Army Academy of Armored Forces

Last updated
Army Academy of Armored Forces
TypeMilitary Academy
Established2017 (2017)
Affiliation People's Liberation Army Ground Force
Academic staff
650 faculty, 400 specialized scientific researchers [1]
Main Campus:
Guishuling Shejiakan #21, Changxindian Town, Fengtai District, Beijing
Bengbu Campus:
Chaoyang Nanlu, Bengshan District, Bengbu City, Anhui
NCO School:
Technological and Economic Development Area, Changchun City, Jilin [2]

39°50′27″N116°11′06″E / 39.840800°N 116.185031°E / 39.840800; 116.185031
China Beijing adm location map.svg
Red pog.svg
Location in Beijing

People's Liberation Army Army Academy of Armored Forces, usually called the Army Academy of Armored Forces (MOE 91006) is the primary academic training institution for officers and NCOs of the armored forces of the PLAGF, with a deputy-corps grade. [3] The academy is a comprehensive higher education institution that trains military command officers, staff officers, technical support officers; and command management, maintenance, and security non-commissioned officers for all the PLAGF armored forces. It was formed in 2017 by merging three previous educational institutions, so its main campus is located in Beijing, [4] its largest campus is located in Bengbu, and its NCO School is located in Changchun. [1]



PLA Armored Forces College (中国人民解放军装甲兵学院)

PLA Armored Forces Engineering College (中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院)

Army Academy of Armored Forces (中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院)


The identified units of the Army Academy of Armored Forces are: [1]

Academic departments

Key labs

Research Labs

One National Engineering Center (国家工程中心) One National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center (国家级实验教学示范中心) Two research stations: Armament Science and Technology (兵器科学 与技术), and Materials Science and Engineering (材料科学与工程)

Armored Equipment Technology Institute (装甲兵装备技术研究所)

The former Engineering College hosts the Institute, which is the only comprehensive research center for armored equipment of the PLA, and also operates as the "quality inspection station" and "security research center" of new tanks and armored vehicles introduced by the PLA. [16] Its subordinated unit, the Armored Equipment Technology Testing Grounds, established in 1960, is the only testing and certification facility for armored vehicles and tanks in the PLA. [17] In 1970, the Testing Grounds opened a satellite test site in Tahe County, Heilongjiang province, in order to test armored equipment in cold environments. [18] [19] As of 2016, the Testing Grounds has done the testing and certification of all Chinese armored vehicles, from the Type 59 tank to the most recent additions like the Type 15 tank. [20] [21] [22] [23]

Courses and Specialties

The academy grants associate, bachelor, masters and doctoral degrees, plus courses for retraining officers, mid-career courses, and other specialization courses. As of 2020, on the three broad disciplines of engineering, management, and military science, the Academy has: 6 post-doctoral research stations, 5 first-level doctoral programs, 19 second-level doctoral programs; 6 first-level, 3 secondary, and 8 specialist master's degrees, and 50 general master's programs; the academy has 18 undergraduate majors. [2]

The 11 undergraduate majors enrolling the initial class in 2017 were: [2]


PLA Armored Forces College (中国人民解放军装甲兵学院)

PLA Armored Forces Engineering College (中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院)

Army Academy of Armored Forces


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Also See

Also See

Academic institutions of the armed forces of China