List of presidential nominating conventions in the United States

Last updated

These lists are a companion to the Wikipedia article entitled United States presidential nominating convention.


Significant third-party conventions before 1860

1832 Anti-Masonic Baltimore, Maryland 1831 William Wirt usually considered the first U.S. political party nominating convention
1836 Anti-Masonic Philadelphia 1836no candidate nominated
1840 Anti-MasonicPhiladelphia1838 William Henry Harrison (Whig)By 1840, Anti-Masons had been largely absorbed into the Whig Party
Liberty Albany, New York 1840 James G. Birney first U.S. anti-slavery political party
1844 Liberty Buffalo, New York 1843James G. Birney
Tyler Democratic Baltimore1844 John Tyler Nominated sitting President Tyler in May 1844 but Tyler withdrew from running in August 1844. [Also known as the National Democratic or Democratic Republican Party]
1848 Free Soil Utica, New York & Buffalo1848 Martin Van Buren united Liberty Party supporters with anti-slavery Democrats and Whigs
1852 Free Soil Pittsburgh 1852 John P. Hale Most Free-Soilers joined the Republican Party after its foundation in 1854.
1856 American Philadelphia1856 Millard Fillmore (Whig)The anti-immigrant American (or Know Nothing) Party endorsed Fillmore in February 1856, followed by the Whigs in September.

Major-party conventions

The two right-hand columns show nominations by notable conventions not shown elsewhere. Some of the nominees (e.g. the Whigs before 1860 and Theodore Roosevelt in 1912) received very large votes, while others who received less than 1% of the total national popular vote are listed to show historical continuity or transition. [For example, the Equal Rights Party convention of 1872 nominated the first national ticket to include either a woman (Victoria Woodhull) or an African-American (Frederick Douglass), although this ticket received no votes at all.]

Many important candidates are not shown here because they were never endorsed by a national party convention (e.g. William Henry Harrison in 1836, George C. Wallace in 1968, John B. Anderson in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992); for a list by year of all notable candidates (at least one Elector or 0.1% of the popular vote), please see List of United States presidential candidates.

Note that there is no organizational continuity between the American Parties of 1856 and 1972, the Union Parties of 1860, 1864, 1888, 1900 and 1936, or the Progressive Parties of 1912–16, 1924 and 1948–52.

Presidential winner in bold.
People's [Middle of the Road] = "Middle of the Road" faction of the People's Party, who opposed fusing with the Democrats after 1896.
1832 Baltimore, Maryland Andrew Jackson Baltimore (National Republican, 1831) Henry Clay
1836 Baltimore (1835) Martin Van Buren
1840 Baltimore Martin Van Buren Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (Whig, 1839) William Henry Harrison
1844 Baltimore James K. Polk Baltimore (Whig) Henry Clay
1848 Baltimore Lewis Cass Philadelphia (Whig) Zachary Taylor
1852 Baltimore Franklin Pierce Baltimore (Whig) Winfield Scott
1856 Cincinnati James Buchanan Philadelphia John C. Frémont Baltimore (Whig) Millard Fillmore
1860 Baltimore
Charleston, South Carolina
Stephen A. Douglas (Official);
John C. Breckinridge (Southern)
Chicago Abraham Lincoln Baltimore
(Constitutional Union)
John Bell
1864 Chicago George B. McClellan Baltimore
(National Union)
Abraham Lincoln Cleveland
(Radical Democracy)
John C. Frémont — withdrew
1868 New York City Horatio Seymour Chicago Ulysses S. Grant
1872 Baltimore Horace Greeley
(Liberal Republican)
Philadelphia Ulysses S. Grant Cincinnati, Ohio (Liberal Republican)Horace Greeley
Louisville, Kentucky
(Straight-Out Democratic)
Charles O'Conordeclined
New York (Equal Rights) [1] [2] Victoria Woodhull
1876 St. Louis Samuel J. Tilden Cincinnati Rutherford B. Hayes Indianapolis (Greenback) Peter Cooper
1880 Cincinnati Winfield S. Hancock Chicago James A. Garfield Chicago (Greenback) James B. Weaver
1884 Chicago Grover Cleveland Chicago James G. Blaine Indianapolis (Greenback) Benjamin F. Butler
1888 St. Louis Grover Cleveland Chicago Benjamin Harrison Cincinnati (Union Labor) Alson Streeter
1892 Chicago Grover Cleveland Minneapolis Benjamin Harrison Omaha, Nebraska (People's)James B. Weaver
1896 Chicago William Jennings Bryan
& Arthur Sewall
St. Louis William McKinley & Garret Hobart St. Louis (People's) Wm J. Bryan (Dem.) & Thomas E. Watson (People's)
St. Louis (National Silver Party) Wm J. Bryan (Dem.) & Arthur Sewall (Dem.)
Indianapolis (National [Gold] Democratic) John M. Palmer & Simon Bolivar Buckner
1900 Kansas City William Jennings Bryan Philadelphia William McKinleyCincinnati (People's [Middle of the Road] ) Wharton Barker
Baltimore (Union Reform) Seth Ellis
1904 St. Louis Alton B. Parker Chicago Theodore Roosevelt Indianapolis (People's [Middle of the Road] ) Thomas E. Watson
1908 Denver William Jennings BryanChicago William Howard Taft St. Louis (People's [Middle of the Road] ) Thomas E. Watson
Chicago (Independence) Thomas L. Hisgen
1912 Baltimore Woodrow Wilson ChicagoWilliam Howard TaftChicago (Progressive)Theodore Roosevelt
1916 St. LouisWoodrow WilsonChicago Charles Evans Hughes Chicago (Progressive) [Theodore Roosevelt] — intended nomination declined beforehand
1920 San Francisco James M. Cox Chicago Warren G. Harding Chicago (Farmer-Labor) Parley P. Christensen
1924 New York City John W. Davis Cleveland Calvin Coolidge Cincinnati (Progressive) Robert La Follette, Sr.
1928 Houston Al Smith Kansas City Herbert Hoover Chicago (Farmer-Labor) Frank E. Webb
1932 Chicago Franklin Roosevelt ChicagoHerbert HooverOmaha (Farmer-Labor) Jacob S. Coxey, Sr.
1936 PhiladelphiaFranklin RooseveltCleveland Alf Landon Cleveland (Union) William Lemke
1940 ChicagoFranklin RooseveltPhiladelphia Wendell Willkie
1944 ChicagoFranklin RooseveltChicago Thomas E. Dewey
1948 Philadelphia Harry S. Truman PhiladelphiaThomas E. DeweyPhiladelphia (Progressive) Henry A. Wallace
Birmingham (States' Rights Democratic) Strom Thurmond
1952 Chicago Adlai Stevenson II Chicago Dwight Eisenhower Chicago (Progressive) Vincent Hallinan
1956 ChicagoAdlai Stevenson IISan FranciscoDwight Eisenhower Richmond, Virginia (States' Rights) T. Coleman Andrews
1960 Los Angeles John F. Kennedy Chicago Richard Nixon Dayton, Ohio (National States' Rights) Orval Faubus
1964 Atlantic City Lyndon B. Johnson San Francisco Barry Goldwater
1968 Chicago Hubert Humphrey Miami Beach Richard Nixon Ann Arbor, Mich. (Peace & Freedom) Eldridge Cleaver
1972 Miami Beach George McGovern
& Thomas Eagleton [3]
Miami BeachRichard Nixon
& Spiro Agnew
Louisville, Kentucky (American Party) John G. Schmitz
& Thomas J. Anderson
St Louis (People's Party) Benjamin Spock
& Julius Hobson
1976 New York City Jimmy Carter
& Walter Mondale
Kansas City Gerald Ford
& Robert Dole
Chicago (American Independent Party) Lester Maddox
& William Dyke
Salt Lake City, Utah (American Party) Thomas J. Anderson
& Rufus Shackleford
1980 New York CityJimmy Carter
& Walter Mondale
Detroit Ronald Reagan
& George H.W. Bush
Cleveland (Citizens) Barry Commoner
& LaDonna Harris
1984 San Francisco Walter Mondale
& Geraldine Ferraro
Dallas Ronald Reagan
& George H.W. Bush
Saint Paul, Minnesota (Citizens) Sonia Johnson
& Richard J. Walton
1988 Atlanta Michael Dukakis
& Lloyd Bentsen
New Orleans George H.W. Bush
& Dan Quayle
1992 New York City Bill Clinton
& Al Gore
HoustonGeorge H.W. Bush
& Dan Quayle
Washington, D.C. (Natural Law Party) John Hagelin
& Mike Tompkins
1996 ChicagoBill Clinton
& Al Gore
San Diego Robert Dole
& Jack Kemp
Long Beach & Valley Forge (Reform) Ross Perot
& Pat Choate
2000 Los Angeles Al Gore
& Joe Lieberman
Philadelphia George W. Bush
& Dick Cheney
Long Beach, California (Reform) Pat Buchanan
& Ezola Foster
2004 Boston John Kerry
& John Edwards
New York CityGeorge W. Bush
& Dick Cheney
Irving, Texas (Reform) [4] Ralph Nader (ind.)
& Peter Camejo (ind.)
2008 Denver Barack Obama
& Joe Biden
Saint Paul John McCain
& Sarah Palin
2012 Charlotte Barack Obama
& Joe Biden
Tampa Mitt Romney
& Paul Ryan
2016 Philadelphia Hillary Clinton
& Tim Kaine
Cleveland Donald Trump
& Mike Pence
2020 Milwaukee Joe Biden
& Kamala Harris
Charlotte Donald Trump
& Mike Pence
2024 Chicago Kamala Harris
& Tim Walz
Milwaukee Donald Trump
& J. D. Vance

Third-party conventions since 1872

Prohibition and socialist parties

The Prohibition Party was organized in 1869. At the 1896 Prohibition Party convention in Pittsburgh, the majority of delegates supported a "narrow-gauge" platform confined to the prohibition of alcohol, while a "broad-gauge" minority — who also wanted to advocate for Free Silver and other reforms — broke away to form the National Party.

The Socialist Party of America (1901–1972) resulted from a merger of the Social Democratic Party (founded 1898) with dissenting members of the Socialist Labor Party (founded 1876). The Socialist Party of America stopped running its own candidates for president after 1956, but a minority of SPA members who disagreed with this policy broke away in 1973 to form the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA).

Note that the years refer to the relevant presidential election and not necessarily to the date of a convention making a nomination for that election. Some nominating conventions meet in the year before an election.

Prohibition Party conventionProhibition Party nominee Socialist Labor Party conventionSocialist Labor Party nominee Social Democratic or Socialist Party conventionSocial Democratic or Socialist Party nominee
1872 Columbus, Ohio James Black
1876 Cleveland Green Clay Smith
1880 Cleveland Neal Dow
1884 Pittsburgh John St. John
1888 Indianapolis Clinton B. Fisk
1892 Cincinnati John Bidwell New York City Simon Wing
1896 Pittsburgh (Prohibition Party) Joshua Levering New York City Charles Matchett
Pittsburgh (National Party) Charles Eugene Bentley
1900 Chicago John G. Woolley New York City Joseph F. Malloney Indianapolis (SDP) Eugene V. Debs
1904 Indianapolis Silas C. Swallow New York City Charles H. Corregan Chicago (SPA)Eugene V. Debs
1908 Columbus Eugene W. Chafin New York City August Gillhaus Chicago (SPA)Eugene V. Debs
1912 Atlantic City Eugene W. ChafinNew York City Arthur E. Reimer Indianapolis (SPA)Eugene V. Debs
1916 St. Paul J. Frank Hanly New York CityArthur E. Reimer(mail ballot)(Allan L. Benson)
1920 Lincoln, Nebraska Aaron Watkins New York City William Wesley Cox New York City (SPA)Eugene V. Debs
1924 Columbus Herman P. Faris New York City Frank T. Johns Cleveland (SPA) Robert La Follette, Sr. (Progressive)
1928 Chicago William F. Varney New York City Verne L. Reynolds New York City (SPA) Norman Thomas
1932 Indianapolis William D. Upshaw New York CityVerne L. Reynolds Milwaukee (SPA)Norman Thomas
1936 Niagara Falls, New York D. Leigh Colvin New York City John W. Aiken Cleveland (SPA)Norman Thomas
1940 Chicago Roger W. Babson New York CityJohn W. Aiken Washington, D.C. (SPA)Norman Thomas
1944 Indianapolis Claude A. Watson New York City Edward A. Teichert Reading (SPA)Norman Thomas
1948 Winona Lake, Indiana Claude A. WatsonNew York CityEdward A. TeichertReading (SPA)Norman Thomas
1952 Indianapolis Stuart Hamblen New York City Eric Hass Cleveland (SPA) Darlington Hoopes
1956 Milford, Indiana Enoch A. Holtwick New York CityEric HassChicago (SPA)Darlington Hoopes
1960 Winona Lake, 1959 Rutherford Decker New York CityEric Hass
1964 Chicago E. Harold Munn New York CityEric Hass
1968 Detroit E. Harold Munn Brooklyn Henning A. Blomen
1972 Wichita, Kansas E. Harold MunnDetroit Louis Fisher
1976 Wheat Ridge, Colorado Benjamin C. Bubar Southfield, Michigan Jules Levin Milwaukee (SPUSA) Frank P. Zeidler
1980 Birmingham Benjamin C. Bubar  Milwaukee (SPUSA) David McReynolds
1984 Mandan, North Dakota Earl Dodge   Milwaukee (SPUSA) Sonia Johnson (Citizens')
1988 Springfield, Illinois Earl Dodge  Milwaukee (SPUSA) Willa Kenoyer
1992 Minneapolis Earl Dodge  Chicago (SPUSA) J. Quinn Brisben
1996 Denver Earl Dodge   Cambridge (SPUSA 1995) Mary Cal Hollis
2000 Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania Earl Dodge  Milwaukee (SPUSA)David McReynolds
2004 Fairfield Glade, Tennessee Gene Amondson   Chicago (SPUSA) Walt Brown
2008 IndianapolisGene Amondson  St. Louis (SPUSA) Brian Moore
2012 Cullman, Alabama Jack Fellure    Los Angeles (SPUSA) Stewart Alexander
2016 (conference call)(James Hedges)   Milwaukee (SPUSA) Mimi Soltysik
2020 (conference call)(Phil Collins)   Newark (SPUSA 2019) Howie Hawkins (Green)
2024 Buffalo (2023)Michael Wood  (Zoom call, SPUSA, 2023)(Bill Stodden)

Workers', Communist and Socialist Workers parties

The Communist Party was formed by Leninists who had left the Socialist Party of America in 1919. The Socialist Workers Party was formed by Communists who followed Leon Trotsky rather than Joseph Stalin and briefly joined the Socialist Party before forming their own party in 1937.

Election Communist Party conventionCommunist nominee SWP convention Socialist Workers
1924 Chicago [Workers Party] William Z. Foster
1928 New York City
[Workers (Communist) Party]
William Z. Foster
1932ChicagoWilliam Z. Foster
1936New York City Earl Browder
1940New York CityEarl Browder
1944CPUSA briefly dissolved into
Communist Political Association
1948New York City Henry A. Wallace (Progressive)New York City Farrell Dobbs
1952 Vincent Hallinan (Progressive)New York CityFarrell Dobbs
1956New York CityFarrell Dobbs
1960(Farrell Dobbs)
1964New York City Clifton DeBerry
1968New York City Charlene Mitchell New York City Fred Halstead
1972New York City Gus Hall Detroit Linda Jenness
1976ChicagoGus Hall(Peter Camejo)
1980 Detroit Gus Hall Oberlin, Ohio Andrew Pulley
1984 Cleveland, Ohio Gus HallNew York City Melvin T. Mason
1988New York City James Warren
1992ChicagoJames Warren

Libertarian, Green, and Constitution Parties

In 1999, the United States Taxpayers' Party changed its name to the Constitution Party.

The individual article about a Libertarian convention after 1980 or a Green Party convention after 1996 is linked to its respective city in the table below. Cities linked for Constitution and U.S. Taxpayers' Party conventions lead to individual sections of Constitution Party National Convention.

Libertarian Party conventionLibertarian Party nominee Green Party conventionGreen Party nomineeU.S. Taxpayers' or Constitution Party conventionU.S. Taxpayers' or Constitution Party nominee
1972 Denver John Hospers
1976 New York Roger MacBride
1980 Los Angeles Ed Clark
1984 New York (1983) David Bergland
1988 Seattle (1987) Ron Paul
1992 Chicago (1991) André Marrou New Orleans (US Taxpayers') Howard Phillips
1996 Washington, D.C. Harry Browne Los Angeles Ralph Nader San Diego (US Taxpayers')Howard Phillips
2000 Anaheim Harry Browne Denver Ralph Nader St. Louis (Constitution, 1999)Howard Phillips
2004 Atlanta Michael Badnarik Milwaukee David Cobb Valley Forge, Pa. (Constitution) Michael Peroutka
2008 Denver Bob Barr Chicago Cynthia McKinney Kansas City (Constitution) Chuck Baldwin
2012 Las Vegas Gary Johnson Baltimore Jill Stein Nashville (Constitution) Virgil Goode
2016 Orlando Gary Johnson Houston Jill Stein Salt Lake City (Constitution)Darrell Castle
2020 (Online) (Jo Jorgensen) (Online) (Howie Hawkins) (Online) (Constitution)(Don Blankenship)
2024 Washington, D.C. Chase Oliver (Online) (Jill Stein) Salt Lake City (Constitution) Randall Terry

Location of the Party Convention in Relation to Election Winner

The list below shows the location of the party convention, along with the winner of the election. Bold font indicates that party won the presidential election. If the party won the state where the convention was held the box is shaded. Other parties are only listed if they garnered electoral college votes. [5]

ElectionDemocratic ConventionRepublican ConventionOther Party Convention
1832 Baltimore Baltimore (National Republican, 1831)
1836 Baltimore (1835)
1840 Baltimore Harrisburg, Penna. (Whig, 1839)
1844 Baltimore Baltimore (Whig)
1848 Baltimore Baltimore (Whig)
1852 Baltimore Baltimore (Whig)
1856 Cincinnati Philadelphia Baltimore (American)
1860 Charleston & Baltimore Chicago Baltimore (Constitutional Union)
1864 Chicago Baltimore (National Union)
1868 New York City Chicago
1872 Baltimore Philadelphia Cincinnati (Liberal Republican)
1876 St. Louis Cincinnati
1880 Cincinnati Chicago
1884 Chicago Chicago
1888 St. Louis Chicago
1892 Chicago Minneapolis Omaha (People's)
1896 Chicago St. Louis St. Louis (People's)
1900 Kansas City Philadelphia
1904 St. Louis Chicago
1908 Denver Chicago
1912BaltimoreChicagoChicago (Progressive)
1916St. LouisChicago
1920 San Francisco Chicago
1924New York City Cleveland Cincinnati (Progressive)
1928 Houston Kansas City
1948PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Birmingham (States' Rights Democratic)
1956ChicagoSan Francisco
1960 Los Angeles Chicago
1964 Atlantic City San Francisco
1968Chicago Miami Beach
1972Miami BeachMiami Beach
1976New York CityKansas City
1980New York City Detroit
1984San Francisco Dallas
1988 Atlanta New Orleans
1992New York CityHouston
1996Chicago San Diego
2000Los AngelesPhiladelphia
2004 Boston New York City
2008DenverSaint Paul
2012 Charlotte Tampa

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1932 New York state election</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1940 New York state election</span>

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This article contains lists of official and potential third party and independent candidates associated with the 1996 United States presidential election.

The National Convention was the first republican legislative body of the French Revolution, that lasted from 21 September 1792 to 26 October 1795.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Third-party and independent candidates for the 2020 United States presidential election</span>

This article lists third-party and independent candidates, also jointly known as minor candidates, associated with the 2020 United States presidential election.


  1. "Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly Archives May 25, 1872 - OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE EQUAL RIGHTS CONVENTION, HELD IN NEW YORK CITY, ON THE NINTH, TENTH AND ELEVENTH OF MAY 1872". Archived from the original on 2021-11-30. Retrieved 2024-07-08.
  2. Epstein, Kayla (2019-09-11). "A woman who ran for president in 1872 was compared to Satan and locked up. It wasn't for her emails". Washington Post. ISSN   0190-8286. Archived from the original on 2022-12-10. Retrieved 2024-07-08.
  3. Sen. Eagleton later withdrew as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, to be succeeded by Sargent Shriver
  4. "Reform Party Convention | August 28, 2004 |". Archived from the original on July 9, 2024. Retrieved November 2, 2022.
  5. "Historical Presidential Election Map Timeline". Archived from the original on 2020-02-11. Retrieved 2020-03-11.

Sources (partial list)