List of trees of the Andaman Islands

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The Andaman Islands fall within the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. While endemism estimated to be a modest 17%, the islands share about 65% of its tree species with south-west Myanmar. [1] Early explorers like Wilhelm Sulpiz Kurz documented the flora of the region, and Charles Edward Parkinson published a Flora of the Andaman Islands [2] with important tree species of the region. Since then, a number of tree species have been described. [3] [4] A comprehensive checklist of flora of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been published by the Botanical Survey of India - a 3-volume flora is currently under preparation of which the first volume was published in 2008. [5]

List of species

This checklist includes trees and other flora listed in Parkinson (1923). [2] It includes most native tree species and some exotic trees species.

Family Scientific nameOld name (as per Parkinson 1923)
Dilleniaceae Dillenia pilosa
Dillenia scabrella
Dillenia pentagyna
Delima sarmentosa
Magnoliceae Magnolia andamanicaTalauma andamanica
Schisandraceae Kadsura roxburghiana
Annonaceae Orophea hexandra
Orophea polycarpa
Miliusa tectona
Polyalthia andamanica
Maasia glaucaPolyalthia parkinsonii
Polyalthia simiarum
Goniothalamus macranthusMelodorum macranthum
Goniothalamus meeboldiiMitrephora prainii
Sageraea elliptica
Unona dasymaschala
Popowia nitida
Popowia kurzii
Phaeanthus andamanicus
Anaxagorea luzonensis
Artabotrys speciosus
Oxymitra fornicata
Uvaria hamiltonii
Uvaria andamanica
Menispermaceae Tinospora cordifolia
Antitaxis calocarpa
Capparidaceae Capparis sepiaria
Capparis floribunda
Capparis ambigua
Capparis tenera
Capparis horrida
Capparis micracantha
Alsodeia roxburghii
Alsodeia bengalensis
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia crenata
Ryparosa kurzii
Euphorbiaceae Drypetes longifolia
Polygalaceae Xanthophyllum andamanicum
Hypericaceae Cratoxylon formosum
Calophyllaceae Calophyllum inophyllum
Calophyllum spectabile
Calophyllum amoenum
Mesua ferrea
Mesua maniiKayea manii
Clusiaceae Garcinia mangostana
Garcinia xanthochymus
Garcinia andamanica
Garcinia cowa
Garcinia speciosa
Garcinia microstigma
Garcinia kydia
Garcinia cadelliana
Pentaphylacaceae Ternstroemia penangiana
Dipterocarpaceae Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Dipterocarpus griffithii
Dipterocarpus gracilisDipterocarpus turbinatus var. andamanicus
Dipterocarpus kerrii
Dipterocarpus alatusDipterocarpus incanus
Dipterocarpus costatus
Hopea odorata
Hopea andamanica / sp
Ancistrocladaceae Ancistrocladus extensus
Ancistrocladus attenuatus
Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus abelmoschus
Hibiscus scandens
Thespesia populnea
Eriodendron anfractuosum
Bombax insigne
Pterygota alata Sterculia alata
Pterocymbium tinctorium Sterculia campanulata
Sterculia parviflora
Sterculia rubiginosa
Sterculia villosa
Sterculia colorata
Heritiera littoralis
Pterospermum aceroides
Leptonychia glabra
Berrya ammonilla
Grewia calophylla
Grewia laevigata
Grewia microcos
Brownlowia lanceolata
Elaeocarpus aristatus
Elaeocarpus robustus
Rutaceae Acronychia laurifolia
Atalantia monophylla
Evodia glabra
Limonia alata
Zanthoxylum budrunga
Zanthoxylum andamanicum
Micromelum pubescens
Murraya exotica
Glycosmis pentaphylla
Simaroubaceae Samadera lucida
Picrasma javanica
Ailanthus kurzii
Ochnaceae Ochna wallichii
Gomphia hookeriii
Burseraceae Garuga pinnata
Canarium euphyllum
Canarium coccineo-bracteatum
Canarium denticulatum Canarium manii
Ganophyllum falcatum
Meliaceae Sandoricum indicum
Carapa moluccensis
Carapa obovata
Chukrasia tabularis
Chisocheton grandiflorus
Dysoxylum arborescens
Dysoxylum thyrsoideum
Dysoxylum andamanicum
Aglaia ganggo
Aglaia glaucescens
Aglaia fusca
Aglaia andamanica
Walsura candollei
Walsura hypoleuca
Walsura robusta
Amoora wallichii
Amoora rohituka
Azadirachta indica
Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum gelonioides subsp. andamanicumChailletiaandamanica
Olacaceae Ximenia americana
Icacinaceae Gomphandra andamanica
Celastraceae Glyptopetalum calocarpum
Elaeodendron subrotundum
Kurrimia pulcherrima
Sapindaceae Pometia pinnata
Harpullia cupanioides
Erioglossum rubiginosum
Mischocarpus sundaicus
Arytera littoralis
Lepisanthus andamanica
Nephelium sp
Anacardiaceae Mangifera andamanica
Mangifera sylvatica
Buchanania platyneura
Semecarpus prainii
Semecarpus kurzii
Drimycarpus racemosus
Anacardium occidentale
Bouea burmanica
Spondias mangifera
Odina/lannea wodier/coromandelia
Parishia insignis
Dracantomelum mangiferum
Connaraceae Ellipanthus calophyllus
Fabaceae Desmodium umbellatum
Sophora tomentosa
Erythrina indica
Pongamia glabra
Pterocarpus dalbergioides
Cynometra ramiflora
Afzelia bijuga
Cassia nodosa
Peltophorum ferrugineum
Adenanthera pavonina
Albizzia stipulata
Albizzia lebbek
Albizzia procera
Pithecelobium angulatum
Rosaceae Prunus martabanica
Pygeum acuminatum
Escalloniaceae Polyosma integrifolia
Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora mucronata
Rhizophora conjugata
Bruguiera gymnorhiza
Bruguiera parviflora
Ceriops candolleana
Carallia lucida
Combretaceae Terminalia procera
Terminalia catappa
Terminalia bialata
Terminalia manii
Lumnitzera coccinea
Lumnitzera racemosa
Gyrocarpus americanus
Myrtaceae Eugenia javanica
Eugenia manii
Eugenia kurzii
Eugenia acuminatissima
Eugenia claviflora
Eugenia jambolana
Eugenia andamanica
Eugenia grata
Eugenia cymosa
Barringtonia speciosa
Barringtonia racemosa
Planchonia andamanica
Careya valida
Melastomataceae Memecylon caeruleum
Memecylon edule
Memecylon andamanicum
Memecylon pauciflorum
Memecylon elegans
Lythraceae Pemphis acidula
Sonneratia acida
Sonneratia alba
Lagerstroemia hypoleuca
Duabanga sonneratioides
Crypteronia paniculata
Salicaceae Casearia andamanica
Tetramelaceae Tetrameles nudiflora
Araliaceae Brassaiopsis palmata
Heteropanax fragrans
Arthrophyllum diversifoium
Rubiaceae Stephegyne diversifolia
Anthocephalus cadamba
Nauclea gageana
Nauclea pururascens
Morinda citrifolia
Uncaria pedicellata
Mussaenda macrophylla
Webera kurzii
Ixora brunnescens
Ixora finlaysoniana
Guettarda speciosa
Scyphiphora hydrophyllaceae
Randia densiflora
Randia exaltata
Canthium glabrum
Timonius jambosella
Gardenia coronaria
Myrsinaceae Ardisia humilis
Ardisia andamanica
Aegiceras majus
Maesa ramentaceae
Sapotaceae Mimosops littoralis
Mimosops elengi
Bassia butyraceae
PlanchonellalongipetiolataSideroxylon longipetiolatum
Sideroxylon ferrugineum
Ebenaceae Diospyros kurzii
Diospyros oocarpa
Diospyros pyrhocarpa
Diospyros undulata
Diospyros pilosula
Diospyros montana
Symplocaceae Symplocos racemosa
Oleaceae Chionanthus parkinsoniiLinociera parkinsonii
Chionanthus mala-elengi subsp. terniflorusLinociera terniflora
Apocynaceae Ochrosia borbonica
Alstonia kurzii
Hunteria corymbosa
Tabernaemontana crispa
Wrightia tomentosa
Cerbera odallam
Loganiaceae Fagraea morindaefolia
Boraginaceae Cordia subcordata
Cordia grandis
Ehretia laevis
Tournefortia argentea
Bignoniaceae Dolichandrone rheedii
Heterophragma adenophyllum
Pajanella rheedii
Oroxylum indicum
Verbenaceae Premna integrifolia
Avicennia officinalis
Gmelina arborea
Vitex diversifolia
Vitex glabrata
Nyctaginaceae Pisonia umbellifera Pisonia excelsa
Myristicaceae Knema andamanicaMyristica glaucescens
Myristica andamanica
Endocomia macrocoma var. prainiiMyristica prainii
Horsfieldia iryaMyristica irya
Horsfieldia glabraMyristica glabra
Lauraceae Cinnamomum obtusifolium
Litsea chinensis
Litsea leiantha
Litsea panamonja
Litsea kurzii
Cryptocarya andamanica
Cryptocarya ferrarsi
Cryptocarya caesia
Cryptocarya amygdalina
Dehaasia kurzii
Hernandiaceae Hernandia peltata
Proteaceae Helicia excelsa
Opiliaceae Champereia manillana
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia trigona
Euphorbia epiphylloides
Phyllanthus columnaris
Bridelia tomentosa
Glochidion calocarpum
Glochidion andamanicum
Glochidion hirsutum
Cyclostemon assamicus
Cyclostemon macrophyllus
Gelonium multiflorum
Gelonium bifarium
Cliesanthus myrianthus
Aporosa villosula
Macaranga andamanica
Macaranga indica
Macaranga tanarius
Endospermum malaccense
Baccaurea sapida
Sapium baccatum
Croton argyratus
Mallotus acuminatus
Mallotus philippinensis
Mallotus andamanicus
Mallotus kurzii
Excoecaria agallocha
Hemicyclia andamanica
Cleidion javanicum
Cleidion nitidum
Homonoia riparia
Claoxylon indicum
Bischofia javanica
Cannabaceae Celtis wightii
Celtis cinnamomea
Trema amboinensis
Gironniera subaequalis
Gironniera luidca
Moraceae Ficus hispida
Ficus brevicuspis
Ficus rumphfii
Ficus glomerata
Ficus variegata
Ficus benjamina
Ficus retusa
Ficus glabella
Ficus gibbosa
Ficus scandens
Ficus obtusifolia
Ficus indica
Ficus infectoria
Ficus altissima
Ficus ramentacea
Ficus callosa
Ficus nervosa
Ficus glaberrima
Artocarpus gomeziana
Artocarpus lakoocha
Artocarpus chaplasha
Antiaris toxicaria
Morus laevigata
Streblus asper
Phyllochlamys spinosa
Plecospermum andamanicum
Urticaceae Pipturus veluntinus
Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia
Podocarpaceae Podocarpus neerifolia
Cycadaceae Cycas rumphfii
Marantaceae Donax canniformis Clinogyne grandis
Flagellariaceae Flagellaria indica
Pandanaceae Pandanus tectorius
Pandanus andamanensium
Pandanus leram
Freycinetia sp
Asparagaceae Dracaena angustifolia
Dracaena spicata
Arecaceae Phoenix paludosa
Nipa fruticans
Pinanga manii
Pinanga kuhlii
Calamus andamanicus
Calamus pseudorivalis
Calamus palustris
Calamus longisetus
Calamus viminalis
Daemonorops kurzianus
Daemonorops manii
Korthalasia laciniosa
Caryota mitis
Corypha umbraculifera
Licuala peltata
Licuala spinosa
Poaceae Phragmites karka
Tripidium arundinaceum (syn. Saccharum arundinaceum)
Thysanolaena agrostis
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata
Bambusa lineata
Bambusa schizostachyoides
Schizostachyum rogersii
Dinochloa andamanica

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  1. Ganeshaiah, K. N.; Sanjappa, M.; Rao, Raviprasad; Murugan, C.; Shivaprakash, K. N. (2019-08-05). "Spatial distribution pattern of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of woody flora in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India". Forest Ecosystems. 6 (1). doi: 10.1186/s40663-019-0196-9 . ISSN   2197-5620.
  2. 1 2 Parkinson, C. E. (1984). A forest flora of the Andaman Islands : an account of the trees, shrubs and principal climbers of the islands. R.P. Singh Gahlot for International Book Distributors. ISBN   9788170890126. OCLC   28802601.
  3. Singh, Lal Ji (2016-12-05). "Musa paramjitianasp. nov. (Musaceae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India". Nordic Journal of Botany. 35 (1): 77–84. doi:10.1111/njb.01343. ISSN   0107-055X.
  4. "Memecylon macneillianum (Melastomataceae), a new species from South Andaman, India". Telopea. 2016. doi: 10.7751/telopea10637 . ISSN   2200-4025.
  5. Hajra, Rao and Mudgal (1999). Flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Botanical Survey of India.