Aspartyl aminopeptidase

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Aspartyl aminopeptidase
Aspartyl aminopeptidase dodekamer, Bos taurus
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CAS no. 9074-83-3
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Aspartyl aminopeptidase (EC is an enzyme. [1] [2] This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

Release of an N-terminal aspartate or glutamate from a peptide, with a preference for aspartate

Aminoacyl-arylamides are poor substrates.

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  1. Kelly JA, Neidle EL, Neidle A (June 1983). "An aminopeptidase from mouse brain cytosol that cleaves N-terminal acidic amino acid residues". Journal of Neurochemistry. 40 (6): 1727–34. doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.1983.tb08148.x. PMID   6854330. S2CID   25470156.
  2. Wilk S, Wilk E, Magnusson RP (June 1998). "Purification, characterization, and cloning of a cytosolic aspartyl aminopeptidase". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273 (26): 15961–70. doi: 10.1074/jbc.273.26.15961 . PMID   9632644.