2022 European Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships

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2022 European Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships
2022 European Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships.png
Venue Olympiahalle
Location Munich, Germany
Start date18 August 2022
End date21 August 2022
Competitors288 from 38 nations

The 35th European Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships was held from 18 to 21 August 2022 in Munich, Germany as part of the second multi-sport European Championships. [1] There were 38 nations that sent athletes. [2] Gymnasts from Russia and Belarus were banned due to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. [3]



Thursday, 18 August
Senior All-Around Final
and Qualification for
Team & Individual Apparatus Finals
10:00 – 12:50Subdivision 1
13:53 – 16:44Subdivision 2
17:07 – 19:56Subdivision 3
Friday, 19 AugustJunior Team & All-Around Finals and
Qualification for Individual Apparatus Finals
10:00 – 12:50Subdivision 1
14:00 – 16:50Subdivision 2
17:30 – 20:20Subdivision 3
Saturday, 20 AugustSenior Team Final14:45 – 17:15Top 8 from qualifications
Sunday, 21 AugustJunior Individual Apparatus Finals9:45 – 11:45 Floor, Pommel horse, Rings,
Vault, Parallel bars, Horizontal bar
Senior Individual Apparatus Finals14:00 – 17:30
All times listed in local time (UTC+01:00).

Source: [4] [5]

Medals summary


TeamFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
James Hall
Joe Fraser
Jake Jarman
Courtney Tulloch
Giarnni Regini-Moran
Flag of Italy.svg Italy
Nicola Bartolini
Lorenzo Casali
Andrea Cingolani
Matteo Levantesi
Yumin Abbadini
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Ferhat Arıcan
Kerem Şener
Ahmet Önder
Adem Asil
Mehmet Koşak
All-around Joe Fraser
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Ahmet Önder
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Adem Asil
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Floor Artem Dolgopyat
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel
Krisztofer Mészáros
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Jake Jarman
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Pommel horse Harutyun Merdinyan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Loran de Munck
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Nils Dunkel
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Rings Eleftherios Petrounias
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Adem Asil
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Courtney Tulloch
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Vault Jake Jarman
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Artur Davtyan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Igor Radivilov
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Parallel bars Joe Fraser
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Illia Kovtun
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Giarnni Regini-Moran
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Horizontal bar Marios Georgiou
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus
Robert Tvorogal
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania
Joel Plata
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
TeamFlag of Italy.svg Italy
Tommaso Brugnami
Davide Oppizzio
Diego Vazzola
Riccardo Villa
Jacopo Zuliani
Flag of France.svg France
Axel Brèche
Romain Cavallaro
Nicolas Diez
Anthony Mansard
Lorenzo Sainte-Rose
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Oakley Banks
Danny Crouch
Gabriel Langton
Jack Stanley
Reuben Ward
All-around Botond Molnár
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Daniel Carrión
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Reuben Ward
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Floor Daniel Mousichidis
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Anthony Mansard
Flag of France.svg  France
Tommaso Brugnami
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Pommel horse Riccardo Villa
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Hamlet Manukyan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Dachi Dolidze
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia
Rings Luis Il-Sung Melander
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Hamlet Manukyan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Jukka Ole Nissinen
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Vault Joona Reiman
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Sebastian Sponevik
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Botond Molnár
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Parallel bars Erik Baghdasaryan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Gabriel Langton
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Daniel Carrion Caro
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Horizontal bar Dmytro Dotsenko
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel
Jukka Ole Nissinen
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Daniel Mousichidis
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Medal standings


1Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 41510
2Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 2305
3Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2114
4Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 2002
5Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1135
6Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 1113
7Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 1001
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1001
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 1001
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1001
11Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 0224
12Flag of France.svg  France 0202
13Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 0123
14Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 0112
15Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 0101
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 0101
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 0101
18Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 0011
Totals (18 entries)16161648


1Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 4037
2Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 1102
3Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 1001
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 1001
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 1001
6Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 0224
7Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 0112
8Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 0101
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 0101
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 0101
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 0101
12Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 0011
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 0011
Totals (13 entries)88824


1Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2013
2Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 1203
3Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1124
4Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 1012
5Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1001
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 1001
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1001
8Flag of France.svg  France 0202
9Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 0123
10Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 0112
11Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 0101
12Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 0011
Totals (12 entries)88824

Senior results


Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Kerem Şener Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 19 August 200319 years and 1 day
Oldest Andrea Cingolani Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 14 August 199032 years and 6 days
RankTeam Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg Total
Gold medal icon.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 42.433 (1)41.465 (2)42.166 (2)44.700 (1)42.599 (1)40.932 (1)254.295
James Hall 13.76613.43314.30014.066
Joe Fraser 13.70014.43314.10015.16613.900
Jake Jarman 14.50013.26615.20012.966
Courtney Tulloch 14.63314.600
Giarnni Regini-Moran 14.23314.90013.133
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Italy.svg Italy42.166 (2)40.299 (4)40.398 (3)42.700 (4)42.166 (=4)39.765 (4)247.494
Nicola Bartolini 14.43313.36614.50013.73312.666
Lorenzo Casali 13.83313.56614.50013.833
Andrea Cingolani 13.466
Matteo Levantesi 13.10013.70014.60013.333
Yumin Abbadini 13.90013.83313.36613.766
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 40.799 (6)38.632 (7)42.499 (1)43.433 (2)41.599 (=6)39.200 (6)246.162
Ferhat Arıcan 14.26614.20015.20012.700
Kerem Şener
Ahmet Önder 14.23312.33313.66614.00012.53312.600
Adem Asil 13.90012.03314.80015.23313.86613.900
Mehmet Koşak 12.66614.033
4Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland40.965 (5)39.366 (6)39.566 (6)41.932 (7)42.166 (=4)39.999 (3)243.994
Noè Seifert 13.86612.46613.36614.06614.73314.000
Andrin Frey 13.16613.20013.400
Moreno Kratter 13.93314.46613.533
Marco Pfyl 13.10013.33312.466
Dominic Tamsel 13.70013.10014.100
5Flag of France.svg France41.266 (4)39.798 (5)39.532 (7)41.899 (8)42.532 (2)38.765 (7)243.792
Benjamin Osberger 14.16613.16613.266
Leo Saladino 13.50013.16613.43314.30014.03312.466
Paul Degouy 13.60012.86614.33313.76613.333
Cameron-Lie Bernard 13.23314.733
Julien Saleur 13.46612.966
6Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 41.699 (3)40.599 (3)39.999 (5)41.965 (6)41.599 (=6)37.666 (8)243.527
Krisztofer Mészáros 14.43314.06613.10014.26613.76613.500
Krisztián Balázs 13.16613.10013.83313.866
Benedek Tomcsányi 13.43313.53313.833
Botond Kardos 14.10013.86614.00010.300
Balazs Kiss 13.366
7Flag of Germany.svg Germany35.999 (8)41.765 (1)38.632 (8)42.532 (3)42.365 (3)40.066 (2)241.359
Lukas Dauser 13.73313.06613.96615.53313.300
Nils Dunkel 14.46612.00014.066
Glenn Trebing 10.90013.63312.766
Andreas Toba 13.66613.56614.06613.266
Lucas Kochan 11.36614.50013.500
8Flag of Spain.svg Spain40.566 (7)37.166 (8)40.065 (4)42.166 (5)40.832 (8)39.599 (5)240.394
Rayderley Zapata 12.83313.26613.600
Joel Plata 13.93312.20013.16614.33313.166
Néstor Abad 13.63314.06613.400
Nicolau Mir 13.80011.33314.23312.93313.033
Thierno Diallo 13.63313.833


 Joe Fraser
 Ahmet Onder
 Adem Asil European Championships 2022-08-18 Senior Men All-around competition Subdivision 3 (Norman Seibert) - DSC 4304.jpg
🥇 Joe Fraser
🥈 Ahmet Önder
🥉 Adem Asil

76 gymnasts took part in the individual all-around competition with no prior qualification round. The following is the top 10 of the all-around. [6]

PositionGymnast Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg Total
Gold medal icon.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Joe Fraser  (GBR)13.63314.60014.26614.30015.06613.70085.565
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Turkey.svg  Ahmet Önder  (TUR)14.26613.50013.93314.53314.66614.23385.131
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Turkey.svg  Adem Asil  (TUR)14.26613.30014.93315.20014.13312.63384.465
4Flag of Spain.svg  Joel Plata  (ESP)14.03313.56613.43314.76613.93314.00083.731
5Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Noe Seifert  (SUI)13.93313.66613.60014.06613.63314.13383.031
6Flag of Hungary.svg  Krisztofer Mészáros  (HUN)14.50013.23313.03314.40014.23313.60082.999
7Flag of Italy.svg  Lorenzo Casali  (ITA)14.20012.83313.50014.46614.16613.36682.531
8Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Jake Jarman  (GBR)14.46613.03312.80014.83314.13313.20082.465
9Flag of Germany.svg  Lukas Dauser  (GER)13.76613.16613.33313.63314.76613.50082.164
10Flag of Italy.svg  Nicola Bartolini  (ITA)14.50013.56612.83314.30013.63312.26682.098


 Artem Dolgopyat
 Krisztofer Meszaros
 Jake Jarman European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men Apparatus finals Victory ceremony (Norman Seibert) - DSC 9502.jpg
🥇 Artem Dolgopyat
🥈 Krisztofer Mészáros
🥉 Jake Jarman

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Illia Kovtun Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 10 August 200319 years and 11 days
Oldest Nicola Bartolini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 7 February 199626 years, 6 months and 14 days
PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Israel.svg Artem Dolgopyat 6.18.86614.966
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Hungary.svg Krisztofer Mészáros 6.08.60014.600
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jake Jarman 6.38.13314.433
4 Flag of Italy.svg Nicola Bartolini 5.98.40014.300
5 Flag of Ukraine.svg Illia Kovtun 6.18.13314.233
6 Flag of Turkey.svg Adem Asil 5.87.8660.30013.366
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Giarnni Regini-Moran 5.97.03312.933
8 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 5.87.03312.833

Pommel horse

 Harutyun Merdinyan
 Loran de Munck
 Nils Dunkel European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men Apparatus finals Victory ceremony (Norman Seibert) - DSC 1907.jpg
🥇 Harutyun Merdinyan
🥈 Loran de Munck
🥉 Nils Dunkel

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Benjamin Osberger Flag of France.svg  France 1 October 200120 years, 10 months and 20 days
Oldest Harutyun Merdinyan Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 16 August 198438 years and 5 days
PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Armenia.svg Harutyun Merdinyan 6.18.63314.733
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of the Netherlands.svg Loran de Munck 6.38.40014.700
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Germany.svg Nils Dunkel 6.18.53314.633
4 Flag of France.svg Benjamin Osberger 5.88.76614.566
5 Flag of Turkey.svg Ferhat Arıcan 5.88.46614.266
6 Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Davtyan 5.78.33314.033
7 Flag of Croatia.svg Filip Ude 5.48.53313.933
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Joe Fraser 5.88.10013.900


 Eleftherios Petrounias
 Adem Asil
 Courtney Tulloch European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men Apparatus finals Victory ceremony (Norman Seibert) - DSC 3648.jpg
🥇 Eleftherios Petrounias
🥈 Adem Asil
🥉 Courtney Tulloch

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Adem Asil Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 21 February 199923 years and 6 months
Oldest Vahagn Davtyan Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 19 August 198834 years and 2 days
PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Greece.svg Eleftherios Petrounias 6.28.93315.133
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Turkey.svg Adem Asil 6.38.73315.033
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Courtney Tulloch 6.18.76614.866
4 Flag of Armenia.svg Vahagn Davtyan 6.08.76614.766
5 Flag of Austria.svg Vinzenz Hoeck 6.28.53314.733
6 Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Nikita Simonov 6.38.26614.566
7 Flag of Ukraine.svg Igor Radivilov 6.08.50014.500
8 Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Avetisyan 5.68.13313.733


 Jake Jarman
 Artur Davtyan
 Igor Radivilov European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men Apparatus finals Victory ceremony (Norman Seibert) - DSC 4907.jpg
🥇 Jake Jarman
🥈 Artur Davtyan
🥉 Igor Radivilov

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Leo Saladino Flag of France.svg  France 2 August 200220 years and 19 days
Oldest Artur Davtyan Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 8 August 199230 years and 13 days
PositionGymnastVault 1Vault 2Total
D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 1D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 2
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jake Jarman [lower-alpha 1] 5.69.16614.7666.09.20015.20014.983
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Davtyan 5.69.46615.0665.69.30014.90014.983
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Igor Radivilov 5.69.23314.8335.69.36614.96614.899
4 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Andrin Frey 5.69.10014.7005.09.30014.30014.500
5 Flag of Romania.svg Gabriel Burtanete 5.69.0660.10014.5665.68.7660.30014.06614.316
6 Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Ivan Tikhonov 5.68.93314.5335.28.9000.10014.00014.266
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Courtney Tulloch 5.69.10014.7006.07.8000.30013.50014.100
8 Flag of France.svg Leo Saladino 5.68.76614.3665.27.83313.03313.699

Parallel bars

 Joe Fraser
 Illia Kovtun
 Giarnni Regini-Moran European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men All-around competition Parallel bars (Norman Seibert) - DSC 7040.jpg
🥇 Joe Fraser
🥈 Illia Kovtun
🥉 Giarnni Regini-Moran

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Illia Kovtun Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 10 August 200319 years and 11 days
Oldest Lukas Dauser Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 15 June 199329 years, 2 months and 6 days
PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Joe Fraser 6.58.83315.333
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Illia Kovtun 6.68.73315.333
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Giarnni Regini-Moran 6.38.56614.866
4 Flag of Spain.svg Nicolau Mir 5.98.83314.733
5 Flag of Italy.svg Matteo Levantesi 5.78.73314.433
6 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 6.28.16614.366
7 Flag of Turkey.svg Ferhat Arıcan 6.57.20013.700
8 Flag of Germany.svg Lukas Dauser 6.27.43313.633

Horizontal bar

 Marios Georgiou
 Robert Tvorogal
 Joel Plata European Championships 2022-08-21 Senior Men All-around competition Horizontal bar (Norman Seibert) - DSC 9538 2.jpg
🥇 Marios Georgiou
🥈 Robert Tvorogal
🥉 Joel Plata

Oldest and youngest competitors

NameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Noah Kuavita Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 28 July 199923 years and 24 days
Oldest Robert Tvorogal Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 5 October 199427 years, 10 months and 16 days
PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Cyprus.svg Marios Georgiou 6.08.40014.400
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Lithuania.svg Robert Tvorogal 5.68.40014.000
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Spain.svg Joel Plata 5.88.20014.000
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg James Hall 5.58.43313.933
5 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Noe Seifert 5.78.20013.900
6 Flag of France.svg Paul Degouy 4.98.26613.166
7 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Noah Kuavita 5.47.76613.166
8 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 5.56.86612.366

Junior results


25 nations took part in the junior team competition. The following were the top 8 teams. [7]

RankTeam Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg Total
Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Italy.svg Italy39.79938.63239.23342.16638.79938.766237.395
Tommaso Brugnami 13.40013.00014.20012.866
Davide Oppizzio 13.16613.00012.93313.200
Diego Vazzola 12.60013.200
Riccardo Villa 13.06613.23313.90012.66612.700
Jacopo Zuliani 13.23312.96614.066
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of France.svg France39.73237.33238.53242.13339.66638.765236.160
Romain Cavallaro 12.56613.93313.13312.866
Lorenzo Sainte-Rose 12.03313.033
Axel Breche 12.93312.73312.933
Anthony Mansard 13.46612.86614.00013.50013.233
Nicolas Diez 13.33312.73314.20012.666
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 40.13238.09938.13342.33339.26638.166236.129
Danny Crouch 13.56612.90014.03312.900
Oakley Banks 14.00013.00012.566
Jack Stanley 13.46613.000
Reuben Ward 13.10013.46612.60014.30012.80012.700
Gabriel Langton 11.73312.53313.466
4Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland39.16637.96638.39941.56639.20038.466234.763
Jan Imhof 13.30012.86613.70013.10012.800
Matteo Giubellini 13.10012.93312.83313.83313.00012.966
Kilian Schmitt 12.60013.100
Mario Brand 12.76612.70014.03312.700
Mirco Riva 12.433
5Flag of Germany.svg Germany40.36637.26538.79940.49938.76538.866234.560
Jukka Ole Nissinen 11.86613.26612.13313.033
Maxim Kovalenko 13.60012.90013.70012.700
Daniel Mousichidis 13.50013.06613.133
Jonas Eder 13.16612.63313.46613.566
Timo Eder 13.26612.23313.333
6Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 40.09836.56639.13342.33337.59937.932233.661
Botond Molnár 13.86612.70013.33314.33313.36612.366
Szilárd Závory 13.16612.16613.20013.90012.13313.033
Balázs Juhász 13.06611.70012.533
István Mentovai 14.100
Zala Zámbori 12.60012.100
7Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 38.23338.46638.86541.03238.56637.765232.927
Radomyr Stelmakh 13.33313.36612.96614.26612.466
Dmytro Prudko 12.50012.20013.03312.90013.000
Yulian Yuzyfyshyn 13.866
Igor Dyshuk 12.90012.56612.466
Ivan Rudyi 12.40012.86613.00012.833
8Flag of Spain.svg Spain38.69937.90038.16642.69937.76637.666232.896
Daniel Carrión 12.73312.90012.90014.36613.40012.733
Alvaro Giraldez 12.73312.56612.26612.700
Pablo Ruiz 12.40012.70013.900
Unai Baigorri 13.23312.60014.433
Oriol Rifa 12.10012.233


74 gymnasts took part in the junior individual all-around competition with no prior qualification round. The following is the top 10 of the all-around. [8]

PositionGymnast Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg Total
Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  Botond Molnár  (HUN)13.86612.70013.33314.33313.36612.36679.964
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Spain.svg  Daniel Carrión  (ESP)12.73312.90012.90014.36613.40012.73379.032
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Reuben Ward  (GBR)13.10013.46612.60014.30012.80012.70078.966
4Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Matteo Giubellini  (SUI)13.10012.93312.83313.83313.00012.96678.665
5Flag of Ukraine.svg  Radomyr Stelmakh  (UKR)13.33313.36612.96614.26612.26612.46678.663
6Flag of Italy.svg  Riccardo Villa  (ITA)13.06613.06613.23313.90012.66612.70078.631
7Flag of Italy.svg  Tommaso Brugnami  (ITA)13.40012.53313.00014.20012.53312.86678.532
8Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Danny Crouch  (GBR)13.56612.90011.93314.03312.66612.90077.998
9Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bozhidar Zlatanov  (BUL)13.06611.66612.96614.20013.26612.83377.997
10Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Jan Imhof  (SUI)13.30012.00012.86613.70013.10012.80077.766


PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Germany.svg Daniel Mousichidis 5.18.60013.700
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.98.56613.466
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.88.56613.366
4 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amine Abaidi 4.58.80013.300
5 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Danny Crouch 5.08.5330.30013.233
6 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnar 5.08.4000.20013.200
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jack Stanley 4.98.30013.200
8 Flag of Germany.svg Maxim Kovalenko 4.88.13312.933

Pommel horse

PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Italy.svg Riccardo Villa 5.58.50014.000
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Armenia.svg Hamlet Manukyan 5.28.76613.966
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Georgia.svg Dachi Dolidze 5.18.43313.533
4 Flag of Armenia.svg Mamikon Khachatryan 5.08.36613.366
5 Flag of Ukraine.svg Radomyr Stelmakh 5.28.16613.366
6 Flag of Austria.svg Alfred Schwaiger 4.88.46613.266
7 Flag of Germany.svg Jonas Eder 4.68.56613.166
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Reuben Ward 4.68.46613.066


PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Sweden.svg Luis Il-Sung Melander 5.08.63313.633
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Armenia.svg Hamlet Manukyan 4.48.93313.333
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Germany.svg Jukka Ole Nissinen 4.28.90013.100
4 Flag of Armenia.svg Erik Baghdasaryan 4.18.90013.000
5 Flag of Turkey.svg Volkan Hamarat 4.18.86612.966
6 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 4.48.53312.933
7 Flag of Italy.svg Riccardo Villa 4.38.60012.900
8 Flag of Hungary.svg Szilárd Závory 4.58.40012.900


PositionGymnastVault 1Vault 2Total
D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 1D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 2
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Finland.svg Joona Reiman 5.69.23314.8335.29.06614.26614.549
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Norway.svg Sebastian Sponevik 5.29.0330.10014.5005.29.30014.50014.316
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 5.29.30014.5004.89.20014.00014.250
4 Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.89.40014.2004.89.33314.13314.166
5 Flag of France.svg Nicolas Diez 5.28.46613.6664.89.10013.90013.783
6 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bozhidar Zlatanov 5.28.9330.10014.0335.27.86613.06613.549
7 Flag of Spain.svg Unai Baigorri 5.27.96613.1664.89.0000.10013.70013.433
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jack Stanley 4.89.06613.8664.87.8000.10012.50013.183

Parallel bars

PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Armenia.svg Erik Baghdasaryan 4.49.20013.600
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Gabriel Langton 4.59.06613.566
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Spain.svg Daniel Carrión 4.58.90013.400
4 Flag of Israel.svg Dmytro Dotsenko 4.58.86613.366
5 Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.58.83313.333
6 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Daniel Trifonov 4.78.43313.133
7 Flag of Germany.svg Jonas Eder 4.58.46612.966
8 Flag of Turkey.svg Altan Dogan 4.56.73311.233

Horizontal bar

PositionGymnastD ScoreE ScorePenaltyTotal
Gold medal icon.svg Flag of Israel.svg Dmytro Dotsenko 4.58.86613.366
Silver medal icon.svg Flag of Germany.svg Jukka Ole Nissinen 4.38.96613.266
Bronze medal icon.svg Flag of Germany.svg Daniel Mousichidis 4.48.86613.266
4 Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.48.76613.166
5 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Matteo Giubellini 4.28.90013.100
6 Flag of Italy.svg Davide Oppizzio 4.38.80013.100
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Danny Crouch 4.18.83312.933
8 Flag of Hungary.svg Szilárd Závory 4.27.03311.233



Team competition

RankTeam Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg TotalQual.
1Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 42.36541.66642.53244.59943.86540.800255.827Q
James Hall 13.93313.53314.13313.900
Joe Fraser 13.63314.60014.26615.06613.700
Jake Jarman 14.46614.83313.200
Courtney Tulloch 14.73314.800
Giarnni Regini-Moran 14.26613.13314.96614.666
2Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 41.03241.10043.06644.16643.49939.999252.862Q
Ferhat Arıcan 14.30014.43314.70013.133
Kerem Sener
Ahmet Önder 14.26613.50013.93314.53314.66614.233
Adem Asil 14.26613.30014.93315.20014.13312.633
Mehmet Kosak 12.50014.200
3Flag of Spain.svg Spain42.26640.33241.13244.06643.13341.200252.129Q
Rayderley Zapata 14.23314.03314.600
Joel Plata 14.03313.56613.43314.76614.000
Néstor Abad 13.66614.40013.800
Nicolau Mir 14.00013.00014.70014.63313.400
Thierno Diallo 13.76614.100
4Flag of Italy.svg Italy42.53339.26540.69942.69942.59940.699248.494Q
Nicola Bartolini 14.50013.56614.30013.633
Lorenzo Minh Casali 14.20012.83313.50014.46614.16613.366
Andrea Cingolani 14.066
Matteo Levantesi 12.86613.13313.93314.80013.533
Yumin Abbadini 13.83313.800
5Flag of France.svg France40.96540.93240.00043.06642.19839.732246.893Q
Benjamin Osberger 13.86614.36613.100
Leo Saladino 13.36613.06613.70014.60013.86613.033
Paul Degouy 13.73313.20014.40014.06613.833
Cameron-Lie Bernard 14.266
Julien Saleur 13.50014.06612.866
6Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland41.79939.36639.99941.86541.39941.532245.960Q
Noe Seifert 13.93313.66613.60014.06613.63314.133
Andrin Frey 14.03314.233
Moreno Kratter 13.83313.566
Marco Pfyl 12.50013.06613.56613.70013.833
Dominic Tamsel 13.20013.33314.066
7Flag of Germany.svg Germany40.79941.89840.69941.59941.09839.566245.659Q
Lukas Dauser 13.76613.33313.63314.76613.500
Nils Dunkel 14.36613.40013.566
Glenn Trebing 13.80013.66613.76612.333
Andreas Toba 13.86613.96612.766
Lucas Kochan 13.23314.20013.733
8Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 40.83239.33239.99942.23341.86540.666244.927Q
Krisztofer Mészáros 14.50013.23313.03314.40014.23313.600
Krisztián Balázs 12.96613.96613.733
Benedek Tomcsányi 12.93313.36613.933
Botond Kardos 13.36613.90013.66613.333
Balázs Kiss 13.16613.600


RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Italy.svg Nicola Bartolini 5.98.60014.500Q
2 Flag of Hungary.svg Krisztofer Mészáros 6.08.50014.500Q
3 Flag of Ukraine.svg Illia Kovtun 6.18.36614.466Q
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jake Jarman 6.38.16614.466Q
5 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 5.88.5660.10014.266Q
6 Flag of Israel.svg Artem Dolgopyat 6.18.4660.30014.266Q
7 Flag of Turkey.svg Adem Asil 5.88.46614.266Q
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Giarnni Regini-Moran 5.98.36614.266Q
9 Flag of Spain.svg Rayderley Zapata 6.08.23314.233R1
10 Flag of Italy.svg Lorenzo Casali 6.08.20014.200R2
11 Flag of Finland.svg Emil Soravuo 5.58.63314.133R3

Pommel horse

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Joe Fraser 6.18.50014.600Q
2 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Loran de Munck 6.38.26614.566Q
3 Flag of Armenia.svg Harutyun Merdinyan 6.18.40014.500Q
4 Flag of Croatia.svg Filip Ude 5.88.63314.433Q
5 Flag of France.svg Benjamin Osberger 5.78.66614.366Q
6 Flag of Germany.svg Nils Dunkel 6.18.26614.366Q
7 Flag of Turkey.svg Ferhat Arıcan 5.88.50014.300Q
8 Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Davtyan 5.78.50014.200Q
9 Flag of Ireland.svg Rhys McClenaghan 5.98.30014.200R1
10 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg James Hall 5.98.03313.933R2
11 Flag of Germany.svg Andreas Toba 5.68.26613.866R3


RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Greece.svg Eleftherios Petrounias 6.28.90015.100Q
2 Flag of Turkey.svg Adem Asil 6.38.63314.933Q
3 Flag of Austria.svg Vinzenz Hoeck 6.28.66614.866Q
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Courtney Tulloch 6.18.63314.733Q
5 Flag of Armenia.svg Vahagn Davtyan 6.08.66614.666Q
6 Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Avetisyan 6.08.63314.633Q
7 Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Nikita Simonov 6.08.60014.600Q
8 Flag of Ukraine.svg Igor Radivilov 6.08.40014.400Q
9 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Joe Fraser 5.68.66614.266R1
10 Flag of Turkey.svg Mehmet Kosak 6.18.10014.200R2
11 Flag of Italy.svg Andrea Cingolani 6.08.06614.066R3


RankGymnastVault 1Vault 2TotalQual.
D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 1D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 2
1 Flag of Armenia.svg Artur Davtyan 5.69.53315.1335.69.56615.16615.149Q
2 Flag of Ukraine.svg Igor Radivilov 5.69.23314.8335.69.23314.83314.833Q
3 Flag of Romania.svg Gabriel Burtanete 5.69.23314.8335.69.03314.63314.733Q
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Courtney Tulloch 5.69.20014.8006.08.7000.10014.60014.700Q
5 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Giarnni Regini-Moran 5.69.36614.9665.29.20014.40014.683Q
6 Flag of France.svg Leo Saladino 5.69.00014.6005.29.2660.10014.36614.483Q
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jake Jarman 5.69.23314.8336.08.03314.03314.433
8 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Andrin Frey 5.09.23314.2335.68.93314.53314.383Q
9 Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Ivan Tikhonov 5.29.2330.10014.3335.68.9330.10014.43314.383Q
10 Flag of Spain.svg Joel Plata 5.69.16614.7664.89.16613.96614.366R1
11 Flag of Turkey.svg Adem Asil 6.09.20015.2005.68.2000.30013.50014.350R2
12 Flag of Italy.svg Nicola Bartolini 5.29.2000.10014.3005.29.3000.10014.40014.350R3

Parallel bars

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Joe Fraser 6.58.56615.066Q
2 Flag of Italy.svg Matteo Levantesi 5.69.20014.800Q
3 Flag of Ukraine.svg Illia Kovtun 6.38.46614.766Q
4 Flag of Germany.svg Lukas Dauser 6.48.36614.766Q
5 Flag of Turkey.svg Ferhat Arıcan 6.58.20014.700Q
6 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Giarnni Regini-Moran 6.18.56614.666Q
7 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 6.68.06614.666Q
8 Flag of Spain.svg Nicolau Mir 5.98.73314.633Q
9 Flag of Spain.svg Néstor Abad 5.88.60014.400R1
10 Flag of Bulgaria.svg David Huddleston 5.78.63314.333R2
11 Flag of France.svg Cameron-Lie Bernard 6.37.96614.266R3

Horizontal bar

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Cyprus.svg Marios Georgiou 5.88.43314.233Q
2 Flag of Turkey.svg Ahmet Önder 5.98.33314.233Q
3 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Noe Seifert 5.78.43314.133Q
4 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Noah Kuavita 5.88.26614.066Q
5 Flag of Spain.svg Joel Plata 5.98.10014.000Q
6 Flag of Lithuania.svg Robert Tvorogal 5.68.36613.966Q
7 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg James Hall 5.58.40013.900Q
8 Flag of France.svg Paul Degouy 5.38.53313.833Q
9 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Marco Pfyl 5.68.23313.833R1
10 Flag of Spain.svg Néstor Abad 5.38.50013.800R2
11 Flag of Italy.svg Yumin Abbadini 5.68.20013.800R3



RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 5.08.86613.866Q
2 Flag of Germany.svg Maxim Kovalenko 4.88.80013.600Q
3 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Danny Crouch 5.08.56613.566Q
4 Flag of Germany.svg Daniel Mousichidis 5.18.40013.500Q
5 Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.98.56613.466Q
5 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jack Stanley 4.98.56613.466Q
7 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Amine Abaidi 4.58.90013.400Q
8 Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.88.60013.400Q
9 Flag of Austria.svg Gino Vetter 4.68.76613.366R1
10 Flag of France.svg Nicolas Diez 5.08.33313.333R2
10 Flag of Ukraine.svg Radomyr Stelmakh 5.08.33313.333R2

Pommel horse

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Georgia.svg Dachi Dolidze 5.18.70013.800Q
2 Flag of Armenia.svg Hamlet Manukyan 5.28.60013.800Q
3 Flag of Armenia.svg Mamikon Khachatryan 4.98.76613.666Q
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Reuben Ward 4.88.66613.466Q
5 Flag of Ukraine.svg Radomyr Stelmakh 5.18.26613.366Q
6 Flag of Austria.svg Alfred Schwaiger 4.88.46613.266Q
7 Flag of Germany.svg Jonas Eder 4.68.56613.166Q
8 Flag of Italy.svg Riccardo Villa 5.08.06613.066Q
9 Flag of Italy.svg Jacopo Zuliani 4.78.26612.966R1
10 Flag of Israel.svg Dmytro Dotsenko 4.28.73312.933R2
11 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Matteo Giubellini 4.78.23312.933R3


RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Sweden.svg Luis Il-Sung Melander 5.08.60013.600Q
2 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 4.48.93313.333Q
3 Flag of Germany.svg Jukka Ole Nissinen 4.29.06613.266Q
4 Flag of Italy.svg Riccardo Villa 4.38.93313.233Q
5 Flag of Armenia.svg Hamlet Manukyan 4.48.83313.233Q
6 Flag of Hungary.svg Szilárd Závory 4.58.70013.200Q
7 Flag of Turkey.svg Volkan Hamarat 4.19.03313.133Q
8 Flag of Armenia.svg Erik Baghdasaryan 4.18.96613.066Q
9 Flag of Ukraine.svg Dmytro Prudko 4.28.83313.033R1
10 Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.18.90013.000R2
11 Flag of Italy.svg Davide Oppizzio 4.18.90013.000
12 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jack Stanley 4.38.70013.000R3


RankGymnastVault 1Vault 2TotalQual.
D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 1D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 2
1 Flag of Finland.svg Joona Reiman 5.69.06614.6665.29.10014.30014.483Q
2 Flag of Norway.svg Sebastian Sponevik 5.29.0000.10014.1005.29.00014.20014.150Q
3 Flag of Spain.svg Unai Baigorri 5.29.23314.4334.89.03313.83314.133Q
4 Flag of France.svg Nicolas Diez 5.29.00014.2004.89.26614.06614.133Q
5 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 5.29.13314.3334.89.00013.80014.066Q
6 Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.89.40014.2004.89.06613.86614.033Q
7 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bozhidar Zlatanov 5.29.00014.2004.89.06613.86614.033Q
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jack Stanley 4.89.13313.9334.88.93313.73313.833Q
9 Flag of Hungary.svg Szilárd Závory 5.28.8000.10013.9004.89.0330.10013.73313.816R1
10 Flag of Turkey.svg Alperen Ege Avci 4.89.46614.2664.09.26613.26613.766R2
11 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Daniel Trifonov 4.89.06613.8664.88.8660.10013.56613.716R3

Parallel bars

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of Germany.svg Jonas Eder 4.59.06613.566Q
2 Flag of Israel.svg Dmytro Dotsenko 4.59.00013.500Q
2 Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.59.00013.500Q
4 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Gabriel Langton 4.58.96613.466Q
5 Flag of Turkey.svg Altan Dogan 4.78.73313.433Q
6 Flag of Spain.svg Daniel Carrión 4.58.90013.400Q
7 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Daniel Trifonov 4.78.70013.400Q
8 Flag of Armenia.svg Erik Baghdasaryan 4.48.96613.366Q
9 Flag of Hungary.svg Botond Molnár 4.78.66613.366R1
10 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bozhidar Zlatanov 4.88.46613.266R2
11 Flag of Italy.svg Diego Vazzola 4.38.90013.200R3

Horizontal bar

RankGymnastD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Flag of France.svg Anthony Mansard 4.48.83313.233Q
2 Flag of Italy.svg Davide Oppizzio 4.38.90013.200Q
3 Flag of Israel.svg Dmytro Dotsenko 4.58.70013.200Q
4 Flag of Germany.svg Daniel Mousichidis 4.48.73313.133Q
5 Flag of Germany.svg Jukka Ole Nissinen 4.38.73313.033Q
6 Flag of Hungary.svg Szilárd Závory 4.58.53313.033Q
7 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Matteo Giubellini 4.28.76612.966Q
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Danny Crouch 4.18.80012.900Q
9 Flag of Turkey.svg Mert Kilicer 4.38.60012.900R1
10 Flag of Italy.svg Tommaso Brugnami 4.28.66612.866R2
11 Flag of France.svg Romain Cavallaro 4.48.46612.866R3

World Championships qualification

This event served as qualification for the 2022 World Championships in Liverpool. The top thirteen teams that qualified a full team to compete are Great Britain, Turkey, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria. [9]

The top 23 individuals (max two per country) not part of a team qualified to compete as an individual. Those individuals were: Sofus Heggemsnes (NOR), Ivan Tikhonov (AZE), David Huddleston (BUL), Robert Kirmes (FIN), Elias Koski (FIN), David Rumbutis (SWE), Dominick Cunningham (IRL), Gagik Khachikyan (ARM), Harald Wibye (NOR), Jose Nogueira (POR), Uri Zeidel (ISR), Valgard Reinhardsson (ISL), Tomas Kuzmickas (LTU), Georgios Angonas (CYP), Gytis Chasazyrovas (LTU), Yordan Aleksandrov (BUL), Daniel Fox (IRL), Joakim Lenberg (SWE), Michalis Chari (CYP), Guilherme Campos (POR), Apostolos Kanellos (GRE), Bidzina Sitchinava (GEO), Saba Abesadze (GEO), Ricards Plate (LAT).


  1. Unlike the other apparatus where ties are separated by the highest execution score, ties on vault are broken in the first instance by the highest scoring single vault of the two performed before comparing execution. In this case, Jarman's highest vault of 15.200 narrowly eclipsed Davtyan's highest score of 15.066, thus making Jarman the champion.

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  1. "2022 Senior European Championships". International Gymnastics Federation . Retrieved 24 July 2022.
  2. "Discover who will headline #Munich2022!". European Gymnastics . 4 July 2022.
  3. "European Championships Munich 2022 Board Agrees On Ban Of Russian And Belarusian Athletes And Officials". Munich 2022. Archived from the original on 6 April 2022. Retrieved 24 July 2022.
  4. "Timetable" (PDF). Munich 2022. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 January 2022. Retrieved 24 July 2022.
  5. "Competition programme". European Gymnastics. Retrieved 24 July 2022.
  6. "All-Around final results". Munich 2022. Retrieved 18 August 2022.
  7. "Junior team results" (PDF). Munich 2022. 19 August 2022. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 August 2022. Retrieved 20 August 2022.
  8. "Junior All-Around results" (PDF). Munich 2022. 19 August 2022. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 August 2022. Retrieved 19 August 2022.
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