At Stadelheim Prison in Munich, Ernst Röhm was given a pistol with a single bullet with which to commit suicide. When he refused to do so he was shot dead.[1][2]
German President Paul von Hindenburg sent a message congratulating Hitler for his "determined action and gallant personal intervention which have nipped treason in the bud and rescued the German people from great danger."[6]
Another wave of attacks on public buildings swept through Austria as dynamite exploded near a police headquarters in Salzburg and a mysterious fire broke out at the Rathaus.[7]
Hitler had his cabinet approve a measure that declared, "The measures taken on June 30, July 1 and 2 to suppress treasonous assaults are legal as acts of self-defence by the State."[8]
The jury in the John Edward Brownlee sex scandal awarded $15,000 to Brownlee's accuser Vivian MacMillan and her father. In an unusual move, however, the judge dismissed the case. It would go all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada before the MacMillans finally won their damages.[9]
"Bloody Thursday": Violence flared in the West Coast waterfront strike as picketers in San Francisco fought with police on Rincon Hill after local industrial interests tried to move cargo from piers using non-union labor under police protection. 2 were killed and 69 were reported injured.[11]
President Roosevelt arrived at Cap-Haïtien, Haiti to a 21-gun salute, the first president to visit Haiti while in office. Roosevelt delivered a speech, partly in French, announcing the withdrawal of U.S. Marines from the country by October.[12][13]
Members of the U.S. Navy rioted in Nice after an American sailor of the USSArkansas was shot in the neck by a French police officer. The officer said that he stopped the sailor for harassing a girl on the street and that he fired in self-defense when the sailor attacked him. A total of 27 people were injured in several café brawls.[14]
California Governor Frank Merriam issued a statement following the violence of the previous day, saying that the leaders of the strikers were "not free from communist and subversive influences" and appealing to "the saner clear-thinking workers to oppose courageously and insistently any effort to involve other groups of labor in a controversy which has gone beyond the bounds of ordinary and legitimate disputes between employers and employees."[16]
Rudolf Hess gave a nationally broadcast speech in Königsberg in which he switched to French at one point and appealed to France for peace, saying, "I turn to the comrades of the front, both here and on the other side of the trenches. Be honest: didn't we experience horror at the thought of death? When hand grenades were hurled at us, when poisonous gas threatened to choke us despite our gas masks, when we heard the cries of anguish from the dying, when horror of every kind surrounded us, did we not ask ourselves, 'Cannot humanity be spared all this?'... I say as a veteran to veterans across the borderland, I as a leader of one people ask the leaders of other peoples: Must this be? Can we not by mutual good spare humanity another war?"[20] This part of the speech caused an immediate sensation among diplomats as it was interpreted as insinuating that Germany anticipated being invaded by France,[21] while some in the French press viewed it as an attempt to create a distraction from the recent purge.[22]
Plans of the new SA chief Viktor Lutze to reorganize the Brownshirts were announced. The organization was to cull its numbers from 2.5 million down to 800,000 and return to the original purpose for which the SA was formed – providing protection at Nazi party meetings.[24]
The directorate of Der Stahlhelm in Germany were ordered to take a general vacation until August 18. No uniforms of the organization were to be worn during this time except at parades in which other organizations participate and on August 3 when military exercises commemorating the 20th anniversary of the outbreak of the World War were to be held.[25]
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited the Century of Progress International Exposition in Chicago and gave a radio address from a replica of the Globe Theatre in which she praised the motion picture industry for adopting a code of voluntary censorship. "Lately it has been felt that the tendency to glorify the racketeer and criminal, or at least to make him appear a sympathetic character, was having something of a bad effect upon the children of the country", Mrs. Roosevelt said. "Consequently this new announcement should do much to make these organizations feel that the film industry as a whole desires to co-operate and use its tremendous power for the improvement of the country."[26]
The USSHouston passed through the Panama Canal with President Roosevelt aboard. This was the first time a U.S. president passed through the completed canal while in office.[31] After passing through he gave a speech rededicating the canal to "all nations in the needs of peaceful commerce."[32]
Will H. Hays held a conference with the heads of Hollywood's biggest motion picture companies. After the conference the following statement was issued: "To strengthen the system of industrial self-regulation established by the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America the following member companies of that association have agreed that each will grant to exhibitors the right to omit the exhibition of any motion picture released prior to July 15, 1934, against which there is a genuine protest on moral grounds." Ten film production company names were then listed. The introduction of a distinctive seal of approval was also announced, which would appear on the screen following the main title of films released after July 15 to show that every effort had been taken to ensure that the film was in compliance with the clean picture code. The age of Pre-Code Hollywood was over.[33]
The wearing of political party uniforms was banned in Belgium.[29]
National Recovery Administration head Hugh S. Johnson made some controversial remarks during a speech in Waterloo, Iowa, in which he said that conditions in Germany made him "actively sick", adding, "The idea that adult responsible men can be taken from their homes – stood up against a wall, backs to rifles, and shot to death – is beyond expression."[34]
A member of the German embassy to the United States lodged a protest with the U.S. Department of State over Hugh S. Johnson's remarks of the previous day. The Department of State issued an announcement saying that it was "to be regretted that the position occupied by the recovery administrator made it possible for remarks by him as an individual to be misconstrued as official."[34]
Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss issued a decree giving five days to turn in all explosives to the government. Anyone caught with them after the five-day period faced execution.[36]
Germany's new People's Court(Volksgerichtshof) was inaugurated as 32 judges appointed by Hitler were sworn into office.[39] The court's first tasks were to settle the fate of SA members arrested since the Night of the Long Knives as well as communists imprisoned over the past year.[40]
Racer Kaye Don was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of his mechanic in a May 28 auto accident on the Isle of Man.[41]
A dynamite blast wrecked an electric plant at Opponitz, Austria.[42]
A general strike began in San Francisco. Amid isolated reports of violence, business leaders sent an appeal to California Governor Frank Merriam to impose martial law. Merriam released a statement from his office that night saying that "If the troops now in service prove inadequate I shall take whatever steps may become necessary to serve the general good", and expressing his "earnest hope that reason and restraint will dominate the activities and the deliberations of the strikers themselves."[46]
68 were injured in a day of fighting during the Minneapolis general strike. Police fired into a mob of protestors when they attempted to block a delivery truck trying to leave the central market.[52]
Flood waters of the Vistula swept into Warsaw, Poland, forcing many people from their homes. The flooding left an estimated 200,000 homeless throughout the country.[53]
Born:Jonathan Miller, theatre director and actor, in London, England (d. 2019)
A Czechoslovakian socialist was hanged in Vienna just three days after bombing a railway, as the Dollfuss government began carrying out its threat to execute convicted terrorists.[57]
President Roosevelt arrived in Hawaii, the first sitting U.S. president to visit there.[58] Roosevelt received Territorial Governor Joseph Poindexter aboard the USSHouston(CA-30) but did not actually go ashore until the following day.[59]
July Putsch: Austrian Nazis launched a coup against the government of Engelbert Dollfuss, storming the chancellery and shooting him in the neck, then allowing him to bleed to death while they barricaded themselves. Meanwhile, other Nazis seized a radio station and broadcast word that Dollfuss had resigned. The coup failed when the conspirators in the chancellery surrendered after more than six hours when they received a guarantee of safe conduct to Germany, only to be told it was revoked when it was discovered that Dollfuss was dead.[60][61][62]Benito Mussolini happened to be hosting the late chancellor's wife and children at Riccione when he received word of the assassination, and it fell to him to break the news to them.[5][63]
Mussolini, anticipating a German attempt to invade and annex Austria, ordered 48,000 troops rushed to the Austro-Italian border to serve notice that he would not tolerate such a move.[61][63]
The funeral of Engelbert Dollfuss was held in front of the Vienna Rathaus.[69]
A manned high-altitude balloon launched from the Black Hills of South Dakota achieved a near-record altitude of 60,613 feet (18,475m), but then began descending rapidly due to tears in the fabric. The hydrogen then ignited and destroyed the balloon, but not before all three crew were able to escape and parachute to safety.[70]
Before departing Hawaii, President Roosevelt gave a speech in which he said that America's defense forces "must ever be considered an instrument of continuing peace, for our nation's policy seeks peace and does not look to imperialistic aims."[71]
The West Coast waterfront strike ended as the National Longshoreman's board announced that the longshoremen would return to work on Tuesday at all coast ports.[72]
The court-martial of those involved in the July Putsch began in Austria. Both conspirators who testified said that the killing of Dollfuss was an accident.[73]
Stanley Baldwin made a famous quote in the House of Commons when he said, "Since the day of the air, the old frontiers are gone. When you think of the defence of England you no longer think of the chalk cliffs of Dover; you think of the Rhine. That is where our frontier lines."[50][74]
The first two men put on trial for the July Putsch were found guilty of high treason and hanged. Few were present for the execution, but it was reported that both men shouted "Heil Hitler!" on the gallows.[75]
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