Cantharellus cibarius

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Cantharellus cibarius
Chanterelle Cantharellus cibarius.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Cantharellales
Family: Cantharellaceae
Genus: Cantharellus
C. cibarius
Binomial name
Cantharellus cibarius
Fr. (1821)
Species synonymy [1]
  • Agaricus cantharellus L. (1753)
  • Merulius cantharellus(L.) Scop. (1772)
  • Cantharellus vulgaris Gray (1821)
  • Merulius cibarius(Fr.) Westend. (1857)
  • Cantharellus rufipes Gillet (1878)
  • Cantharellus cibarius var. amethysteus Quél. (1883)
  • Cantharellus cibarius var. rufipes(Gillet) Cooke (1883)
  • Cantharellus amethysteus(Quél.) Sacc. (1887)
  • Craterellus amethysteus(Quél.) Quél. (1888)
  • Craterellus cibarius(Fr.) Quél. (1888)
  • Merulius amethysteus(Quél.) Kuntze (1891)
  • Alectorolophoides cibarius(Fr.) Earle (1909)
  • Chanterel cantharellus(L.) Murrill (1910)
  • Cantharellus edulisSacc. (1916)
  • Cantharellus pallens Pilát (1959)
  • Cantharellus cibarius var. amethysteus(Quél.) Cetto (1987)
Cantharellus cibarius
Information icon.svg
Ridges icon.pngRidges on hymenium
Infundibuliform cap icon.svg Cap is infundibuliform
Decurrent gills icon2.svg Hymenium is decurrent
Bare stipe icon.svg Stipe is bare
Transparent spore print icon.svg
Transparent spore print icon.svg
Spore print is yellow to cream
Mycorrhizal fungus.svgEcology is mycorrhizal
Mycomorphbox Choice.pngEdibility is choice

Cantharellus cibarius (Latin: cantharellus, "chanterelle"; cibarius, "culinary") [2] is the golden chanterelle, the type species of the chanterelle genus Cantharellus . It is also known as girolle (or girole). [3] [4]


Despite its characteristic features, it is often confused with the poisonous jack'o'lantern, Omphalotus illudens , and the false chanterelle, Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca . The golden chanterelle is a commonly consumed and choice edible species.


At one time, all yellow or golden chanterelles in North America had been classified as Cantharellus cibarius. Using DNA analysis, they have since been shown to be a group of related species known as the Cantharellus cibarius group or species complex, with C. cibarius sensu stricto restricted to Europe. [5] [6] [7] In 1997, the Pacific golden chanterelle ( C. formosus ) and C. cibarius var. roseocanus were identified, [8] followed by C. cascadensis in 2003 [9] and C. californicus in 2008. [10] In 2018, an Asian species belonging to the C. cibarius complex has been described and sequenced, C. anzutake, recorded in Japan and Korea. [11]


The mushroom is easy to detect and recognize in nature. [3] The body is 3–10 centimetres (1–4 inches) wide and 5–10 cm (2–4 in) tall. The color varies from yellow to dark yellow. [3] [12] Red spots will appear on the cap of the mushroom if it is damaged. [13] Chanterelles have a faint aroma and flavor of apricots. [3] [12]

Similar species

The species can resemble the dangerously poisonous Omphalotus illudens . [14]

Distribution and habitat

The species grows in Europe from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean Basin, mainly in deciduous and coniferous forests. [3] [12] [5] [6]


A commonly eaten and favored mushroom, the chanterelle is typically harvested from late summer to late fall in its European distribution. [3]

Chanterelles are used in many culinary dishes, [3] [12] and can be preserved by either drying or freezing. The use of an oven for drying is not recommended because it can make the mushroom bitter. [3]

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  1. "Cantharellus cibarius Fr. 1821". MycoBank. International Mycological Association.
  2. "cibarius - Wiktionary". Retrieved 2019-08-31.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Cantharellus cibarius Fr. - Chanterelle". First Nature. 2020. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  4. "Golden chanterelle (girolle)". Missouri Department of Conservation. 2020. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  5. 1 2 Kuo, Michael. "Cantharellus 'cibarius'". MushroomExpert.Com. Retrieved 2018-09-01.
  6. 1 2 Buyck, Bart; Hofstetter, Valérie; Olariaga, Ibai (September 2016). "Setting the Record Straight on North American Cantharellus". Cryptogamie, Mycologie. 37 (3): 405–417. doi:10.7872/crym/v37.iss3.2016.405. S2CID   89596664.
  7. Thorn, R. Greg; Kim, Jee In; Lebeuf, Renée; Voitk, Andrus (June 2017). "The golden chanterelles of Newfoundland and Labrador: a new species, a new record for North America, and a lost species rediscovered" (PDF). Botany. 95 (6): 547–560. doi:10.1139/cjb-2016-0213. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 August 2021. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  8. Redhead, S.A.; Norvell, L.L.; Danell, E. (1997). "Cantharellus formosus and the Pacific Golden Chanterelle harvest in Western North America". Mycotaxon . 65: 285–322.
  9. Dunham, S.M.; O'Dell, T.E.; Molina, R. (2003). "Analysis of nrDNA sequences and microsatellite allele frequencies reveals a cryptic chanterelle species Cantharellus cascadensis sp. nov. from the American Pacific Northwest". Mycological Research. 107 (10): 1163–77. doi:10.1017/s0953756203008475. PMID   14635765.
  10. Arora, D.; Dunham, S.M. (2008). "A new, commercially valuable chanterelle species, Cantharellus californicus sp. nov., associated with live oak in California, USA" (PDF). Economic Botany. 62 (3): 376–91. doi:10.1007/s12231-008-9042-7. S2CID   19220345. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-12-22. Retrieved 2018-09-01.
  11. Buyck, Bart; Hofstetter, Valérie; Ryoo, Rhim; Ka, Kang-Hyeon; Antonín, Vladimír (2020-12-22). "New Cantharellus species from South Korea". MycoKeys. 76: 31–47. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.76.58179 . ISSN   1314-4049. PMC   7772287 . PMID   33384572.
  12. 1 2 3 4 Dyson Forbes (13 April 2017). "Learn about chanterelle mushrooms". Forbes Wild Foods. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  13. "Cantharellus 'cibarius'". MushroomExpert.Com. Retrieved 2019-10-22.
  14. Phillips, Roger (2010). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books. p. 248. ISBN   978-1-55407-651-2.