Finnicization (also finnicisation, fennicization, fennicisation) is the changing of one's personal names from other languages (usually Swedish) into Finnish. During the era of National Romanticism in Finland, many people, especially Fennomans, finnicized their previously Swedish family names.
Some of these people were descended from Finnish-speaking farmers, who had previously changed their Finnish names to Swedish ones after climbing society's ladder. This was an understandable stratagem, as official positions (and even many trades) were only open to those speaking Swedish, and a Finnish name would have been an impediment to success.
A notable event in finnicization was the centenary, in 1906, 100 years after the birth of the philosopher and statesman Johan Vilhelm Snellman. Author Johannes Linnankoski encouraged Finns to give up their Swedish names on 12 May, Snellman's birthday. During 1906 and 1907 about 70,000 Finns changed their names. [1]
In 1935 also 74,064 persons changed their family name and in the following year 24,000 more. A law to facilitate changing one's family name was passed in 1934. [2]
The 1906-1907 name change process in Finland was an example for Estonianizing family names in Estonia. Although the law enabled that since 1919, the mass changes took place at the same time than the second wave in Finland, in 1935-1940, and a similar law to facilitate changing one's family name was passed just two weeks earlier than in Finland. During that time 195,000 persons or 17% of the Estonian population changed their family name. [3]
Finnish name introduced | Former name | Notable users | Year of change | Source |
Arvelo | Achrén | Armas Arvelo, Ritva Arvelo's father | 1906 | [4] |
Ahtisaari | Adolfsen | Oiva Ahtisaari, Martti Ahtisaari's father | 1935 | [5] |
Ahtovuo | Adolfsen | 1936 | [5] | |
Äimä | Aejmelaeus | 1937, 1939 | [6] | |
Artola | Ahlgren | 1926 | [7] | |
Alaja | Alander | 1935 | [8] | |
Arohonka | Alén | 1932 | [9] | |
Arajärvi | Alin | Juhani Arajärvi | 1906 | [10] |
Almi | Alm | 1934 | [11] | |
Tuomas-Kettunen | Alopaeus | 1935 | [12] | |
Ahjopalo | Andelin | Toivo Ahjopalo | 1935 | [13] |
Ypyä | Andersson | [14] | ||
Asanti | Aschan | Atle Asanti | 1937 | [15] |
Airasmaa | Aschan | 1932 | [16] | |
Ahmavaara | Aulin | Pekka Ahmavaara | 1906 | [17] [18] |
Ailio | Ax | Julius Ailio | 1897 | [19] |
Visapää | Backberg | 1932 | [20] | |
Wuorenheimo | Bergbom | Ossian Wuorenheimo | 1903 | [21] |
Wuorenrinne | Berggrén | 1906 | [22] | |
Kalliala | Bergroth | 1906 | [23] | |
Vuorenjuuri | Bergroth | 1906, 1907 | [23] | |
Vanni | Besprosvanni | Sam Vanni | 1941 | [24] |
Visanti | Björklund | 1936 | [25] | |
Rantasalo | Björni | Onni Rantasalo | 1906 | [26] |
Wuorimaa/Vuorimaa | Blomberg | Aarne Wuorimaa and Artur Wuorimaa | 1906, 1923 | [27] [28] |
Kilpi | Blomros | Eino Kilpi | [29] | |
Jalas | Blomstedt | 1906, 1943 | [30] [31] | |
Kaira | Bodström | 1906 | [32] | |
Poijärvi | Boijer | 1906 | [33] | |
Parvilahti | Boman | 1944 | [34] | |
Linnala | Borgman | 1906 | [35] | |
Paloheimo | Brander | 1906 | [36] | |
Palosuo | Brander | 1933 | [37] | |
Tulikoura | Brandstaka | 1906 | [38] | |
Honka | Bremer | 1906 | [39] | |
Aho | Brofeldt | Juhani Aho | 1907 | [40] |
Palo | Brännäs | Tauno Palo | 1932 | [36] |
Välikangas/Wälikangas | Buddén | Martti Välikangas and Eino Wälikangas | 1906 | [41] [42] |
Alhava | Byckling | 1935 | [43] | |
Puro | Bäckman | Teuvo Puro | 1904 | [44] |
Puroma | Bäckman | [45] | ||
Kalela | Cajander | 1935 | [46] | |
Kannisto | Candelin | 1906 | [47] | |
Kannila | Cannelin | 1938 | [48] | |
Linkola | Collan | Kaarlo Linkola | 1906 | [49] |
Ylänne | Dahlgren | 1906 | [14] | |
Turkka | Durchman | Rolf Turkka | [50] | |
Enäjärvi | Eklund | 1922 | [51] | |
Mikkola | Eklund | |||
Tunkelo | Ekman | 1901, 1906 | [52] | |
Jalavisto | Elmgren | 1934 | [53] | |
Enne | Enbom | [54] | ||
Aario | Engman | 1928 | [55] | |
Etola | Etholén | 1935 | [56] | |
Äyräpää | Europaeus | 1876, 1930 | [57] | |
Havu | Falck | 1906 | [58] | |
Kaarnakari | Fallenius | 1935 | ||
Vennamo | Fennander | Veikko Vennamo | 1938 | [59] |
Alkio | Filander | Santeri Alkio | 1898 | [60] |
Linkomies | Flinck | Edvin Linkomies | 1927 | [61] |
Koskikallio | Forsberg | 1906 | [62] | |
Koskimies | Forsman | A. V. Koskimies | 1906, 1926, 1931 | [63] |
Yrjö-Koskinen | Forsman | Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen | 1882 | [64] |
Koskenniemi | Forsnäs | V. A. Koskenniemi | 1906 | [65] |
Arni | Forsström | 1933 | [66] | |
Hainari | Forsström | Oskar Hainari | 1906 | [67] |
Pohjanpalo | Friis | Tuomas Pohjanpalo | 1906 | [68] |
Jännes | Genetz | 1906 | [69] | |
Kuusi | Granfelt | 1906 | [70] | |
Talas | Gratschoff | Onni Talas | 1895 | [71] |
Rautapää | Gröndahl | Hugo Rautapää | 1906 | [72] |
Aura | Gröndahl | 1906 | [73] | |
Wiherheimo | Grönhag | T. A. Wiherheimo | 1906 | [74] |
Kuusisto | Grönlund | 1906 | [75] [76] | |
Rantakari | Grönqvist | 1896 | [77] | |
Pinomaa | Gulin | 1906, 1935 | [78] | |
Paasilinna | Gullsten | Väinö Paasilinna, Arto, Reino and Erno Paasilinna's father | before 1934 | [79] |
Pihkala | Gummerus | Lauri Pihkala | 1906 | [80] |
Halsti | Hagman | 1936 | [81] | |
Kallia | Hallsten | 1906 | [82] | |
Haarla | Harberg | 1906 | [83] | |
Harva | Heerman | 1926 | [84] | |
Heikinheimo | Heikel | 1906 | [85] | |
Päivänsalo | Helander | 1906 | [86] | |
Helanen | Helander | Vilho Helanen | ||
Hattara | Helenius | [87] | ||
Helismaa | Helenius | Reino Helismaa | 1935 | [88] |
Heljas | Helenius | Lennart Heljas | 1935 | [89] |
Helo | Helenius | Johan Helo | 1906 | [90] |
Rahola | Helenius | Eero Rahola | 1906 | [91] |
Waltari | Helenius | Gustaf Helenius, Mika Waltari's grandfather | [92] | |
Heliövaara | Helin | 1906 | [93] | |
Harvila | Hellberg | 1931 | [94] | |
Holma | Hellman | Harri Holma | 1906 | [95] |
Paasikivi | Hellsten | J. K. Paasikivi | 1887 | [96] |
Saarenpää | Herckman | 1906 | [97] | |
Hiitonen | Hidén | Ensio Hiitonen | 1923 | [98] |
Kaira | Hildén | 1909 | [99] | |
Osara | Hildén | 1935 | [100] | |
Palojärvi | Hildén | 1906 | [101] | |
Hiekkala | Hoffrén | Lassi Hiekkala | 1907 | [102] |
Soini | Hoffrén | 1877, 1906 | [103] | |
Harima | Hohenthal | 1936 | [104] | |
Harva | Holmberg | Uno Harva | 1927 | [105] [106] [107] |
Karikoski | Holmström | 1906 | [108] | |
Harki | Hultman | 1935 | [109] | |
Paasivuori | Hällberg/Hälleberg | Matti Paasivuori | 1906 | [110] |
Helasvuo | Hällström | 1926 | [111] | |
Paasivirta | Hällström, af Hällström | 1906, 1907, 1935 | [112] | |
Paasio | Hällström/Hellström | Rafael Paasio | 1906 | [113] |
Heporauta | Hästesko | 1935 | [114] | |
Rihtniemi | Högman | 1908 | [115] | |
Ivalo | Ingman | 1907 | [116] | |
Koskenjaakko | Jakobsson | 1906 | [117] | |
Jaari | Jankeloff | Ruben Jaari | 1936 | [118] |
Wihuri | Jansson | 1906 | [52] | |
Rautavaara/Rautawaara | Jernberg | 1895, 1901, 1907 | [119] [120] | |
Rautavuori | Jernberg | 1943 | [119] | |
Järviluoma | Jernström | Artturi Järviluoma | 1902 | [121] |
Rautavirta | Järnström | 1906 | [119] | |
Airo | Johansson | A. F. Airo | 1906 | [122] |
Kaila | Johansson | Erkki Kaila and Eino Kaila | 1901, 1902, 1906 | [123] [124] |
Somerjoki | Johansson | Gunnar Somerjoki, Rauli Somerjoki's father | 1936 | [125] |
Vannas | Johansson | 1905 | [126] | |
Soininen | Johnsson | Mikael Soininen | 1906 | [127] |
Soisalon-Soininen | Johnsson | Eliel Soisalon-Soininen | 1904 | [128] |
Jousi | Junnelius | 1906 | [129] | |
Juva | Juvelius | Einar W. Juva and Mikko Juva | 1935 | [130] |
Jalanti | Jämsén | [131] | ||
Rauanheimo | Järnefelt | 1906 | [132] | |
Kahanpää | Kahelin | 1937 | [133] | |
Karisto | Karlsson | 1906 | [134] | |
Kairamo | Kihlman | Oswald Kairamo | 1906 | [135] |
Kulomäki | Kindt | 1935 | [136] | |
Kataja | Kollin | [137] | ||
Kurki-Suonio | Krohn | 1928 | [138] | |
Kalha | Kronqvist | Heikki Kalha | [139] | |
Kulo | Källberg | 1906 | [140] | |
Lehto | Lagerlund | Reino R. Lehto | 1901 | [141] |
Lahdensuo | Lagerstedt | 1906 | [142] | |
Hirvensalo | Lagus | Gabriel Hirvensalo | 1903, 1906 | [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] |
Kalima | Landgren | 1906 | [148] | |
Leikola | Leidenius | Erkki Leikola and Aare Leikola | 1906 | [149] [150] |
Listo | Lilius | 1906 | [151] | |
Niini | Lind | [152] [153] [154] | ||
Hiekka | Lindell | 1906 | [155] | |
Leppälä | Lindeqvist | 1906 | [156] | |
Koskelo | Lindgren | 1918 | [117] | |
Apajalahti | Lindqvist | 1906 | [157] | |
Airisto | Lindroos | [158] | ||
Linko | Lindroth | 1906 | [159] | |
Liro | Lindroth | 1906 | [160] | |
Loimaranta | Lindstedt | 1906 | [161] | |
Merikoski | Lindstedt | 1906 | [162] | |
Niinistö | Lindström | Juho Niinistö, Sauli Niinistö's grandfather | [163] | |
Sarva | Lindström | 1914 | [164] | |
Louhivuori | Lohtander | Oskari Wilho Louhivuori | 1905 | [165] |
Saarnio | Lundén | 1911 | [166] | |
Maasalo | Masalin | 1905 | [167] | |
Malmivaara | Malmberg | 1906 | [168] | |
Mela | Malmberg | 1876 | [169] | |
Merikanto | Mattsson | 1882 | [170] | |
Mannermaa | Menander | 1906 | [171] | |
Miesmaa | Messman | 1906 | [172] | |
Kivalo | Mittler | 1935 | [173] | |
Muroma | Murén | 1919 | [174] | |
Nevanlinna | Neovius | Ernst Nevanlinna | 1906 | [17] |
Nuorpuu | Nordblom | 1928 | [175] | |
Pohjanpää | Nordqvist | 1906 | [176] | |
Nuorivaara | Nyberg | [177] | ||
Nuorteva | Nyberg | Santeri Nuorteva | 1906, 1919 | [178] |
Laitakari | Nybergh | 1906 | [179] | |
Airila | Nyholm | 1906 | [180] | |
Nuorvala | Nylenius | Aarne Nuorvala | 1934 | [181] |
Ilves | Nyman | 1906 | [182] | |
Niitemaa | Nyman | 1942 | [183] | |
Näre | Nyman | [184] | ||
Järventaus | Ockenström | 1903 | [185] | |
Suviranta | Olander | 1906 | [186] | |
Paatola | Packalin | |||
Suolahti | Palander | Hugo Suolahti | 1906 | [187] |
Salmenoja | Palin | 1907 | [188] | |
Paalu | Palkén | 1934 | [189] | |
Paatela | Pavén | 1906 | [190] | |
Osmonsalo | Relander | 1906 | [191] | |
Reenpää | Renqvist | Yrjö Reenpää | 1935 | [192] |
Reenkola | Renvall | 1939 | [193] | |
Sotavalta | Richter | 1900 | [194] | |
Orjatsalo | Riddelin | Aarne Orjatsalo | 1901 | [195] |
Sillanpää | Riktig | Miina Sillanpää | [196] | |
Rinkama | Ringbom | 1935 | [197] | |
Ruusuvaara | Rosberg | 1906 | [198] | |
Routavaara | Rosvall | 1928 | [199] | |
Jurkka | Rothström | [200] | ||
Ruutu | Ruuth | 1927 | [201] | |
Ritavuori | Rydman | Heikki Ritavuori | 1905 | [202] |
Sadeniemi | Sadenius | 1906, 1928 | [203] | |
Saalas | Sahlberg | 1906 | [204] | |
Sortta | Sahlbom | 1932 | [205] | |
Ilvessalo | Sarén | 1911 | [206] | |
Saraste | Sarlin | 1942 | [207] | |
Savonjousi | Savonius | 1936 | [208] | |
Sauli | Saxelin | Jalmari Sauli | 1908 | [201] |
Harmaja | Schadewitz | [130] | ||
Utsjoki | Schlüter | 1935 | [209] | |
Rauramo | Schroderus | 1935 | [210] | |
Koulumies | Schulman | 1940 | [211] | |
Mustakallio | Schwartzberg | 1906 | [212] | |
Saura | Selenius | 1929 | [213] | |
Särkilahti | Serlachius | Allan Serlachius | 1935 | [214] |
Hersalo | Sigell | 1935 | [215] | |
Siloma | Sillman | about 1930 | ||
Simojoki | Simelius | Elias Simojoki and Martti Simojoki | 1926, 1928 | [216] |
Sirola | Sirén | Yrjö Sirola | 1896 | [217] |
Salokannel | Sirenius | 1898 | [218] | |
Sirpo | Sirob (alk. Wolfson) | [219] | ||
Susitaival | Sivén | Paavo Susitaival | 1927 | [220] |
Virkkunen | Snellman | Paavo Virkkunen | 1906 | [138] [221] [222] |
Solanko | Sohlman | Risto Solanko | 1935 | [223] |
Somersalo | Sommer | 1906 | [224] | |
Kivekäs | Stenbäck | Lauri Kivekäs | 1876, 1926 | [57] |
Kivikoski | Stenfors | [225] | ||
Korpijaakko | Stenius | [226] | ||
Isonokari | Stornogar | 1903 | ||
Renkonen | Streng | 1940 | [201] | |
Kivirikko | Stenroos | 1906 | [48] | |
Teräsvuori | Ståhlberg | 1906 | [227] | |
Siilasvuo | Strömberg | Hjalmar Siilasvuo | 1936 | [228] |
Sarkia | Sulin | Kaarlo Sarkia | [229] | |
Sola | Sundberg | 1906 | [230] | |
Palolampi | Sundström | 1927 | [231] | |
Salmiala | Sundström | Bruno Salmiala | 1935 | [232] |
Somerto | Sundström | [233] | ||
Rislakki | Svanberg | 1934 | [234] | |
Svento | Sventorzetski | Reinhold Svento | 1938 | [235] |
Saarimaa | Söderholm | 1905 | [166] | |
Sarparanta | Söderman | 1936 | [236] | |
Sotamaa | Söderman | [237] | ||
Suvivuo | Söderström | Väinö Suvivuo | [238] | |
Tuulio | Tallgren | Tyyni Tuulio | 1933 | [239] |
Honkajuuri | Tallroth | 1906 | [240] | |
Tavastähti | Tavaststjerna | 1905 | [241] | |
Tanner | Thomasson | Väinö Tanner | 1895 | [242] |
Talvela | Thorén | Paavo Talvela | 1906 | [243] |
Tuura | Thrulsson | [244] | ||
Tulenheimo | Thulé | Antti Tulenheimo | 1906 | [245] |
Tuurna | Thuneberg | 1935 | [246] | |
Tuuliluoto | Tillaeus | |||
Tarjanne | Törnqvist | Päivö Tarjanne | 1906 | [17] |
Hiidenheimo | Törnström | Artturi Hiidenheimo and Pentti Hiidenheimo | 1906 | [247] [248] |
Vähäkallio | Vilander | 1905 | [249] | |
Vihma | Wichmann | Einar Vihma | 1936 | [250] |
Vala | Wadenström | Katri Vala | 1928 | [209] |
Valste | Wahlstedt | Armas Valste | 1934 | [251] |
Vaaskivi | Wahlstén | 1935 | [252] | |
Vakio | Walldén | 1935 | [253] | |
Wallinmaa | Wallenius | 1912 | [254] | |
Voionmaa | Wallin | Väinö Voionmaa | 1906 | [255] |
Waris | Warén | Klaus Waris | 1924, 1935 | [256] [257] |
Valvanne | Wegelius | Hugo Valvanne | 1906 | [258] [259] |
Vuorjoki | Wegelius | 1906, 1929 | [258] | |
Väisälä | Weisell | Vilho Väisälä and Yrjö Väisälä | 1906 | [260] |
Wennervirta | Wennerström | 1926 | [52] | |
Aaltonen | Widell | Emil Aaltonen | 1890 | [261] |
Wilkama | Wilkman | Karl Fredrik Wilkama | 1919 | [52] |
Meriluoto | Willman | Kaarlo Meriluoto, Aila Meriluoto's father | 1905 | [262] |
Veistaro | Winqvist | 1935 | [263] | |
Voipio | Åkerman | 1901 | [264] | |
Orasmaa | Österman | Niilo Orasmaa | 1906 | [265] |
Satakunta is a historical province of Finland consisting of the regions of Satakunta and a majority of Pirkanmaa, as well as consisting of the municipalities of Soini and Ähtäri of South Ostrobothnia, Keuruu and Multia of Central Finland, as well as Loimaa and Oripää of Southwest Finland. The historical province is bordered by the historical provinces of Tavastia, Ostrobothnia and Finland Proper. The total area of the historical province is about 24,300 km2.
Kaj Kristian Stenvall is a Finnish artist who became internationally famous when he began his career in 1989 for painting what his site describes as "a very familiar looking duck". Many have likened this duck to the Donald Duck of Disney comics.
Voitto Valdemar Kolho was a Finnish sport shooter, who won an Olympic bronze and five Finnish national championships.
Toivo Nestori Aro was a Finnish sports leader and an aquatics athlete who won 10 Finnish championships.
Réka Riikka Szilvay is a Finnish classical violinist. She was born in Helsinki, Finland, into an Austrian–Hungarian family. She is the daughter of the violinist Géza Szilvay and the niece of the cellist Csaba Szilvay. She is a professor at Sibelius Academy.
Hugo Pietari "Heikki" Hallamaa was a Finnish sports shooter who competed at the 1908 Summer Olympics.
Karl Henrik Lorentz Reilin was a Finnish sports shooter, who competed at the 1908 and the 1912 Summer Olympics.
Lauri Kolho was a Finnish sports shooter who competed at the 1908 and the 1912 Summer Olympics.
Kari Aronpuro is a Finnish poet. He worked in the library industry for over 40 years. He worked as a librarian at the University of Tampere course library from 1964 to 1971, Rääkkylän municipal library in 1972, Kemin Syväkangas library from 1972 to 1981 and the Tampere Lamminpää library from 1981 to 2003.
I. K. Inha was a Finnish photographer, author, translator, and journalist. Inha is considered one of the grandmasters of Finnish photography. Sometimes he is referred to as "the national photographer" of Finland. He is especially known for his documentation of Finnish folk tradition, old habits and customs, and landscapes. In addition to his documentary work he was a significant portrayer of modernisation in the early 20th century.
Toivo Heikkilä was a Finnish diplomat. He was a master of philosophy.
Otto Lauri Mikael Hjelt was a Finnish diplomat, a master of philosophy.
Matti Kalervo Kahiluoto was a Finnish diplomat, a master of political science.
Leif Richard Fagernäs is the former CEO of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (2004–10). Prior to the appointment of the Finnish Ambassador to Berlin, he was CEO of the Confederation of Industry and Employers. His predecessor was Kalevi Hemila.
Ulf-Erik Alexander Slotte was a Finnish diplomat.
Anna Emilia Hagelstam was a Finnish singer (mezzosopraano) and songwriter. She held her first concert in Helsinki in 1911. In particular, she introduced French songwriting and Sibelius, whose songs she performed with.
Oiva Johannes Tuulio was a Finnish linguist specializing in the Romance languages. He bore the surname Tallgren until 1933.
Pekka Heikki Tapani Gronow is a Finnish ethnomusicologist and historian of the recording industry. He studied at Wesleyan University with David P. McAllester and Robert E. Brown and at the University of Helsinki and received his PhD from the University of Tampere. He was the head of the record library at Yleisradio 1989–2006 and an archiving specialist 2007–2008. Gronow became known in the 1960s for his radio programs on jazz and blues. In 1966 he founded with M. A. Numminen Eteenpäin, a record company which issued Numminen's works and other underground artists.
Ilmi Orvokki Kangas was a Finnish politician. She represented Vaasa in the Parliament of Finland from 1970 to 1983 as a member of the Centre Party. From September 1976 to May 1977, she was Finland's second minister of social affairs and health, appointed by Prime Minister Martti Miettunen.
Lauri Asko Antero Sarkola is a Finnish actor and theater manager. He studied at the Svenska Teaterskolan from 1963 to 1966. He had a long career at the Swedish-speaking Lilla Teatern, where he first starred in 1967–1974 and served as deputy director from 1972 to 1974. In 1974–1981 and 1984–1997, Sarkola was the director of Lilla Teatern. From 1982 to 1985, Sarkola worked as a professor at the Helsinki Theatre Academy. He directed the Helsinki City Theatre from 1998 to 2016.
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