Hieracium lachenalii

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Hieracium lachenalii
Hawkweed 2007-5.jpg
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Hieracium
H. lachenalii
Binomial name
Hieracium lachenalii
Suter 1802 not C.C.Gmel. 1808 [1]
Range of Hieracium lachenalii-World.svg
Hieracium lachenalii distribution
Synonyms [2]
  • ieracium acuminatumJord.
  • Hieracium anfractum(Fr.) Fr.
  • Hieracium argillaceoides(Litv. & Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium argillaceumJord.
  • Hieracium asyngamicumBorbás
  • Hieracium aurulentumBoreau
  • Hieracium aviicolaBoreau
  • Hieracium strumosum(W.R.Linton) Ley
  • Hieracium cebennenseArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium chenopodioidesArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium cherienseJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium chlorophyllumJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium cladophorum(Vuk.) B.D.Jacks.
  • Hieracium consociatumJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium amitsokense(Almq.) Dahlst. ex Omang
  • Hieracium cruentifoliumDahlst. & lubeck. ex Dahlst. & Lübeck
  • Hieracium groenlandicumArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium ivigtutense(Almq.) Omang
  • Hieracium scholanderiOmang
  • Hieracium sylowiOmang
  • Hieracium vulgatiformeDahlst.
  • Hieracium vulgatumFr.
  • Hieracium dalicumJohanss.
  • Hieracium borodinianumÜksip
  • Hieracium deductumSudre
  • Hieracium jaccardiiZahn
  • Hieracium latebrosumBoreau
  • Hieracium medioximumBoreau
  • Hieracium epichlorum(Litv. & Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium erythropodumR.Uechtr.
  • Hieracium euchlorum(Murr & Zahn) Prain
  • Hieracium fastigiatumFr.
  • Hieracium festinumJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium umbraticolaBoreau
  • Hieracium frondosiforme(Zahn) Prain
  • Hieracium punctillaticepsJohanss.
  • Hieracium garckeanumAsch.
  • Hieracium hypopitys(Litv. & Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium irriguiceps(Zahn) Schljakov
  • Hieracium euirriguum(Zahn) Schljakov
  • Hieracium irriguum(Fr.) Dahlst.
  • Hieracium juratzkanum(Zahn) Schljakov
  • Hieracium lepidiceps(Dahlst.) Prain
  • Hieracium lortetiaeBalb.
  • Hieracium macrophyllopodum(Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium mertiniiC.C.Gmel.
  • Hieracium nemophilumBoreau
  • Hieracium querceticolaJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium obscuriceps(Dahlst.) Prain
  • Hieracium subobscuriceps(Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium paucifoliatumBoreau
  • Hieracium meridionaleArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium neopinnatifidumPugsley
  • Hieracium percissumJord. ex Boreau
  • Hieracium pinnatifidum(Dahlst.) Lönnr. ex Dahlst.
  • Hieracium finitimumBoreau
  • Hieracium pseudodiaphanum(Dahlst.) Johanss.
  • Hieracium valmierenseÜksip
  • Hieracium pseudoramosumSchur
  • Hieracium rudicauleArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium stipatiforme(Dahlst.) Dahlst.
  • Hieracium subampliatum(Dahlst.) Dahlst.
  • Hieracium subaustrinumKeld & Wiinst.
  • Hieracium subhastulatum(Zahn) Üksip
  • Hieracium stipatumT.Durand & B.D.Jacks.
  • Hieracium subirriguum(Dahlst.) Dahlst.
  • Hieracium subviriduliceps(Zahn) Schljakov
  • Hieracium tenuicauleArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium torticauleArv.-Touv.
  • Hieracium tortifoliumBoreau
  • Hieracium truncipilum(Thaisz & Zahn) Schljakov
  • Hieracium almquistianumJohanss.
  • Hieracium subviolascensP.D.Sell
  • plus many more names at level of subspecies

Hieracium lachenalii, also known as common hawkweed or yellow hawkweed, is a species of plant in the tribe Cichorieae within the family Asteraceae. It is native to Europe but has become established as a weed in Australia and parts of North America. The species was widely known for many years as H. vulgatum, [3] but more recent studies have indicated that the two names represent the same species. The name H. lachenalii was coined in 1802, [4] H. vulgatum in 1819, [5] so the older name is to be used. [6]



This common weed can grow and produce flowers on plants that range from 4 inches (10 centimeters) to 36 inches (91 cm) tall. The rhizome is short and stout. The broadly elliptic leaves can be up to 5 inches (13 centimeters) long and taper with teeth towards the base. [7] Each flower head has 40-80 ray florets but no disc florets [8] [9] Bracts surround the flower head; the receptacle (basal part of the flower on which the florets are attached) is flat and naked; heads tend to start together then become somewhat solitary on long leafless stems. [8] The stalks below the heads are covered with scattered, simple and gland-tipped black hairs and contain a milky substance. [9]

The pale yellow flowers are produced during all of the summer months. The fruit are dark brown achenes. [7]

Common names

Distribution and habitat

Native to most of Europe, [11] Hieracium lachenalii was introduced to cooler parts of North America, [12] and to Australia. [8] It can sometimes be found in soils that have been disturbed. [13]


Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Channel Islands, Republic of Croatia, Corsica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Principality of Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Republic of North Ossetia–Alania, Norway, Republic of Poland, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City, and various oblasts of Russia:

and its autonomous republics:

[11] and Portugal.[ citation needed ]

North America

Subarctic America: Greenland. [14]

Canada: British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec. [14]

United States: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin. [14]

Range of Hieracium lachenalii-Europe.svg Range of Hieracium lachenalii-Russia.svg Range of Hieracium lachenalii-North America.svg Range of Hieracium lachenalii-Coral Sea.svg
Distribution maps of Hieracium lachenalii.

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  1. Tropicos, search for Hieracium lachenalii
  2. The Plant List, Hieracium lachenalii Suter
  3. Flora of North America, Hieracium vulgatum Fries, 1819.
  4. The International Plant Names Index, Hieracium lachenalii
  5. The International Plant Names Index, Hieracium vulgatum
  6. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code), article 11
  7. 1 2 MSU Board of Trustees; Jesse L Saylor & Network Vista, Inc. "MSUplants.com Hieracium lachenalii". msuplants.com/index.html. Michigan State University Department of Horticulture. Archived from the original on 2008-02-29. Retrieved 2007-12-14.
  8. 1 2 3 Ian Faithfull (2007-09-19). "Hawkweeds: State Prohibited Weed". Information Notes Series. Department of Primary Industries, Victoria, Australia. Retrieved 2007-12-14.
  9. 1 2 Mrs. M. Grieve (1933). "Hawkweed, Wood". A Modern Herbal. Botanical.com. Retrieved 2007-12-14.
  10. Az ANP (valamint a Gömör-Tornai-karszt magyarországi részének) taxonlistája
  11. 1 2 3 Botanic Garden; Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (June 5, 2007). "Details for: Hieracium lachenalii". The Euro+Med Plantbase. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Retrieved 2007-12-14.[ permanent dead link ]
  12. Biota of North America Program 2014 state-level distribution map
  13. Paul Slichter. "Common Hawkweed". Wildflowers of the Genus Hieracium:Hawkweeds of the Columbia River Gorge. Archived from the original on 2004-01-22. Retrieved 2007-12-21. Common hawkweed may be found in disturbed soils.
  14. 1 2 3 "Hieracium lachenalii". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 2007-12-14.