2008 Republican Party presidential candidates

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Republican Party presidential candidates, 2008
Flag of the United States.svg
  John McCain official portrait 2009.jpg Huckabee-SF-CC-024.jpg
Candidate John McCain Mike Huckabee
Home state Arizona Arkansas
Delegate count1,575278
States carried378
Popular vote9,902,797 [1] 4,276,046

  Mitt Romney by Gage Skidmore 6.jpg Ron Paul, official Congressional photo portrait, 2007.jpg
Candidate Mitt Romney Ron Paul
Home state Massachusetts Texas
Delegate count27135
States carried110
Popular vote4,699,7881,160,403

This article contains lists of official candidates associated with the 2008 Republican Party presidential primaries for the 2008 United States presidential election.


In accordance with the 22nd Amendment, incumbent President George W. Bush was prohibited from running for president in 2008, having served two full terms in the office. Vice President Dick Cheney chose not to run for president. [2]

On March 4, 2008, John McCain became the Republican presumptive presidential nominee when he obtained the 1,191 delegates necessary to receive the party's nomination. [3] Mike Huckabee announced his withdrawal from the race later in the evening. [4] McCain's last remaining competitor in the race, Ron Paul, withdrew on June 12, 2008. [5]

Delegate race count

This chart shows the total number of delegates committed to each candidate from the Primaries/caucuses/state conventions (different state parties use varied methods for electing delegates).

2008 Republican presidential primaries delegate count
As of June 10, 2008
pledged delegates 1
(1,780 of 1,917)
Estimated total delegates2
(2,159 of 2,380;
1,191 needed to win)
John McCain 1,3781,575
Mike Huckabee 240278
Mitt Romney 148271
Ron Paul 1435
Color key:1st placeCandidate has
1 "Primary Season Election Results". The New York Times . September 16, 2008. Archived from the original on September 16, 2008.
2 "Election Center 2008 - Republican Delegate Scorecard". CNN . June 4, 2008. Retrieved December 26, 2013.


John McCain official portrait 2009.jpg
Senator John McCain

John McCain, born August 29, 1936, in the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone, Senator from Arizona. Born into a military family, he became a naval aviator and POW during the Vietnam War. Often characterized as a Republican maverick in the Senate, he is well known. In 2000, he failed in his attempt against George W. Bush for the Republican nomination: McCain continued his ultimately unsuccessful campaign long after the other Republican candidates had united behind Bush.

McCain's bipartisan compromise on judicial nominations and his strong support of campaign finance reform have drew the ire of many groups, [6] However, his party stood with him on issues concerning foreign policy and government spending. On November 15, 2006, McCain announced he would form an exploratory committee. On the Late Show with David Letterman on February 28, 2007, he announced he would seek the GOP presidential nomination. He made a formal announcement on April 25, 2007.

On November 4, McCain was defeated for the presidency by Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee. [7] [8]

Withdrew during the primary elections

Candidates who withdrew from seeking the nomination.
Giuliani closeup.jpg
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

Rudy Giuliani, born May 28, 1944, in New York, former mayor of New York City. Giuliani said on October 2, 2005, that he would look at the possibility of running for president. On November 13, 2006, he announced that he was forming an exploratory committee. He led several state and nationwide polls for the Republican nomination and the general election, and had been mentioned by many media sources as a possible candidate since the 9/11 attacks and a speech to the 2004 Republican Convention. [9] (See polls below) On February 5, 2007, Giuliani unofficially entered the race for the 2008 U.S. presidential election by filing a "statement of candidacy" with the Federal Election Commission, but legally keeping him at the same level as he was while running an exploratory committee. [10] On February 15, Giuliani officially announced that he was running on CNN's Larry King Live show. [11] Giuliani finished third in the Florida primary on January 29, 2008. The next day he withdrew from the race and endorsed John McCain. [12]

Representative Duncan Hunter

Duncan Hunter, born May 31, 1948, in Riverside, California, U.S. Representative from that state and former chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Hunter formally announced his presidential candidacy in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on January 25, 2007. He withdrew from the race on January 19, 2008, after a poor showing in the Nevada Republican caucuses, and endorsed Mike Huckabee. [13] [14]

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas

Mike Huckabee, born August 24, 1955, was the governor of the U.S. state of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007. He announced his candidacy on January 28, 2007. After Mitt Romney withdrew from the race, Huckabee chose to continue with his campaign, despite the fact McCain was already the presumptive nominee. Following losses to McCain in the Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island primaries, he ended his presidential campaign on the evening of March 4, 2008, and endorsed McCain the following day. [15]

Ron Paul, official Congressional photo portrait, 2007.jpg
Representative Ron Paul

Ron Paul, born August 20, 1935, in Green Tree, Pennsylvania, is a longtime U.S. Representative from Texas with a strong constitutionalist and libertarian voting record. He first ran for president as a Libertarian nearly two decades before the 2008 campaign. On January 11, 2007, Paul filed papers to form an exploratory committee for the 2008 presidential race. [16] [17] He formally declared his candidacy 12 March 2007 as a guest on Washington Journal on C-SPAN. [18] [19] On February 20, 2007, Paul's exploratory committee posted on YouTube a formal video of him explaining his reason for running. [20] Paul did well in Republican straw polls and broke several fundraising records including raising the most money ever raised in 24 hours, when Paul raised over $6.3 million on December 16, 2007, as a part of a moneybomb celebrating the Boston Tea Party.

On June 12, Paul withdrew from the race. [5] He did not endorse John McCain as the presumptive nominee for president - Paul eventually went on to endorse Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.[ citation needed ]

Mitt Romney by Gage Skidmore 6.jpg
Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts

Mitt Romney, born March 12, 1947, in Michigan, is former governor of Massachusetts. He formed a presidential exploratory committee on January 3, 2007, the day before he left the governor's office. [21]

Romney officially announced his candidacy on February 13, 2007, at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. [22] [23] On February 7, 2008, Romney announced that he was withdrawing from the race, and endorsed John McCain. [24]

Alan Keyes speech.jpg
Alan Keyes, former U.S. Ambassador

Alan Keyes, born August 7, 1950, is an American conservative political activist, author, former diplomat, and perennial candidate for public office.

Keyes announced his candidacy for president in a radio interview on September 14, 2007. He participated in one nationally televised debate before the primaries. His best showing was a 4th-place finish in North Carolina. Keyes withdrew from consideration on April 15, 2008, when he announced he was leaving the Republican party and advocating to be the Constitution Party nominee for president.

Fred Thompson-cropped.jpg
Fred Thompson, former senator of Tennessee

Fred Dalton Thompson, born August 19, 1942, was a former senator from Tennessee and a former actor, best known for playing D.A. Arthur Branch on Law & Order . On March 11, 2007, Thompson said "I'm giving some thought to it. Going to leave the door open. A lot of people think it's late already. I don't really think it is, although the rules of the game have changed somewhat. ... I think people are somewhat disillusioned. I think a lot of people are cynical out there. I think they're looking for something different."[ citation needed ] On June 1, Thompson announced he had established a preliminary campaign committee, thus taking his first formal step toward an official presidential bid. [25] On September 5, he officially entered the presidential race. [26] On January 22, 2008, he ended his campaign and endorsed John McCain.

Withdrew before primary elections

Candidates who dropped out before the Iowa Caucuses
Sam Brownback official portrait 3.jpg
Senator Sam Brownback

Sam Brownback, born September 12, 1956, in Kansas, senior Senator from that state. In April 2005, the Associated Press reported that Brownback, who is little known outside his home state, "is using a network of social conservatives and Christian activists to raise his profile" in such battleground states as Iowa and New Hampshire. He is well known for his social and fiscal conservative record, such as opposing abortion and instituting a flat tax alternative to the current IRS Code. He was also instrumental in Congress' bestowing the Congressional Medal upon Mother Teresa. In his own words, "The core of my being is to rebuild the family and renew the culture." On December 4, 2006, Brownback announced that he would form an exploratory committee. [27] On January 20, 2007, Brownback officially announced his candidacy. Of his campaign, Brownback said, "I'm a son of a farmer from Kansas ... I still think anybody can be president. I don't think you have to show up with $100 million to do it. ... I'm the tortoise in the race. And I don't like how the race starts; I like how it ends up." [28] Brownback was one of three who raised his hand in the May 3, 2007, Republican candidates debate when asked "Is there anybody on the stage who does not believe in evolution?". [29] Despite his high-profile among Evangelicals, most of them threw their support behind Mike Huckabee. Brownback officially withdrew from the presidential race on October 19, 2007, and endorsed John McCain. [30]

Jim Gilmore by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
Jim Gilmore, former governor of Virginia

Jim Gilmore, a Draft for President group was formed in August 2006, encouraging former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore to run for president after he was seen traveling to the presidential primary states. In November 2006, Gilmore told ABC News that a 2008 presidential run was one of several possibilities he is considering. [31] On December 19, 2006, Gilmore announced he was forming an exploratory committee for a presidential candidacy. [32] Gilmore announced on December 20, 2006, that he would launch his exploratory committee on January 2, 2007. [33] Perhaps hoping to mirror the surprising 2004 campaign of Democrat Howard Dean, another former governor with little national recognition when he entered the race, Gilmore declared that he represents "the Republican wing of the Republican Party" echoing the popular Dean quotation. Gilmore declared his candidacy from the Des Moines, Iowa GOP headquarters on April 26, 2007. Gilmore, however, raised a mere $380,000 in the first half of 2007, which he cited as a reason why he withdrew from the presidential race on July 14, 2007, and endorsed John McCain. [34]

Tom Tancredo, official Congressional photo.jpg
Representative Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo, born December 20, 1945, in Colorado, U.S. Representative from that state and leading advocate for more restrictive immigration policies. On April 2, 2007, Rep. Tancredo announced his official candidacy on Iowa talk radio station 1040 WHO. Tancredo has a dedicated grassroots following among paleoconservatives. He has visited early Presidential primary states such as New Hampshire, Michigan and Iowa to begin building popular support and has polled favorably amongst grassroots Republicans. Tancredo announced on January 16, 2007, that he was forming an exploratory committee. [35] Tancredo was one of three who raised his hand in the May 3, 2007, Republican candidates debate when asked "Is there anybody on the stage who does not believe in evolution?" [36] On December 20, 2007, Tancredo withdrew from the race and endorsed Mitt Romney. [37] After Romney withdrew from the race, Tancredo threw his support behind John McCain.

Tommy Thompson 1.jpg
Tommy Thompson, former governor of Wisconsin

Tommy Thompson, born November 19, 1941, in Elroy, Wisconsin, is the former four-term Governor of Wisconsin and was Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. He announced interest in the 2008 nomination and, on December 15, 2006, announced that he had formed an exploratory committee. [38] He officially announced his candidacy on April 1, 2007. [39] After a poor showing in the August 11 Iowa Straw Poll, Tommy Thompson announced on the following day that he is withdrawing from the race, and endorsed Rudy Giuliani. After Giuliani withdrew from the race, Thompson threw his support behind John McCain.

See also

Related Research Articles

The following is a timeline of major events leading up to and immediately following the United States presidential election of 2008. The election was the 56th quadrennial United States presidential election. It was held on November 4, 2008, but its significant events and background date back to about 2002. The Democratic Party nominee, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, defeated the Republican Party's nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses</span>

The 2008 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses took place on January 3, 2008. The Iowa Republican caucuses are an unofficial primary, with the delegates to the state convention selected proportionally via a straw poll. The Iowa caucuses mark the traditional formal start of the delegate selection process for the 2008 United States presidential election.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Republican Party presidential primaries</span> Selection of Republican US presidential candidate

From January 3 to June 3, 2008, voters of the Republican Party chose their nominee for president in the 2008 United States presidential election. Senator John McCain of Arizona was selected as the nominee through a series of primary elections and caucuses culminating in the 2008 Republican National Convention held from Monday, September 1, through Thursday, September 4, 2008, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. President George W. Bush was ineligible to be elected to a third term due to the term limits established by the 22nd Amendment.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mitt Romney 2008 presidential campaign</span> US presidential campaign

The Mitt Romney presidential campaign of 2008 began on January 3, 2007, two days before Mitt Romney left office as governor of Massachusetts, when he filed to form an exploratory committee with the Federal Election Commission to run for President of the United States as a Republican in the 2008 election. Subsequently, on February 13, 2007, he formally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president in 2008. He did so at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan, as an emblem of American ingenuity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rudy Giuliani 2008 presidential campaign</span> Unsuccessful presidential campaign

The 2008 presidential campaign of Rudy Giuliani began following the formation of the Draft Giuliani movement in October 2005. The next year, Giuliani opened an exploratory committee and formally announced in February 2007 that he was actively seeking the presidential nomination of the Republican Party.

The Following is a table which gives a basic overview of the beliefs of a selection of the Republican presidential candidates

In early 2007, Ron Paul, a congressman from Texas, announced his candidacy for the Republican Party's nomination for president of the United States in the 2008 election. Initial opinion polls during the first three quarters of 2007 showed him consistently receiving support from 3% or less of those polled. In 2008, Paul's support among Republican voters remained in the single digits, and well behind front-runner John McCain.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tommy Thompson 2008 presidential campaign</span> Unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign

The Tommy Thompson presidential campaign of 2008 began when the former Wisconsin Governor and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States on April 1, 2007. Thompson centered his campaign in Iowa, where he had spent the previous year building an organization in anticipation of the Ames straw poll. Throughout the campaign, Thompson remained low in Republican opinion polls and garnered very few political endorsements and campaign donations. He dropped out of the race on August 12, 2007 following a sixth-place finish at Ames.

The first political debate before the 2008 Republican primaries was held on May 3, 2007, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. Other debates have taken place in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida. They were generally broadcast by television networks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mike Huckabee 2008 presidential campaign</span> American political campaign

The Mike Huckabee 2008 presidential campaign began on January 28, 2007, when former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States for the 2008 election. Huckabee ultimately ended his bid for the nomination after losing the Texas Republican primary on March 4, 2008.

The 2008 presidential campaign of Tom Tancredo, a Congressman from Colorado began on April 2, 2007 with a formal announcement. The campaign garnered grassroots support and endorsements from conservative Republicans concerned about illegal immigration and border security. However, Tancredo remained low in the polls and was criticized for his nativist campaign, which had been described as "single-issued." Tancredo stated that he probably would not win the nomination but hoped his campaign would bring forth more debate on his issue of concern, immigration. On December 20, 2007 Tancredo withdrew from the presidential race, and endorsed Mitt Romney.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 United States presidential election in Iowa</span>

The 2008 United States presidential election in Iowa took place on November 4, 2008, as part of the 2008 United States presidential election. Voters chose seven representatives, or electors to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Michigan Republican presidential primary</span>

The 2008 Michigan Republican presidential primary took place on January 15, 2008. Mitt Romney came in first with 39 percent of the vote, followed by John McCain with 30 percent and Mike Huckabee in third-place with 16 percent. The victory was widely viewed as critical for the Romney campaign, as a loss in Michigan, where his father was governor, would have resulted in a loss of momentum after two losses already in New Hampshire and Iowa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Nevada Republican presidential caucuses</span>

The 2008 Nevada Republican presidential caucuses was held on January 19, the same day as the 2008 South Carolina Republican primary, with 31 delegates at stake. Mitt Romney was the winner in Nevada with 51% of the votes, with Ron Paul in second place. Half of Romney's votes came from Mormons, while two-thirds of the independent voters favored Paul. According to the Las Vegas Sun, Republicans crossed over in large numbers to vote Democratic; CNN exit polls indicated that Republican voters made up 4% of the Democratic caucus turnout.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Oklahoma Republican presidential primary</span>

The 2008 Oklahoma Republican presidential primary was held on February 5, with 41 delegates at stake. It was a closed primary, meaning only registered Republicans could vote in the election. The primary was on Super Tuesday on the same day as twenty-three other states. John McCain won Oklahoma's primary with 37% of the vote, although Mike Huckabee picked up some delegate votes as well by receiving 33% of the vote.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Connecticut Republican presidential primary</span>

The 2008 Connecticut Republican presidential primary was held on February 5, 2008 as the process by which the U.S. state of Connecticut selected the recipient of 27 of the state’s 30 delegates to the Republican National Convention in the process to elect the Republican candidate for the 44th President of the United States. It was a closed primary, restricted to enrolled members of the Republican Party.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008 Delaware Republican presidential primary</span>

The 2008 Delaware Republican presidential primary was held on February 5. A total of 18 delegates were selected. The Delaware Republican Party rallied behind John McCain, and he was the declared winner of the primary election after successfully taking all three Delaware counties. McCain was followed by Mitt Romney in second and then by Mike Huckabee in third.

The following is a timeline of major events leading up to the United States presidential election of 2012. The election was the 57th quadrennial United States presidential election held on November 6, 2012.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2012 Republican Party presidential candidates</span>

This article contains lists of notable candidates for the United States Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sam Brownback 2008 presidential campaign</span> 2008 Presidential campaign of Sam Brownback

The 2008 presidential campaign of Sam Brownback, a U.S. Senator from Kansas, began on December 4, 2006, with the formation of an exploratory committee. Several weeks later on January 20, 2007, Brownback officially announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. Brownback had first been elected to the Senate in a special election in 1996, previously having been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He was popular among social conservatives and positioned himself as a compassionate conservative, often using his Catholic faith to justify some of his policy positions. From the start of his announcement, media outlets noted that his candidacy was a long-shot and highly unlikely to succeed, and throughout the campaign, Brownback struggled with both fundraising and rising above single-digits in opinion polls.


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  2. Interview of the Vice President by Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation, March 19, 2006
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