Britain and France announced a proposal to legalize German armaments as well as an air agreement to come to the other's aid if either country was "the victim of unprovoked aerial aggression."[5]
During religious services in Munich, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber protested against the Nazis' recent action of confiscating letters from church dignitaries to Catholic parents. The letters were written in regard to the pressure from the government to withdraw children from Catholic schools and send them to Nazi-controlled public schools instead. "It is useless for the government to violate the freedom of the church and intercept its mail", Faulhaber said. "The Apostle Paul was placed in chains, but his letters went around the world. Whoever passes laws and ordinances against the Catholic Church is liable to excommunication."[17]
Gracie Fields signed a record £150,000 contract to make three films.[3]
The airship USS Macon crashed and sank in a storm off Point Sur, California. Although 2 crew were lost, this was a much lighter loss of life than the Akron and Shenandoah air disasters.[19][20]
France ordered troops to French Somaliland to guard against any border incidents during the Abyssinia Crisis.[22]
Germany sent its reply to the Anglo-French proposal regarding German armaments. In the note Germany welcomed the prospect of talks but said little else specific.[23]
A House committee on un-American activities led by John William McCormack recommended that legislation be enacted to protect the United States from foreign propaganda. Proposed measures included requiring all publicity agents of foreign organizations to register with the Secretary of State and that treaties be negotiated with other nations to facilitate the deportation of undesirable aliens.[24]
Swiss voters approved a referendum on a federal law reorganizing the military.
Adolf Hitler marked the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Nazi Party with a speech in Munich, serving notice to the world that Germany would not sign any document that would surrender the country's honor and equality among nations. "Conversely, the world can also rest assured that, when we do sign something, we adhere to it", Hitler stated. "Whatever we believe we cannot adhere to, on principles of honor or ability, we never sign. Whatever we have once signed we will blindly and faithfully fulfill!"[34][35]
German Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick decreed that April 20, Hitler's birthday, would henceforth be an important national holiday. As the Kaiser's birthday was in the days of imperial Germany, it would be a day on which titles, promotions and other special honors were to be bestowed.[36]
Jack Hobbs announced his retirement from cricket.[3]
Babe Ruth was released by the New York Yankees. He immediately signed a three-year contract with the Boston Braves to serve as their vice president and assistant manager.[38]
The Australian government announced that Egon Kisch had agreed to leave Australia in exchange for the three-month prison sentence imposed on him being remitted.[39]
A judge in Delaware ruled that section 7-A of the NRA, the section covering collective bargaining, was unconstitutional. The judge threw out a government lawsuit against Weirton Steel and the Roosevelt Administration suffered a significant blow.[40]
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