List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people: L

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P · Q · R · Sa–Sc · Sd–Si · Sj–Sz · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

This is a partial list of famous people who were or identify themselves as gay men, lesbian or bisexual.


The definition of sexual orientation has changed greatly over time and the general term "gay" wasn't used to describe sexual orientation until the 20th century. A number of different classification schemes have been used to describe sexual orientation since the mid-19th century. Much of the research about sexual orientation has failed to define the term at all, making it difficult to reconcile the results of different studies. [1] [2] [3] However, most definitions include a psychological component (such as the direction of an individual's erotic desire) and/or a behavioural component (which focuses on the sex of the individual's sexual partner/s). Some prefer to simply follow an individual's self-definition or identity.

The high prevalence of people from the West on this list may be due to societal attitudes towards homosexuality. The Pew Research Center's 2013 Global Attitudes Survey found that there is "greater acceptance in more secular and affluent countries," with "publics in 39 countries [having] broad acceptance of homosexuality in North America, the European Union, and much of Latin America, but equally widespread rejection in predominantly Muslim nations and in Africa, as well as in parts of Asia and in Russia. Opinion about the acceptability of homosexuality is divided in Israel, Poland and Bolivia." [4] As of 2013, Americans are divided – a majority (60 percent) believes homosexuality should be accepted, while 33 percent disagree. [4]


Photographer David LaChapelle DavidLaChapelle1SecondFilm.jpg
Photographer David LaChapelle
Rapper Lady Sovereign LadySovereign.jpg
Rapper Lady Sovereign
Author Selma Lagerlof Selma Lagerlof.jpg
Author Selma Lagerlöf
Photojournalist Kay Lahusen Kay Lahusen.jpg
Photojournalist Kay Lahusen
Singer k.d. lang Kd lang reworked and cropped.jpg
Singer k.d. lang
Ice hockey player Charline Labonte Charline Labonte in 2014 crop.jpg
Ice hockey player Charline Labonté
Archaeologist, military officer, diplomat, and writer T. E. Lawrence Te lawrence.jpg
Archaeologist, military officer, diplomat, and writer T. E. Lawrence
Portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz Annie Leibovitz-SF-1-Crop.jpg
Portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz
Singer-songwriter Woodkid (Yoann Lemoine) Woodkid-Rock im Park 2014- by 2eight DSC0275.jpg
Singer-songwriter Woodkid (Yoann Lemoine)
Rapper Lil Nas X Lil Nas X back stage at the MTV Video Music Awards 2019.jpg
Rapper Lil Nas X
Writer and poet Jose Lezama Lima Lezama lima.jpg
Writer and poet José Lezama Lima
Actress Iyari Limon Iyari Limon onstage w mic June 2004.jpg
Actress Iyari Limon
Diarist Anne Lister Lister anne.jpg
Diarist Anne Lister
Racing driver Lella Lombardi Lombardi Brambilla cropped.jpg
Racing driver Lella Lombardi
Artist Alma Lopez Alma Lopez.jpg
Artist Alma López
Writer and activist Audre Lorde Audre lorde.jpg
Writer and activist Audre Lorde
High diver Greg Louganis Greglouganis.jpg
High diver Greg Louganis
Ludwig II of Bavaria Ludwig II of Bavaria.jpg
Ludwig II of Bavaria
Classical composer Jean-Baptiste Lully Paul Mignard - Jean-Baptiste Lully.jpg
Classical composer Jean-Baptiste Lully
Politician Ulrike Lunacek Ulrike-Lunacek-2010.JPG
Politician Ulrike Lunacek
Activist and filmmaker Richard Lusimbo Richard Lusimbo.jpg
Activist and filmmaker Richard Lusimbo
Army general Hubert Lyautey LYAUTEY PHOTO.jpg
Army general Hubert Lyautey
Actress and comedian Jane Lynch Jane Lynch, 2008 appearance (crop).jpg
Actress and comedian Jane Lynch
NameLifetime [5] NationalityNotable asNotes [6]
Touko Laaksonen
(Tom of Finland)
1920–1991FinnishArtistG [7]
Charline Labonté b. 1982CanadianIce hockey playerL [8]
Bruce LaBruce b. 1964CanadianFilmmakerG [9]
David LaChapelle b. 1969AmericanPhotographerG [10]
Liz Lachman b. ? [5] AmericanWriter, director, composerL [11]
Vera Lachmann 1904–1985German-AmericanPoet, classicist, educatorL [12]
Stephen Lachs b. 1939American1st openly gay judge appointed in the U.S.G [13]
Alexandra Lacrabère b. 1987FrenchHandball playerL [14]
Lady Catiria 1959–1999Puerto RicanFemale impersonatorG [15]
Lady Rhea b. ? [5] AmericanWiccan high priestess, business ownerL [16]
Lady Sovereign b. 1985EnglishRapperL [17]
Carole LaFavor d. 2011AmericanNovelist, AIDS activistL [18]
Erling Lae b. 1947NorwegianPoliticianG [19]
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes b. 1968Puerto RicanScholar, short story authorG [20]
Jean-Luc Lagarce 1957–1995FrenchPlaywright, actorG [21]
Karl Lagerfeld 1933–2019GermanFashion designerG [22] [23]
Selma Lagerlöf 1858–1940SwedishAuthorL [24]
Dawn Laguens b. 1964AmericanLGBT activist, businesswomanL [25]
Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel 1985–2016Tunisian-FrenchTerroristB [26]
Kay Lahusen 1930–2021AmericanPhotojournalistL [27]
Hugh Laing 1911–1988BarbadianDancerG [28]
John Laird b. 1950AmericanPoliticianG [29]
Lili Lakich b. 1944AmericanArtistL [30]
Andrew Lam b. 1964Vietnamese-AmericanAuthorG [31]
Chet Lam b. 1976Hong KongPop singerG [32]
Jade LeMac b. ? [5] CanadianSinger-songwriterL [33]
Joel Lamangan b. 1952FilipinoDirector, actorG [34]
Iñigo Lamarca b. 1959SpanishLawyer, politicianG [35]
Adam Lambert b. 1982AmericanSinger, actor, American Idol Season 8 runner-upG [36]
Gavin Lambert 1924–2005EnglishScreenwriter, novelistG [37]
Kit Lambert 1935–1981EnglishRecord producer, record label owner, manager of The Who G [38]
Mary Lambert b. 1989AmericanSinger-songwriterL [39]
Vladimir Lambsdorff 1845–1907RussianPoliticianG [40]
Amy Lamé b. 1971American-BritishComedian, radio and TV presenterL [41]
Nomy Lamm b. 1975AmericanMusician, activistL [42]
Kim Lammers b. 1981DutchField hockey playerL [43]
Friedo Lampe 1899–1945GermanWriter, librarian, editorG [44]
Jun Lana b. 1972FilipinoFilmmaker, writerG [45]
Rue Landau b. 1969AmericanPolitician, activistL [46]
Christopher Landon b. 1975AmericanScreenwriterG [47]
Wanda Landowska 1879–1959Polish-FrenchClassical harpsichordistL [48]
Ghislaine Landry b. 1988CanadianRugby playerL [49]
Jessica Landström b. 1984SwedishFootballerL [50]
Matteo Lane b. 1982AmericanComedianG [51]
Nathan Lane b. 1956AmericanActorG [52]
Sasha Lane b. 1995AmericanActorL [53]
k.d. lang b. 1961CanadianSingerL [54]
Johann de Lange b. 1959South AfricanPoet, writerG [55]
Ruby Rose Langenheim b. 1986AustralianMTV VJL [56]
Jiří Langer 1894–1943CzechPoetG [57]
Aneta Langerová b. 1986CzechPop singer, musicianL [58]
Michel Langlois b. ? [5] CanadianFilm director, screenwriterG [59]
Doug Langway b. ? [5] AmericanFilm director, screenwriterG [60]
Michael Lannan b. ? [5] AmericanScreenwriter, producerG [61]
Tom Lanoye b. 1958BelgianWriterG [62]
Orlando Lansdorf 1965–2021Surinamese-DutchDrag performer, HIV activistG [63]
Eyre de Lanux 1894–1996AmericanArtist, writerL [64]
Napoleon Lapathiotis 1888–1933GreekPoetG [65]
Laurier LaPierre 1929–2012CanadianSenator, journalist, broadcasterG [66]
Charles Lapointe b. 1944CanadianPolitician, bureaucratG [67]
Pierre Lapointe b. 1981CanadianSinger-songwriterG [68]
Lauren Lappin b. 1984AmericanSoftball playerL [69]
Låpsley b. 1996EnglishSinger, songwriter, musician, producerB [70]
John Lapus b. 1973FilipinoTV personality, comedianG [71]
Ana-Maurine Lara b. 1975Dominican-AmericanPoet, novelist, black feminist scholarL [72]
Demi Lardner b. ?AustralianAbsurdist comedianB [73]
Ricardo Lara b. 1974AmericanPoliticianG [74]
Robert Laramée b. ? [5] CanadianPoliticianG [75]
Naomi Lareine b. 1994SwissSinger-songwriter, footballerL [76]
Storm Large b. 1969AmericanRock musician, reality show contestantB [77]
Patty Larkin b. 1951AmericanSinger-songwriterL [78]
Luis Larraín b. 1980ChileanLGBT rights activistG [79]
Jack Larson 1928–2015AmericanActorG [80]
Johanna Larsson b. 1988SwedishTennis playerL [81]
Chi Chi LaRue b. 1959AmericanPornographic directorG [82]
Danny La Rue 1927–2009Irish-BritishEntertainer, drag performerG [83]
Manoly Lascaris 1912–2003GreekLover of author Patrick White G [84]
Ana Irma Rivera Lassén b. 1955Puerto RicanFirst openly lesbian (and Afro-Puerto Rican female) President of the Bar Association of Puerto Rico L [85]
Jef Last 1898–1972DutchPoet, writer, translator, activistB [86]
Anna Laszuk 1969–2012PolishJournalist, activistL [87]
David Lat b. 1975AmericanLawyer, author, legal commentatorG [88]
Rob Latham b. ? [5] AmericanProfessor, science fiction criticG [89]
Queen Latifah b. 1970AmericanRapper, actorL [90]
Robert La Tourneaux 1940/1941–1986AmericanActorG [91]
Derek Laud b. 1964EnglishPolitical activist, reality show contestantG [92]
Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour b. 1992DanishDressage riderL [93]
Charles Laughton 1899–1962English-AmericanActorG [94]
Duncan Laurence b. 1994DutchSinger, musician, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 B [95]
Arthur Laurents 1917–2011AmericanPlaywright, novelist, stage directorG [96]
John Lauritsen b. 1939AmericanHistorianG [97]
Jeppe Laursen b. 1977DanishPop musician (Junior Senior), music producer, songwriterG [98]
Bryony Lavery b. 1947EnglishPlaywrightG [99]
Olof Lavesson b. 1976SwedishPoliticianG [100]
Lynn Lavner b. ?AmericanComedianL [101]
Mélange Lavonne b. ?AmericanRapperL [102]
Anderson Lawler 1902–1959AmericanFilm and stage actorG [103]
Mike Lawlor b. 1956AmericanPoliticianG [104]
John Geddes Lawrence Jr. 1943–2011AmericanLitigant in Lawrence v. Texas caseG [105]
T.E. Lawrence 1888–1935EnglishWriter, archaeologist, military officer, diplomatG [106]
David Laws b. 1965EnglishPoliticianG [107]
Marion Lay b. 1948CanadianSwimmerL [108]
Stephen Laybutt b. 1977AustralianFootballerG [109]
Agustín Lazo Adalid 1896–1971MexicanArtist, playwrightG [110]
Chris Lea b. ?CanadianPoliticianL [111]
Jeff Leatham b. 1971AmericanDesignerG [112]
David Leavitt b. 1961AmericanNovelistG [113]
René Leboeuf b. ?CanadianGay rights activist, half of first same-sex marriage in CanadaG [114]
Jan Lechoń 1889–1956PolishPoet, literary and theater critic, diplomatG [115]
Gerald L'Ecuyer b. 1959CanadianFilm and TV directorG [116]
Aneta Lédlová b. 1996CzechFootballerL [117]
Mark Leduc 1964–2009CanadianBoxerG [118]
Timothy LeDuc b. 1990AmericanFigure skaterG [119]
Violette Leduc 1907–1972FrenchWriterB [120]
Alex Lee b. 1995AmericanCalifornia State Assembly's 1st openly bisexual memberB [121]
Blake Lee b. 1983AmericanActorG [122]
Bruce George Peter Lee b. 1960EnglishSerial killerG [123]
Francis Lee b. 1969EnglishFilmmaker, actorG [124]
Lee Hae-young b. 1973South KoreanFilm director, screenwriterG [125]
Iain Lee b. 1973EnglishBroadcaster, comedianB [126]
Jon Lee b. 1982EnglishPop singer (S Club 7), actorG [127]
Justin Lee b. 1977AmericanFounder and Executive Director of Gay Christian NetworkG [128]
Maryat Lee 1923–1989AmericanPlaywright and theatre producerL [129]
Quentin Lee b. 1971CanadianFilmmakerG [130]
Rex Lee b. 1969AmericanActorG [131]
Sky Lee b. 1952CanadianWriter, artistL [132]
Leesong Hee-il b. 1971South KoreanFilm directorG [133]
Paul de Leeuw b. 1962DutchTV personality, comedian, singer, actorG [134]
Nicole LeFavour b. 1964AmericanPoliticianL [135]
Eva Le Gallienne 1899–1991British-AmericanActor, producer, director, translator, authorL [136]
Krystian Legierski b. 1978PolishPoliticianG [137]
Casey Legler b. 1977French-AmericanSwimmer, writer, restaurateur, modelL [138]
Fernand Legros 1931–1983AmericanArt director, forgerG [139]
Alisha Lehmann b. 1999SwissFootballerL [140]
Sven Lehmann b. 1979GermanPoliticianG [141]
Reichen Lehmkuhl b. 1973AmericanReality show contestant, actor, model, LGBT rights activistG [142]
Evy Leibfarth b. 2004AmericanSlalom canoeistB [143]
Annie Leibovitz b. 1949AmericanPhotographerL [144]
Le1f b. 1989AmericanRapper, music producerG [145]
Carol Leifer b. 1956AmericanComedianB [146]
Matthew Leifheit b. 1988AmericanPhotographer, writer, magazine-editor, publisher, professorG [147]
Eduardo Leite b. 1985BrazilianPolitician, first openly gay governor in BrazilG [148]
Natalia Leite b. 1984BrazilianFilmmaker, actorL [149]
Mitchell Leisen 1898–1972AmericanDirectorG [150]
Phuti Lekoloane b. 1992South AfricanFootballer, LGBT rights activistG [151]
Leland b. 1987AmericanSinger-songwriterG [152]
Thierry Le Luron 1952–1986FrenchComedian, entertainerG [153]
Andy LeMaster b. ?AmericanSinger-songwriterG [154]
Kevin P. Lembo b. 1963AmericanPoliticianG [155]
Pedro Lemebel 1952–2015ChileanWriterG [156]
Julia Lemigova b. 1972RussianBusinesswoman, modelL [157]
Marc-Antoine Lemire b. 1990CanadianFilm director, screenwriterG [158]
Yoann Lemoine (Woodkid)b. 1983FrenchSinger-songwriter, musician, music video director, graphic designerG [159]
Don Lemon b. 1966AmericanNews anchor, journalistG [160]
Tamara de Lempicka 1898–1980PolishPainterB [161]
Barbara Lenk b. 1950AmericanAssociate Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial CourtL [162]
Tom Lenk b. 1976AmericanActorG [163]
Jasmine Lennard b. 1985EnglishModelB [164]
Mark Leno b. 1951AmericanPoliticianG [165]
Robert Lentz b. 1946American Iconographer, Franciscan friarG [166] [167]
Dennis deLeon 1948–2009AmericanHuman rights lawyer, HIV/AIDS activist, Latino community leaderG [168]
María Pilar León b. 1995SpanishFootballerL [169]
Zoe Leonard b. 1961AmericanPhotographer and visual artistL [170] [171]
Paco León b. 1974SpanishActorB [172]
Vange Leonel 1963–2014BrazilianRock singer, musician (Nau), novelist, playwright, feminist, LGBT activistL [173]
Russell Leong b. 1950AmericanAcademic editor, professor, writerG [174]
Amy Leong Pang 1908–1989TrinidadianPainterL [175]
José Leonilson 1957–1993BrazilianPainterG [176]
Jónína Leósdóttir b. 1954IcelandicNovelist, playwright, journalistL [177]
Robert Lepage b. 1957CanadianPlaywright, actor, film and stage directorG [178]
Pierre Lepori b. 1968SwissWriter, translatorG [179]
Leo Lerman 1914–1994AmericanWriter, editorG [180]
Katrina Leskanich (b. 1960)AmericanSinger, musician (Katrina and the Waves)L [181]
Javicia Leslie b. 1987German-AmericanActorB [182]
Phil Lester b. 1987EnglishYouTuberG [183]
Didier Lestrade b. 1958FrenchWriter, magazine founder, HIV/AIDS and LGBT rights activistG [184]
Paweł Leszkowicz b. 1970PolishArt historian, art curatorG [185]
Arthur Lett-Haines 1894–1978EnglishPainter, sculptorG [186]
Brian Leung b. 1964Hong KongRadio presenterG [187]
Brian Leung b. ? [5] AmericanWriterG [188]
Joanne Leung b. ? [5] Hong KongPolitician; 1st openly transgender lesbian serving in politicsL [189]
Telly Leung b. 1980AmericanActor, musicianG [190]
Ivy Levan b. 1987AmericanMusical artist, modelB [191]
Larry Levan 1954–1992AmericanDJG [192]
Simon LeVay b. 1943British-AmericanNeuroscientistG [193]
Mark Levengood b. 1964Finnish-SwedeWriter, journalist, talk show hostG [194]
Malin Levenstad b. 1988SwedishFootballerL [195]
Harvey Levin b. 1950AmericanProducer, lawyerG [196]
Saul Levin b. ?South AfricanPsychiatristG [197]
David Levithan b. 1972AmericanWriterG [198]
Ariel Levy b. 1974AmericanWriterL [199]
Dan Levy b. 1983CanadianActor, screenwriter, producerG [200]
Judith Ellen Levy b. 1958AmericanJudge of the U.S. District CourtL [201]
William Alexander Levy 1909–1997AmericanArchitectG [202]
Steve Lew b. 1958AmericanCommunity organizer, LGBT rights and AIDS activistG [203]
Ben Lewis b. 1985CanadianActorG [204]
Davante Lewis b. ? [5] American1st (African American) LGBT person elected to office in LouisianaG [205]
Jeff Lewis b. 1970AmericanReal estate speculator, interior designer, TV personalityG [206]
Lisa-Jayne Lewis b. 1977EnglishChristian broadcaster, commentatorB [207]
Zoë Lewis b. ?EnglishFolk musicianL [208]
Frank Xavier Leyendecker 1876–1924AmericanIllustratorG [209]
J. C. Leyendecker 1871–1951AmericanIllustratorG [210]
Amandine Leynaud b. 1986FrenchHandball playerL [211]
Danell Leyva b. 1991Cuban-AmericanGymnastB [212]
Li Shiu Tong 1907–1993ChineseSexologist, LGBT activistG [213]
Li Tingting b. 1989ChineseCampaigner, activistL [214]
Li Yijiang 1980–2004ChineseSerial killerG [215]
Li Ying b. 1993ChineseFootballerL [216]
Li Zhanguo 1969–1995ChineseSerial killerG [217]
Liang Ji d. 159Chinese (Han Dynasty)GeneralB [218] [219]
Liberace 1919–1987AmericanClassical/pop musicianG [220]
Mitchell Lichtenstein b. 1956AmericanActor, writer, directorG [221]
Ivri Lider b. 1974IsraeliRock musician (The Young Professionals)G [222]
Eli Lieb b. 1979AmericanMusicianG [223]
Ali Liebegott b. 1971AmericanWriterL [224]
Gabe Liedman b. ? [5] AmericanWriter, producer, actorG [225]
Sébastien Lifshitz b. 1968FrenchFilm director, screenwriterG [226]
Sebastián Ligarde b. 1954American-MexicanActor, acting coachG [227]
Lori Lightfoot b. 1962AmericanPolitician, Mayor of ChicagoL [228]
Glenn Ligon b. 1960AmericanArtistG [229]
Marko Liias b. 1981AmericanPoliticianG [230]
Lil Nas X b. 1999AmericanRapper, singer, songwriterG [231]
Lil Peep 1996–2017AmericanRapper, singerB [232]
Madeleine Lim b. 1964Singaporean-AmericanFilmmaker, producer, director, cinematographer, LGBTQ activistL [233]
José Lezama Lima 1910–1976CubanPoetG [234]
Marina Lima b. 1955BrazilianSinger-songwriterB [235]
Silvana Lima b. 1984BrazilianSurferL [236]
Limahl b. 1958EnglishPop singer (Kajagoogoo)G [237]
Iyari Limon b. 1976AmericanActorB [238]
Lin Hwai-min b. 1947TaiwaneseDancer, writer, choreographer, theater founder/directorG [239]
Orna Lin b. 1956IsraeliLawyerL [240]
Elena Linari b. 1994ItalianFootballerL [241]
Hedvig Lindahl b. 1983SwedishFootballerL [242]
Ylva Lindberg b. 1976SwedishIce hockey playerL [243]
Erika Linder b. 1990SwedishModel, actorL [244]
Virginia Linder b. 1953AmericanJudgeL [245]
Åsa Lindhagen b. 1980SwedishPoliticianB [246]
Thure Lindhardt b. 1974DanishActorG [247]
Katharina Lindner 1979–2019GermanFootballer, academicL [248]
Patrick Lindner b. 1960German Volksmusik singerG [249]
Lori Lindsey b. 1980AmericanSoccer playerL [250]
Duke Ling of Wei 534–493 BCChinese (Wei) Head of state B [251]
Anne Linnet b. 1953DanishSinger-songwriter, musicianB [252]
Hannu Lintu b. 1967FinnishConductorG [253]
Lisa M b. 1974Puerto RicanSinger, DJL [254]
Paul Lisicky b. 1959AmericanWriterG [255]
Herbert List 1903–1975GermanPhotographerG [256] [257]
Anne Lister 1791–1840EnglishDiaristL [258]
Corny Littmann b. 1952GermanEntrepreneur, entertainer, theater owner, football officialG [259]
Timothy Liu b. 1965AmericanPoet, writerG [260]
Ari-Pekka Liukkonen b. 1989FinnishSwimmerG [261]
Reg Livermore b. 1938AustralianActorG [262]
Spencer Livermore b. 1975EnglishPoliticianG [263]
Jose Llana b. 1976AmericanActor and singerG [264]
Matt Llano b. 1988AmericanLong distance runnerG [265]
Diego Llorico b. 1971FilipinoActor, comedianG [266]
Mary Lloyd 1819–1896WelshSculptorL [267]
Phyllida Lloyd b. 1957EnglishTheatre directorL [268]
Anita Lo b. ?AmericanChef, restaurateurL [269]
Malinda Lo b. ?AmericanYoung adult novelistL [270]
Tove Lo b. 1987SwedishSinger-songwriterB [271]
Carlos Lobo de Ávila 1860–1895PortugueseAcademic, writer, journalist, politicianG [272]
Alain LeRoy Locke 1886–1954AmericanWriter, philosopher, African American studies educatorG [273]
Joe Locke b. 2003ManxActorG [274]
Ollie Locke b. 1987EnglishReality TV personalityB [275]
Sean Paul Lockhart b. 1986AmericanActor, directorG [276]
Annea Lockwood b. 1939New ZealandContemporary classical composerL [277]
Joseph Lockwood 1904–1991EnglishIndustrialist, businessmanG [278]
Hans Lodeizen 1924–1950DutchPoetG [279]
Chloe Logarzo b. 1994AustralianfootballerL [280]
Brad Loekle b. 1978AmericanComedianG [281]
Frederick Loewe 1901–1988Austrian-AmericanMusical theater composerG [282]
John Logan b. 1961AmericanWriterG [283]
Jan Logie b. 1969New ZealandPoliticianL [284]
Kristanna Loken b. 1979AmericanActorB [285]
Lindsay Lohan b. 1986AmericanActor, singerB [286]
Joanna Lohman b. 1982AmericanSoccer playerL [287]
Lella Lombardi 1941–1992ItalianRacing driverL [288]
Bjørn Lomborg b. 1965DanishEnvironmentalist, authorG [289]
Roy London 1943–1993AmericanActor, acting coach, teacherG [290]
Stacy London b. 1969AmericanStylist, fashion consultant, author, magazine editorB [291]
James Loney b. 1964CanadianPeace activistG [292]
Robert Long 1943–2006DutchMusician, TV presenterG [293]
James Longman b. 1986EnglishJournalist, foreign correspondentG [294]
Joe Longthorne 1955–2019EnglishSinger, impressionistG [295]
Keiynan Lonsdale b. 1991AustralianActorB [296]
Ellen Joyce Loo 1986–2018Canadian-Hong KongPop musician (at17)L [297]
Loo Zihan b. 1983SingaporeanActor, film director, artistG [298]
Rebecca Loos b. 1977DutchGlamour modelB [299]
Alma López b. 1966MexicanArtistL [300]
Claudia López Hernández b. 1970ColombianPolitician, first female and openly gay mayor of Bogotá L [301]
Frédéric Lopez b. 1967FrenchTV presenterG [302]
Leon Lopez b. 1979BritishActor, director, singer-songwriterG [303]
Margarita López b. ?Puerto Rican-AmericanPolitician and activistL [304]
Matthew Lopez b. 1977AmericanPlaywright, screenwriterG [305]
Raymond Lopez b. 1978AmericanPolitician; 1st openly gay Mexican-American to be elected in IllinoisG [306]
Jason Lorber b. 1966AmericanPoliticianG [307]
Eda Lord 1907–1976AmericanWriterL [308]
Audre Lorde 1934–1992AmericanWriter, activistL [309]
Max Lorenz 1901–1975GermanOpera singerG [310]
Kena Lorenzini b. 1959ChileanPhotographer, politician, psychologist, writerL [311]
Frances Loring 1887–1968AmericanSculptorL [312]
Lance Loud 1951–2001AmericanReality TV personality, rock musician (Mumps)G [313]
Greg Louganis b. 1960AmericanOlympic high-diverG [314]
Louis I of Spain 1707–1724SpanishKing of SpainB [315]
David Lourea 1945–1992AmericanWriter, AIDS and bisexual rights activistB [316]
Cindi Love b. ?AmericanChristian minister, activistL [317]
Donja R. Love b. ?AmericanPlaywrightG [318]
Kermit Love 1916–2008AmericanCostume designer, muppet designer/builderG [319]
Susan Love 1948–2023AmericanSurgeon, breast cancer expert, authorL [320]
Jon Lovett b. 1982AmericanSpeechwriterG [321]
Jonathan Lovitz b. 1984AmericanLGBT rights advocate, actorG [322]
Evan Low b. 1983AmericanPoliticianG [323]
Adam Lowe b. 1985BritishWriter, performer, publisherG [324]
Lowell b. 1991CanadianElectropop singer-songwriterB [325]
Amy Lowell 1874–1925AmericanWriterL [326]
Jewell Loyd b. 1993AmericanBasketball playerL [327]
Bruno Lozano b. ?AmericanPoliticianG [328]
Angélica Lozano Correa b. 1975ColombianLawyer, politician, activistL [301]
Sharon Lubinski b. ?American United States Marshal L [329]
Craig Lucas b. 1951AmericanPlaywright, theatre and film directorG [330]
Matt Lucas b. 1974EnglishComedian, actor, writerG [331]
Michael Lucas b. 1972Russian-Israeli-AmericanPornographic actor, directorG [332]
Ed Luce b. ? [5] AmericanCartoonistG [333]
Jeremy Lucido b. 1977AmericanArtist, blogger, photographer, zine publisher, film directorG [334]
Luigi Lucioni 1900–1988Italian-AmericanPainterG [335]
Charles Ludlam 1943–1987AmericanActor, director, playwrightG [336]
Ludmilla b. 1995BrazilianSinger-songwriterB [337]
Ludwig II of Bavaria 1845–1886German-BavarianKing of BavariaG [338]
Attila Richard Lukacs b. 1962CanadianArtistG [339]
Kaili Lukan b. 1994CanadianRugby sevens playerL [236]
Jean-Baptiste Lully 1632–1687FrenchClassical composerB [340]
Ulrike Lunacek b. 1957AustrianPoliticianL [341]
Lydia Lunch b. 1959AmericanRock musician, poet, writer, actorB [342]
Mark Lund b. 1965AmericanWriter, figure skating analystG [343]
Torben Lund b. 1950DanishPoliticianG [344]
Andreas Lundstedt b. 1972SwedishPop musician (Alcazar)G [345]
Billy Lunn b. ? [5] EnglishSinger (The Subways)B [346]
Krystian Lupa b. 1943PolishTheatre directorG [347]
Michael Lupo 1953–1995ItalianSerial killerG [348]
Richard Lusimbo b. 1987UgandanLGBT activist, documentary filmmakerG [349]
Ozzy Lusth b. 1981Mexican-AmericanReality TV personalityB [350]
Billy Luther b. ? [5] AmericanDirector, filmmakerG [351]
Steven Lutvak 1959–2023AmericanMusician, composerG [352]
Venla Luukkonen b. 1984FinnishBrazilian jiu-jitsu competitor and instructorL [353]
Manila Luzon b. ? [5] AmericanDrag performer, recording artist, comedianG [354]
John Lwin b. 1967BurmeseModel, model agency founder, event organizer,LGBT rights activistG [355]
Billy Lyall 1953–1989ScottishPop musician (Pilot, Bay City Rollers)G [356]
Hubert Lyautey 1854–1934FrenchArmy general, colonial administratorG [357]
Joe Lycett b. 1988EnglishComedianB [358]
Joey Lye b. 1987CanadianSoftball playerL [359]
Euros Lyn b. 1971WelshDirectorG [360]
Alfred Lynch 1931–2003EnglishActorG [361]
Bernárd J. Lynch b. 1947IrishCatholic priest, psychotherapist, HIV/AIDS activistG [362]
Jane Lynch b. 1960AmericanActorL [363]
Laurie Lynd b. 1959CanadianFilm and TV directorG [364]
Paul Lynde 1926–1982AmericanActor, comedian, game show personalityG [365]
George Platt Lynes 1907–1955AmericanPhotographerG [366]
Logan Lynn b. 1979AmericanSinger-songwriter, activist, writer, producer, filmmakerG [367]
Phyllis Lyon 1924–2020AmericanFeminist and LGBT-rights activistL [368]
John Lyons b. 1977IrishOne of the 1st openly gay members of Dáil Éireann.G [369]
A · Ba–Bh · Bi–Bz · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O
P · Q · R · Sa–Sc · Sd–Si · Sj–Sz · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

See also


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