for Minkowski spacetime, the flat spacetime of special relativity. It is often used to analyze the physical experience of observers who ride on a ring or disk rigidly rotating at relativistic speeds, so called Langevin observers. This chart is often attributed to Max Born, due to his 1909 work on the relativistic physics of a rotating body. For overview of the application of accelerations in flat spacetime, see Acceleration and proper reference frame.
In general relativity, Lense–Thirring precession or the Lense–Thirring effect is a relativistic correction to the precession of a gyroscope near a large rotating mass such as the Earth. It is a gravitomagnetic frame-dragging effect. It is a prediction of general relativity consisting of secular precessions of the longitude of the ascending node and the argument of pericenter of a test particle freely orbiting a central spinning mass endowed with angular momentum .
In quantum field theory, a non-topological soliton (NTS) is a soliton field configuration possessing, contrary to a topological one, a conserved Noether charge and stable against transformation into usual particles of this field for the following reason. For fixed charge Q, the mass sum of Q free particles exceeds the energy (mass) of the NTS so that the latter is energetically favorable to exist.
In the theory of Lorentzian manifolds, spherically symmetric spacetimes admit a family of nested round spheres. In such a spacetime, a particularly important kind of coordinate chart is the Schwarzschild chart, a kind of polar spherical coordinate chart on a static and spherically symmetric spacetime, which is adapted to these nested round spheres. The defining characteristic of Schwarzschild chart is that the radial coordinate possesses a natural geometric interpretation in terms of the surface area and Gaussian curvature of each sphere. However, radial distances and angles are not accurately represented.
The study of geodesics on an ellipsoid arose in connection with geodesy specifically with the solution of triangulation networks. The figure of the Earth is well approximated by an oblate ellipsoid, a slightly flattened sphere. A geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, analogous to a straight line on a plane surface. The solution of a triangulation network on an ellipsoid is therefore a set of exercises in spheroidal trigonometry.
Lagrangian field theory is a formalism in classical field theory. It is the field-theoretic analogue of Lagrangian mechanics. Lagrangian mechanics is used to analyze the motion of a system of discrete particles each with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Lagrangian field theory applies to continua and fields, which have an infinite number of degrees of freedom.