Cranioplasty | |
![]() 3D printed prosthesis for cranioplasty | |
ICD-9-CM | 02.0 |
Cranioplasty is a surgical operation on the repairing of cranial defects caused by previous injuries or operations, such as decompressive craniectomy. It is performed by filling the defective area with a range of materials, usually a bone piece from the patient or a synthetic material. Cranioplasty is carried out by incision and reflection of the scalp after applying anaesthetics and antibiotics to the patient. The temporalis muscle is reflected, and all surrounding soft tissues are removed, thus completely exposing the cranial defect. The cranioplasty flap is placed and secured on the cranial defect. The wound is then sealed. [1]
Cranioplasty was closely related to trephination and the earliest operation is dated to 3000 BC. [2] Currently, the procedure is performed for both cosmetic and functional purposes. Cranioplasty can restore the normal shape of the skull and prevent other complications caused by a sunken scalp, such as the "syndrome of the trephined". [3] Cranioplasty is a risky operation, with potential risks such as bacterial infection and bone flap resorption. [4]
The word cranioplasty can be broken down into two parts: cranio- and -plasty. Cranio- originates from the Ancient Greek word κρανίον, meaning "cranium", while -plasty comes from the Ancient Greek word πλαστός, meaning "moulded" or "fashioned". [5]
The operation has its cosmetic value as the normal shape of the cranium of patients is restored instead of the presence of a sunken skin flap, which may affect the confidence of patients. [1] [6]
It also has its therapeutic value as the operation provides structure to the skull and protection to the brain from physical damage. [1] [6] The surgery restores regular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cerebral blood flow dynamics, along with normal intracranial pressure. [1] [3] Cranioplasty may improve neurological function in some individuals. Furthermore, it can reduce the occurrence of headaches caused by injury or previous surgery. [6]
The optimal timing of cranioplasty is controversial among literature. Some literature stated that the time between a craniectomy and a cranioplasty is usually between 6 months to a year, [1] while others stated that the two operations should be more than a year apart. [7]
The timing of cranioplasty is affected by multiple factors. Sufficient time is required for the recovery of the incision from the previous operation, as well as to clear any infections (both systemic and cranial). [1] Some findings showed that a greater infection rate is associated with early cranioplasty due to interruption of wound healing, [8] as well as an increased incidence of hydrocephalus. [9] Contrarily, there is evidence of early cranioplasty limiting complications caused by "syndrome of the trephined", including changes in cerebral blood flow and abnormal cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics. [8] Other researchers reported no significant difference in infection rate with different operational timings. [8] [9]
Contraindications are circumstances that indicate the treatment or operation should not be provided due to potential harm. Contraindications for cranioplasty include the presence of bacterial infection, brain swelling, and hydrocephalus. [10] Cranioplasty is withheld until all contraindications are cleared.[ citation needed ]
Before the operation, CT scans and MRIs are taken to study the cranial defect. The patient is given antibiotics to prevent bacterial infection. [1]
The patient is situated on a foam donut or a horseshoe head holder for the operation. The patient is then anaesthetised and an incision is made following the incision of the previous operation. The scalp and the temporalis muscle is reflected to completely reveal the cranial defect. Significant blood loss is observed as new blood vessels formed in scar tissues are damaged by incision. Any soft tissues at the edge of the defect are removed and the defect is cleaned. The cranioplasty material is placed on the defect and is fixed to the surrounding skull with standard titanium plate and screws. CSF may be drained from the brain to reduce herniation. Small holes may be drilled on the bone graft or the prosthesis to prevent the accumulation of fluid under the repaired defect. Soft tissues, temporalis, and the scalp are then fixed back in place. Subgaleal drain and dressing are applied to control facial swelling. [1]
After the operation, a CT scan is taken and patients may stay in intensive care for at least a night for better neurological status observation, or be placed in a regular care unit. The subgaleal drain and dressing are removed before the patient is dispatched. [1]
Special considerations to children undergoing cranioplasty are made to accommodate for their growing cranium. Certain materials are more favoured when compared to adult cranioplasty.[ citation needed ]
Autologous bone grafts are the most preferred materials for paediatric cranioplasty, as they are accepted by the host and the bone flap can be integrated into the body of the host. [10] However, autologous bone pieces may be unavailable or unsuitable in certain occasions. The body size of children may be not enough to have bone flaps to be stored in their subcutaneous spaces, while cryopreservation facilities for bone grafts are not widely available. [11] [12] The use of autograft is also associated with a high rate of bone resorption. [11]
Synthetic materials are used for paediatric cranioplasty when the use of autografts is not available or not recommended. Hydroxyapatite is another option for children cranioplasty as it allows the expansion of cranium for children and its ability to be moulded smoothly. It is less commonly used than autografts due to its brittle nature, high infection rate, and poor ability to integrate with the human cranium. [10]
Bilateral cranioplasties are more prone to complications compared to unilateral cranioplasties in children. This may be explained by its larger scalp wound area, a higher volume of blood loss, and the higher complexity and duration of the operation. [12]
Cranioplasty is an operation with a complication risk ranging from 15 to 41%. [4] The cause for such a high risk of complication compared to other neurosurgical operations is unclear. Male patients and older patients are groups with higher rates of complication. [4]
Complications occurring after cranioplasty include bacterial infection, bone flap resorption, wound dehiscence, hematoma, seizures, hygroma, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. [4]
The risk of bacterial infections in performing cranioplasty ranges from 5 to 12.8%. [1] Multiple factors are affecting the risk of infection, one being the materials used for the operation. Using titanium, whether being custom-made or using a mesh, is associated with a lower infection rate; [1] [13] on the other hand, materials such as methyl methacrylate and autologous bone is associated with a higher infection rate. [1] Another risk factor for bacterial infection is the location of the operation. Bifrontal cranioplasties are associated with significantly higher infection rates and higher rates for reoperation. [9] [14] Other risk factors for infection include previous infections, contact between sinuses and operation site, devascularized scalp (loss of blood supply in the scalp), previous operations, and type of injury. [1]
Bone resorption is another complication of cranioplasty with a complication rate of 0.7-17.4%. [1] Bone resorption occurs when the autologous graft does not have blood supply due to devitalisation, or when scar tissues or soft tissues remain on the edge of the cranial defect during cranioplasty. [1] Paediatric patients have a higher risk of resorption, [1] [4] [9] with a resorption rate up to 50%. [4] Bone resorption is more likely to occur in this group of patients when their cranioplasty is carried out over 6 weeks from their previous operation. [9] Fragmented bone flaps, as well as large bone flaps (>70 cm2), are associated with a higher resorption rate. [4]
The earliest cranioplasty operation is dated to 3000 BC in the Pre-Columbian Peruvian civilisation, where precious metals, gourds, and shells were found next to trepanned skulls in graveyards, suggesting that cranioplasty had been performed. [2] In the Paracas region of present-day Peru, a skull from 2000 BC with a thin plate of gold covering a cranial defect was found. [2] Moreover, defective skulls were found covered with coconut shells or palm leaves in ancient tribes of the Polynesian Islands. [15] Sanan and Haines stated that the materials being used for cranioplasty were associated with the status of the patient. [2]
Research on cranioplasty was not emphasised among early surgical authors in ancient Asia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, although there were research and practice on trephination in ancient Greece and Rome. More emphasis was placed on developing skills in applying dressing on an open wound. [2]
The earliest modern description of cranioplasty was written by surgeon Ibrahim bin Abdullah of the Ottoman Empire, in his surgical book Alâim-i Cerrâhîn in 1505. The book mentioned the use of xenografts from Kangal dogs or goats as materials for cranioplasty. Such materials were used due to the accessibility of these animals near battlefields, where the procedure is likely to be performed. [16]
The first true description of cranioplasty in Europe was made by Fallopius in the 16th century, stating that the fractured cranium should be removed and be reinserted with a gold plate if the dura was damaged. This was questioned by other practitioners at his time, concerning that surgeons may keep the gold instead of using it for surgery. The first cranioplasty was reported by the Dutch surgeon Job Janszoon van Meekeren. The report described the use of a segment of a canine cranium as a material for cranioplasty on a nobleman in Moscow. The operation was successful, however, the use of canine bone in the operation was not accepted by the church and the man was forced to leave Russia. [2]
Since the first operation, bones from more animal species were used as xenografts for cranioplasty. These include dogs, apes, geese, rabbits, calves, eagles, oxen, and buffalos. In 1917, William Wayne Babcock reported the use of "soup bone", a piece of cooked and perforated animal bone as a xenograft. [2] [15]
The prevalence of head injuries increased in the 20th century with the advancement of armaments, particularly the use of hand grenades in trench warfare during World War I (WWI). [17] Along with a decreased mortality from suffering such injuries due to the development of cell debris removal, wound closing, and the use of antibiotics, cranioplasty techniques were therefore improved. [17] Autografts, allografts and synthetic materials are the main types of materials used for cranioplasty.[ citation needed ]
Autografts, or autologous grafts, are body tissues taken from the patient. The first successful cranioplasty using an autograft was recorded in 1821, with the bone piece being reinserted into the cranium. The operation achieved partial healing. [2] [10] Subsequently, more studies and operations were carried out with autografts. A successful case of reimplantation of cranial bone was reported by Sir William Macewen in 1885, popularising autografts to be material for cranioplasty. Succeeding operations involved autografts taken from different parts of the patient's body, such as the tibia (leg bone), scapula (shoulder blade), ilium (hip bone), sternum (chest bone), along with fat tissues and fascia. [2]
Allografts are tissues from another individual of the same species. The first use of allografts was reported in 1915 with cadaver cartilage by Morestin. [3] [10] Subsequently, another 32 cases of cranioplasties performed with cadaver cartilage were reported by Gosset in 1916. [2] The use of cadaver cartilage was favoured during World War I due to its malleability and resistance to infection. Its use declined because of its lack of significant calcification and strength. [2] Cadaver skull was another type of allograft reported to be used as a cranioplasty material multiple times by Sicard and Dambrin from 1917 to 1919. [2] [3] [10] The material was not favoured due to the high infection rate with its use. In the 1980s, the use of cadaver allograft disc for filling in small holes received a satisfactory result, and there was a resurgence of the use of cadaver bone. [2] However, cadaver bones and allografts, in general, are not the preferred materials in modern operations. [2] [3] [10]
The use of methyl methacrylate (PMMA) for cranioplasty was being developed since World War II, and the material is used extensively since 1954, [2] [17] [10] [18] when there is a high demand for cranioplasty due to a large number of injuries. It becomes malleable when an exothermic reaction occurs between its powder form and benzoyl peroxide, allowing it to be moulded to the cranial defect. [1] Advantages of using PMMA is its malleability, low cost, high strength and high durability. Its disadvantages include being vulnerable to infection as bacteria may adhere to its fibrous layer, as well as its brittle nature and having no growth potential. [1]
Other common synthetic materials for cranioplasty include titanium and hydroxyapatite. Titanium was first used for cranioplasty in 1965. [2] It can be used as a plate, a mesh, and be 3D printed as a porous form. [19] Titanium is non-ferromagnetic and non-corrosive, making the host free from inflammatory reactions. [1] It is also robust, thus preventing patients from trauma. [19] The use of titanium is associated with a lower infection rate. [10] Disadvantages of using titanium include its high cost, poor malleability, and disruption to CT scan images. [1]
Hydroxyapatite is a compound of calcium phosphate being arranged in a hexagonal structure. [2] [18] It bonds well chemically with bones and inflicts little inflammatory reaction by the host, and has good osteointegration. [1] [2] [10] [18] It can be expanded and is used in paediatric cranioplasty. [1] [10] It can be moulded smoothly and has appealing cosmetic results. [10] However, the material is brittle and has low tensile strength, and is only suitable to be used for small cranial defects. [1] [2] [10] [18] Its use is also associated with a high infection rate. [10] Hydroxyapatite is often used with a titanium mesh to prevent fractures and for better osteointegration. [1] [10] [18]
Rhinoplasty, commonly called nose job, medically called nasal reconstruction is a plastic surgery procedure for altering and reconstructing the nose. There are two types of plastic surgery used – reconstructive surgery that restores the form and functions of the nose and cosmetic surgery that changes the appearance of the nose. Reconstructive surgery seeks to resolve nasal injuries caused by various traumas including blunt, and penetrating trauma and trauma caused by blast injury. Reconstructive surgery can also treat birth defects, breathing problems, and failed primary rhinoplasties. Rhinoplasty may remove a bump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the nose and the mouth, or address injuries, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing, such as a deviated nasal septum or a sinus condition. Surgery only on the septum is called a septoplasty.
Skin grafting, a type of graft surgery, involves the transplantation of skin. The transplanted tissue is called a skin graft.
Grafting refers to a surgical procedure to move tissue from one site to another on the body, or from another creature, without bringing its own blood supply with it. Instead, a new blood supply grows in after it is placed. A similar technique where tissue is transferred with the blood supply intact is called a flap. In some instances, a graft can be an artificially manufactured device. Examples of this are a tube to carry blood flow across a defect or from an artery to a vein for use in hemodialysis.
A dental implant is a prosthesis that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, or facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. The basis for modern dental implants is a biological process called osseointegration, in which materials such as titanium or zirconia form an intimate bond to the bone. The implant fixture is first placed so that it is likely to osseointegrate, then a dental prosthetic is added. A variable amount of healing time is required for osseointegration before either the dental prosthetic is attached to the implant or an abutment is placed which will hold a dental prosthetic/crown.
A craniotomy is a surgical operation in which a bone flap is temporarily removed from the skull to access the brain. Craniotomies are often critical operations, performed on patients who are suffering from brain lesions, such as tumors, blood clots, removal of foreign bodies such as bullets, or traumatic brain injury (TBI), and can also allow doctors to surgically implant devices, such as deep brain stimulators for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and cerebellar tremor. The procedure is also used in epilepsy surgery to remove the parts of the brain that are causing epilepsy.
Gluteoplasty denotes the plastic surgery and the liposuction procedures for the correction of the congenital, traumatic, and acquired defects and deformities of the buttocks and the anatomy of the gluteal region; and for the aesthetic enhancement of the contour of the buttocks.
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a surgical tissue graft replacement of the anterior cruciate ligament, located in the knee, to restore its function after an injury. The torn ligament can either be removed from the knee, or preserved before reconstruction through an arthroscopic procedure. ACL repair is also a surgical option. This involves repairing the ACL by re-attaching it, instead of performing a reconstruction. Theoretical advantages of repair include faster recovery and a lack of donor site morbidity, but randomised controlled trials and long-term data regarding re-rupture rates using contemporary surgical techniques are lacking.
Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in order to repair bone fractures that are extremely complex, pose a significant health risk to the patient, or fail to heal properly. Some small or acute fractures can be cured without bone grafting, but the risk is greater for large fractures like compound fractures.
Autotransplantation is the transplantation of organs, tissues, or even particular proteins from one part of the body to another in the same person.
Decompressive craniectomy is a neurosurgical procedure in which part of the skull is removed to allow a swelling or herniating brain room to expand without being squeezed. It is performed on victims of traumatic brain injury, stroke, Chiari malformation, and other conditions associated with raised intracranial pressure. Use of this surgery is controversial.
Guided bone regeneration (GBR) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) are dental surgical procedures that use barrier membranes to direct the growth of new bone and gingival tissue at sites with insufficient volumes or dimensions of bone or gingiva for proper function, esthetics or prosthetic restoration. Guided bone regeneration typically refers to ridge augmentation or bone regenerative procedures; guided tissue regeneration typically refers to regeneration of periodontal attachment.
Articular cartilage repair treatment involves the repair of the surface of the articular joint's hyaline cartilage, though these solutions do not perfectly restore the articular cartilage. These treatments have been shown to have positive results for patients who have articular cartilage damage. They can provide some measure of pain relief, while slowing down the accumulation of damage, or delaying the need for joint replacement surgery.
Transplantable organs and tissues may refer to both organs and tissues that are relatively often transplanted, as well as organs and tissues which are relatively seldom transplanted. In addition to this it may also refer to possible-transplants which are still in the experimental stage.
Artificial bone refers to bone-like material created in a laboratory that can be used in bone grafts, to replace human bone that was lost due to severe fractures, disease, etc.
A barrier membrane is a device used in oral surgery and periodontal surgery to prevent epithelium, which regenerates relatively quickly, from growing into an area in which another, more slowly growing tissue type, such as bone, is desired. Such a method of preventing epithelial migration into a specific area is known as guided tissue regeneration (GTR).
Scalp reconstruction is a surgical procedure for people with scalp defects. Scalp defects may be partial or full thickness and can be congenital or acquired. Because not all layers of the scalp are elastic and the scalp has a convex shape, the use of primary closure is limited. Sometimes the easiest way of closing the wound may not be the ideal or best way. The choice for a reconstruction depends on multiple factors, such as the defect itself, the patient characteristics and surgeon preference.
Cartilage repair techniques are the current focus of large amounts of research. Many different strategies have been proposed as solutions for cartilage defects. Surgical techniques currently being studied include:
Nerve allotransplantation is the transplantation of a nerve to a receiver from a donor of the same species. For example, nerve tissue is transplanted from one person to another. Allotransplantation is a commonly used type of transplantation of which nerve repair is one specific aspect.
Alloplasty is a surgical procedure performed to substitute and repair defects within the body with the use of synthetic material. It can also be performed in order to bridge wounds. The process of undergoing alloplasty involves the construction of an alloplastic graft through the use of computed tomography (CT), rapid prototyping and "the use of computer-assisted virtual model surgery." Each alloplastic graft is individually constructed and customised according to the patient's defect to address their personal health issue. Alloplasty can be applied in the form of reconstructive surgery. An example where alloplasty is applied in reconstructive surgery is in aiding cranial defects. The insertion and fixation of alloplastic implants can also be applied in cosmetic enhancement and augmentation. Since the inception of alloplasty, it has been proposed that it could be a viable alternative to other forms of transplants. The biocompatibility and customisation of alloplastic implants and grafts provides a method that may be suitable for both minor and major medical cases that may have more limitations in surgical approach. Although there has been evidence that alloplasty is a viable method for repairing and substituting defects, there are disadvantages including suitability of patient bone quality and quantity for long term implant stability, possibility of rejection of the alloplastic implant, injuring surrounding nerves, cost of procedure and long recovery times. Complications can also occur from inadequate engineering of alloplastic implants and grafts, and poor implant fixation to bone. These include infection, inflammatory reactions, the fracture of alloplastic implants and prostheses, loosening of implants or reduced or complete loss of osseointegration.
Gingival grafting, also called gum grafting or periodontal plastic surgery, is a generic term for the performance of any of a number of periodontal surgical procedures in which the gum tissue is grafted. The aim may be to cover exposed root surfaces or merely to augment the band of keratinized tissue.