2022 Slovenian presidential election

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2022 Slovenian presidential election
Flag of Slovenia.svg
  2017 23 October 2022 (first round)
13 November 2022 (second round)
  Natasa Pirc Musar 02 (cropped).jpg 124. seja Vlade RS dr Anze Logar.jpg
Nominee Nataša Pirc Musar Anže Logar
Party Independent SDS
Popular vote483,812414,029

2022 Slovenian Presidential election, 1st round.svg
2022 Slovenian Presidential election, 2nd round.svg

President before election

Borut Pahor

Elected President

Nataša Pirc Musar

Presidential elections were held in Slovenia on 23 October 2022. [1] Incumbent President Borut Pahor was ineligible to run for a third consecutive term due to term limits. [2]

As no candidate received a majority of the vote, a runoff between the top two placing candidates, former foreign minister Anže Logar, an SDS member running as an independent, and independent former Information Commissioner Nataša Pirc Musar, took place on 13 November 2022. Pirc Musar won the runoff with 53.86% of the vote, becoming the first female president of Slovenia. [3] [4]

Logar acknowledged his defeat and congratulated Pirc Musar on her victory. [5]

Important dates

DateElection task
20 July 2022President of the National Assembly announces elections
22 August 2022Day the electoral tasks start
22 September 2022Start of the official campaign
28 September 2022Deadline for submitting candidacies
3 October 2022Last day for withdrawing from the candidature
21 October 2022Start of the electoral silence at midnight
23 October 2022Election day
13 November 2022Second round

Electoral system

The President of Slovenia is elected using the two-round system; if no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the first round, the top two candidates contest a runoff. [6]

Under Slovenia's election law, candidates for president are required to meet one of three criteria:

Each political party could support only one candidate.


Advanced to runoff

Candidate name, age,
political party
Candidate of#Political officesCampaignRegistration dateRef.
Anže Logar (48)
124. seja Vlade RS dr Anze Logar.jpg SDS 2 Logo of the Anze Logar 2022 presidential campaign.png
22 Sep 2022 [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
Nataša Pirc Musar (56)
Natasa Pirc Musar 02 (cropped).jpg Pirati 5 Logo of the 2022 Natasa Pirc Musar presidential campaign.svg
22 Sep 2022 [17] [18] [19]

Did not advance to runoff

Candidate name, age,
political party
Candidate ofNo.Political officesCampaignRegistration dateRef.
Milan Brglez (57)
Slovenijas Nacionalas asamblejas prezidenta vizite Latvija (32883421163)-1 cropped (cropped).jpg SD 1 Logo of the 2022 Milan Brglez presidential campaign.svg
29 Sep 2022 [20] [21]
Janez Cigler Kralj (46)
Obisk Vlade RS v Zasavju Cigler Kralj (cropped).jpg N.Si 3 Logo of the 2022 Janez Cigler Kralj presidential campaign.png
22 Sep 2022 [22] [23] [24]
Miha Kordiš (36)
Miha Kordis.jpg Levica 4 Logo of the Miha Kordis 2022 presidential campaign.png
29 Sep 2022 [25] [26]
Vladimir Prebilič (50)
25. obletnica prvega postroja Slovenske vojske v Kocevski Reki 06 (cropped) (cropped).jpg Vesna 6
  • Mayor of Kočevje (2010–present)
  • Professor (defence studies)
Logo of the Vladimir Prebilic 2022 presidential campaign.png
22 Sep 2022 [27] [28] [29] [30]
Sabina Senčar (54)
Sabina Sencar (cropped).jpg Resni.ca 7
  • None (gynaecologist)
Logo of the 2022 Sabina Sencar presidential campaign.png
29 Sep 2022 [31] [32] [33]

Opinion polls

First round

Polling firmFieldwork dateSample
Slovenijas Nacionalas asamblejas prezidenta vizite Latvija (32883421163)-1 cropped.jpg 124. seja Vlade RS dr Anze Logar.jpg Obisk Vlade RS v Zasavju Cigler Kralj (cropped).jpg Miha Kordis.jpg PircMusar2022 (cropped).png 25. obletnica prvega postroja Slovenske vojske v Kocevski Reki 06 (cropped) (cropped).jpg Sabina Sencar (cropped).jpg UndecidedAbstainLead
Cigler Kralj
Pirc Musar
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 18–21 Oct 20221,98912.324.
Mediana/POP TV/Delo 17–19 Oct 202282417.330.16.65.420.510.
Parsifal/Nova24TV 10–14 Oct 202270510.727.14.02.919.93.24.816.85.27.2
Ninamedia/Večer/Dnevnik 10–13 Oct 20221,00018.631.
Mediana/Delo/POP TV 3–6 Oct 202271915.323.64.24.920.
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 28–30 Sep 20221,54712.
Ninamedia/Dnevnik/Večer 28–29 Sep 20221,00018.928.23.31.623.64.62.916.64.6
Ninamedia/Mladina 27 Sep 202250018.927.31.41.623.

Second round

Polling firmFieldwork dateSample
124. seja Vlade RS dr Anze Logar.jpg PircMusar2022 (cropped).png 124. seja Vlade RS dr Anze Logar.jpg Slovenijas Nacionalas asamblejas prezidenta vizite Latvija (32883421163)-1 cropped.jpg PircMusar2022 (cropped).png Slovenijas Nacionalas asamblejas prezidenta vizite Latvija (32883421163)-1 cropped.jpg
Pirc Musar
Pirc Musar
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 9–11 Nov 2022186044.056.0
Ninamedia/Dnevnik/Večer 7–10 Nov 2022115048.851.2
Mediana/POP TV/Delo 7–9 Nov 202271844.651.7
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 2–4 Nov 20221,01934.243.5
Ninamedia/Mladina 27–29 Oct 202270038.761.3
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 18–21 Oct 20221,98936.542.539.037.436.130.2
Mediana/POP TV/Delo 17–19 Oct 202282442.444.445.243.734.438.3
Parsifal/Nova24TV 10–14 Oct 202270549.
Ninamedia/Večer/Dnevnik 10–13 Oct 20221,00039.637.341.333.6
Valicon/RTV Slovenija 29–30 Sep 20221,54733.940.737.032.033.729.4
Ninamedia/Dnevnik/Večer 28–29 Sep 20221,00040.841.641.744.437.033.7


In the first round Anže Logar received 34% of the voter share against 27% for Nataša Pirc Musar. [11] Milan Brglez was third with around 15%. [11] For the second round Golob then turned his support to Pirc Musar. [11]

In the run-off, independent Pirc Musar was expected to win since August 2022. [34] Logar also ran as an independent, but was a member of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), which lost parliamentary elections six months prior. [35] Logar is therefore associated with Janša, who was accused with attempting to restrict the freedom of expression and undermine the independence of the judiciary during his term in office. [35]

In the evening of 13 November 2022, the electoral commission reported that Pirc Musar won with nearly 54% of the vote, after which Logar conceded defeat and congratulated Pirc Musar on her victory. [36] Pirc Musar will become Slovenia's first female president, commander-in-chief of the Slovenian Army and also be responsible for appointing the head of the Central Bank of Slovenia. [37]

CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Anže Logar Slovenian Democratic Party 296,00033.95414,02946.11
Nataša Pirc Musar Independent234,36126.88483,81253.89
Milan Brglez Social Democrats 134,72615.45
Vladimir Prebilič Independent92,45610.60
Sabina Senčar  [ sl ] Resni.ca 51,7675.94
Janez Cigler Kralj  [ sl ] New Slovenia 38,1134.37
Miha Kordiš  [ sl ] The Left 24,5182.81
Valid votes871,94199.47897,84198.87
Invalid/blank votes4,6250.5310,2241.13
Total votes876,566100.00908,065100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,694,43751.731,694,37353.59
Source: Volitve


  1. "Elections: Slovenia President 2022". IFES Election Guide. Retrieved 29 August 2021.
  2. "President of the Republic of Slovenia". State Election Commission. Archived from the original on 18 January 2022. Retrieved 29 August 2021.
  3. "Natasa Pirc-Musar wird erste Präsidentin von Slowenien". Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German). Retrieved 13 November 2022.
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