1840 United States presidential election

Last updated

1840 United States presidential election
Flag of the United States (1837-1845).svg
  1836 October 30 – December 2, 1840 1844  

294 members of the Electoral College
148 electoral votes needed to win
Turnout80.3% [1] Increase2.svg 23.9 pp
  William Henry Harrison crop.jpg Martin Van Buren circa 1837 crop.jpg
Nominee William Henry Harrison Martin Van Buren
Party Whig Democratic
Alliance Anti-Masonic
Home state Ohio New York
Running mate John Tyler N/A [a]
Electoral vote23460
States carried197
Popular vote1,275,3901,128,854

Presidential election results map. Yellow denotes states won by Harrison/Tyler and Blue by Van Buren. Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes cast by each state.

President before election

Martin Van Buren

Elected President

William Henry Harrison

Presidential elections were held in the United States from October 30 to December 2, 1840. In the shadow of an incomplete economic recovery from the Panic of 1837, Whig nominee William Henry Harrison defeated incumbent President Martin Van Buren of the Democratic Party. The election marked the first of two Whig victories in presidential elections, but was the only one where they won a majority of the popular vote. This was also the third rematch in American history.


In 1839, the Whigs held a national convention for the first time. The 1839 Whig National Convention saw 1836 nominee William Henry Harrison defeat former Secretary of State Henry Clay and General Winfield Scott. Van Buren faced little opposition at the 1840 Democratic National Convention, but controversial Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson was not renominated. The Democrats thus became the only major party since 1800 to fail to select a vice presidential nominee.

Referencing vice presidential nominee John Tyler and Harrison's participation in the Battle of Tippecanoe, the Whigs campaigned on the slogan of "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." With Van Buren weakened by economic woes, Harrison won a popular majority and 234 of 294 electoral votes. Voter participation surged as white male suffrage became nearly universal, [2] and a contemporary record of 42.4% of the voting age population voted for Harrison. [3] Van Buren's loss made him the third president to lose re-election.

The Whigs did not enjoy the benefits of victory. The 67-year-old Harrison, the oldest U.S. president elected until Ronald Reagan won the 1980 election, died a little more than a month after inauguration. Harrison was succeeded by John Tyler, who unexpectedly proved not to be a Whig. While Tyler had been a staunch supporter of Clay at the convention, he was a former Democrat, a passionate supporter of states' rights, and effectively an independent. As President, Tyler blocked the Whigs' legislative agenda and was expelled from the Whig Party, subsequently the second independent (after Washington) to serve as president. Van Buren would be the last incumbent president to lose his reelection bid in a general election until fellow Democrat Grover Cleveland in 1888. This was also the last time a challenger to an incumbent President got a majority of the vote until 1932.


Whig Party nomination

1840 Whig Party ticket
William Henry Harrison John Tyler
for Presidentfor Vice President
William Henry Harrison crop.jpg
John Tyler (cropped 3x4).png
United States Minister for Gran Columbia
U.S. Senator
from Virginia
President pro tempore of the Senate

The first national convention of the Whig Party was called for by members of the party in Congress and it was attended by almost 250 delegates in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Henry Clay, William Henry Harrison, and Winfield Scott ran for the party's presidential nomination. The delegations of each state balloted separately before meeting together with the other representatives of the states. Clay initially led on the first ballot, but Harrison won on the final ballot with 148 votes compared to Clay's 90 votes and Scott's 16 votes after supporters from Scott switched to Harrison. John Tyler was selected as a factional and geographical balance to Harrison. [4]

Democratic Party nomination

1840 Democratic Party ticket
Martin Van Buren None
for Presidentfor Vice President
Martin Van Buren circa 1837 crop.jpg
President of the United States

Democratic members of the New Hampshire General Court made a call for the 1840 Democratic National Convention which was held in Baltimore, Maryland in May 1840. Delegates from twenty-two states attended the convention, but the sizes of the delegations varied with New Jersey having fifty-nine delegates to cast its eight votes while Massachusetts only had one delegate to cast its fourteen votes. [4]

A committee was formed to make recommendations for the nominations and the committee supported Van Buren for renomination which was approved by acclamation. However, the vice-presidential nomination was left vacant due to opposition to Vice President Richard M. Johnson's personal life. [4]

Anti-Masonic Party nomination

After the negative views of Freemasonry among a large segment of the public began to wane in the mid-1830s, the Anti-Masonic Party disintegrated. Many leaders began to move to the Whig party. Remaining leaders met in September 1837 in Washington, and agreed to maintain the party. The third Anti-Masonic Party National Convention was held in Philadelphia on November 13–14, 1838. By this time, the party had been almost entirely supplanted by the Whigs. The delegates unanimously voted to nominate William Henry Harrison for president (who the party had supported for president the previous election along with Francis Granger for vice president) and Daniel Webster for vice president. However, when the Whig National Convention nominated Harrison with John Tyler as his running mate, the Anti-Masonic Party did not make an alternate nomination and ceased to function and was fully absorbed into the Whigs by 1840.

Convention vote
Presidential voteVice presidential vote
William Henry Harrison 119 Daniel Webster 119

Liberty Party nomination

James G. Birney, Myron Holley, Joshua Leavitt, and Gerrit Smith proposed the creation of an anti-slavery party. In July 1839, two resolutions proposed by Holley at the American Anti-Slavery Society's meeting in Cleveland, called for the creation of an abolitionist party. They failed. Nevertheless, the supporters nominated Birney and Francis Julius LeMoyne as a presidential ticket at a meeting in Warsaw, New York. However, Birney declined the presidential nomination as he preferred a nomination to be made by a regular body of abolitionists and LeyMoyne also declined the vice-presidential nomination. Smith and Holley made a call for an abolitionist nominating convention to be held on April 1, 1840, in Albany, New York. 121 delegates attended the delegation and selected a presidential ticket of Birney and Thomas Earle. which was accepted. It took the name Liberty Party. [5]

Birney was unable to campaign during the election as he was in England until November. The Liberty Party received opposition from followers of William Lloyd Garrison and abolitionist Whigs. The Liberty Party received 7,453 votes. [5]

General election


Caricature on the aftermath of the panic of 1837 The times panic 1837.jpg
Caricature on the aftermath of the panic of 1837

In the wake of the Panic of 1837, Van Buren was widely unpopular, and Harrison, following Andrew Jackson's strategy, ran as a war hero and man of the people while presenting Van Buren as a wealthy snob living in luxury at the public expense. Although Harrison was comfortably wealthy and well educated, his "log cabin" image caught fire, sweeping all sections of the country.

Harrison avoided campaigning on the issues, with his Whig Party attracting a broad coalition with few common ideals. The Whig strategy overall was to win the election by avoiding discussion of difficult national issues such as slavery or the national bank and concentrate instead on exploiting dissatisfaction over the failed policies of the Van Buren administration with colorful campaigning techniques.

Log cabin campaign of William Henry Harrison

Harrison was the first president to campaign actively for office. He did so with the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too". Tippecanoe referred to Harrison's military victory over a group of Shawnee Native Americans at a river in Indiana called Tippecanoe in 1811. For their part, Democrats laughed at Harrison for being too old for the presidency, and referred to him as "Granny", hinting that he was senile. Said one Democratic newspaper: "Give him a barrel of hard cider, and ... a pension of two thousand [dollars] a year ... and ... he will sit the remainder of his days in his log cabin." [6]

Results by county explicitly indicating the percentage of the winning candidate in each county. Shades of yellow are for Harrison (Whig) and shades of blue are for Van Buren (Democrat). PresidentialCounty1840ExtentColorbrewer.gif
Results by county explicitly indicating the percentage of the winning candidate in each county. Shades of yellow are for Harrison (Whig) and shades of blue are for Van Buren (Democrat).

Whigs took advantage of this quip and declared that Harrison was "the log cabin and hard cider candidate", a man of the common people from the rough-and-tumble West. They depicted Harrison's opponent, President Martin Van Buren, as a wealthy snob who was out of touch with the people. In fact, it was Harrison who came from a family of wealthy planters, while Van Buren's father was a tavernkeeper. Harrison however moved to the frontier and for years lived in a log cabin, while Van Buren had been a well-paid government official.[ citation needed ]

Nonetheless, the election was held in the wake of the Panic of 1837, one of the worst economic depressions in the nation's history, [7] and voters blamed Van Buren, seeing him as unsympathetic to struggling citizens. Harrison campaigned vigorously and won.


31.9% of the voting age population and 80.3% of eligible voters participated in the election. [8] This was the first time that a majority of southern voters participated in the election. (A majority in the north had first participated in an election in 1828.) [9]

Harrison won the support of western settlers and eastern bankers alike. Of the 1,179 counties/independent cities making returns, Harrison won in 699 (59.29%) while Van Buren carried 477 (40.46%). Three counties (0.25%) in the South split evenly between Harrison and Van Buren.

The extent of Van Buren's unpopularity was evident in Harrison's victories in New York, the president's home state, and in Tennessee, where Andrew Jackson himself had come out of retirement to stump for his former vice-president.

This was the first time a Democratic president lost re-election, as well as the first of only two times (the other being 1980) that a Democratic president lost re-election and lost the popular vote.

This was also the first election in U.S. history in which a candidate won more than a million popular votes.

This was the last election where Indiana voted for the Whigs. It was also the only election where the Whigs won Maine, Michigan, and Mississippi. The election was also the last time that a majority of voters in Mississippi voted against the Democrats until 1872, the last in which a majority of voters in Indiana voted against Democrats until 1860, and the last in which a majority of voters in Maine and Michigan voted against Democrats until 1856. This is the only election in American history in which a majority of voters in Alabama and a majority of voters in Mississippi voted for different candidates.

The 1840 presidential election was the only time in which four people who either had been or would become a U.S. President (Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, and Polk) received at least one vote in the Electoral College when it voted for president and vice-president. [10]

Harrison's victory won him precious little time as chief executive of the United States. After giving the longest inauguration speech in U.S. history (lasting about 1 hour and 45 minutes, in cold weather and rain), Harrison served only one month as president before dying of pneumonia on April 4, 1841.

United States Electoral College 1840.svg

Electoral results
Presidential candidatePartyHome statePopular vote(a)Electoral
Running mate
CountPercentageVice-presidential candidateHome stateElectoral vote
William Henry Harrison Whig Ohio 1,275,58352.87%234 John Tyler Virginia 234
Martin Van Buren (incumbent) Democratic New York 1,129,64546.82%60 Richard Mentor Johnson (incumbent) Kentucky 48
Littleton W. Tazewell Virginia 11
James K. Polk Tennessee 1
James G. Birney Liberty New York 7,4530.31%0 Thomas Earle Pennsylvania 0
Needed to win148148

Source (Popular Vote):Leip, David. "1840 Presidential Election Results". Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections. Retrieved July 27, 2005.Source (Electoral Vote): "Electoral College Box Scores 1789–1996". National Archives and Records Administration . Retrieved July 31, 2005. [11]

(a)The popular vote figures exclude South Carolina where the Electors were chosen by the state legislature rather than by popular vote.

Popular vote
Van Buren
Electoral vote
Van Buren

Geography of results

Results by state

Source: Data from Walter Dean Burnham, Presidential ballots, 1836–1892 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1955) pp 247–257.

States/districts won by Van Buren
States/districts won by Harrison/Tyler
William Henry Harrison
Martin Van Buren
James G. Birney
MarginState Total
# %electoral
# %electoral
# %electoral
Alabama 728,51545.62-33,99654.387no ballots-5,481-8.7662,511AL
Arkansas 35,16043.58-6,67956.423no ballots-1,519-12.8411,839AR
Connecticut 831,59855.55825,28144.45-no ballots6,31711.1056,879CT
Delaware 35,96754.9934,87244.89-no ballots1,09510.1010,852DE
Georgia 1140,33955.781131,98344.22-no ballots8,35611.5672,322GA
Illinois 545,57448.91-47,44150.9251600.17--1,867-2.0193,175IL
Indiana 965,30255.86951,60444.14-no ballots13,69811.72116,906IN
Kentucky 1558,48864.201532,61635.80-no ballots25,87228.4091,104KY
Louisiana 511,29659.7357,61640.27-no ballots3,68019.4618,912LA
Maine 1046,61250.231046,19049.77-no ballots4220.4692,802ME
Maryland 1033,52853.831028,75246.17-no ballots4,7767.6662,280MD
Massachusetts 1472,85257.441452,35541.28-1,6181.28-20,49716.16126,825MA
Michigan 322,93351.71321,09647.57-3210.72-1,8374.1444,350MI
Mississippi 419,51553.43417,01046.57-no ballots2,5056.8636,525MS
Missouri 422,95443.37-29,96956.634no ballots-7,015-13.2652,923MO
New Hampshire 726,31043.88-32,77454.6678721.45--6,464-10.7859,956NH
New Jersey 833,35151.74831,03448.15-690.11-2,3173.5964,454NJ
New York 42226,00151.1842212,73348.18-2,8090.64-13,2683.00441,543NY
North Carolina 1546,56757.681534,16842.32-no ballots12,39915.3680,735NC
Ohio 21148,15754.1021124,78245.57-9030.33-23,3758.53273,842OH
Pennsylvania 30144,01050.0030143,67649.88-3400.12-3340.12288,026PA
Rhode Island 45,27861.2243,30138.29-420.49-1,97722.938,621RI
South Carolina 11no popular voteno popular vote11no popular vote---SC
Tennessee 1560,19455.661547,95144.34-no ballots12,24311.32108,145TN
Vermont 732,44563.90718,00935.47-3190.63-14,43628.4350,773VT
Virginia 2342,63949.35-43,75750.6523no ballots-1,120-1.3086,394VA
TO WIN:148

States that flipped from Democratic to Whig

States that flipped from Whig to Democratic

Close states

States where the margin of victory was under 1%:

  1. Pennsylvania 0.12% (334 votes)
  2. Maine 0.46% (422 votes)

States where the margin of victory was under 5%:

  1. Virginia 1.3% (1,120 votes)
  2. Illinois 2.01% (1,867 votes)
  3. New York 3.0% (13,268 votes)
  4. New Jersey 3.59% (2,317 votes) (tipping point state)
  5. Michigan 4.14% (1,837 votes)

States where the margin of victory was under 10%:

  1. Mississippi 6.86% (2,505 votes)
  2. Maryland 7.66% (4,776 votes)
  3. Ohio 8.53% (23,375 votes)
  4. Alabama 8.76% (5,481 votes)

Method of Electoral college selection

Method of choosing electorsState(s)
Each Elector appointed by state legislature South Carolina
State's electors chosen as general ticket by plurality of voters statewideThe other 25

Campaign songs/slogans


"Tippecanoe and Tyler too"

Van Buren

Rockabye, baby, Daddy's a Whig
When he comes home, hard cider he'll swig
When he has swug
He'll fall in a stu
And down will come Tyler and Tippecanoe.
Rockabye, baby, when you awake
You will discover Tip is a fake.
Far from the battle, war cry and drum
He sits in his cabin a'drinking bad rum.
Rockabye, baby, never you cry
You need not fear of Tip and his Ty.
What they would ruin, Van Buren will fix.
Van's a magician, they are but tricks.

Election paraphernalia and history

In the 1997 film Amistad , Van Buren (played by Nigel Hawthorne) is seen campaigning for re-election. These scenes have been criticized for their historical inaccuracy. [13]

See also


  1. While there was no official Democratic nominee, the majority of the Democratic electors still cast their electoral votes for incumbent vice president Richard Mentor Johnson.


  1. "National General Election VEP Turnout Rates, 1789-Present". United States Election Project. CQ Press.
  2. "White Manhood Suffrage". National Museum of American History. Archived from the original on June 29, 2021. Retrieved July 6, 2021.
  3. Between 1828–1928: "Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: 1828–2008". The American Presidency Project. UC Santa Barbara . Retrieved November 9, 2012.
  4. 1 2 3 National Party Conventions, 1831-1976. Congressional Quarterly. 1979.
  5. 1 2 Hesseltine, William B. (1962). Third-Party Movements in the United States. Van Nostrand Company. p. 33.
  6. "1840: The Log Cabin and Hard Cider Campaign · Voices and Votes: Democracy on Delmarva · Nabb Research Center Online Exhibits". libapps.salisbury.edu. Retrieved January 7, 2023.
  7. Campbell, Stephen (November 12, 2020). "Panic of 1837". The Economic Historian. Retrieved January 7, 2023.
  8. Abramson, Aldrich & Rohde 1995, p. 99.
  9. Black & Black 1992, p. 214.
  10. "1840 Presidential Election". 270toWin . Retrieved November 23, 2020.
  11. "1840 Presidential General Election Results". Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections . Archived from the original on January 20, 2022.
  12. Boston Harrison Club. Harrison melodies: Original and selected. Boston: Weeks, Jordan and company, 1840. Google books
  13. Foner, Eric (March 1998). "The Amistad Case in Fact and Film".

Works cited

Further reading

Primary sources