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In linguistics, a neologism [lower-alpha 1] is any newly formed word, term, or phrase that nevertheless has achieved popular or institutional recognition and is becoming accepted into mainstream language. [1] Most definitively, a word can be considered a neologism once it is published in a dictionary. [2]


Neologisms are one facet of lexical innovation, i.e., the linguistic process of new terms and meanings entering a language's lexicon. The most precise studies into language change and word formation, in fact, identify the process of a "neological continuum": a nonce word is any single-use term that may or may not grow in popularity; a protologism is such a term used exclusively within a small group; a prelogism is such a term that is gaining usage but still not mainstream; and a neologism has become accepted or recognized by social institutions. [3] [4]

Neologisms are often driven by changes in culture and technology. [5] [6] Popular examples of neologisms can be found in science, technology, fiction (notably science fiction), films and television, commercial branding, literature, jargon, cant, linguistics, the visual arts, and popular culture.[ citation needed ]

Examples of words that were 20th-century neologisms include laser (1970), an acronym of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; robot (1921) from Czech writer Karel Čapek's play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) ; [7] and agitprop (1930; a portmanteau of Russian "agitatsiya" (agitation) and "propaganda"). [8] The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced several new neologisms in a very short amount of time, both in English and in most languages, including the common name for the disease "covid", alongside other new words and phrases such as “covidiot”, “the ‘rona”, "Zoombombing", “covexit”, “WFH”, and “quaranteams.” [9]


Neologisms are often formed by combining existing words (see compound noun and adjective) or by giving words new and unique suffixes or prefixes. [10] Neologisms can also be formed by blending words, for example, "brunch" is a blend of the words "breakfast" and "lunch", or through abbreviation or acronym, by intentionally rhyming with existing words or simply through playing with sounds. A relatively rare form of neologism is when proper names are used as words (e.g., boycott, from Charles Boycott), including guy, dick, Chad, and Karen. [10]

Neologisms can become popular through memetics, through mass media, the Internet, and word of mouth, including academic discourse in many fields renowned for their use of distinctive jargon, and often become accepted parts of the language. Other times, they disappear from common use just as readily as they appeared. Whether a neologism continues as part of the language depends on many factors, probably the most important of which is acceptance by the public. It is unusual for a word to gain popularity if it does not clearly resemble other words.

History and meaning

The term neologism is first attested in English in 1772, borrowed from French néologisme (1734). [11] The French word derives from Greek νέο- néo(="new") and λόγος /lógos, meaning "speech, utterance". In an academic sense, there is no professional neologist, because the study of such things (cultural or ethnic vernacular, for example) is interdisciplinary. Anyone such as a lexicographer or an etymologist might study neologisms, how their uses span the scope of human expression, and how, due to science and technology, they spread more rapidly than ever before in the present times. [12]

The term neologism has a broader meaning which also includes "a word which has gained a new meaning". [13] [14] [15] Sometimes, the latter process is called semantic shifting, [13] or semantic extension. [16] [17] Neologisms are distinct from a person's idiolect , one's unique patterns of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

Neologisms are usually introduced when it is found that a specific notion is lacking a term, or when the existing vocabulary lacks detail, or when a speaker is unaware of the existing vocabulary. [18] The law, governmental bodies, and technology have a relatively high frequency of acquiring neologisms. [19] [20] Another trigger that motivates the coining of a neologism is to disambiguate a term which may be unclear due to having many meanings. [21]


Neologisms may come from a word used in the narrative of fiction such as novels and short stories. Examples include "grok" (to intuitively understand) from the science fiction novel about a Martian entitled Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein; "McJob" (precarious, poorly-paid employment) from Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland; "cyberspace" (widespread, interconnected digital technology) from Neuromancer by William Gibson [22] and "quark" (Slavic slang for "rubbish"; German for a type of dairy product) from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake .

The title of a book may become a neologism, for instance, Catch-22 (from the title of Joseph Heller's novel). [23] Alternatively, the author's name may give rise to the neologism, although the term is sometimes based on only one work of that author. This includes such words as "Orwellian" (from George Orwell, referring to his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four ) and "Kafkaesque" (from Franz Kafka).

Names of famous characters are another source of literary neologisms. Some examples include: Quixotic , referring to a misguided romantic quest like that of the title character in Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes; [24] Scrooge , a pejorative for misers based on the avaricious main character in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol ; [25] and Pollyanna , referring to people who are unfailingly optimistic like the title character of Eleanor H. Porter's Pollyanna . [26]

Scientific literature

Neologisms are often introduced in technical writing, so-called Fachtexte or 'technical texts' through the process of lexical innovation. Technical subjects such as philosophy, sociology, physics, etc. are especially rich in neologisms. In philosophy, as an example, many terms became introduced into languages through processes of translation, e.g. from Ancient Greek to Latin, or from Latin to German or English, and so on. So Plato introduced the Greek term ποιότης (poiotēs), which Cicero rendered with Latin qualitas, which subsequently became our notion of 'quality' in relation to epistemology, e.g. a quality or attribute of a perceived object, as opposed to its essence. In physics, new terms were introduced sometimes via nonce formation (e.g. Murray Gell-Man's quark , taken from James Joyce) or through derivation (e.g. John von Neumann's kiloton, coined by combining the common prefix kilo- 'thousand' with the noun ton). Neologisms therefore are vital component of scientific jargon or termini technici.


Polari is a cant used by some actors, circus performers, and the gay subculture to communicate without outsiders understanding. Some Polari terms have crossed over into mainstream slang, in part through their usage in pop song lyrics and other works. Example include: acdc, barney, blag, butch , camp , khazi, cottaging, hoofer, mince, ogle, scarper, slap, strides, tod, [rough] trade (rough trade).

Verlan (French pronunciation: [vɛʁlɑ̃] ), (verlan is the reverse of the expression "l'envers") is a type of argot in the French language, featuring inversion of syllables in a word, and is common in slang and youth language. It rests on a long French tradition of transposing syllables of individual words to create slang words. [27] :50 Some verlan words, such as meuf ("femme", which means "woman" roughly backwards), have become so commonplace that they have been included in the Petit Larousse . [28] Like any slang, the purpose of verlan is to create a somewhat secret language that only its speakers can understand. Words becoming mainstream is counterproductive. As a result, such newly common words are re-verlanised: reversed a second time. The common meuf became feumeu. [29] [30]

Neologism development may be spurred, or at least spread, by popular culture. Examples of pop-culture neologisms include the American alt-Right (2010s), the Canadian portmanteau "Snowmageddon" (2009), the Russian parody "Monstration" (c.2004), Santorum (c.2003).

Neologisms spread mainly through their exposure in mass media. The genericizing of brand names, such as "coke" for Coca-Cola, "kleenex" for Kleenex facial tissue, and "xerox" for Xerox photocopying, all spread through their popular use being enhanced by mass media. [31]

However, in some limited cases, words break out of their original communities and spread through social media.[ citation needed ] "DoggoLingo", a term still below the threshold of a neologism according to Merriam-Webster, [32] is an example of the latter which has specifically spread primarily through Facebook group and Twitter account use. [32] The suspected origin of this way of referring to dogs stems from a Facebook group founded in 2008 and gaining popularity in 2014 in Australia. In Australian English it is common to use diminutives, often ending in –o, which could be where doggo-lingo was first used. [32] The term has grown so that Merriam-Webster has acknowledged its use but notes the term needs to be found in published, edited work for a longer period of time before it can be deemed a new word, making it the perfect example of a neologism. [32]


In Danish a bag-in-box wine is known as papvin literally meaning "cardboard wine". This neologism was first recorded in 1982. Pensador Portuguese Wine.jpg
In Danish a bag-in-box wine is known as papvin literally meaning "cardboard wine". This neologism was first recorded in 1982.

Because neologisms originate in one language, translations between languages can be difficult.

In the scientific community, where English is the predominant language for published research and studies, like-sounding translations (referred to as 'naturalization') are sometimes used. [34] Alternatively, the English word is used along with a brief explanation of meaning. [34] The four translation methods are emphasized in order to translate neologisms: transliteration, transcription, the use of analogues, and loan translation. [35]

When translating from English to other languages, the naturalization method is most often used. [36] The most common way that professional translators translate neologisms is through the Think aloud protocol (TAP), wherein translators find the most appropriate and natural sounding word through speech.[ citation needed ] As such, translators can use potential translations in sentences and test them with different structures and syntax. Correct translations from English for specific purposes into other languages is crucial in various industries and legal systems. [37] [38] Inaccurate translations can lead to 'translation asymmetry' or misunderstandings and miscommunication. [38] Many technical glossaries of English translations exist to combat this issue in the medical, judicial, and technological fields. [39]

Other uses

In psychiatry and neuroscience, the term neologism is used to describe words that have meaning only to the person who uses them, independent of their common meaning. [40] This can be seen in schizophrenia, where a person may replace a word with a nonsensical one of their own invention (e.g., "I got so angry I picked up a dish and threw it at the gelsinger"). [41] The use of neologisms may also be due to aphasia acquired after brain damage resulting from a stroke or head injury. [42]

See also


  1. Pronounced /niˈɒləˌɪzəm/ . Also known as a coinage.

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In linguistics, a protologism is a newly used or coined word, a nonce word, that has been repeated but not gained acceptance beyond its original users or been published independently of the coiners. The word may be proposed, may be extremely new, or may be established only within a very limited group of people. A protologism becomes a neologism as soon as it appears in published press, on a website, or in a book, independently of the coiner—though, most definitively, in a dictionary. A word whose developmental stage is between that of a protologism and a neologism is a prelogism.

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Riocontra is a type of argot in the Italian language, featuring inversion of syllables in a word or metathesis, and is common in slang and youth language.

In linguistics, specifically the sub-field of lexical semantics, the concept of lexical innovation includes the use of neologism or new meanings in order to introduce new terms into a language's lexicon. Most commonly, this is found in technical disciplines where new concepts require names, which often takes the form of jargon. For example, in the subjects of sociology or philosophy, there is an increased technicalization in terminology in the English language for different concepts over time. Many novel terms or meanings in a language are created as a result of translation from a source language, in which certain concepts were first introduced.


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  3. Gryniuk, D (2015). On Institutionalization and De-Institutionalization of Late 1990s Neologisms. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 150. This process [of lexicalization] does not seem to be coincidental because neologisms themselves are prone to go through certain stages of transformation. They began as unstable creations (otherwise called prelogisms), that is, they are extremely new, being proposed, or being used only by a small subculture
  4. Anesa, Patrizia (2018). "Three, 3". Lexical Innovation in World Englishes: Cross-fertilization and Evolving Paradigms. Routledge.
  5. McDonald, L. J. (2004). The meaning of e- : neologisms as markers of culture and technology.
  6. Forgue, Guy (1978). "American Neologisms as a Reflection of Cultural Change since 1945". Proceedings of a Symposium on American Literature: 199–211.
  7. Zunt, Dominik. "Who did actually invent the word "robot" and what does it mean?". Karel Čapek. Archived from the original on 2013-01-23. Retrieved 2017-02-05.
  8. "agitprop". Britannica. 2002.
  9. "Coronavirus has led to an explosion of new words and phrases – and that helps us cope". 28 April 2020.
  10. 1 2 Bodle, Andy (2016-02-04). "How new words are born". The Guardian. ISSN   0261-3077 . Retrieved 2023-08-05.
  11. "Neologism" (draft revision). Oxford English Dictionary . December 2009.
  12. "THE MEANING OF "e-": Neologisms as Markers of Culture and Technology". 2019-03-28. Archived from the original on 2019-03-28. Retrieved 2019-03-28.
  13. 1 2 Zuckermann, Ghilʻad (2003). Language contact and lexical enrichment in Israeli Hebrew (2nd ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 3. ISBN   978-1403917232.
  14. Sally Barr Ebest Writing from A to Z: the easy-to-use reference handbook 1999 – p. 449 "A neologism is a newly coined word or phrase or a new usage of an existing word or phrase."
  15. Lynne Bowker, Jennifer Pearson Working With Specialized Language 2002 p. 214 "Neologisms can also be formed in another way, however, by assigning a new meaning to an existing word."
  16. Ole Nedergaard Thomsen Competing models of linguistic change: evolution and beyond 2006 – p. 68 "Extensions, by contrast, are applications of extant means in new usage. Note that since individual speakers differ in their command of their shared tradition of speaking, one person's Extension may be experienced by another as a Neologism"
  17. Michael D. Picone Anglicisms, Neologisms and Dynamic French 1996 – p. 3 "Proceeding now to the task of defining terms, I will begin with the more general term 'neologism'. ...A neologism is any new word, morpheme or locution and any new meaning for a pre-existent word, morpheme or locution that appears in a language. ... Likewise, any semantic extension of a pre-existent word, morpheme or locution.. but is also, by accepted definition, a neologism."
  18. Mesthrie, Rajend (1995). Language and Social History: Studies in South African Sociolinguistics. p. 225.
  19. Solan, Lawrence (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. p. 36.
  20. Greiffenstern, Sandra (2010). The Influence of Computers, the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication on Everyday English. p. 125.
  21. Cowan, Robert. "Shadow of a Doubt: A Phantom Caesura in Horace Odes 4.14." Classical Journal, The 109.4 (2014): 407–417.
  22. Dunn, Robin. 2003: "The Generative Edge." Foundation 87 (2003): 73–93.
  23. "What is Catch-22? And why does the book matter?". BBC News. March 12, 2002. Retrieved March 11, 2011.
  24. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (2003). The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. John Rutherford. New York: Penguin. ISBN   0-14-243723-9. OCLC   52187865.
  25. Dickens, Charles (1999). A Christmas carol in prose: a ghost story of Christmas. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House. ISBN   1-56179-746-4. OCLC   190824043.
  26. Porter, Eleanor H. (2002). Pollyanna. New York: Aladdin Classics. ISBN   0-689-84910-9. OCLC   48994834.
  27. Lefkowitz, Natalie (1991). Talking Backwards, Looking Forwards: The French Language Game Verlan. Gunter Narr Verlag. ISBN   3823340735.
  28. See the Petit Larousse itself. These words are also given on the Larousse website: keuf meuf ripou
  29. Valdman, Albert (2000). "La Langue des faubourgs et des banlieues: de l'argot au français populaire". The French Review (in French). 73 (6).
  30. Lefkowitz, Natalie J (1989). "Verlan: talking backwards in French". The French Review . 63 (2).
  31. Sayadi, Forough (April 2011). "The Translation of Neologisms". Translation Journal.
  32. 1 2 3 4 Boddy, Jessica (April 23, 2017). "Dogs Are Doggos: An Internet Language Built Around Love For The Puppers". National Public Radio.
  33. Opslag "Papvin" på (in Danish)
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  38. 1 2 Kerremans, Koen (2014). "Studying the Dynamics of Understanding and Legal Neologisms within a Linguistically Diverse Judicial Space: The Case of Motherhood in Belgium". International Conference; Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision. 231: 46–52.
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  41. Kuperberg, Gina R. (2010). "Language in schizophrenia Part 1: an Introduction". Language and Linguistics Compass. 4 (8): 576–589. doi:10.1111/j.1749-818X.2010.00216.x. ISSN   1749-818X. PMC   2950318 . PMID   20936080.
  42. B Butterworth, Hesitation and the production of verbal paraphasias and neologisms in jargon aphasia. Brain Lang, 1979 [ page needed ][ ISBN missing ]