List of castles in Spain

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Dating back to the early 12th century, the Alcazar of Segovia is one of the most distinctive medieval castles in Europe. Disney was inspired by this site in building Cinderella's castle. Alcazar de Segovia, situado en la Ciudad vieja de Segovia. Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO.jpg
Dating back to the early 12th century, the Alcázar of Segovia is one of the most distinctive medieval castles in Europe. Disney was inspired by this site in building Cinderella's castle.

The castles in Spain were built mainly for the country's defense, particularly with respect to fortification. During the Middle Ages, northern Christian kingdoms had to secure their borders with their Muslim southern neighbours, thus forcing both Christian and Muslim kings to grant border fiefs to their liege noblemen so as to keep and maintain defensive fortresses. When the Reconquista advanced, those border castles lost their initial purpose, and, as in the rest of medieval Europe, they were used as noble residences and fief-keeps. Sporadic threats of war maintained their initial military purposes as enemy invasions were common. In some locations, such as the Basque country, fiefdoms did not exist as such, and noble families could not afford nor did they need huge fortresses, giving rise to many tower houses. In Muslim Spain many castle-palaces were built: the petty taifa kingdoms that arose after the fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba were militarily weak thus castles began taking on a more aesthetic purpose. During the late Middle Ages, Christian kingdoms had secured and enriched themselves well enough to support a more courtly lifestyle, so more residential castles were built, such as the Alcázar of Segovia, which was used as the main residence of the kings of Castile, whereas the Castle of Olite, built in a luxurious gothic style, was the seat of the Kingdom of Navarre's royal court.


After the Conquest of Granada in 1492, the Catholic monarchs ordered all the castles in their realms to be handed over to the Crown. Although the order was not completely carried out, the War of the Germanias, a rebellion against king Charles V in the early 16th century, forced the new Spanish Habsburg dynasty to continue the process, and many castles were demolished as well. Most of the castles in Spain were successively abandoned and dismantled, Spanish kings fearing noble and peasant revolts, especially in the newly conquered lands. Accordingly, some of them are nowadays in a state of decay, and although some restoration work has been done, the number of former castles is so large that the Spanish government lacks both the resources and the will to restore them all.

Flag of Andalucia.svg  Andalucía


Alcazaba of Almeria Almeria Alcazaba (fcm).jpg
Alcazaba of Almería
Battery of Guardias Viejas Guardias Viejas.jpg
Battery of Guardias Viejas


Alcazar of Jerez de la Frontera AlcazarJerez.JPG
Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera
Castle of Aznalmara Castillo de Aznalmara.jpg
Castle of Aznalmara
Castle of Santa Catalina (Cadiz) Castillo de Santa Catalina 5, Cadiz.jpg
Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz)
Castle of Sancti Petri Castillo de Sancti Petri.JPG
Castle of Sancti Petri
Castle of San Marcos Castillo de San Marcos en El Puerto de Santa Maria 1.JPG
Castle of San Marcos
Castle of Santiago Sanlucar barrameda castillo santiago2.jpg
Castle of Santiago
Castle of Dona Blanca Castillo de Dona Blanca.jpg
Castle of Doña Blanca


Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos Jardin alcazar cordoue.jpg
Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos


The Alhambra of Granada. Alhambradesdegeneralife.jpg
The Alhambra of Granada.
Castle of La Calahorra El castillo de la Calahorra.JPG
Castle of La Calahorra



Castle of la Yedra Castillo de la Yedra o de las Cuatro Esquinas.jpg
Castle of la Yedra
Castle of Santa Catalina PHTO0104.JPG
Castle of Santa Catalina
Castle of Mata Bejid Castillo Matabejid.JPG
Castle of Mata Bejid


Alcazaba of Malaga. Spain Andalusia Malaga BW 2015-10-24 15-21-05 edited.jpg
Alcazaba of Málaga.
Gibralfaro Castle, Malaga. Fale - Spain - Malaga - 5.jpg
Gibralfaro Castle, Málaga.
Alcazaba of Antequera Alcazaba y Pena de los Enamorados.jpg
Alcazaba of Antequera


Alcazar of Seville Real Alcazar Siviglia.JPG
Alcázar of Seville
Torre del Oro Sewilla-TorreDelOro.jpg
Torre del Oro

Flag of Aragon.svg  Aragón


Castle of Loarre Castillo de Loarre 2006.jpg
Castle of Loarre
Citadel of Jaca Acceso a la fortaleza de Jaca.jpg
Citadel of Jaca


Castle of Peracense Castillo de Peracense2.jpg
Castle of Peracense


Castle of Aljaferia Aljaferia2.JPG
Castle of Aljafería

Flag of Asturias.svg  Principality of Asturias

Castle of Las Caldas San-juan-priorio-asturias.jpg
Castle of Las Caldas
Castle of Tudela Ref.0413.jpg
Castle of Tudela
Torreon of Llanes Torre de Llanes.jpg
Torreón of Llanes

Flag of the Basque Country.svg  Basque Country



Castle of Butron Butron Castle.JPG
Castle of Butrón
Castle of Empress Eugenie de Montijo Arteaga Tower small.jpg
Castle of Empress Eugénie de Montijo


Flag of the Balearic Islands.svg  Balearic Islands

Castle of Bellver Castillo de Bellver.jpg
Castle of Bellver
Castle of Cabrera Castelldecabrera.JPG
Castle of Cabrera

Flag of the Canary Islands.svg  Canary Islands

Flag of Cantabria.svg  Cantabria

Castle of Argueso Castillo de Argueso.jpg
Castle of Argüeso

Flag of Castile and Leon.svg  Castile and León

Castle of Don Alvaro de Luna Castilloarenasdesanpedro.jpg
Castle of Don Álvaro de Luna
Castle of Burgos Castillo de burgos exteriores.jpg
Castle of Burgos
Castle of Olmillos de Sasamon Castillodeolmillosdesasamon.jpg
Castle of Olmillos de Sasamón
Castle of Valencia de Don Juan CastilloVDJLeon.JPG
Castle of Valencia de Don Juan
Templar Castle of Ponferrada Castillo templario de Ponferrada 001.jpg
Templar Castle of Ponferrada
Castle of Ampudia Ampudia - Castillo 1.jpg
Castle of Ampudia
Real Fuerte de la Concepcion Puente Concepcion.jpg
Real Fuerte de la Concepción
Alcazar of Segovia Alcazar de Segovia 1-7-07.JPG
Alcázar of Segovia
Castle of Coca Castillo de Coca.jpg
Castle of Coca
Castle of Cuellar CastCuellar.jpg
Castle of Cuéllar
Castle of Almenar Wiki-CastilloDeAlmenar(Soria).jpg
Castle of Almenar
Castle of Montuenga CastilloDeMontuenga-02.jpg
Castle of Montuenga
Castle of Ucero Ucero-Castillo.jpg
Castle of Ucero
Castle of the Counts of Benavente Castillopuebladesanabria.JPG
Castle of the Counts of Benavente
Castle of Castrotorafe Castillo de Castrotorafe, panoramica sur.jpg
Castle of Castrotorafe
Castle of Zamora Castillodezamora.jpg
Castle of Zamora








Castle of Gormaz, Soria Gormaz, Fortaleza califal pna.jpg
Castle of Gormaz, Soria


Castle of La Mota Castillo de la mota por chefo.jpg
Castle of La Mota
Castle of Penafiel, view from Plaza del Coso Penafiel - Plaza del coso - 20110210a.jpg
Castle of Peñafiel, view from Plaza del Coso
Portillo Castle Image-Castillo de Portillo 2.jpg
Portillo Castle
Castle of Torrelobaton Torrelobaton Castillo 551.jpg
Castle of Torrelobatón
Simancas Castle Castillo de Simancas.jpg
Simancas Castle
Walls of Uruena, a medieval town Uruena vista2 lou.jpg
Walls of Urueña, a medieval town


Bandera Castilla-La Mancha.svg  Castile-La Mancha

Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagon Castillo Chinchilla.JPG
Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón
Castle of Almansa. CastilloAlmansa4 edited.jpg
Castle of Almansa.
Castle of Calatrava la Vieja Calatrava Vieja 2.jpg
Castle of Calatrava la Vieja
Castle-Convent of Calatrava la Nueva Calatravacasti.jpg
Castle-Convent of Calatrava la Nueva
Castle of Penarroya Castillo Iglesia.jpg
Castle of Peñarroya
Castle of Alarcon Alarcon-Castillo.jpg
Castle of Alarcón
Castle of Belmonte Belmonte.jpg
Castle of Belmonte
Castle of Garcimunoz Castillo de Garcimunoz 1997.jpg
Castle of Garcimuñoz
Castle of Anguix CastilloDeAnguix0002.jpg
Castle of Anguix
Castle of Atienza Castillo atienza.jpg
Castle of Atienza
Alcazar Real of Guadalajara RuinasAlcazarGuadalajara2006.jpg
Alcázar Real of Guadalajara
Castle of the Cid Castillo de Jadraque.jpg
Castle of the Cid
Castle of Molina de Aragon Molina de Aragon2.jpg
Castle of Molina de Aragón
Castle of Pioz Castillo pioz.jpg
Castle of Pioz
Castle of Siguenza Castillo siguenza.jpg
Castle of Sigüenza
Castle of Torija Castillo de Torija.jpg
Castle of Torija
Alcazar of Toledo Alcazar of Toledo - Toledo, Spain - Dec 2006.jpg
Alcázar of Toledo
Castle of Guadamur Paolo Monti - Servizio fotografico - BEIC 6333073.jpg
Castle of Guadamur
Castle of Oropesa Oropesa - Castillo 1.jpg
Castle of Oropesa
Castle of Malpica de Tajo Castillodemalpica.jpg
Castle of Malpica de Tajo
Castle of la Vela Castillo Maqueda.jpg
Castle of la Vela


Ciudad Real




Flag of Catalonia.svg  Catalonia


Castle of Cardona Parador de Cardona 2.jpg
Castle of Cardona
Castle charterhouse of Vallparadis Castell de Vallparadis.JPG
Castle charterhouse of Vallparadís
Castle of Granera Castell de Granera - 001.jpg
Castle of Granera
Tower Vermella Torre Roja de Viladecans.JPG
Tower Vermella


Castle of Castellet Castle-of-Castellet.jpg
Castle of Castellet


Vila Vella enceinte Tossa de Mar Torreon JMM.JPG
Vila Vella enceinte
Castle of Peralada Castell de Peralada.JPG
Castle of Peralada


Castle of Gardeny Castillo de Gardeny.jpg
Castle of Gardeny
Castle of Sant Marcal Castillo de Sant Marcal.jpg
Castle of Sant Marçal
Castle of les Sitges Torrefeta i Florejacs - Castell de les Sitges.jpg
Castle of les Sitges
Castle of Ratera Ratera - Castell-moli1.jpg
Castle of Ratera

Flag of Extremadura with COA.svg  Extremadura


Castle of Coria. CastilloAlba.JPG
Castle of Coria.
Castle of Trujillo Castillo 06, Trujillo.jpg
Castle of Trujillo
Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa JARANDILLA1.jpg
Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa
Tower of Bujaco Caceres torre de Bujaco ermita de la Paz.jpg
Tower of Bujaco


Castle of Olivenca Castillo de Olivenza.jpg
Castle of Olivença
Castle of Zafra (Badajoz) Castillo de Zafra-Pederseguro.jpg
Castle of Zafra (Badajoz)
Castle of Alburquerque (Badajoz) Alburquerque-2.jpg
Castle of Alburquerque (Badajoz)
Alcazaba of Badajoz (Badajoz) BA-R.A. Semibaluarte de San Antonio 29.jpg
Alcazaba of Badajoz (Badajoz)

Flag of Galicia.svg  Galicia

Castle da Rocha Forte Castelo da Rocha forte 1.JPG
Castle da Rocha Forte
Castle of Vimianzo Castelo de Vimianzo.jpg
Castle of Vimianzo
Towers of Altamira Torres de Altamira.jpg
Towers of Altamira
Castle do Castrodouro, keep. CasteloPardodeCela.JPG
Castle do Castrodouro, keep.
Castle of Pambre Castelo de Pambre 2.JPG
Castle of Pambre
Tower of the Castle dos Andrade TorreVilalba.JPG
Tower of the Castle dos Andrade
Castle of Vilamarin Castelo de Vilamarin - Fachada.JPG
Castle of Vilamarín
Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes Torre de Vilanova dos Infantes - Celanova - Ourense.jpg
Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes
Castle of Monterreal Monterreal - Baiona Murallas.JPG
Castle of Monterreal
Castle of Soutomaior Soutomaior, castelo de.jpg
Castle of Soutomaior
Castle of Monterreal in Baiona Parador Bayona ss 08.jpg
Castle of Monterreal in Baiona

A Coruña




Flag of the Community of Madrid.svg  Community of Madrid

Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya Castillo de Buitrago del Lozoya.jpg
Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya
Castle of Manzanares el Real Castillo de Manzanares el Real 01.jpg
Castle of Manzanares el Real
Atalaya de Torrelodones Atalaya de Torrelodones 3.jpg
Atalaya de Torrelodones

Flag of the Region of Murcia.svg  Region of Murcia

Lorca Castle Castillo de Lorca1.jpg
Lorca Castle

Bandera de Navarra.svg  Navarre

Castle of Xabier Castillo javier.jpg
Castle of Xabier

Flag of La Rioja (with coat of arms).svg  La Rioja (Spain)

Castle of Davalillo Castillo de Davalillo.JPG
Castle of Davalillo

Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg  Valencian Community


Atalaya Castle, Villena Castillo de Villena.jpg
Atalaya Castle, Villena
Castle of Biar Castillo de Biar.jpg
Castle of Biar
Castle of Petrer CastilloPetrer.jpg
Castle of Petrer
Castle of Santa Barbara SantaBarbara2.jpg
Castle of Santa Bàrbara
Palace of Altamira Palacio Altamira.jpg
Palace of Altamira


Castle of Morella Morella Castillo.jpg
Castle of Morella
Castle of Castellnovo CastilloCastellnovo.jpg
Castle of Castellnovo
Castle of Onda Castell d'Onda.jpg
Castle of Onda
Castle of Peniscola Vista diurna del casco historico de Peniscola.jpg
Castle of Peñíscola
Castle of Peniscola Castell de Peniscola 2.jpg
Castle of Peñíscola


Castle of Marinyen CtlloMarinyen TavernesVall.jpg
Castle of Marinyén
Xativa Castle Xativa castell.jpg
Xativa Castle
Towers of Quart Valencia Portes de Quart.jpg
Towers of Quart
Castle of Ayora Castillo de Ayora.jpg
Castle of Ayora
Towers of Serrano in 1870 Porta de Serrans, Valencia 1870, J. Laurent.jpg
Towers of Serrano in 1870
Castle of Montesa Sala Capitular del Castell de Montesa.JPG
Castle of Montesa

Number of fortifications by provinces

In the following table, are related the various Spanish provinces, ordered according to the number of existing fortifications, both castles themselves as towers, watchtowers, bunkers, walls and castros [4]

It attached the references to some of the relevant statements of Cultural Assets of the different Councils of Culture of the Autonomous Communities:

ProvinceTotal of fortificationsCastles and similarsTowers, watchtowers and bunkersWalls and castrosOthers
Jaén 237 [6] 97 [7] 126 [8] 14 [9] 1
Almería 126 [10] 81545414
Guadalajara 19812427443
Cuenca 175100303213
Cádiz 1613771311
Soria 1214941247
Zaragoza 105829104
Barcelona 10497007
Navarra 956181511
Teruel 9556121611
Burgos 914428163
Cáceres 84673113
Biscay 7846563
Alicante 73452071
Huesca 7059461
Toledo 70467125
Lleida 68521060
Madrid 673018154
Valencia 633711132
Badajoz 62482111
Murcia 5843771
Castellón 583011143
Albacete 52346111
Valladolid 50352121
Tarragona 4846110
La Rioja 48271182
León 47307100
Álava 4563180
Salamanca 41247100
Ciudad Real 3627441
Girona 35222101
Segovia 32155102
Ávila 2921161
Balearic Islands 28121510
Cantabria 2881460
Lugo 2625010
Palencia 2518430
Zamora 2513192
Asturias 2471070
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2410810
Ourense 1815021
A Coruña 1414000
Las Palmas 128310
Ceuta 112621
Pontevedra 109100
Melilla 95040
Gipuzkoa 53110

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  1. Historia (October 22, 2015). "Apéndice I. Los lugares del Temple". In Martínez, Gemma; Mínguez, Nines (eds.). Templarios. Del origen de las cruzadas al final de la Orden del Temple (1st ed.). Madrid: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, S. A. U. p. 417. ISBN   9788401015731.
  2. "Castillo de Corbera" (in Spanish). Castell de Cullera. Retrieved 2012-10-29.
  3. "El Castillo" (in Spanish). Castillos de Espana. Archived from the original on 2012-08-25. Retrieved 2012-10-29.
  4. According to Ibercastillos: Fortifications of Spain and Castillosnet: Castles of Spain Archived 2014-05-28 at the Wayback Machine
  5. "Guia Digital IAPH".
  6. for Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Total Fortifications
  7. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Castles
  8. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Towers, watchtowers and bunkers [ dead link ]
  9. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Walls and Castros [ dead link ]
  10. Almería — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Total Fortifications