Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electrical equipment and systems to function acceptably in their electromagnetic environment, by limiting the unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy which may cause unwanted effects such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or even physical damage to operational equipment. [1] [2] The goal of EMC is the correct operation of different equipment in a common electromagnetic environment. It is also the name given to the associated branch of electrical engineering.
EMC pursues three main classes of issue. Emission is the generation of electromagnetic energy, whether deliberate or accidental, by some source and its release into the environment. EMC studies the unwanted emissions and the countermeasures which may be taken in order to reduce unwanted emissions. The second class, susceptibility, is the tendency of electrical equipment, referred to as the victim, to malfunction or break down in the presence of unwanted emissions, which are known as Radio frequency interference (RFI). Immunity is the opposite of susceptibility, being the ability of equipment to function correctly in the presence of RFI, with the discipline of "hardening" equipment being known equally as susceptibility or immunity. A third class studied is coupling, which is the mechanism by which emitted interference reaches the victim.
Interference mitigation and hence electromagnetic compatibility may be achieved by addressing any or all of these issues, i.e., quieting the sources of interference, inhibiting coupling paths and/or hardening the potential victims. In practice, many of the engineering techniques used, such as grounding and shielding, apply to all three issues.
The earliest EMC issue was lightning strike (lightning electromagnetic pulse, or LEMP) on ships and buildings. Lightning rods or lightning conductors began to appear in the mid-18th century. With the advent of widespread electricity generation and power supply lines from the late 19th century on, problems also arose with equipment short-circuit failure affecting the power supply, and with local fire and shock hazard when the power line was struck by lightning. Power stations were provided with output circuit breakers. Buildings and appliances would soon be provided with input fuses, and later in the 20th century miniature circuit breakers (MCB) would come into use.
It may be said that radio interference and its correction arose with the first spark-gap experiment of Marconi in the late 1800s. [3] As radio communications developed in the first half of the 20th century, interference between broadcast radio signals began to occur and an international regulatory framework was set up to ensure interference-free communications.
Switching devices became commonplace through the middle of the 20th century, typically in petrol powered cars and motorcycles but also in domestic appliances such as thermostats and refrigerators. This caused transient interference with domestic radio and (after World War II) TV reception, and in due course laws were passed requiring the suppression of such interference sources.
ESD problems first arose with accidental electric spark discharges in hazardous environments such as coal mines and when refuelling aircraft or motor cars. Safe working practices had to be developed.
After World War II the military became increasingly concerned with the effects of nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP), lightning strike, and even high-powered radar beams, on vehicle and mobile equipment of all kinds, and especially aircraft electrical systems.
When high RF emission levels from other sources became a potential problem (such as with the advent of microwave ovens), certain frequency bands were designated for Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) use, allowing emission levels limited only by thermal safety standards. Later, the International Telecommunication Union adopted a Recommendation providing limits of radiation from ISM devices in order to protect radiocommunications. A variety of issues such as sideband and harmonic emissions, broadband sources, and the ever-increasing popularity of electrical switching devices and their victims, resulted in a steady development of standards and laws.
From the late 1970s, the popularity of modern digital circuitry rapidly grew. As the technology developed, with ever-faster switching speeds (increasing emissions) and lower circuit voltages (increasing susceptibility), EMC increasingly became a source of concern. Many more nations became aware of EMC as a growing problem and issued directives to the manufacturers of digital electronic equipment, which set out the essential manufacturer requirements before their equipment could be marketed or sold. Organizations in individual nations, across Europe and worldwide, were set up to maintain these directives and associated standards. In 1979, the American FCC published a regulation that required the electromagnetic emissions of all "digital devices" to be below certain limits. [3] This regulatory environment led to a sharp growth in the EMC industry supplying specialist devices and equipment, analysis and design software, and testing and certification services. Low-voltage digital circuits, especially CMOS transistors, became more susceptible to ESD damage as they were miniaturised and, despite the development of on-chip hardening techniques, a new ESD regulatory regime had to be developed.
From the 1980s on the explosive growth in mobile communications and broadcast media channels put huge pressure on the available airspace. Regulatory authorities began squeezing band allocations closer and closer together, relying on increasingly sophisticated EMC control methods, especially in the digital communications domain, to keep cross-channel interference to acceptable levels. Digital systems are inherently less susceptible than analogue systems, and also offer far easier ways (such as software) to implement highly sophisticated protection and error-correction measures.
In 1985, the USA released the ISM bands for low-power mobile digital communications, leading to the development of Wi-Fi and remotely-operated car door keys. This approach relies on the intermittent nature of ISM interference and use of sophisticated error-correction methods to ensure lossless reception during the quiet gaps between any bursts of interference.
"Electromagnetic interference" (EMI) is defined as the "degradation in the performance of equipment or transmission channel or a system caused by an electromagnetic disturbance" (IEV 161-01-06) while "electromagnetic disturbance" is defined as "an electromagnetic phenomenon that can degrade the performance of a device, equipment or system, or adversely affect living or inert matter (IEV 161-01-05). The terms "electromagnetic disturbance" and "electromagnetic interference" designate respectively the cause and the effect, [1]
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an equipment characteristic or property and is defined as " the ability of equipment or a system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment " (IEV 161-01-07). [1]
EMC ensures the correct operation, in the same electromagnetic environment, of different equipment items which use or respond to electromagnetic phenomena, and the avoidance of any interference. Another way of saying this is that EMC is the control of EMI so that unwanted effects are prevented.
Besides understanding the phenomena in themselves, EMC also addresses the countermeasures, such as control regimes, design and measurement, which should be taken in order to prevent emissions from causing any adverse effect.
EMC is often understood as the control of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Electromagnetic interference divides into several categories according to the source and signal characteristics.
The origin of interference, often called "noise" in this context, can be man-made (artificial) or natural.
Continuous, or continuous wave (CW), interference comprises a given range of frequencies. This type is naturally divided into sub-categories according to frequency range, and as a whole is sometimes referred to as "DC to daylight". One common classification is into narrowband and broadband, according to the spread of the frequency range.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), sometimes called a transient disturbance, is a short-duration pulse of energy. This energy is usually broadband by nature, although it often excites a relatively narrow-band damped sine wave response in the victim. Pulse signals divide broadly into isolated and repetitive events.
When a source emits interference, it follows a route to the victim known as the coupling path. There are four basic coupling mechanisms: conductive, capacitive, magnetic or inductive, and radiative. Any coupling path can be broken down into one or more of these coupling mechanisms working together.
Conductive coupling occurs when the coupling path between the source and victim is formed by direct electrical contact with a conducting body.
Capacitive coupling occurs when a varying electrical field exists between two adjacent conductors, inducing a change in voltage on the receiving conductor.
Inductive coupling or magnetic coupling occurs when a varying magnetic field exists between two parallel conductors, inducing a change in voltage along the receiving conductor.
Radiative coupling or electromagnetic coupling occurs when source and victim are separated by a large distance. Source and victim act as radio antennas: the source emits or radiates an electromagnetic wave which propagates across the space in between and is picked up or received by the victim.
The damaging effects of electromagnetic interference pose unacceptable risks in many areas of technology, and it is necessary to control such interference and reduce the risks to acceptable levels.
The control of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and assurance of EMC comprises a series of related disciplines:
The risk posed by the threat is usually statistical in nature, so much of the work in threat characterisation and standards setting is based on reducing the probability of disruptive EMI to an acceptable level, rather than its assured elimination.
For a complex or novel piece of equipment, this may require the production of a dedicated EMC control plan summarizing the application of the above and specifying additional documents required.
Characterisation of the problem requires understanding of:
Breaking a coupling path is equally effective at either the start or the end of the path, therefore many aspects of good EMC design practice apply equally to potential sources and to potential victims. A design which easily couples energy to the outside world will equally easily couple energy in and will be susceptible. A single improvement will often reduce both emissions and susceptibility. Grounding and shielding aim to reduce emissions or divert EMI away from the victim by providing an alternative, low-impedance path. Techniques include:
Other general measures include:
Additional measures to reduce emissions include:
Additional measures to reduce susceptibility include:
Testing is required to confirm that a particular device meets the required standards. It is divided broadly into emissions testing and susceptibility testing. Open-area test sites, or OATS, [4] are the reference sites in most standards. They are especially useful for emissions testing of large equipment systems. However, RF testing of a physical prototype is most often carried out indoors, in a specialized EMC test chamber. Types of the chamber include anechoic, reverberation and the gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cell (GTEM cell). Sometimes computational electromagnetics simulations are used to test virtual models. Like all compliance testing, it is important that the test equipment, including the test chamber or site and any software used, be properly calibrated and maintained. Typically, a given run of tests for a particular piece of equipment will require an EMC test plan and a follow-up test report. The full test program may require the production of several such documents.
Emissions are typically measured for radiated field strength and where appropriate for conducted emissions along cables and wiring. Inductive (magnetic) and capacitive (electric) field strengths are near-field effects and are only important if the device under test (DUT) is designed for a location close to other electrical equipment. For conducted emissions, typical transducers include the LISN (line impedance stabilization network) or AMN (artificial mains network) and the RF current clamp. For radiated emission measurement, antennas are used as transducers. Typical antennas specified include dipole, biconical, log-periodic, double ridged guide and conical log-spiral designs. Radiated emissions must be measured in all directions around the DUT. Specialized EMI test receivers or EMI analyzers are used for EMC compliance testing. These incorporate bandwidths and detectors as specified by international EMC standards. An EMI receiver may be based on a spectrum analyser to measure the emission levels of the DUT across a wide band of frequencies (frequency domain), or on a tunable narrower-band device which is swept through the desired frequency range. EMI receivers along with specified transducers can often be used for both conducted and radiated emissions. Pre-selector filters may also be used to reduce the effect of strong out-of-band signals on the front-end of the receiver. Some pulse emissions are more usefully characterized using an oscilloscope to capture the pulse waveform in the time domain.
Radiated field susceptibility testing typically involves a high-powered source of RF or EM energy and a radiating antenna to direct the energy at the potential victim or device under test (DUT). Conducted voltage and current susceptibility testing typically involves a high-powered signal generator, and a current clamp or other type of transformer to inject the test signal. Transient or EMP signals are used to test the immunity of the DUT against powerline disturbances including surges, lightning strikes and switching noise. [5] In motor vehicles, similar tests are performed on battery and signal lines. [6] [7] The transient pulse may be generated digitally and passed through a broadband pulse amplifier, or applied directly to the transducer from a specialized pulse generator. Electrostatic discharge testing is typically performed with a piezo spark generator called an "ESD pistol". Higher energy pulses, such as lightning or nuclear EMP simulations, can require a large current clamp or a large antenna which completely surrounds the DUT. Some antennas are so large that they are located outdoors, and care must be taken not to cause an EMP hazard to the surrounding environment.
Several organizations, both national and international, work to promote international co-operation on standardization (harmonization), including publishing various EMC standards. Where possible, a standard developed by one organization may be adopted with little or no change by others. This helps for example to harmonize national standards across Europe.
International standards organizations include:
Among the main national organizations are:
Compliance with national or international standards is usually laid down by laws passed by individual nations. Different nations can require compliance with different standards.
In European law, EU directive 2014/30/EU (previously 2004/108/EC) on EMC defines the rules for the placing on the market/putting into service of electric/electronic equipment within the European Union. The Directive applies to a vast range of equipment including electrical and electronic appliances, systems and installations. Manufacturers of electric and electronic devices are advised to run EMC tests in order to comply with compulsory CE-labeling. More are given in the list of EMC directives. Compliance with the applicable harmonised standards whose reference is listed in the OJEU under the EMC Directive gives presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements of the EMC Directive.
In 2019, the USA adopted a program for the protection of critical infrastructure against an electromagnetic pulse, whether caused by a geomagnetic storm or a high-altitude nuclear weapon. [8]
In telecommunications, especially radio communication, spread spectrum are techniques by which a signal generated with a particular bandwidth is deliberately spread in the frequency domain over a wider frequency band. Spread-spectrum techniques are used for the establishment of secure communications, increasing resistance to natural interference, noise, and jamming, to prevent detection, to limit power flux density, and to enable multiple-access communications.
Radio frequency (RF) is the oscillation rate of an alternating electric current or voltage or of a magnetic, electric or electromagnetic field or mechanical system in the frequency range from around 20 kHz to around 300 GHz. This is roughly between the upper limit of audio frequencies and the lower limit of infrared frequencies, and also encompasses the microwave range. These are the frequencies at which energy from an oscillating current can radiate off a conductor into space as radio waves, so they are used in radio technology, among other uses. Different sources specify different upper and lower bounds for the frequency range.
Conformance testing — an element of conformity assessment, and also known as compliance testing, or type testing — is testing or other activities that determine whether a process, product, or service complies with the requirements of a specification, technical standard, contract, or regulation. Testing is often either logical testing or physical testing. The test procedures may involve other criteria from mathematical testing or chemical testing. Beyond simple conformance, other requirements for efficiency, interoperability, or compliance may apply. Conformance testing may be undertaken by the producer of the product or service being assessed, by a user, or by an accredited independent organization, which can sometimes be the author of the standard being used. When testing is accompanied by certification, the products or services may then be advertised as being certified in compliance with the referred technical standard. Manufacturers and suppliers of products and services rely on such certification including listing on the certification body's website, to assure quality to the end user and that competing suppliers are on the same level.
This is an index of articles relating to electronics and electricity or natural electricity and things that run on electricity and things that use or conduct electricity.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI), also called radio-frequency interference (RFI) when in the radio frequency spectrum, is a disturbance generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. The disturbance may degrade the performance of the circuit or even stop it from functioning. In the case of a data path, these effects can range from an increase in error rate to a total loss of the data. Both human-made and natural sources generate changing electrical currents and voltages that can cause EMI: ignition systems, cellular network of mobile phones, lightning, solar flares, and auroras. EMI frequently affects AM radios. It can also affect mobile phones, FM radios, and televisions, as well as observations for radio astronomy and atmospheric science.
The Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques was founded in 1934 to set standards for controlling electromagnetic interference in electrical and electronic devices and is a part of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
In radio reception, radio noise is unwanted random radio frequency electrical signals, fluctuating voltages, always present in a radio receiver in addition to the desired radio signal.
A quasi-peak detector is a type of electronic detector or rectifier. Quasi-peak detectors for specific purposes have usually been standardized with mathematically precisely defined dynamic characteristics of attack time, integration time, and decay time or fall-back time.
In telecommunication, a measuring receiver or measurement receiver is a calibrated laboratory-grade radio receiver designed to measure the characteristics of radio signals. The parameters of such receivers can be adjusted over a much more comprehensive range of values than other radio receivers. Their circuitry is optimized for stability and enables calibration and reproducible results. Some measurement receivers also have exceptionally robust input circuits that can survive brief impulses of more than 1000 V, as they can occur during measurements of radio signals on power lines and other conductors.
A line impedance stabilization network (LISN) is a device used in conducted and radiated radio-frequency emission and susceptibility tests, as specified in various electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)/EMI test standards.
Electromagnetic near-field scanner (NFS) is a measurement system to determine a spatial distribution of an electrical quantity provided by a single or multiple field probes acquired in the near-field region of a device under test possibly accompanied by the associated numerical post-processing methods enabling a conversion of the measured quantity into electromagnetic field.
A TEM or transverse electromagnetic cell is a type of test chamber used to perform electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) or electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing. It allows for the creation of far field electromagnetic fields in a small enclosed setting, or the detection of electromagnetic fields radiated within the chamber.
Electrical noise can disrupt DSL internet connections. The interference can be detected as electrical impulses on the physical telephone line on which the internet connection operates. The noise causes interference which in turn causes a DSL modem to mount up CRC errors. This eventually causes DSL synchronisation to drop.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy. The origin of an EMP can be natural or artificial, and can occur as an electromagnetic field, as an electric field, as a magnetic field, or as a conducted electric current. The electromagnetic interference caused by an EMP can disrupt communications and damage electronic equipment. An EMP such as a lightning strike can physically damage objects such as buildings and aircraft. The management of EMP effects is a branch of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineering.
ISO 7637 Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling is an international electromagnetic compatibility vehicle standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), that relates to 12- and 24-volt electrical systems. As of November 2018, four parts of ISO 7637 have been published, and one is in development :
IEC 61000-4-4 is the International Electrotechnical Commission's immunity standard based on electrical fast transient (EFT) / burst transients. This publication is part of the greater IEC 61000 group of standards which is covered under IEC TR 61000-4-1:2016. The current third version of this standard (2012) replaces the second version (2004). The goal of this standard is to establish a common and reproducible reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrical fast transient/bursts on supply, signal, control and earth ports.
Common mode current is the portion of conductor currents that are unmatched with the exactly opposite and equal magnitude currents. Common mode current cause multiconductors to act or behave like a single conductor. In electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), there are two common terms that will be found in many electromagnetic interference discussions or considered as fundamental concepts, those are Differential Mode and Common Mode. Those terms are related to coupling mechanisms. Many electrical systems contain elements that are capable to act like an antenna. Each element is capable of unintentionally emitting Radio Frequency energy through electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic means. Common Mode coupling as well as Differential Mode coupling can occur in both a conducted and radiated way.
Low-frequency electromagnetic compatibility is a specific field in the domain of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and power quality (PQ), which deals with electromagnetic interference phenomena in the frequency range between 2 kHz and 150 kHz. It is a special frequency range because it does not fit in the PQ problems, with range of up to 2 kHz, where relative levels of voltage and current can have massive impact on efficiency and integrity of electric systems, and neither in the conducted EMC range, which starts at 150 kHz and influences mainly informational systems, and already too far from radiated EMC range, which starts at 30 MHz and goes up to 1 GHz.
The risk-based approach is an enhanced system of the regulation and standardization of Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in electronic devices before their commercialization. EMC is essential for ensuring the safety, performance, and quality of electronic devices. However, achieving and maintaining EMC presents a significant challenge due to the rapid development of new products with evolving technologies and features.