List of castles in Armenia

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In total, there are approximately 293 castles or ruins of castles in Armenia.


Castles in Aragatsotn Province

1 Ashot Erkat 3rd-5th century Ashnak
2 Castle 3rd-5th century Ashnak
3 Castle 3rd-5th century Ashnak
4 Berdi Kal BC 2-1 millennium Akunk
5 Zuygaghbyur Fortress BC 2 millennium Antarut
6 Castle Middle Ages Avan
7 Dzyanberd BC 3-1 millennium Avan
8 Kuzmame Castle Middle Ages Avan
9 Averak Berd BC 2-1 millennium Arayi
10 Qyor Oghli Berd 17th-18th century Aragatsotn
11 Castle 16th-18th century Artashavan
12 Poshti Dar Castle 4th-5th century Artashavan
13 Gazanots Fortress BC 3-1 millennium Artashavan
14 Gndaqar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Artashavan
15 Castle in Aruch 6.JPG Aruch castle 5th-17th century Aruch Castle in Aruch 3.JPG
16 Dzori Berd Fortress BC 3 millennium Aruch
17 Takya Castle Middle Ages Bazmaghbyur
18 Aytsaberd BC 2-1 millennium Byurakan
19 Inaqlu Dar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Byurakan
20 Shishkond fortress BC 2 millennium Byurakan
21 Byurakan Amberd 2.JPG Amberd 10th-14th century Byurakan Vahramashen church (Amberd) 2, ArmAg (3).jpg
22 Ashot Erkat BC 2-1 millennium Gegharot
23 Poloz Sar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Gegharot
24 Qaghni castle of Dashtadem 14.JPG Dashtadem Fortress 7th-19th century Dashtadem Qaghni castle of Dashtadem 17.JPG
25 Castle 17th-18th century Dian
26 Berdi Lanj Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Lernapar
27 Khucher Castle 17th century Lernarot
28 Aver Berd BC 2-1 millennium Lusagyugh
29 Kharabek Fortress BC 1 millennium Tsaghkasar
30 Tsilkar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Tsilkar
31 Kat`naghbyowr AMROTs`1-2.JPG Castle 1st century Katnaghbyur Kat`naghbyowr AMROTs`1-6.JPG
32 Kat`naghbyowr AMROTs` <<ZAK`ARI BERD>>2-1.JPG Zakari Berd 3rd-5th century Katnaghbyur Kat`naghbyowr AMROTs` <<ZAK`ARI BERD>>2-2.JPG
33 Areni Berd 17th-18th century Karbi
34 Castle 5th century Kaqavadzor
35 Berd BC 2-1 millennium Kosh
36 Qarhanqi Berd 3rd century Kosh
37 Castle Kosh.JPG Kosh Fortress 13th-14th century Kosh Castle Kosh 3.JPG
38 Khaznakar Fortress 8th-10th century Dzoraglukh
39 Berdi glukh castle 11.jpg Berdi Glukh BC 10th-8th century Dzoraglukh Berdi glukh castle 60.jpg
40 Angrsak Fortress 16th-18th century Ghazaravan
41 Sev Berd BC 2-1 millennium Nerkin Bazmaberd
41 Castle Middle Ages Nerkin Bazmaberd
42 Castle 5th century Nerkin Sasunashen
43 Nerk`in Sasnashen AMROTs`2-2.JPG Castle 6th-7th century Nerkin Sasunashen Nerk`in Sasnashen AMROTs`2-6.JPG
44 Ghalacha castle BC 2 millennium Nigatun
45 Shgharshik AMROTs` <<GhALACh`I>>1-7.JPG Ghalachi Castle BC 2-1 millennium Shgharshik Shgharshik AMROTs` <<GhALACh`I>>1-2.JPG
46 Akhtamir Fortress 9th-19th century Voskevaz
47 Horomi Paler castle BC 2-1 millennium Chknagh
48 Sasuniki Dashter castle BC 2 millennium Sasunik
49 Berdashen Fortress Middle Ages Vardenis
50 Castle 11th-14th century Vardenut
51 Verin Bazmaberd AMROTs`1-3.JPG Castle BC 2-1 millennium Verin Bazmaberd Verin Bazmaberd AMROTs`1-1.JPG
52 Eloyi Berd Fortress BC 3-1 millennium Kuchak
53 Vasakamut Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Ohanavan
54 Sev Blur BC 2 millennium Ohanavan
55 Serkyevil Castle 11th-13th century Ohanavan
56 Orgov AMROTs`1-1.JPG Castle Middle Ages Orgov Orgov AMROTs`1-2.JPG
57 Orgov AMROTs`2-1.JPG Castle BC 2-1 millennium Orgov Orgov AMROTs`2-2.JPG
58 Orgov AMROTs` <<KAK`AVABERD>>3-1.JPG Kaqavaberd BC 2-1 millennium Orgov Orgov AMROTs` <<KAK`AVABERD>>3-9.JPG
59 Oshakan AMROTs`2-3.JPG Castle BC 1 millennium Oshakan Oshakan AMROTs`2-1.JPG
60 Oshakan dambaranadasht3.1-10.JPG Didi Kond Middle Ages Oshakan Oshakan dambaranadasht3.1-8.JPG
61 Yernjak Fortress Middle Ages Yernjatap
62 Owjan AMROTs` <<BARhOZh>>2-2.JPG Baroj castle 9th-13th century Ujan Owjan AMROTs` <<BARhOZh>>2-1.JPG
63 Zorakayan castle 15th century Ujan
64 Owjan AMROTs` <<BK`OYI GEGh>>3-8.JPG Bqoi Gegh castle 10th-20th century Ujan Owjan AMROTs` <<BK`OYI GEGh>>3-4.JPG
65 Owjan AMROTs` <<MOTKAN BERD>>4-31.JPG Motkan Berd 15th century Ujan Owjan AMROTs` <<MOTKAN BERD>>4-9.JPG

Castles in Ararat Province

1 Castle BC 2-1 millennium Avshar
2 Castle 10th-18th century Armash
3 Kakavaberd Tatuli berd fortress 018.JPG Kakavaberd 10th-14th century Berdatak Khosrov State Reserve Tap`i berd 03.JPG
4 Qsuz fortress 10th-18th century Yeghegnavan Khosrov State Reserve
5 Castle BC 2-1 millennium Lanjar
6 Sagraberd 5th-8th century Mankunq Khosrov State Reserve
7 Castle BC 2-1 millennium Urtsadzor Khosrov State Reserve
8 Urtsaberd 4th-13th century Urtsadzor Khosrov State Reserve
9 Geworg Marzpetownow amrots`17.JPG Tapi berd 10th-13th century Urtsadzor Khosrov State Reserve Geworg Marzpetownow amrots`7.JPG
10 Castle 8th-13th century Vedi

Castles in Armavir Province

1 Aghavnatun 10th-19th century Aghavnatun
2 Castle 19th-20th century Aragats
3 Castle BC 2-1 millennium Dasht
4 Castle 18th century Lernamerdz
5 Castle 3rd-5th century Shenik
6 Castle Middle Ages Qarakert
7 Amrots` Sardarapat 3.JPG Sardarapat Fortress 19th century Sardarapat Amrots` Sardarapat 01.jpg

Castles in Gegharkunik Province

1 Aghi Gyol 10th-17th century Gavar
2 Dari Glukh BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
3 Jami Dar 16th-20th century Gavar
4 Jangoi Aghl BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
5 Khacher BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
6 Arnegh Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
7 Ghamlukh BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
8 Mshkoyi Berd BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
9 Mrtbi Dzor Berd BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
10 Yonjalukh Castle 9th-17th century Gavar
11 Jaghatsi Dar Castle BC 2-1 millennium Gavar
12 Galustaqar Castle BC 2-1 millennium Chambarak
13 Aghlner Castle BC 1 millennium Martuni
14 Dashtadzor Castle BC 2-1 millennium Martuni
15 Heri Berd BC 2-1 millennium Martuni
16 Hsoy Qra Castle BC 2-1 millennium Martuni
17 Metsep Fortress BC 3-1 millennium Sevan
18 Vanki Berd BC 2-1 millennium Astghadzor
19 Bruti Berd BC 1 millennium Artsvanist
20 Dasht Ler Castle BC 1 millennium Artanish
21 Castle 18th century Artanish
22 Artanish Fortress 16th-18th century Artanish
23 Berdkunk fortress1.jpg Berdkunk Fortress 10th century Berdkunk Berdkunk fortress2.jpg
24 Castle 15th-16th century Geghamasar
25 Alberd 9th century Geghhovit
26 Joj Kogh BC 2-1 millennium Geghhovit
27 Mughna Khach Fortress 7th-10th century Getik
28 Berdi Dosh BC 2-1 millennium Ddmashen
29 Nets Boghaz BC 3 millennium Yeranos
30 Dvor BC 2-1 millennium Yeranos
31 Navarakhan Fortress Middle Ages Zolakar
32 3ekeghets`i <<Ilikavank`>> (<<Parhavi vank`>>).jpg Paravi Amrots 9th century Lanjaghbyur 2ekeghets`i <<Ilikavank`>> (<<Parhavi vank`>>).jpg
33 Castles complex Middle Ages Lchap
34 Murad Khach 5th century Khachaghbyur
35 Castle 12th-20th century Tsovagyugh
36 Castle 11th-19th century Tsovak
37 Overlooking Teyseba.JPG Odzaberd BC 8th-6th century Lanjaghbyur Teyseba Cuneiform.JPG
38 Qare Dur Castle 9th-17th century Karchaghbyur
39 Tsaghkavan Castle BC 2-1 millennium Karmirgyugh
40 Qanagegh Castle 17th century Karmirgyugh
41 Sangar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Dzoragyugh
42 Madina Fortress 9th-17th century Madina
43 Qare Dzi 19th century Madina
44 Aghjkaghala 10th-13th century Martuni
45 Berdi Dosh BC 2-1 millennium Martuni
46 Gyuney Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Norashen
47 Khacher Fortress 13th-14th century Norashen
48 Wigon Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Norashen
49 Heri Dar Fortress BC 2-1 millennium Noratus
50 Yot Aghbyur Fortress 9th-17th century Noratus
51 Castle Middle Ages Sotk
52 Hing Qar BC 1 millennium Sotk
53 Yot Aghbyur Fortress 9th-17th century Noratus
54 Castle 10th-13th century Vahan
55 Aloyi Kogh BC 2-1 millennium Vaghashen
56 Qrdii Kogh BC 1 millennium Vaghashen
57 Tsovaberd BC 2-1 millennium Vardadzor
58 Tulikhu Fortress BC 5th-1st century Vardadzor
59 Castle 9th-16th century Vardenik
60 Spitak Banali BC 1 millennium Verin Getashen
61 Tatev Castle BC 2-1 millennium Verin Getashen

Castles in Lori Province

1 Koshaberd 10th-13th century Alaverdi
2 Castle 13th century Akhtala
3 Tokhmakhkala Fortress 10th-13th century Akhtala
4 Akhtala monastery 110.JPG Akhtala Monastery 13th century Akhtala Akhtala wiki 07.jpg
5 Avanaqar Fortress 14th-15th century Kobayr
6 Kulet Fortress 14th-15th century Kobayr
7 Gogaran Fortress 14th-15th century Gogaran
8 Castle Middle Ages Dsegh
9 Castle 13th century Teghut
10 Lori Berd fortress pano.jpg Lori Fortress 11th-18th century Lori Berd Ekeghets`i 11rd dar, Lorhi Berd 3.jpg
11 Sedvow amrots`5.JPG Sedvu Berd 13th-14th century Kachachkut Sedvow amrots`3.JPG
12 Sghnakhi Zar Fortress 10th-16th century Karmir Aghek
13 Qir Axper Fortress 10th-13th century Dzoragyugh
14 Castle 12th-17th century Gogavan
15 Castle Middle Ages Novoseltsovo
16 Kaytson Fortress 10th century Shnogh
17 Kayan Castle 11.JPG Kayanberd 1233 Haghpat Dsevanq 14.JPG
18 Bazmaberd 29.JPG Chaghkalaberd 10th-12th century Jiliza Bazmaberd 13.JPG
19 Lok`a berd.JPG Loka Fortress 17th century Shnogh
20 Castle 10th-11th century Vardablur
21 Sisiberd 2.jpg Sisi Berd Middle Ages Vahagnadzor Sisiberd 6.jpg

Castles in Kotayk Province

1 Poghos-Petros Monastery 7.JPG Castle Middle Ages Akunk Poghos-Petros Monastery 1.JPG
2 Holy Mother church of Arinj 43.JPG Arnjots vank 17th century Arinj Holy Mother church of Arinj 3.JPG
3 Lusakert fortress Middle Ages Argel
4 Castle Middle Ages Pyunik
5 Bjni Fortress.JPG Bjni Fortress 5th-16th century Bjni Amrots`3.JPG
6 Qyoroghli fortress 9th-15th century Buzhakan
7 AYRIVANK MONASTERY 50.JPG Temple of Garni 1st-17th century Garni TEMPLE OF GARNI 13.JPG
8 Katarsar Castle Middle Ages Geghashen
9 Kuriki Qarap Castle Middle Ages Geghashen
10 Castle 16th-17th century Goght
11 Tigranaberd Middle Ages Zar
12 Mijnberd Zovowni 08.JPG Karmir Berd Middle Ages Zovuni Karmir berd 01.JPG
13 Castle Middle Ages Zovk
14 Tghit Fortress Middle Ages Teghenik
15 Kuze Fortress Middle Ages Kamaris
16 Berdi Glukh castle Middle Ages Kaputan
17 Castle 7th-14th century Kaputan
18 Amrots` <<Sewaberd>> Sevaberd 1.jpg Sevaberd Fortress 10th century Kaputan Amrots` <<Sewaberd>> Sevaberd.jpg
19 Astghaberd Middle Ages Hatis
20 Klorberd Middle Ages Hatis
21 Castle 3rd-4th century Hatsavan
22 Berdi Glukh Middle Ages Meghradzor
23 Castle 5th-10th century Nurnus
24 Ptenis Fortress Middle Ages Ptghni
25 Sraberd Middle Ages Sevaberd

Castles in Shirak Province

1 Aleqsandrapol fortress 01.jpg Aleksandrapol Fortress 1835-1845 Gyumri Aleqsandrapol fortress 02.jpg
2 Fortress Gyumri.jpg Sev Berd 19th century Gyumri Giumri Krepost'-Giumairi 001 - panoramio.jpg
3 Karmir Berd 19th century Gyumri
4 Hayrenyats Taghq Berd 8th-17th century Artik
5 Castle Middle Ages Aghvorik
6 Castle 3rd century Ardenis
7 Al Berd 1st-4th century Arpeni
8 Castle 3rd century Bandivan
9 Castle 3rd century Bashgyugh
10 Castle 3rd century Garnarich
11 Castle 3rd century Garnarich
12 Gusanaghyugh, Amrots, avervats.JPG Castle 10th-12th century Gusanagyugh Amrots` <<Ark`ayablowr>> 01.jpg
13 Castle 9th-11th century Yerazgavors
14 Castle Middle Ages Kaps
15 Castle Middle Ages Harich
16 Castle 3rd-5th century Dzithankov
17 Castle Middle Ages Dzorakap
18 Castle 3rd century Ghazanchi
19 Tirashen Fortress 10th century Marmashen
20 Castle Middle Ages Basen
21 Castle Middle Ages Pemzashen
22 Castle 3rd-4th century Jradzor
23 Castle 14th century Sarnaghbyur
24 Tsak Qar Fortress 3rd-5th century Sarakap
25 Vahramaberd Fortress 10th-13th century Vahramaberd
26 Castle 17th-18th century Pokr Sepasar

Castles in Syunik Province

1 Kataravank 10th-14th century Kapan
2 Kkots Qar 10th century Kapan
3 Amrots` Halidzor (Halidzori berd),.jpg Halidzor Fortress 10th-18th century Kapan Halidzori hamalir 1.JPG
4 Dzagedzor Fortress 10th-20th century Goris
5 Sights of Meghri (15).jpg Meghri Fortress 10th-11th century Meghri Sights of Meghri (5).jpg
6 Tsak Qar Fortress Middle Ages Sisian
7 Syuni Fortress Middle Ages Sisian
8 Shlorut Fortress Middle Ages Kajaran
9 Baghaberd.jpg Baghaberd 4th-18th century Andokavan Baghaberd Fortress (50).jpg
10 Baghaku Qar 4th-18th century Andokavan
11 Zevu Berd 10th century Andokavan
11 Geghi Fortress 10th century Geghi
12 Castle 12th century Kard
13 Aghjka Berd Middle Ages Khndzoresk
14 Khndzoresk Fortress 1727 Khndzoresk
15 Aghjka Berd 10th-13th century Tsav
16 Castle 17th-18th century Karchevan
17 Vasakaberd 5th century Hatsavan
18 Berdin Qar Middle Ages Shvanidzor
19 Kalandar Fortress Aghbullaz
20 Vorotnaberd 3.jpg Vorotnaberd 5th century Vaghatin Vorotnaberd 9.jpg
21 Tsuraberd 10th-17th century Svarants
22 Kaqavaberd 10th-17th century Vahravar
23 Castle Middle Ages Uyts
24 Castle Middle Ages Uyts

Castles in Vayots Dzor Province

1 Qyoshk Fortress 17th century Yeghegnadzor
2 Castle 9th century Agarakadzor
3 Castle 19th century Azatek
4 Castle 4th-14th century Aghnjadzor
5 SMBATABERD 05.jpg Smbataberd 10th-14th century Artabuynk Smbataberd 102.JPG
6 Ertij Fort.jpg Ertij Fort 12th-14th century Arpi Ertij Fort1.jpg
7 Prhoshaberd20.JPG Proshaberd 13th-14th century Gladzor Prhoshaberd12.JPG
8 Berdi Glukh Middle Ages Gndevaz
9 Pshonq Fortress 17th-18th century Zaritap
10 Kapuyt Fortress 10th-14th century Herher
11 Berdakar Castle 13th-14th century Shatin

Castles in Tavush Province

See also

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