List of United Kingdom uniformed services

Last updated

This is a List of United Kingdom uniformed services which includes all uniformed public, emergency, armed and charity services in the United Kingdom and overseas territories. [1]


The services listed here are national, regional, local, recognised, emergency, public-serving, military and educational and support services.

Members generally wear uniform, with distinct insignia so they can be identified in their distinct role. Rank structures are similar and similarities can be found between services. Some services may overlap and some may carry out similar duties. [2]

National Uniformed Services

British armed forces

Civil uniformed services

Law enforcement

Fire and rescue services

Healthcare and medical services

Rescue and support services

Uniformed youth organisations

Uniformed services of England

Police and law enforcement

Territorial police forces

Parks police

Cathedral constables

Ports police

Other police forces

Other enforcement agencies

Fire and rescue services

Healthcare and medical services

National Health Service (NHS)

Charity and voluntary aid services

Air ambulances

Rescue and support services


Uniformed youth organisations

Uniformed Services of Wales

Law enforcement

Fire and rescue services

Healthcare and medical services

National Health Service

Charity and voluntary aid services

Rescue and support services

Uniformed youth organisations

Uniformed Services of Scotland

Law enforcement

Fire and rescue services

Healthcare and medical services

National Health Service

Charity and voluntary aid services

Rescue and support services

Uniformed Services of Northern Ireland

Law enforcement

Fire and rescue services

Healthcare and medical services

Charity and voluntary aid services

Rescue and support services


Some uniformed services were formed at times of national emergency and have since been disbanded and/or replaced. Other agencies have been superseded/merged.


See also


  2. "Emergency and uniform services | Explore careers". Archived from the original on March 29, 2020.
  3. 1 2 Cheshire, Lancashire and Merseyside participate in a partnership called the North West Motorway Police Group