Hemidactylus Last updated February 07, 2025 Genus of common geckos
Hemidactylus Top: Flat-tailed house gecko Bottom: Asian house gecko Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Infraorder: Gekkota Family: Gekkonidae Subfamily: Gekkoninae Genus: Hemidactylus Oken , 1817 [ 1] Type species Gecko tuberculosus Diversity 190 species, see text Synonyms List (in alphabetical order)
Aliurus E.R. Dunn & M.T. Dunn, 1940 Boltalia Gray , 1842 Bunocnemis Günther , 1894 Cosymbotus Fitzinger Doryura Gray, 1845 Emydactylus Bocourt, 1870 Eurhous Fitzinger , 1861 Hoplopodion Fitzinger, 1843 Leiurus Gray, 1845 (non Ehrenberg , [1828]: preoccupied ) Liurus Cope, 1862 (non Ehrenberg, 1831: preoccupied ) Lophopholis M.A. Smith & Deraniyagala , 1934 Microdactylus Fitzinger, 1843 (non É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , 1809: preoccupied ) Nubilia Gray, 1845 Onychopus Fitzinger, 1843 Pnoepus Fitzinger, 1843 Tachybates Fitzinger, 1843 Velernesia Gray, 1845 [ 2]
Hemidactylus is a genus of the common gecko family , Gekkonidae . [ 3] [ 4] It has 195 [ 5] described species , newfound ones being described every few years. These geckos are found in all the tropical regions of the world, extending into the subtropical parts of Africa and Europe . They excel in colonizing oceanic islands by rafting on flotsam , and are for example found across most of Polynesia . In some archipelagoes , cryptic species complexes are found. [ 2] Geckos like to live in and out of houses. They have been introduced to many areas around the world.[ citation needed ]
This species is closely related to the genus Gehyra , which belongs to the same family in Gekkonidae.
The species are typically known as house geckos , due to their readiness to adapt to and coexist with humans, and can be easily encountered in human habitations.
Taxonomy This genus was originally established by Lorenz Oken in 1817 for the species at that time known as Hemidactylus tuberculosus , and now described as the tropical house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia ). [ 2] The species name in turn comes from the Greek words ἡμι hemi "half" and δάκτυλος dáktylos "fingers" because its toes has split or "half" lamella underneath them. [ 6]
Evolution The origin of the genus Hemidactylus is still unclear as the higher level phylogeny is not well resolved. Moreover, much of the diversity in this group still remains to be discovered.
Feces A house gecko will usually confine its excretions to one area of a house. This is sometimes considered a nuisance by home owners, and may stain certain surfaces. [ 7] The feces are approximately five (5) millimeters in length, two (2) millimeters wide, and dark brown (almost black) in color.
Description Foot upperside (left) and underside of the Oriental leaf-toed gecko (H. bowringii ). The dorsal lepidosis is either uniform or heterogeneous. The pupil of the eye is vertical. Males have pre-anal or femoral pores . Each finger or toe has a slender distal clawed joint , angularly bent and rising from within the extremity of the dilated portion. [ 8]
The fingers and toes are free, or more or less webbed, and dilated; underneath they bear a straight line running down their lamellae , which is in a pattern resembling a paripinnate compound leaf . [ 8] This leads to their other and more ambiguous common name, "leaf-toed geckos ", used mainly for species from South Asia and its surroundings to prevent confusion with the many "leaf-toed" Gekkota not in Hemidactylus .
Some members of the genus, such as H. platyurus , are able to run quadrupedally across water by a partially surface tension -dependent mechanism distinct from the bipedal gait of basilisks . [ 9]
Communication Like many other gecko species, species in the genus Hemidactylus are able to communicate with distinct vocalizations. Depending on the species, their vocalizations range from quiet clicks to short squeaks and chirps. For example, the Asian common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus ) is notable for its distinctive chirping.
Species H. brookii H. flaviviridus Adult common house gecko (H. frenatus ) in Chennai , India H. garnotii Adult giant leaf-toed gecko (H. giganteus ) from Dindigul (Tamil Nadu , India ) H. graniticolus H. maculatus H. prashadi Mediterranean house gecko (H. turcicus ) H. varadgirii Hemidactylus aaronbaueri Giri , 2008 – Aaron Bauer's house gecko Hemidactylus acanthopholis Mirza & Sanap , 2014 Hemidactylus achaemenidicus Torki , 2019 Hemidactylus adensis Šmíd et al., 2014 Hemidactylus aemulus Kumar , A. Srinivasulu & C. Srinivasulu , 2022 Hemidactylus afarensis Šmíd et al., 2020 – Afar gecko Hemidactylus agrius Vanzolini , 1978 – country leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus albituberculatus J.-F. Trape , 2012 Hemidactylus albivertebralis J.-F. Trape & Böhme , 2012 Hemidactylus albofasciatus Grandison & Soman , 1963 – white-striped viper gecko Hemidactylus albopunctatus Loveridge , 1947 – white-spotted gecko, white-spotted leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus alfarraji Šmid, Shobrak , Wilms , Joger & Carranza , 2016 Hemidactylus alkiyumii Carranza & Arnold , 2012 Hemidactylus almakhwah Šmíd, Uvizl, Shobrak, Busais , Salim, R. Algethami, A. Algethami, Alanazi, Alsubaie, Rovatsos , Nováková, Mazuch & Carranza, 2022 Hemidactylus angulatus Hallowell , 1854 Hemidactylus ansorgii Boulenger , 1901 – Nigerian leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus aporus Boulenger, 1906 – Annobon leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus aquilonius McMahan & Zug , 2007 Hemidactylus arnoldi Lanza , 1978 – Arnold's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus asirensis Šmid, Shobrak, Wilms, Joger & Carranza, 2016 Hemidactylus awashensis Šmíd et al., 2014 Hemidactylus barbierii Sindaco , Razzetti & Ziliani , 2007 Hemidactylus barbouri Loveridge, 1942 – Barbour’s leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus barodanus Boulenger, 1901 – enigmatic gecko Hemidactylus bavazzanoi Lanza, 1978 – Somali banded gecko, Bavazzano’s gecko Hemidactylus bayonii Bocage , 1893 – Barboza's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus benguellensis Bocage , 1893 – Benguela house gecko Hemidactylus beninensis Bauer , Tchibozo , Pauwels & Lenglet , 2006 Hemidactylus biokoensis Wagner , Leaché & Fujita , 2014 – Bioko leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus boavistensis Boulenger, 1906 – Boa Vista leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus bouvieri (Bocourt , 1870) – Bouvier's leaf-toed gecko, Cape Verde leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus bowringii (Gray , 1845) – Oriental leaf-toed gecko, Bowring's gecko, Sikkimese dark-spotted gecko, Asian smooth gecko Hemidactylus brasilianus Amaral , 1935 – Amaral's Brazilian gecko Hemidactylus brookii Gray, 1845 – Brooke's house gecko, spotted house gecko Hemidactylus carivoensis Lobón-Rovira , Conradie , Iglesias, R. Ernst , L. Veríssimo , Baptista & Pinto , 2021 Hemidactylus chikhaldaraensis Agarwal , Bauer, Giri & Khandekar , 2019 – Chikhaldara brookiish gecko Hemidactylus chipkali Mirza & Raju , 2017 – Central Indian leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus cinganji Lobón-Rovira, Conradie, Iglesias, R. Ernst, L. Veríssimo, Baptista & Pinto, 2021 Hemidactylus citernii Boulenger, 1912 – speedy leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus coalescens Wagner, Leaché & Fujita, 2014 Hemidactylus craspedotus Mocquard , 1890 – Mocquard's house gecko, frilled gecko, frilled house gecko Hemidactylus curlei Parker , 1942 – Parker's gecko, northern leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus dawudazraqi Moravec , Kratochvíl , Amr , Jandzik , Šmíd & Gvoždík , 2011 Hemidactylus depressus Gray, 1842 – Sri Lankan leaf-nosed gecko, Kandyan gecko Hemidactylus dracaenacolus Rösler & Wranik , 1999 Hemidactylus easai S. Das , Pal , Siddharth , Palot , Deepak & Narayanan , 2022 Hemidactylus echinus O'Shaughnessy , 1875 – hedgehog leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus endophis Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus eniangii Wagner, Leaché & Fujita, 2014 Hemidactylus farasani Šmíd, Uvizl, Shobrak, Busais, Salim, R. Algethami, A. Algethami, Alanazi, Alsubaie, Rovatsos, Nováková, Mazuch & Carranza, 2022 – Farasan gecko Hemidactylus fasciatus Gray, 1842 – banded leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus faustus Lobón-Rovira, Conradie, Iglesias, R. Ernst, L. Veríssimo, Baptista & Pinto, 2021 Hemidactylus festivus Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus flavicauda Lajmi , Giri, Singh & Agarwal, 2020 – Mahabubnagar yellow-tailed brookiish gecko Hemidactylus flaviviridis Rüppell , 1835 – yellow-bellied gecko, northern house gecko Hemidactylus forbesii Boulenger, 1899 – Socotra leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus foudaii S. Baha El Din , 2003 Hemidactylus fragilis Calabresi , 1915 Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel , 1836 – common house gecko, Asian house gecko, Pacific house gecko Hemidactylus funaiolii Lanza, 1978 – Archer's post gecko, Kenya leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus garnotii A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron , 1836 – Indo-Pacific gecko, Garnot's house gecko, fox gecko, Assam greyish-brown gecko Hemidactylus giganteus Stoliczka , 1871 – giant leaf-toed gecko, giant southern tree gecko, giant gecko Hemidactylus gleadowi Murray , 1884 – Gleadow's house gecko Hemidactylus gracilis Blanford , 1870 – graceful leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus gramineus Ceríaco , Bauer, Kusamba , Agarwal & Greenbaum , 2021 Hemidactylus granchii Lanza, 1978 – Granchi's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus graniticolus Agarwal, Giri & Bauer, 2011 [ 10] Hemidactylus granosus Heyden , 1827 Hemidactylus granti Boulenger, 1899 – Grant's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus greeffii Bocage, 1886 – Greeff's gecko, [ 11] Greeff's giant gecko [ 12] Hemidactylus gujaratensis Giri, Bauer, Vyas & S. Patil , 2009 – Gujarat gecko Hemidactylus hajarensis Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus hegdei Pal & Mirza, 2022 Hemidactylus hemchandrai Dandge & Tiple , 2015 Hemidactylus homoeolepis Blanford , 1881 – Arabian leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus hunae Deraniyagala , 1937 – spotted giant gecko Hemidactylus imbricatus Bauer et al., 2008 – carrot-tailed viper gecko Hemidactylus inexpectatus Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus inintellectus Sindaco, Ziliani, Razzetti, Pupin , Grieco , 2009 – Socotran rock gecko Hemidactylus isolepis Boulenger, 1895 – scaly leaf-toed gecko, uniform-scaled gecko Hemidactylus ituriensis Schmidt , 1919 – Ituri leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus jubensis Boulenger, 1895 – Ethiopian gecko, Mrioen leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus jumailiae Busais & Joger, 2011 Hemidactylus kamdemtohami Bauer & Pauwels, 2002 – Kamdem Toham's gecko Hemidactylus kangerensis Mirza, Bhosale & R. Patil , 2017 Hemidactylus karenorum (Theobald , 1868) – Burmese spotted gecko, Burmese leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus kimbulae Amarasinghe , Karunarathna , P. Campbell , Madawala & de Silva , 2021 Hemidactylus klauberi Scortecci , 1948 Hemidactylus kolliensis Agarwal, Bauer, Giri & Khandekar, 2019 – Kolli rock gecko Hemidactylus kundaensis Chirio & J.-F. Trape, 2012 Hemidactylus kushmorensis Murray, 1884 – Kushmore house gecko Hemidactylus kyaboboensis Wagner, Leaché & Fujita, 2014 Hemidactylus laevis Boulenger, 1901 – common leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus lamaensis Ullenbruch , Grell & Böhme, 2010 Hemidactylus lankae Deraniyagala, 1953 – termite hill gecko, Sri Lankan leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus lanzai Šmíd et al., 2020 Hemidactylus laticaudatus L.G. Andersson , 1910 – Andersson's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus lavadeserticus Moravec & Bohme, 1997 – Syrian house gecko Hemidactylus lemurinus Arnold, 1980 – Dhofar leaf-toed gecko, Oman ghost leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus leschenaultii A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836 – Leschenault's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus longicephalus Bocage, 1873 Hemidactylus lopezjuradoi Arnold, Vasconcelos , Harris , Mateo & Carranza, 2008 (formerly in H. bouvieri ) Hemidactylus luqueorum Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès , 1818) – tropical house gecko, Afro-American house gecko, cosmopolitan house gecko Hemidactylus macropholis Boulenger, 1896 – Boulenger’s gecko, large-scaled leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus maculatus A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836 – spotted leaf-toed gecko, giant spotted gecko Hemidactylus mahonyi Adhikari , Achyuthan , Kumar, Khot , Shreeram & Ganesh , 2022 Hemidactylus makolowodei Bauer, LeBreton , Chirio, Ineich & Talla Kouete , 2006 Hemidactylus malcolmsmithi (Constable , 1949) – Malcolm's bow-fingered gecko, [ 11] Smith's bent-toed gecko Hemidactylus mandebensis Šmíd et al., 2014 Hemidactylus masirahensis Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus matschiei (Tornier , 1901) – Togo leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus megalops Parker, 1932 – Parker's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Hemidactylus mindiae S. Baha El Din, 2005 – Mount Sinai gecko Hemidactylus minutus Vasconcelos & Carranza, 2014 Hemidactylus modestus (Günther , 1894) – moderate leaf-toed gecko, Tana River gecko Hemidactylus montanus Busais & Joger, 2011 – mountain leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus mrimaensis Malonza & Bauer, 2014 – Kaya gecko Hemidactylus muriceus W. Peters , 1870 – Guinea leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus murrayi Gleadow , 1887 – Murray's house gecko Hemidactylus multisulcatus – Madurai rock gecko Hemidactylus newtoni Ferreira , 1897 – Newton's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus nicolauensis Vasconcelos, G. Köhler , Geniez & Crochet , 2020 Hemidactylus nzingae Ceríaco et al., 2020 – Queen Nzinga’s tropical gecko Hemidactylus ophiolepis Boulenger, 1903 – snake-scaled leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus ophiolepoides Lanza, 1978 – Lanza's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus oxyrhinus Boulenger, 1899 – sharp-nosed leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus paaragowli Srikanthan , Swamy , Mohan & Pal, 2018 – Travancore rock gecko Hemidactylus paivae Ceríaco et al., 2020 – Paiva’s gecko Hemidactylus pakkamalaiensis Narayanan, Christopher , Raman , Mukherjee , Prabhu , Lenin , Vimalraj & Deepak, 2023 Hemidactylus palaichthus Kluge , 1969 – Antilles leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus parvimaculatus Deraniyagala, 1953 – spotted house gecko Hemidactylus paucifasciatus Mohapatra , Agarwal, Mohalik , Dutta & Khandekar, 2023 Hemidactylus pauciporosus Lanza, 1978 Hemidactylus paucituberculatus Carranza & Arnold, 2012 Hemidactylus persicus J. Anderson , 1872 – Persian leaf-toed gecko, Persian gecko Hemidactylus pfindaensis Lobón-Rovira, Conradie, Iglesias, R. Ernst, L. Veríssimo, Baptista & Pinto, 2021 Hemidactylus pieresii Kelaart , 1852 Hemidactylus platycephalus W. Peters, 1854 – tree gecko, flat-headed leaf-toed gecko, baobab gecko Hemidactylus platyurus (Schneider , 1792) – flat-tailed house gecko, frilled house gecko, Asian house gecko Hemidactylus porbandarensis Sharma , 1981 Hemidactylus prashadi M.A. Smith , 1935 – Bombay leaf-toed gecko, Prashad's gecko Hemidactylus principensis Miller , Sellas & Drewes , 2012 Hemidactylus pseudomuriceus Henle & Böhme, 2003 [ 13] Hemidactylus pseudoromeshkanicus Torki, 2019 Hemidactylus puccionii Calabresi, 1927 – Zanzibar leaf-toed gecko, Somali plain gecko Hemidactylus pumilio Boulenger, 1899 – pygmy leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus quartziticolus Khandekar, Thackeray , Mariappan , Gangalmale , Waghe , Pawar & Agarwal, 2023 Hemidactylus raya Kumar, A. Srinivasulu & C. Srinivasulu, 2022 Hemidactylus reticulatus Beddome , 1870 – reticulated leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus richardsonii Gray, 1845 – Richardson's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus rishivalleyensis Agarwal, Thackeray & Khandekar, 2020 – Rishi Valley rock gecko Hemidactylus robustus Heyden, 1827 – Heyden's gecko Hemidactylus romeshkanicus Torki, 2011 Hemidactylus ruspolii Boulenger, 1896 – farm leaf-toed gecko, Ruspoli's gecko, turnip-tailed black and yellow gecko Hemidactylus saba Busais & Joger, 2011 Hemidactylus sahgali Mirza, Gowande , R. Patil, Ambekar & Patel , 2018 – Sahgal’s termite hill gecko Hemidactylus sankariensis Agarwal, Bauer, Giri & Khandekar, 2019 – Sankari brookiish gecko Hemidactylus sassanidianus Torki, 2019 Hemidactylus sataraensis Giri & Bauer, 2008 – Satara gecko Hemidactylus saxicolus Kumar, A. Srinivasulu & C. Srinivasulu, 2022 Hemidactylus scabriceps (Annandale , 1906) – scaly gecko Hemidactylus shihraensis Busais & Joger, 2011 Hemidactylus sinaitus Boulenger, 1885 – Red Sea gecko, Sinai leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus sirumalaiensis Khandekar, Thackeray, Pawar & Agarwal, 2020 Hemidactylus siva C. Srinivasulu, A. Srinivasulu & Kumar, 2018 – Hampi rock gecko Hemidactylus smithi Boulenger, 1895 – Smith's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus somalicus Parker, 1932 – Northern Somali leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus squamulatus Tornier, 1896 – Tornier's leaf-toed gecko, Nyika gecko Hemidactylus srikanthani Adhikari, Achyuthan, Kumar, Khot, Shreeram & Ganesh, 2022 Hemidactylus stejnegeri Ota & Hikida , 1989 – Stejneger's leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus subtriedrus Jerdon , 1854 – Jerdon's gecko, Madras blotched gecko Hemidactylus sushilduttai Giri, Bauer, Mohapatra, C. Srinivasulu & Agarwal, 2017 – Dutta Mahendragiri gecko Hemidactylus tamhiniensis Khandekar, Thackeray & Agarwal, 2021 – Tamhini giant rock gecko, basalt giant rock gecko Hemidactylus tanganicus Loveridge, 1929 – Tanzanian leaf-toed gecko, Tanzanian diamond gecko, Dutumi gecko Hemidactylus tasmani Hewitt , 1932 – Tasmanian leaf-toed gecko Hemidactylus taylori Parker, 1932 Hemidactylus tenkatei Lidth de Jeude , 1895 Hemidactylus thayene McMahan & Zug, 2007 Hemidactylus treutleri Mahony , 2009 – Treutler's gecko Hemidactylus triedrus (Daudin , 1802) – termite hill gecko, Dakota's leaf-toed gecko, blotched house gecko Hemidactylus tropidolepis Mocquard, 1888 – Mocquard's leaf-toed gecko, Ogaden gecko Hemidactylus turcicus Linnaeus , 1758 – Mediterranean house gecko, Turkish gecko Hemidactylus ulii Šmíd, Moravec, Kratochvil, Gvozdik, Nasher , Busais, Wilms, Shobrak & Carranza, 2013 Hemidactylus vanam Chaitanya , Lajmi & Giri, 2018 – Megamalai rock gecko Hemidactylus varadgirii Chaitanya, Agarwal, Lajmi & Khandekar, 2019 – Giri’s brookiish gecko, Amboli brookiish gecko Hemidactylus vernayi Ceríaco, Agarwal, Marques & Bauer, 2020 – Vernay’s tropical gecko Hemidactylus vietnamensis Darevsky , Kupriyanova & Roshchin , 1984 – Vietnam leaf-toed gecko, Vietnam house gecko Hemidactylus vijayraghavani Mirza, 2018 Hemidactylus whitakeri Mirza, Gowande, R. Patil, Ambekar & Patel, 2018 – Whitaker’s termite hill gecko Hemidactylus xericolus Lajmi, Giri, Singh & Agarwal, 2020 – Nalgonda yellow-tailed brookiish gecko Hemidactylus yajurvedi Murthy , Bauer, Lajmi, Agarwal & Giri, 2015 – Kanker rock gecko Hemidactylus yerburyi J. Anderson, 1895 – Yerbury’s gecko, Yerburi’s leaf-toed geckoReferences ↑ "Hemidactylus ". Dahms Tierleben . www.dahmstierleben.de 1 2 3 Lizards of the World (2004). "Hemidactylus" . Archived from the original on 28 August 2008. Retrieved 4 April 2009 . ↑ Uetz, Peter , ed. (2021) [1995]. "Higher Taxa in Extant Reptiles" . The Reptile Database . Zoological Museum Hamburg. Retrieved 10 December 2022 . ↑ Savage, Melissa (2001). "Hemidactylus " . Animal Diversity Web . University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Retrieved 10 December 2022 . ↑ Genus Hemidactylus at The Reptile Database www.reptile-database.org. Accessed September 2023. ↑ Uetz, Peter, ed. (2023) [1995]. "Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès, 1818)" . The Reptile Database . Zoology Museum Hamburg. Retrieved 8 March 2024 . ↑ "House Geckos" . 1 2 Boulenger, G.A. (1890). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma . Reptilia and Batrachia . London: Secretary of State for India in Council. (Taylor and Francis, printers). xviii + 541 pp. (Genus Hemidactylus , p. 82). Fulltext at the Internet Archive ↑ Nirody, J. A.; Jinn, J.; Libby, T.; Lee, T. J.; Jusufi, A.; Hu, D. L.; Full, R. J. (2018). "Geckos Race Across the Water's Surface Using Multiple Mechanisms" . Current Biology . 28 (24): 4046–4051.e2. Bibcode :2018CBio...28E4046N . doi : 10.1016/j.cub.2018.10.064 . PMID 30528580 . ↑ Angarwal I , Giri VB , Bauer AM (2011). "A new cryptic rock-dwelling Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from south India". Zootaxa 2765 : 21–37. (Hemidactylus graniticolus , new species). 1 2 Beolens, Bo ; Watkins, Michael ; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5 . (Hemidactylus greeffii , p. 107; Cyrtodactylus malcolmsmithi , p. 247). ↑ Species Hemidactylus greeffii at The Reptile Database www.reptile-database.org. ↑ Henle K , Böhme W (2003). "A new species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from West Africa, and comments on species hitherto confused with H. muriceus ". African Journal of Herpetology 52 (1) 23–38. (Hemidactylus pseudomuriceus , new species). 1 2 Pyron, R. Alexander ; Burbrink, Frank T. ; Wiens, John J. (2013). "A phylogeny and revised classification of Squamata, including 4161 species of lizards and snakes". BMC Evolutionary Biology 13 (1): 93. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-93 This page is based on this
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