Brokered convention

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A brokered convention (sometimes referred to as an open convention and closely related to a contested convention), in US politics, can occur during a presidential election when a political party fails to choose a nominee on the first round of delegate voting at the party's nominating convention.


Once the first ballot, or vote, has occurred, if no candidate has a majority of the delegates' votes, the convention is then considered brokered. The nomination is then decided through a process of alternating political horse trading, delegate vote trading and additional revotes. [1] [2] In that circumstance, all regular delegates, who may have been pledged to a particular candidate according to rules, which vary from state to state, are "released" and may switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting. It is hoped that the extra privilege extended to the delegates will result in a revote that yields a clear majority of delegates for one candidate.

The term "brokered" implies a strong role for political bosses, which used to be more common and is associated with deals made in proverbial "smoke-filled rooms". The term "contested" is a more modern term for a convention in which no candidate holds a majority, but the role of party leaders is weaker in determining the eventual outcome. [3]

For the Democratic Party, unpledged delegate votes, also called "superdelegate votes", used to be counted on the first ballot. The term "brokered convention" has referred to a convention whose outcome is decided by superdelegate votes, rather than pledged delegates alone, but that is not the original sense of the term and has not been a commonly-used definition for a "contested convention." [4] As of 2018, Democratic superdelegates will participate only if no winner emerges after the first round of balloting.

Specific party rules

Democratic Party

Under the Democratic National Convention rules, "A majority vote of the Convention's delegates shall be required to nominate the presidential candidate" and "Balloting will continue until a nominee is selected." [5] Superdelegates are party leaders who participate as delegates if no winner emerges after the first round. Before 2018, they were allowed to participate in the first round as well. [6]

Republican Party

The rules are subject to change every election cycle and are determined by the Republican National Convention prior to the convention date. An example of this is Rule 40b of the RNC which was in effect in 2012, but was not adopted for the 2016 convention in Cleveland. [7] Under this rule, a candidate must have the support of a majority of the delegates of at least eight states in order to get the nomination. Rule 40e then states that if no candidate has received the majority of votes, "the chairman of the convention shall direct the roll of the states be called again and shall repeat the calling of the roll until a candidate shall have received a majority of the votes." [8]

In history

Before the era of presidential primary elections, political party conventions were routinely brokered.

The Democratic Party required two-thirds of delegates to choose a candidate at the first Democratic National Convention in 1832, and at all conventions until 1936. This made it far more likely to have a brokered convention, particularly when two strong factions existed. The most infamous example was at the 1924 Democratic National Convention in which the divisions between the anti-Alcohol prohibition in the United States "wets" and the pro-Prohibition "dries" led to 102 ballots of deadlock between the frontrunners, Alfred E. Smith and William G. McAdoo, over 17 days before dark horse candidate John W. Davis was chosen as a compromise on the 103rd ballot. [9]

Adlai Stevenson II (of the 1952 Democratic Party) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (of the 1952 Republican Party) are the most recent presidential nominees of their respective parties who won their nominations at brokered conventions. [10] [11]

While Eisenhower had 595 delegates out of 1,206 in the first roll call, nine short of the majority required, delegates changed their votes before the official vote could be declared. [12]

Following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election, the 2024 Democratic National Convention became open. [13]

Conventions close to being brokered

Since 1952, there have been several years when brokered conventions were projected but did not come to pass:

Races with failed predictions of being contested

Reasons for rarity

Several factors encourage a clear and timely decision in the primary process.

Firstly, candidates tend to get momentum as they go through the process because of the bandwagon effect. Thus, one or two candidates will be portrayed by the media to voters as the frontrunners as a result of their placement in the first primaries and caucuses, and as also-ran candidates drop out, their supporters will tend to vote for one of the frontrunners. [26] Theorists have identified two types of political momentum, piecemeal and all-at-once, with different impacts on front-runners and those right behind them. [27]

Secondly, political parties wish to avoid the negative publicity from a brokered convention and to maximize the amount of time that the nominee has to campaign for the presidency.

Especially because of the desire to foster party unity in the months leading up to Election Day, it is considered possible, if not probable, for any "brokering" that may be required for a future presidential convention to take place in the weeks and months before the convention, once it becomes clear that no candidate will likely secure a majority of delegates without an agreement with one or more rivals. Such an agreement would likely commit the frontrunner to make some form of concession(s) in return, such as selecting the former rival as his/her vice presidential nominee. That was the case prior to the 1980 Republican National Convention. Former California Governor Ronald Reagan won the presidential nomination and chose George H. W. Bush as his vice-presidential nominee although President Gerald Ford was the frontrunner for the slot.

In the U.S. edition of House of Cards , two episodes of the fourth season center on an open convention run by the DNC. Incumbent Frank Underwood is easily nominated for the presidency, but the vice-presidential nomination is contested between Secretary of State Catherine Durant and First Lady Claire Underwood.

The last two episodes of season six of the US series The West Wing centers on the Democratic Party's nomination process while three candidates vie for the nomination: Vice President Bob Russell, Representative Matt Santos, and former Vice President John Hoynes. A fourth, Governor Eric Baker, attempts to get nominated from the floor after the first ballot fails to produce a nominee. Santos ultimately wins.

In the final season of satirical comedy series Veep , Selina Meyer gets caught in a brokered convention. She manages to win the nomination but only after a series of compromising decisions, including pledges to ban same-sex marriage and to open up federal land to oil drilling, encouraging Tom James' campaign manager to expose his sexual exploitation of her to derail his attempt to win the nomination from the floor, and nominating the populist nativist Jonah Ryan as her running mate. This was to avoid nominating progressive candidate Kemi Talbot as her running mate (or Meyer having to serve as Talbot's).

The 1964 film The Best Man , based on a play of the same name, centers on the actions of two presidential candidates vying for an unspecified political party's nomination leading up to and during a brokered convention.

See also

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  1. Paul, Katie (February 7, 2008). "Convention Wisdom". Newsweek .
  2. Clift, Eleanor (February 6, 2008). "A Ticking Clock". Newsweek .
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  11. Cramer, Maria (February 27, 2020). "A Brokered Convention? Here's What's Happened Before". The New York Times . Retrieved July 8, 2024. The last Democrat who won the general election after multiple rounds of voting at the convention was Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. For Republicans, it was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952.
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