List of literary descriptions of cities (before 1550)

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Initial folio of De laude Cestrie, a c.1195 eulogy to the English town of Chester De laude Cestrie folio1.jpg
Initial folio of De laude Cestrie , a c.1195 eulogy to the English town of Chester

Literary descriptions of cities (also known as descriptiones urbium) form a literary genre that originated in Ancient Greek epideictic rhetoric. [1] [2] [3] [4] They can be prose or poetry. Many take the form of an urban eulogy (variously referred to as an encomium urbis, laudes urbium, encomium civis, laus civis, laudes civitatum; or in English: urban or city encomium, panegyric, laudation or praise poem) which praise their subject. [2] [3] [4] [5] Laments to a city's past glories are sometimes also included in the genre. [3] [4] Descriptiones often mix topographical information with abstract material on the spiritual and legal aspects of the town or city, and with social observations on its inhabitants. [1] [4] They generally give a more extended treatment of their urban subject than is found in an encyclopedia or general geographical work. Influential examples include Benedict's Mirabilia Urbis Romae of around 1143. [1]


The earliest ancestor of the literary genre can be found in the New Kingdom Egyptian "praises of the cities", describing in poetic forms e.g. Thebes and Pi-Ramesses. [6]

The Greek rhetorician Dionysius of Halicarnassus, in the first century AD, was the first to prescribe the form of a eulogy to a city in detail. Features he touches on include the city's location, size and beauty; the qualities of its river; its temples and secular buildings; its origin and founder, and the acts of its citizens. [3] The Roman rhetorician Quintilian expounds on the form later in the first century, stressing praise of the city's founder and prominent citizens, as well as the city's site and location, fortifications and public works such as temples. [2] [5] The third-century rhetorician Menander expands on the guidelines further, including advice on how to turn a city's bad points into advantages. [3] These works were probably not directly available to medieval writers, [1] but the form is outlined in many later grammar primers, including those by Donatus and Priscian. [2] [3] [5] Priscian's Praeexercitamina, a translation into Latin of a Greek work by Hermogenes, was a particular influence on medieval authors. [3]

Surviving late Roman examples of descriptiones include Ausonius's Ordo Nobilium Urbium , a fourth-century Latin poem that briefly describes thirteen cities including Milan and Bordeaux. [1] [3] Rutilius Namatianus's De reditu suo is a longer poem dating from the early fifth century that includes a section praising Rome. [3]

Numerous medieval examples have survived, mainly but not exclusively in Latin, the earliest dating from the eighth century. [1] [3] They adapt the classical form to Christian theology. [1] [2] [3] [5] The form was popularised by widely circulated guidebooks intended for pilgrims. [1] Common topics include the city walls and gates, markets, churches and local saints; descriptiones were sometimes written as a preface to the biography of a saint. [1] The earliest examples are in verse. The first known prose example was written in around the tenth century, and later medieval examples were more often written in prose. [1] Milan and Rome are the most frequent subjects, and there are also examples describing many other Italian cities. [1] Outside Italy, pre-1400 examples are known for Chester, Durham, London, York and perhaps Bath in England, [1] [2] [3] [7] Newborough in Wales, [2] and Angers, Paris and Senlis in France. [1] [8] The form spread to Germany in the first half of the 15th century, with Nuremberg being the most commonly described city. [9]

J. K. Hyde, who surveyed the genre in 1966, considers the evolution of descriptiones written before 1400 to reflect "the growth of cities and the rising culture and self-confidence of the citizens", rather than any literary progression. [1] Later medieval examples tend to be more detailed and less generic than early ones, and to place an increasing emphasis on secular over religious aspects. For example, Bonvesin della Riva's 1288 description of Milan, De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani, contains a wealth of detailed facts and statistics about such matters as local crops. These trends were continued in Renaissance descriptiones, which flourished from the early years of the 15th century, [1] especially after the popularisation of the printing press from the middle of that century. [9]

Selected examples

The following chronological list presents urban descriptions and eulogies written before the end of the 14th century, based mainly on the reviews of Hyde [1] and Margaret Schlauch, [3] with a selection from the many examples written from 1400 to 1550.

Libanius Antioch SyriaProseLatinAlso called Oration in Praise of Antioch, this is Libanius' Oration XI. [10] :23
Ordo Nobilium Urbium
4th century
Ausonius VariousPoetryLatin [1] [3]
De reditu suo
Early 5th century
Rutilius Namatianus Rome ItalyPoetryLatin [3]
Laudes Mediolanensis civitatis
Milan ItalyPoetryLatinOr Versum de Mediolano civitate [1] [3] [11]
De laude Pampilone epistola
7th century
Pamplona SpainProseLatinThe laudatio is known from a composite with an unrelated text dating from c. 410 [12]
Versiculi familiae Benchuir
8th century
Bangor IrelandPoetryLatinThe Versiculi form a "religios laus civitatis in praise of a monastic community. [13]
Poema de Pontificibus et Sanctis Eboracensis Ecclesiae
Early or mid-780s
Alcuin York EnglandPoetryLatin [3] [14]
Versus de Destructione Aquileiae
Late 8th century
Paulinus of Aquileia or Paul the Deacon Aquileia ItalyPoetryLatinAttribution disputed [3] [11]
Laudes Veronensis Civitatis
Verona ItalyPoetryLatinOr Veronae rhythmica, Versus de Verona [1] [3] [11]
The Ruin
8th – late 9th century
An unnamed Roman spa, probably Bath EnglandPoetry Old English Date uncertain; subject has also been suggested to be Chester or a town near Hadrian's Wall [7] [15]
Versus de Aquilegia
Aquileia ItalyPoetryLatin [3]
De Situ Civitatis Mediolani
Milan ItalyProseLatinOr De situ urbis Mediolanensis [1]
Opening of the Vita Theoderici
Sigebert of Gembloux Metz Holy Roman EmpireProseLatinFound at the start of a biography of Bishop Dietrich I of Metz, written during the episcopate of Adalbero III. [16]
Mid-11th century to ~1107
Durham EnglandPoetryOld EnglishOr De situ Dunelmi; date disputed [3] [7] [17]
Liber Pergaminus
Moses de Brolo Bergamo ItalyPoetryLatin [1]
Mirabilia Urbis Romae
Benedict Rome ItalyProseLatin [1] [4]
Descriptio Nobilissimae Civitatis Londoniae
William Fitzstephen London EnglandProseLatinOr Descriptio Nobilissimi Civitatis Londoniae [1] [2] [4] [8]
De mirabilibus urbis Romae
Master Gregory Rome ItalyLatin [1] [4]
De laude Cestrie
Lucian of Chester Chester EnglandProseLatinOr Liber Luciani de laude Cestrie [1] [5] [8]
In Ymagines historiarum
Ralph de Diceto Angers Angevin Empire ProseLatin [8]
Graphia Aureae Urbis Romae
Rome ItalyLatin [1]
De Laude Civitatis Laude
An unnamed Franciscan Lodi ItalyPoetryLatin [1]
Liber de preconiis ciuitatis Numantine
Juan Gil de Zamora Zamora SpainProseLatin [18]
De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani
Bonvesin della Riva Milan ItalyProseLatin [1]
De Mediolano Florentissima Civitate
Benzo d'Alessandria Milan ItalyProseLatin [1]
Visio Egidii Regis Patavii
Giovanni da Nono Padua ItalyProseLatin [1]
Byzantiospost 1312 Theodore Metochites Constantinople ByzantiumProseGreek
Recommentatio Civitatis Parisiensis
Paris FranceProseLatin [1]
Tractatus de Laudibus Parisius
Jean de Jandun Paris, Senlis FranceProseLatinWritten in response to Recommentatio Civitatis Parisiensis [1]
Libellus de Descriptione Papie
Opicino de Canistris Pavia ItalyProseLatinOr Liber de laudibus civitatis Ticinensis [1]
Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum
Giovanni Caballini Rome ItalyProseLatin [19] [20]
Cronaca Extravagans
Galvano Fiamma Milan ItalyProseLatinContains material from Bonvesin della Riva's text [1]
Cronica Book XI
Giovanni Villani Florence ItalyProse Italian [1]
Florentie Urbis et Reipublice Descriptio
Florence ItalyProseLatinManuscript is untitled [1]
Cywydd Rhosyr
Mid 14th century
Dafydd ap Gwilym Newborough WalesPoetryWelshDate and attribution uncertain [2] [21]
Laudatio florentinae urbis
Leonardo Bruni Florence ItalyProseLatin [1]
Laudatio Urbis Romae et Constantinopolis
Manuel Chrysoloras Rome ItalyProseGreek [22]
"O wunnikliches Paradis"
1414–18 or after 1430
Oswald von Wolkenstein Konstanz Holy Roman Empire Poetry German Von Wolkenstein also wrote poems on other cities, including Nuremberg and Augsberg [23]
Descriptio urbis Romae eiusque excellentiae
Niccolò Signorili Rome ItalyProseLatin [22] [24]
Roma instaurata
Flavio Biondo Rome ItalyProseLatin [24] [25] [26]
Lobspruch auf Nürnberg
Hans Rosenplüt  [ de ] Nuremberg GermanyPoetryGerman [9] [19] [27]
Ye Solace of Pilgrimes
John Capgrave Rome ItalyProse Middle English [4]
Canmol Croesoswallt
Mid 15th century
Guto'r Glyn Oswestry EnglandPoetry Welsh [2] [21] [28]
I Varedydd ab Hywel ab Morus, ac i Drev Croes Oswallt
Mid 15th century
Lewys Glyn Cothi Oswestry EnglandPoetryWelsh [2] [21]
"Y ddewistref ddiestron"
Mid 15th century
Ieuan ap Gruffudd Leiaf Conwy WalesPoetryWelsh [2] [21]
Die Bamberger Traktate
Albrecht von Eyb Bamberg GermanyLatin [9]
"[What a splendid appearance this city presents!]"
Late 1450s
Enea Silvio Piccolomini Nuremberg GermanyProseLatin [19] [27]
Lobspruch auf Bamberg
Hans Rosenplüt  [ de ] Bamberg GermanyPoetryGerman [9]
Brodyr aeth i Baradwys
Late 15th century
Ieuan ap Huw Cae Llwyd  [ cy ] Brecon WalesPoetryWelsh [2] [21]
"Cistiau da, 'n costio dierth"
End of the 15th century
Tudur Aled Oswestry EnglandPoetryWelsh [2] [21]
Lobspruch auf Nürnberg
Kunz Hass Nuremberg GermanyPoetryGerman [9] [19] [27]
De Venetae urbis situ / Del sito di Vinegia
Marcantonio Sabellico Venice ItalyProseLatin, Italian [29] [30] [31] [32]
De origine, situ, moribus et institutis Norimbergae
Conrad Celtis Nuremberg GermanyProseLatin [9] [19] [27]
To the City of London
Sometimes attributed to William Dunbar London EnglandPoetryEnglishOr In Honour of the City of London [2]
It is the basis for the cantata In Honour of the City of London (1937). [33]
Tractatus de civitate Ulmensi
By 1502
Felix Fabri Ulm GermanyLatin [9]
Blyth Aberdeane
William Dunbar Aberdeen ScotlandPoetry Middle Scots [2]
Ein Lobspruch der statt Nürnberg
Hans Sachs Nuremberg GermanyPoetryGermanSachs also wrote praise poems to Salzburg (1549), Munich (1565), Frankfurt (1568) and Hamburg (1569) [9] [19] [23] [27]
Ein Lobspruch der Hochloeblichen weitberuembten Khuenigklichen Stat Wienn in Osterreich
Wolfgang Schmeltzl Vienna AustriaPoetryGerman [9]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 JK Hyde (1966), "Medieval descriptions of cities" (PDF), Bulletin of the John Rylands Library , 48 (2): 308–40, doi:10.7227/BJRL.48.2.5
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Helen Fulton (2006–2007), "The Encomium Urbis in Medieval Welsh Poetry", Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 26/27: 54–72, JSTOR   40732051
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Margaret Schlauch (1941), "An Old English "Encomium Urbis"", Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 40 (1): 14–28, JSTOR   27704714
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C. David Benson (2009), "The Dead and the Living: Some Medieval Descriptions of the Ruins and Relics of Rome Known to the English", in Albrecht Classen (ed.), Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 147–182, ISBN   978-3110223897
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Mark Faulkner (2011), "The Spatial Hermeneutics of Lucian's De Laude Cestrie", in Catherine AM Clarke (ed.), Mapping the Medieval City: Space, Place and Identity in Chester, c. 1200–1600, University of Wales Press, ISBN   978-1783164615
  6. Ragazzoli, Chloé (2008). Éloges de la ville en Égypte ancienne: histoire et littérature (Thesis). Paris: PUPS. ISBN   9782840506041.
  7. 1 2 3 Christopher Abram (2000), "In Search of Lost Time: Aldhelm and The Ruin" (PDF), Quaestio (Selected Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic), 1: 23–44
  8. 1 2 3 4 Antonia Gransden (1972), "Realistic Observation in Twelfth-Century England", Speculum , 47 (1): 29–51, doi:10.2307/2851214, JSTOR   2851214, S2CID   163505360
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 David Blamires (1990), "The portrayal of towns in sixteenth-century German Volksbŭcher" (PDF), Bulletin of the John Rylands Library , 72 (3): 49–61, doi:10.7227/BJRL.72.3.4
  10. Paul Oldfield (2019), Urban Panegyric and the Transformation of the Medieval City, 1100–1300, Oxford University Press.
  11. 1 2 3 Neil Christie (2006), From Constantine to Charlemagne: An Archaeology of Italy, AD 300–800, Ashgate Publishing, pp. 183–85, ISBN   1859284213
  12. Roger Collins (1986), The Basques, Blackwell, pp. 67–69
  13. Paolo Zanna (1991), "Descriptiones urbium and Elegy in Latin and Vernaculars in the Early Middle Ages: At the Crossroads Between Civic Engagement, Artistic Enthusiasm and Religious Meditation", Studi medievali, Ser. 3, 32: 523–596.
  14. D. A. Bullough (2010). "Alcuin (c.740–804)" . Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/298.(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  15. Anne L. Klinck (2001), The Old English Elegies: A Critical Edition and Genre Study, McGill-Queen's Press, pp. 15–16, 61–63, ISBN   0773522417
  16. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, The Idea of the City in Late Antiquity: A Study in Resilience (Cambridge University Press, 2025), ch. 2.
  17. H. S. Offler (1962), "The Date of Durham (Carmen de Situ Dunelmi)", Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 61 (3): 591–94, JSTOR   27714086
  18. Paul Oldfield (2019), Urban Panegyric and the Transformation of the Medieval City, 1100–1300, Oxford University Press, p. 32n, also citing Jeffrey S. Ruth (2011), Urban Honor in Spain: The Laus Urbis from Antiquity Through Humanism, Lewiston{{citation}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link).
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Albrecht Classen (2009), "Hans Sachs and his Encomia Songs on German Cities: Zooming Into and Out of Urban Space from a Poetic Perspective. With a Consideration of Hartmann Schedel's Liber Chronicarum (1493)", in Albrecht Classen (ed.), Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 567–94, ISBN   978-3110223897
  20. Daniel Williman (1999), "Reviewed Work: Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum by Ioannis Caballini de Cerronibus", International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 5: 489–91, JSTOR   30222468
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dafydd Johnston (2012), "Towns in Medieval Welsh Poetry", in Helen Fulton (ed.), Urban Culture in Medieval Wales, University of Wales Press, pp. 95–116, ISBN   978-0708323526
  22. 1 2 Charles L. Stinger (1998), The Renaissance in Rome, Indiana University Press, pp. 72–75, ISBN   0253334918
  23. 1 2 Albrecht Classen (2009), "Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: Historical, Mental, Cultural, and Social-Economic Investigations", in Albrecht Classen (ed.), Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 75–81, 136–37, ISBN   978-3110223897
  24. 1 2 Elizabeth McCahill (2013), Reviving the Eternal City, Harvard University Press, pp. 21, 26–33, 169–181, ISBN   978-0674726154
  25. Ruth Elisabeth Kritzer (2010), "Renaissance Rome Descriptions in Comparison", Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 72 (1): 113–25, JSTOR   20680045
  26. Jeffrey A. White (2012), "Reviewed Work: Rome Restaurée: Roma Instaurata, Tome II Livres II et III by Flavio Biondo", Renaissance Quarterly , 65: 1169–70, doi:10.1086/669350, JSTOR   10.1086/669350, S2CID   163197187
  27. 1 2 3 4 5 Stephen Brockmann (2006), Nuremberg: The Imaginary Capital, Camden House, pp. 16–19, ISBN   1571133453
  28. E. A. Rees (2008), A Life of Guto'r Glyn, Y Lolfa, pp. 100–3, ISBN   978-0862439712
  29. de Vivo, Filippo (March 2016). "Walking in Sixteenth-Century Venice: Mobilizing the Early Modern City". I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance. 19 (1): 115–141. doi:10.1086/685830. ISSN   0393-5949. S2CID   225087287.
  30. Sabellico, Marco Antonio (2016). Del sito di Vinegia. La più antica guida di Venezia (in Italian). Vittoria Maurizio. ISBN   978-88-940999-0-4.
  31. full Latin text at
  32. Mazzaferro, Giovanni (February 2017). "Review of Maurizio Vittoria, ed., Marco Antonio Sabellico: Del sito di Vinegia; La più antica guida di Venezia 'On the Site of Venice; the Oldest Guide to Venice'". Letteratura Artistica: Cross-cultural Studies in Art History Sources.
  33. Joyce Kennedy; Michael Kennedy; Tim Rutherford-Johnson, eds. (2012), "In Honour of the City of London", The Oxford Dictionary of Music (6th ed.), Oxford University Press.