A worldwide peace broadcast, the first of its kind, was held to honor Jane Addams. Representatives of Britain, Japan, Russia and France gathered in Washington's McPherson Square to introduce speakers broadcasting from their respective countries. Addams herself participated by speaking from a radio broadcasting studio as well.[3]
An automobile carrying Jackie Coogan and four other people plunged off a road and into a creek east of San Diego. Coogan survived with minor injuries but everyone else was killed, including Jackie's father, filmmaker Robert J. Horner and the actor Junior Durkin.
French Prime Minister Pierre-Étienne Flandin broke his left arm in an automobile collision driving to his home. His wife and son-in-law were also injured.[4]
Liberia had a constitutional referendum alongside general elections. The referendum confirmed special legislation approving a term extension for the President.
Born:Isobel Warren, author and journalist, in Canada
Amelia Earhart flew nonstop from Mexico City to Newark, New Jersey in a record 14 hours, 22 minutes and 50 seconds. She was the first pilot to fly that route without stopping along the way.[11]
The British government ordered aircraft manufacturers to increase their production to the fullest capacity and not to fill any foreign orders for aircraft without the Air Ministry's approval.[12]
King George V and Queen Mary surprised their subjects by riding around the poorer districts of South London unannounced. The royal car was mobbed at several crossings by cheering crowds.[13]
Nazi Germany ordered that all new or altered buildings would be required to consult the Air Protection League on the possibility of constructing bomb- and gas-proof cellars.[14]
Benito Mussolini made a senate speech warning other nations not to intervene in the Abyssinia Crisis, saying that only Italy "can be the judge in this most delicate matter."[19]
Italian newspapers began a campaign of words clearly meant to justify an Italian invasion and takeover of Ethiopia. Il Giornale d'Italia wrote that Ethiopia had an "incapacity to comprehend and assimilate the elementary values of civilization", making it necessary for the country to undergo "an organization which will deprive it of the possibility of menacing any more neighboring colonies – above all, Italian interests which have been attacked."[21]
The Soviet airliner Tupolev ANT-20 Maxim Gorky collided with a stunt plane and exploded over Moscow, killing 49.[24] It was the worst air disaster involving a passenger plane in history up to that time.[25]
Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of the four Memel Nazis convicted in March for plotting an uprising to return Memel to Germany.[27]
Died:T. E. Lawrence, 46, British archaeologist, military officer and diplomat; Charles Martin Loeffler, 74, German-born American violinist and composer
Haile Selassie sent his most strongly-worded telegram yet to the League of Nations, saying "It is patent that Italy is illegally occupying an important part of Ethiopian territory. She has recently initiated a campaign of propaganda to endeavor to justify her occupation of Ethiopian territory as a mission of civilization, and her aggression and rapacity against our people as the treatment due a barbarous nation. No agreement will be possible by diplomatic means to arrange for a genuinely impartial examination in Italy's present state of mind."[30]
The Roger Babson statistical organization announced the results of a survey that indicated Franklin D. Roosevelt would win re-election in 1936, although nearly half of those surveyed said they had lost confidence in the New Deal.[31]
The Reichstag convened for just the fifth time since the Nazi takeover. Hitler gave a speech outlining a 13-point plan for disarmament and improvement of international relations, though he remained adamant that Germany would only limit the size of its military to the same degree that other nations did.[32]
Germany passed a new conscription law providing for one year of military service for all males between 18 and 45.[32]
Stanley Baldwin, admitting that Britain faced a "time of emergency", told the House of Commons that the Royal Air Force would be tripled in size over the next two years to give it 1,500 aircraft by 1937, the same number that Germany said it intended to have.[1] Baldwin acknowledged Hitler's speech of the previous day by saying its proposals would "receive the fullest and fairest consideration."[34]
President Roosevelt vetoed the Patman Bonus Bill. The president appeared before the House and gave his reasons for doing so, warning that it invited "an ultimate reckoning in uncontrollable prices and in the destruction of the value of savings, that will strike most cruelly those like the veterans who seem to be temporarily benefited."[35] The House then voted to override the presidential veto, 322 to 98, sending it back to the Senate.[36]
Germany called up all able-bodied males born in 1914 and 1915 for medical examinations starting June 1, for military service beginning November 1.[37]
Born:Barry Rogers, salsa musician and jazz fusion trombonist, in the Bronx, New York (d. 1991)
Several were injured in a riot at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris. A group of Nationalists had gathered to see Maxime Weygand preside at a ceremony rekindling the tomb's eternal flame, cheering him on with shouts of "put Weygand in power!" The riot was set off by someone failing to doff his hat.[45]
Turkey passed a law making Sunday the country's day of rest instead of Friday.[47]
The provincial government of Ontario, Canada took custody of the Dionne quintuplets away from their parents. Authorities claimed they were protecting the babies from germs, potential kidnappers and exploitation.[48]
Babe Ruth made the final plate appearance of his career, grounding out to first base in a game at the Baker Bowl against the Philadelphia Phillies and then taking himself out after one inning.[50][51]
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