Office of Inspector General (United States)

Last updated

In the United States, Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a generic term for the oversight division of a federal or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within their parent agency. Such offices are attached to many federal executive departments, independent federal agencies, as well as state and local governments. Each office includes an inspector general (or IG) and employees charged with identifying, auditing, and investigating fraud, waste, abuse, embezzlement and mismanagement of any kind within the executive department.



In the United States, other than in the military departments, the first Office of Inspector General was established by act of Congress in 1976 [1] under the Department of Health and Human Services to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid, and more than 100 other departmental programs. [2] With approximately 1,600 employees, the HHS-OIG performs audits, investigations, and evaluations to recommend policy for decision-makers and the public. [3]

Ronald Reagan terminated 16 inspectors general when he entered into office in 1981. His administration explained that Reagan intended to hire his own selections. After Congress objected, Reagan rehired five of those terminated. [4]

George H. W. Bush also attempted to dismiss all the inspectors general when he became president in 1989, but relented after the inspectors general and Congress objected. [4]

Barack Obama dismissed Corporation for National and Community Service inspector general Gerald Walpin citing a lack of confidence in him. [4] After Congress objected to his lack of explanation, the Obama administration cited that Walpin had shown "troubling and inappropriate conduct", and pointed to an incident that year when Walpin was "disoriented" during a board meeting of the corporation, because of which the board requested Walpin's dismissal. [4] Walpin sued for reinstatement, but the courts ruled against him. [4]

In 2020, Donald Trump dismissed or replaced five inspectors general within six weeks. Two permanent inspectors general were dismissed and three acting inspectors general were replaced. [5] Just after firing intelligence inspector general Michael Atkinson, Trump criticized Atkinson as having done a "terrible job" and that he "took a fake report and he brought it to Congress", in reference to the whistleblower complaint of the Trump–Ukraine scandal, which other testimony and evidence largely verified. Trump also described Atkinson as "not a big Trump fan". [6] [7] Around one month before Trump replaced Christi Grimm as acting health inspector general, he had called her report of shortages of medical supplies in American hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States as "wrong", "fake", and "her opinion", despite the report being based on a survey of 323 hospitals. Trump also questioned Grimm's motives for the report. [8] [9]

In 2025, during his second presidency, Donald Trump summarily fired as many as seventeen inspectors general late the night of January 24. The individuals affected came from positions in the Pentagon, departments of State, Veterans Affairs and Interior. [10] [11] Trump did not provide Congress with 30 days’ advance notice or a written explanation of the rationale behind the firing, as required by the Inspector General Act of 1978 and the Securing Inspectors General Act of 2022. [12] On February 12, eight of the inspectors general fired by Trump opened lawsuits arguing that the firings violated federal statutes and requesting to be reinstated to their positions. [12]


Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency logo Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency logo.svg
Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency logo

The Inspector General Act of 1978 [13] created 12 departmental inspectors general. Thirty years later, in October 2008, the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 added IGs in various other areas. As of July 2014, there were 72 statutory IGs. [14]

The offices employ special agents (criminal investigators, often armed) and auditors. In addition, federal offices of inspectors general employ forensic auditors, or "audigators", evaluators, inspectors, administrative investigators, and a variety of other specialists. Their activities include the detection and prevention of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of the government programs and operations within their parent organizations. Office investigations may be internal, targeting government employees, or external, targeting grant recipients, contractors, or recipients of the various loans and subsidies offered through the thousands of federal domestic and foreign assistance programs. [15] The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 [16] (IGRA) amended the 1978 act [13] by increasing pay and various powers and creating the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE). [17] [18]

Example of an OIG report, from the DoD OIG Redacted-dod-oig-audit-requirements-for-the.pdf
Example of an OIG report, from the DoD OIG

Some inspectors general, the heads of the offices, are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. [21] For example, both the inspector general of the U.S. Department of Labor and the inspector general of the U.S. Agency for International Development are presidentially appointed. The remaining inspectors general are designated by their respective agency heads, [22] such as the U.S. Postal Service inspector general. [23] Presidentially appointed IGs can only be removed, or terminated, from their positions by the President of the United States, whereas designated inspectors general can be terminated by the agency head. [24] However, in both cases Congress must be notified of the termination, removal, or reassignment.

While the IG Act of 1978 [13] requires that inspectors general be selected based upon their qualifications and not political affiliation, presidentially appointed inspectors general are considered political appointees and are often selected, if only in part and in addition to their qualifications, because of their political relationships and party affiliation. An example of the role political affiliation plays in the selection of an inspector general, and the resulting pitfalls, can be seen in the 2001 Republican appointment (and resignation under fire) of Janet Rehnquist [25] (daughter of former Chief Justice of the United States, William Rehnquist) to the post of inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [26]

While all of the federal offices of inspectors general operate separately from one another, they share information and some coordination through the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. [27] As of 2010, the CIGIE comprised 68 offices. [28] In addition to their inspector general members, the CIGIE includes non-inspector general representatives from the federal executive branch, such as executives from the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Government Ethics, the Office of Special Counsel, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The CIGIE also provides specialized training to the inspector general community.

Further evidence of coordination between federal offices of inspectors general can be seen by the public through the offices' shared website, [29] and the use of shared training facilities and resources, such as the Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy (IGCIA), [30] and their Inspector General Community Auditor Training Team (IGCATS), [31] which are hosted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC).

Evidence of the offices' return on investment to taxpayers can be seen through their semi-annual reports to Congress, most of which are available on each office's website. [32]

Since the post-9/11 enactment of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, [33] resulting in the amendment of the IG Act of 1978, Section 6e, most presidentially appointed IG special agents have had full law enforcement authority to carry firearms, make arrests, and execute search warrants. Prior to this time, most presidentially appointed IG and some designated IG special agents had the equivalent law enforcement authorities as a result of other statutes or annually required deputation by the U.S. Marshals Service. The 2002 amendment to the IG Act of 1978 made most deputation of presidentially appointed IG special agents unnecessary. Some designated IG special agents, however, still have full law enforcement authority today by virtue of this continued deputation. Some OIGs employ no criminal investigators and rely solely on administrative investigators, auditors, and inspectors.

Lists of inspectors general

Presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) inspectors general

Establishment inspectors general

JurisdictionOfficeholderTerm startWebsite
Agency for International Development (AID-OIG) Paul K. Martin January 2, 2024 AID-OIG
Department of Agriculture (USDA-OIG) Phyllis Fong December 2, 2002 [34] USDA-OIG
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-OIG)Robert Host (acting)December 31, 2024 CIA-OIG
Department of Commerce (DOC-OIG)Roderick Anderson (acting)January 24, 2025 [35] DOC-OIG
Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps)Stephen Ravas (acting)May 7, 2023 [36] AmeriCorps OIG
Department of Defense (DOD-OIG)Steven A. Sebbins (acting)January 24, 2025 [37] DOD-OIG
Department of Education (ED-OIG)René L. Rocque (acting)January 24, 2025 DOED-OIG
Department of Energy (DOE-OIG)Teri DonaldsonJanuary 23, 2019 [38] DOE-OIG
Environmental Protection Agency and Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (EPA-OIG)Nicole Murley (acting)January 24, 2025 EPA-OIG
Export-Import Bank (EIB-OIG)Parisa SalehiMarch 14, 2022 [39] EIB-OIG
Federal Communications Commission (FCC-OIG)Fara DamelinMarch 25, 2024 [40] FCC-OIG
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC-OIG)Jennifer L. FainDecember 22, 2023 [41] FDIC-OIG
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA-OIG)Brian TomneyMarch 14, 2022 [42] FHFA-OIG
General Services Administration (GSA-OIG)Robert C. Erickson Jr. (acting)July 1, 2023 GSA-OIG
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS-OIG)Juliet T. Hodgkins (acting)January 24, 2025- HHS-OIG
Department of Homeland Security (DHS-OIG) Joseph V. Cuffari July 25, 2019 DHS-OIG
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD-OIG)Stephen M. Bagg (acting)January 24, 2025 [43] HUD-OIG
Intelligence Community (ICIG)Tamara Johnson (acting)January 3, 2025 ICIG
Department of the Interior (DOI-OIG)Caryl Brzymialkiewicz (acting)January 24, 2025 [44] DOI-OIG
Internal Revenue Service (TIGTA)Heather M. Hill (acting)January 1, 2024 TIGTA
Department of Justice (DOJ-OIG) Michael E. Horowitz April 16, 2012 [45] DOJ-OIG
Department of Labor (DOL-OIG)Luiz A. Santos (acting)June 21, 2020 DOL-OIG
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA-OIG)Robert Steinau (acting)December 2024 NASA-OIG
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO-OIG)Terrence EdwardsDecember 23, 2022 NRO-OIG
National Security Agency and Central Security Service (NSA-OIG)Kevin Gerrity (acting)December 14, 2022 NSA-OIG
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC-OIG)Robert FeitelMay 27, 2020 [46] NRC-OIG
Office of Personnel Management (OPM-OIG)Krista BoydApril 28, 2022 [47] OPM-OIG
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB-OIG)Shanon Holman (acting)2024 RRB-OIG
Small Business Administration (SBA-OIG) Mike Ware January 9, 2017 [48]
Acting: January 9, 2017 – May 24, 2018
Social Security Administration (SSA-OIG) Mike Ware (acting)September 30, 2024 [49] SSA-OIG
Department of State and the Agency for Global Media (DOS-OIG) Sandra J. Lewis (acting)January 24, 2025 DOS-OIG
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA-OIG)Ben WagnerJune 6, 2022 [50] TVA-OIG
Department of Transportation and National Transportation Safety Board (DOT-OIG)Eric SoskinJanuary 11, 2021 [51] DOT-OIG
Department of the Treasury (Treasury OIG)Loren Sciurba (acting)January 3, 2025 Treasury OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA-OIG)Michael MissalMay 2, 2016 [52] VA-OIG

Special inspectors general

JurisdictionOfficeholderTerm startWebsite
Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)John SopkoJuly 2, 2012 SIGAR
Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR) Brian Miller June 5, 2020 SIGPR

Vacancies and pending nominations

Announced nominations for unfilled PAS IGs awaiting confirmation in the Senate. [53]

JurisdictionLast confirmedVacancy dateNomineeNomination date
Department of the Treasury Eric Thorson June 30, 2019
National Security Agency and Central Security Service Robert Storch December 6, 2022
Corporation for National and Community Service Deborah JeffreyMay 7, 2023 [36]
General Services Administration Carol F. OchoaJuly 1, 2023
Internal Revenue Service J. Russell George January 1, 2024 [54]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Paul K. Martin January 2, 2024
Department of Commerce Peg GustafsonJanuary 5, 2024
Railroad Retirement Board Martin DickmanApril 28, 2024 [55]
Social Security Administration Gail EnnisJune 29, 2024 [56]
Central Intelligence Agency Robin Ashton December 31, 2024 [57]
Intelligence Community Thomas Monheim January 3, 2025 [57]

List of presidentially-appointed inspectors general

PAS IG History [58]
Afghanistan Reconstruction (Special)
OfficeholderTerm start
Arnold FieldsJune 12, 2008
Herbert Richardson (acting)February 5, 2011
John SopkoJuly 2, 2012
Agency for International Development
OfficeholderTerm start
Herbert Beckington September 1, 1977
Jeffrey RushAugust 26, 1994
Everett MosleyAugust 2, 1999
Acting: August 2, 1999 – December 15, 2000
James Ebbitt (acting)September 4, 2004
Bruce Crandlemire (acting)March 4, 2005
Paula Hayes (acting)October 4, 2005
Donald GambatesaJanuary 17, 2006
Michael Carroll (acting)October 16, 2011
Catherine Trujillo (acting)January 1, 2015
Ann Calvaresi BarrNovember 30, 2015
Thomas J. Ullom (acting)January 1, 2021
Nicole Angarella (acting)March 28, 2022
Paul K. Martin January 2, 2024
Department of Agriculture
OfficeholderTerm start
Lester CondonJuly 19, 1962
Nathaniel KossackMay 1969
Position abolishedJanuary 9, 1974
Thomas McBrideOctober 25, 1977
Robert Magee (Acting)January 27, 1981
John GrazianoJuly 31, 1981
Robert BeuleyAugust 11, 1986
Leon SneadDecember 26, 1988
Acting: December 26, 1988 – August 1, 1990
Charles Gillum (Acting)January 1993
Roger ViaderoOctober 14, 1994
Joyce Fleischman (Acting)October 3, 2001
Phyllis Fong December 2, 2002
Central Intelligence Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
John Waller July 1976
Charles BriggsJanuary 1980
James TaylorSeptember 1982
John SteinJuly 1984
Carroll HauverDecember 23, 1985
William DonnellyJanuary 18, 1988
Acting: January 18, 1988 – December 1, 1989
Frederick Hitz November 13, 1990
Dawn Ellison (acting)May 1, 1998
Britt SniderAugust 3, 1998
Rebecca Donegan (acting)January 22, 2001
George Clarke (acting)January 14, 2002
John Helgerson April 26, 2002
Patricia Lewis (acting)March 21, 2009
David BuckleyOctober 6, 2010
Christopher Sharpley (acting)February 1, 2015
Christine Ruppert (acting)August 2018
Robin Ashton June 28, 2021
Robert Host (acting)December 31, 2024
Department of Commerce
OfficeholderTerm start
Guy Chamberlin (Acting)October 1, 1978
Mary BassJuly 9, 1979
Frederic Heim (Acting)January 21, 1981
Sherman FunkOctober 2, 1981
Frank DeGeorgeApril 21, 1987
Acting: April 21, 1987 – April 18, 1988
Johnnie FrazierJanuary 7, 1998
Acting: January 7, 1998 – July 20, 1999
Elizabeth Barlow (acting)June 7, 2007
Todd ZinserDecember 26, 2007
Morgan Kim (acting)June 4, 2015
Peg GustafsonJanuary 9, 2017
Roderick Anderson (acting)January 5, 2024
Jill Baisinger (acting)May 31, 2024
Corporation for National and Community Service
OfficeholderTerm start
Judith Denny (Acting)April 4, 1994
Luise JordanOctober 6, 1994
Terry Bathen (Acting)February 24, 2002
Russell George July 29, 2002
Carol Bates (Acting)December 12, 2004
Gerald Walpin January 8, 2007
Kenneth Bach (Acting)July 12, 2009
Deborah JeffreyJuly 19, 2012
Stephen Ravas (Acting)May 7, 2023
Department of Defense
OfficeholderTerm start
Joseph SherickApril 20, 1981
On leave: June 1985 – June 3, 1986
Derek Vander Schaaf (Acting)June 1985
June Gibbs BrownNovember 13, 1987
Derek Vander Schaaf (Acting)October 20, 1989
Susan Crawford November 28, 1989
Derek Vander Schaaf (Acting)November 19, 1991
Eleanor Hill March 1, 1995
Donald Manusco (Acting)May 3, 1999
Robert Lieberman (Acting)January 4, 2001
Joe Schmitz April 2, 2002
Thomas Gimble (Acting)September 12, 2005
Mick Kicklighter April 30, 2007
Gordon Heddell July 14, 2008
Acting: July 14, 2008 – July 14, 2009
Lynne Halbrooks (Acting)December 25, 2011
Jon RymerSeptember 17, 2013
Glenn Fine (Acting)January 14, 2016
Sean O'Donnell (Acting)April 6, 2020
Robert Storch December 14, 2022
Department of Education
OfficeholderTerm start
John Yazurlo (Acting)May 4, 1980
James ThomasAugust 26, 1980
John Yazurlo (Acting)January 27, 1981
James ThomasJuly 27, 1981
Gretchen Schwarz (Acting)March 4, 1995
John Higgins (Acting)April 3, 1995
Thomas BloomJanuary 3, 1996
Steve McNamara (Acting)January 1, 1998
John Higgins (Acting)March 1, 1998
Lorraine Pratte LewisJune 14, 1999
John HigginsMay 27, 2002
Acting: May 27, 2002 – November 27, 2002
Mary Mitchelson (Acting)July 1, 2008
Kathleen TigheMarch 17, 2010
Sandra BruceDecember 3, 2018
Acting: December 3, 2018 – December 2, 2021
Department of Energy
OfficeholderTerm start
Joseph Seltzer (Acting)October 1, 1977
Kenneth MansfieldMay 24, 1978
James Wright (Acting)January 22, 1981
James RichardsSeptember 23, 1981
John LaytonJanuary 6, 1986
Gregory FriedmanJanuary 5, 1998
Acting: January 5, 1998 – October 21, 1998
Rickey Hass (Acting)October 3, 2015
April Stephenson (Acting)January 2019
Teri DonaldsonJanuary 23, 2019
Environmental Protection Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Malcolm Stringer (Acting)November 1, 1978
Inez Smith Reid December 9, 1979
Ernest Bradley (Acting)January 25, 1981
Matthew NovickOctober 14, 1981
Charles Dempsey (Acting)February 24, 1983
Donald Kirkendall (Acting)June 13, 1983
John MartinOctober 27, 1983
Nikki TinsleyJanuary 4, 1997
Acting: January 4, 1997 – November 9, 1998
Bill Roderick (Acting)March 6, 2006
Arthur ElkinsJune 25, 2010
Chuck Sheehan (Acting)October 12, 2018
Sean O'Donnell January 27, 2020
Export-Import Bank
OfficeholderTerm start
Michael TankersleyAugust 6, 2007
Osvaldo GratacósOctober 31, 2009
Acting: October 31, 2009 – October 15, 2010
Mike McCarthy (Acting)June 27, 2014
Terry Settle (Acting)September 2017
Parisa Salehi (Acting)August 2018
Jennifer Fain (Acting)August 3, 2019
Parisa SalehiMarch 14, 2022
Federal Communications Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
John Kamp (Acting)April 13, 1989
James WarwickOctober 23, 1989
Acting: October 23, 1989 – June 13, 1991
Walker FeasterNovember 13, 1994
Acting: November 13, 1994 – April 14, 1996
Kent NilssonJanuary 6, 2006
Acting: January 6, 2006 – May 28, 2006
David HuntJune 5, 2009
Acting: June 5, 2009 – January 10, 2011
Sharon Diskin (Acting)January 10, 2023
Fara DamelinMarch 25, 2024
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
James Renick (Acting)March 8, 1993
Gaston GianniApril 29, 1996
Patricia Black (Acting)January 1, 2005
Jon RymerJune 22, 2006
Fred Gibson (Acting)September 17, 2013
Jay LernerJanuary 9, 2017
Tyler Smith (Acting)January 27, 2023
Jennifer L. FainDecember 22, 2023
Federal Emergency Management Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Russell MillerAugust 4, 1990
William Partridge (Acting)May 1, 1994
George OpferNovember 7, 1994
Richard Skinner (Acting)November 30, 2002
Federal Housing Finance Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Steve Linick September 29, 2010
Michael Stephens (Acting)September 30, 2013
Laura WertheimerOctober 28, 2014
Phyllis Fong (Acting)August 2, 2021
Brian TomneyMarch 14, 2022
General Services Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Kurt MuellenbergApril 11, 1979
Michael Eberhardt (Acting)January 21, 1981
Brian Bruh (Acting)March 3, 1981
Joseph SickonAugust 5, 1981
Charles Gillum (Acting)August 5, 1984
William BartonNovember 19, 1985
Joel Gallay (Acting)June 4, 2001
Daniel Levinson August 9, 2001
Joel Gallay (Acting)June 9, 2005
Brian Miller August 9, 2005
Robert Erickson (Acting)May 1, 2014
Carol Fortine OchoaJuly 29, 2015
Robert Erickson (Acting)July 1, 2023
Department of Health and Human Services
OfficeholderTerm start
Thomas MorrisFebruary 19, 1977
Richard Lowe (Acting)September 1, 1979
Brian Mitchell (Acting)January 1, 1981
Richard KusserowJune 1, 1981
Brian Mitchell (Acting)July 1, 1992
June Gibbs BrownNovember 5, 1993
Michael Mangano (Acting)January 4, 2001
Janet Rehnquist August 8, 2001
Dara Corrigan (Acting)June 2, 2003
Daniel Levinson September 13, 2004
Acting: September 13, 2004 – June 9, 2005
Joanne Chiedi (Acting)May 31, 2019
Christi Grimm December 27, 2019
Acting: December 27, 2019 – February 22, 2022
Department of Homeland Security
OfficeholderTerm start
Clark Ervin January 24, 2003
Acting: January 24, 2003 – December 26, 2003
Richard SkinnerDecember 8, 2004
Acting: December 8, 2004 – July 28, 2005
Charles Edwards (Acting)February 27, 2011
Carlton Mann (Acting)December 17, 2014
John RothMarch 10, 2014
John Kelly (Acting)December 1, 2017
Jennifer Costello (Acting)June 10, 2019
Joseph Cuffari July 25, 2019
Department of Housing and Urban Development
OfficeholderTerm start
Charles HaynesJanuary 31, 1972
Charles DempseyMay 24, 1975
James ThomasAugust 31, 1975
Charles DempseyOctober 1, 1977
Paul Adams (Acting)January 21, 1981
Charles DempseyAugust 5, 1981
Paul Adams (Acting)February 25, 1983
Charles DempseyJune 14, 1983
Paul Adams (Acting)February 4, 1985
John Connors (Acting)March 1, 1992
Susan GaffneyAugust 6, 1993
James Heist (Acting)June 4, 2001
David Williams (Acting)July 16, 2001
Kenneth DonohueMay 20, 2002
Michael Stephens (Acting)October 2010
David MontoyaDecember 1, 2011
Helen Albert (Acting)July 2017
Rae Oliver DavisJanuary 23, 2019
Intelligence Community
OfficeholderTerm start
Charles McCulloughNovember 7, 2011
Michael Atkinson May 17, 2018
On leave: April 3, 2020 – May 3, 2020
Thomas Monheim April 3, 2020
Acting: April 3, 2020 – October 4, 2021
Tamara Johnson (Acting)January 3, 2025
Department of the Interior
OfficeholderTerm start
William Kendig (Acting)October 17, 1978
June BrownMay 10, 1979
Richard MulberryJuly 14, 1981
Robert Beuley (Acting)October 1, 1981
Arthur Dellinger (Acting)October 26, 1984
Robert Beuley (Acting)May 2, 1985
Thomas Sheehan (Acting)September 8, 1985
James RichardsJanuary 6, 1986
Joyce Fleischman (Acting)April 1, 1993
Wilma Lewis April 10, 1995
Robert Williams (Acting)January 8, 1998
Richard Reback (Acting)July 1, 1998
Eljay BowronNovember 2, 1998
Robert Williams (Acting)March 29, 1999
Earl Devaney August 5, 1999
On leave: February 23, 2009 – December 31, 2011
Mary Kendall (Acting)February 23, 2009
Mark Greenblatt August 26, 2019
Internal Revenue Service
OfficeholderTerm start
Lawrence Rogers (Acting)January 18, 1999
David Williams May 17, 1999
Pamela Gardiner (Acting)August 24, 2002
Russell George December 12, 2004
Heather M. Hill (Acting)January 1, 2024
Department of Justice
OfficeholderTerm start
Anthony Moscato (Acting)April 14, 1989
Richard HankinsonJune 25, 1990
Michael Bromwich June 9, 1994
Robert Ashbaugh (Acting)August 16, 1999
Glenn Fine August 10, 2000
Acting: August 10, 2000 – December 15, 2000
Cynthia Schnedar (Acting)January 29, 2011
Michael Horowitz April 16, 2012
Department of Labor
OfficeholderTerm start
Rocco De Marco (Acting)October 23, 1978
Marjorie Fine KnowlesMay 18, 1979
Ronald Goldstock (Acting)May 2, 1980
Frank Yeager (Acting)February 1, 1981
Thomas McBrideJuly 18, 1981
Robert McGee (Acting)October 16, 1982
Brian HylandMarch 23, 1983
Acting: March 23, 1983 – August 4, 1983
Raymond Maria (Acting)September 3, 1989
Julian De La RosaAugust 6, 1990
Charles MastenMarch 20, 1993
Acting: March 20, 1993 – November 20, 1993
Patricia Dalton (Acting)January 3, 2000
Gordon Heddell January 2, 2001
Daniel Petrole (Acting)July 15, 2008
Scott DahlOctober 16, 2013
Larry TurnerJune 21, 2020
Acting: June 21, 2020 – December 7, 2021
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Robert Allnut (Acting)October 1, 1978
Eldon TaylorAugust 1, 1979
Brian Hyland (Acting)December 1, 1980
June Gibbs BrownJune 14, 1981
Bill ColvinOctober 17, 1985
Lewis Rinker (Acting)September 4, 1994
Roberta GrossAugust 15, 1995
Frank LaRocca (Acting)March 3, 2002
Robert Cobb April 22, 2002
Thomas Howard (Acting)April 11, 2009
Paul Martin November 20, 2009
George Scott (Acting)January 2, 2024
Robert Steinau (Acting)December 2024
National Reconnaissance Office
OfficeholderTerm start
Susan GibsonSeptember 26, 2016
Terrence EdwardsDecember 23, 2022
National Security Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Russell Decker (Acting)December 2016
Robert Storch January 11, 2018
Kevin Gerrity (Acting)January 11, 2018
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
David Williams November 22, 1989
Leo Norton (Acting)September 1, 1995
Hubert BellJuly 8, 1996
David Lee (Acting)December 31, 2018
Robert FeitelMay 27, 2020
Pandemic Recovery (Special)
OfficeholderTerm start
Brian Miller June 5, 2020
Office of Personnel Management
OfficeholderTerm start
Patrick ConklinMarch 1, 1987
Joseph Willever (Acting)April 16, 1989
Patrick McFarlandAugust 9, 1990
Norbert Vint (Acting)February 19, 2016
Krista BoydApril 28, 2022
Railroad Retirement Board
OfficeholderTerm start
William DoyleJanuary 14, 1986
Charles Sekerak (Acting)April 8, 1994
Martin DickmanOctober 14, 1994
Ben Wagner (Acting)April 28, 2024
Shanon Holman (Acting)2024
Resolution Trust Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
John AdairApril 1, 1990
Small Business Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Raymond Randolph (Acting)October 12, 1978
Paul BoucherJuly 1, 1979
Raymond Randolph (Acting)January 21, 1981
Paul BoucherJuly 21, 1981
Raymond Randolph (Acting)July 5, 1982
Mary WiesemanMay 10, 1983
Raymond Randolph (Acting)September 7, 1986
Charles GillumApril 7, 1987
Daniel Peyser (Acting)August 19, 1990
James HooblerApril 18, 1991
Karen Lee (Acting)December 1, 1997
Phyllis FongApril 6, 1999
Peter McClintock (Acting)December 2, 2002
Harold DamelinApril 21, 2003
Peter McClintock (Acting)April 4, 2005
Eric Thorson April 2006
Peter McClintock (Acting)August 12, 2008
Peg GustafsonOctober 2, 2009
Mike Ware January 9, 2017
Acting: January 9, 2017 – May 24, 2018
Social Security Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
June Gibbs BrownMarch 31, 1995
David Williams January 4, 1996
James HuseJune 22, 1998
Patrick O'Carroll March 7, 2004
Acting: March 7, 2004 – November 29, 2004
Gale Stallworth Stone (Acting)May 29, 2016
Gail EnnisJanuary 29, 2019
Michelle Anderson (Acting)June 29, 2024
Mike Ware (Acting)September 30, 2024
Department of State
OfficeholderTerm start
Raymond MillerMarch 1, 1954 – October 31, 1960
Gerald Drew November 13, 1960 – May 31, 1962
Norris HaseltonJune 10, 1962 – July 31, 1964
Fraser Wilkins July 23, 1964 – August 8, 1971
Thomas McElhiney July 1, 1971 – July 18, 1973
Jim Sutterlin October 15, 1973
Robert Yost (Acting)September 1, 1974
William Schaufele August 22, 1975
Robert Sayre November 24, 1975
Brandon Grove (Acting)May 1, 1978
Ted Eliot July 5, 1978 – October 16, 1978
Robert BrewsterJanuary 14, 1979 – January 21, 1981
Robert BrownJanuary 21, 1981 – June 30, 1983
Acting: January 21, 1981 – July 7, 1981
William Harrop December 12, 1983
Acting: November 15, 1983 – August 16, 1985
Bryon Hollingsworth (Acting)August 27, 1986
Sherman FunkAugust 14, 1987
Rocky Suddarth (Acting)February 15, 1994
Harold Geisel (Acting)June 12, 1994
Jacquelyn Williams-BridgersApril 7, 1995
Anne Sigmund (Acting)February 4, 2001
Clark Ervin August 3, 2001
Anne Sigmund (Acting)January 24, 2003
Anne Patterson (Acting)September 28, 2003
John Lange (Acting)August 3, 2004
Cameron Hume (Acting)August 23, 2004
Howard Krongard May 2, 2005
Harold Geisel (Acting)January 16, 2008
Steve Linick September 30, 2013
On leave: May 15, 2020 – June 14, 2020
Stephen Akard (Acting)May 15, 2020
Diana Shaw (Acting)August 7, 2020
Matthew Klimow (Acting)August 31, 2020
Diana Shaw (Acting)December 11, 2020
Sandra Lewis (Acting)April 5, 2024
Cardell K. Richardson Sr.May 20, 2024
Tennessee Valley Authority
OfficeholderTerm start
Richard Chambers (Acting)December 1, 2000
Donald Hickman (Acting)January 26, 2002
Richard Moore May 9, 2003
Jill Matthews (Acting)September 21, 2017
Ben WagnerJune 6, 2022
Department of Transportation
OfficeholderTerm start
Frenk SatoMay 10, 1979
Joseph Genovese (Acting)January 22, 1981
Joseph WelschJuly 18, 1981
Joseph Genovese (Acting)January 1, 1986
John MelchnerOctober 12, 1986
Raymond DeCarli (Acting)January 1, 1990
Mary Schiavo October 31, 1990
Mario Lauro (Acting)July 8, 1996
Joyce Fleischman (Acting)August 12, 1996
Kenneth MeadMay 29, 1997
Todd Zinser (Acting)February 11, 2006
Calvin ScovelOctober 27, 2006
Mitch Behm (Acting)February 1, 2020
Skip Elliott (Acting)May 16, 2020
Eric J. SoskinJanuary 11, 2021
Department of the Treasury
OfficeholderTerm start
Leon WigrizerAugust 18, 1978
Eugene Essner (Acting)February 1, 1981
Paul TrauseAugust 12, 1981
Emily Marwell (Acting)February 26, 1984
John LaytonSeptember 9, 1984
Michael HillApril 6, 1986
Acting: April 6, 1986 – April 16, 1989
Robert Cesca (Acting)June 1, 1989
Donald KirkendallNovember 22, 1989
Robert Cesca (Acting)January 21, 1993
Valerie LauOctober 11, 1994
Richard Calahan (Acting)February 9, 1998
David Williams October 26, 1998
Lawrence Rogers (Acting)May 17, 1999
Jeffrey RushJuly 30, 1999
Dennis Schindel (Acting)April 3, 2004
Harold DamelinApril 4, 2005
Dennis Schindel (Acting)April 30, 2007
Eric Thorson August 12, 2008
Rich Delmar (Acting)June 30, 2019
Loren Sciurba (Acting)January 3, 2025
Troubled Asset Relief Program (Special)
OfficeholderTerm start
Neil Barofsky December 8, 2008
Christy Romero April 1, 2011
Acting: April 1, 2011 – February 1, 2012
Melissa Bruce (Acting)March 30, 2022
U.S. Information Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Anthony GabrielJuly 2, 1987
George MurphyAugust 6, 1990
Terence Shea (Acting)May 1, 1993
Marian BennetNovember 28, 1993
Department of Veterans Affairs
OfficeholderTerm start
John Williams (Acting)November 9, 1977
Allan ReynoldsMay 1, 1979
Morris Silverstein (Acting)January 21, 1981
Frank SatoJuly 31, 1981
Renald MoraniJanuary 1, 1988
Stephen TroddenAugust 4, 1990
William Merriman (Acting)January 3, 1996
Richard Griffin November 11, 1997
Jon Wooditch (Acting)June 22, 2005
George OpferNovember 17, 2005
Richard Griffin (Acting)January 1, 2014
Linda Halliday (Acting)July 6, 2015
Michael MissalMay 2, 2016

Designated federal entity (DFE) inspectors general

JurisdictionOfficeholderTerm startWebsite
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC-OIG)Clayton Fox2023/24 ARC-OIG
Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (CPPBSD-OIG)Stefania Pozzi PorterJuly 15, 2021
Acting: July 15, 2021 – October 13, 2022 [59]
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC-OIG)Christopher SkinnerApril 10, 2024 [60] CFTC-OIG
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC-OIG)Christopher DentelJanuary 9, 2003 [61]
Acting: January 9, 2003 – January 10, 2004
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB-OIG)Kimberly HowellOctober 7, 2019 [62] CPB-OIG
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA-OIG)Jeremy KirklandJanuary 27, 2023

Acting: January 27, 2023 - June 3, 2023 [63]

Denali Commission (DC-OIG)Roderick FillingerJanuary 19, 2020 [64] Denali OIG
Election Assistance Commission (EAC-OIG)Sarah Dreyer (acting)April 2024 EAC-OIG
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC-OIG)Joyce WilloughbyJuly 3, 2022Acting: July 3, 2022 - March 12, 2023 [65] EEOC-OIG
Farm Credit Administration (FCA-OIG)Nick Novak (acting)October 2024 FCA-OIG
Federal Election Commission (FEC-OIG)Susan Ruge-HudsonOctober 21, 2024 [66] FEC-OIG
Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA-OIG)Dana RooneyAugust 30, 2010 [61] FLRA-OIG
Federal Maritime Commission (FMC-OIG)Jon HatfieldAugust 12, 2013 [61]
Acting: August 12, 2013 – May 18, 2014
Federal Reserve Board and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (FRB-OIG)Mark BialekJuly 25, 2011 [61] FRB-OIG
Federal Trade Commission (FTC-OIG)Marissa Gould (acting)December 2024 FTC-OIG
International Development Finance Corporation (DFC-OIG)Anthony ZakelAugust 20, 2020 [67] DFC-OIG
International Trade Commission (USITC-OIG)Rashmi BartlettJuly 6, 2021 [68] USITC-OIG
Legal Services Corporation (LSC-OIG)Thomas YatscoApril 25, 2023 [69] LSC-OIG
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA-OIG)Brett BakerApril 19, 2021
Acting: April 19, 2021 – July 23, 2021
National Credit Union Administration (NCUA-OIG)Jim HagenJune 1, 2013 [61] NCUA-OIG
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA-OIG)Ron StithJune 13, 2016 [70] NEA-OIG
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH-OIG)Laura DavisJanuary 30, 2011 [61]
Acting: January 30, 2011 – December 17, 2012
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA-OIG)Michael BoehmanAugust 2024 NGA-OIG
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB-OIG)Ruth BlevinsOctober 28, 2024 [71] NLRB-OIG
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Kevin WintersFebruary 1, 2019 [72] Amtrak OIG
National Science Foundation (NSF-OIG)Allison LernerApril 27, 2009 [61] NSF-OIG
Peace Corps (PC-OIG)Joaquin E. FerraoJanuary 1, 2022Acting: January 1, 2022 - April 25, 2023 PC-OIG
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC-OIG)Nicholas NovakApril 27, 2020

Acting: April 27, 2020 – February 17, 2021

Postal Service and Postal Regulatory Commission (USPS-OIG)Tammy Whitcomb HullFebruary 19, 2016
Acting: February 19, 2016 – November 29, 2018
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC-OIG)Deborah JeffreyMay 7, 2023 SEC-OIG
Smithsonian Institution (SI-OIG)Nicole AngarellaMay 20, 2024 [73] SI-OIG

List of DFE IGs

DFE IG History [74] [75]
Appalachian Regional Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Hubert SparksOctober 2, 1989
Clifford JenningsApril 8, 2002
Hubert SparksApril 18, 2011
Philip HeneghanFebruary 19, 2020
Clayton Fox2023/24
Architect of the Capitol
OfficeholderTerm start
Carol BatesAugust 18, 2008
Kevin MulshineSeptember 8, 2013
Thomas Lehrich (Acting)December 2016
Christopher FaillaApril 17, 2017
Capitol Police
OfficeholderTerm start
Carl Hoecker July 10, 2006
Fay RopellaFebruary 11, 2013
Acting: February 11, 2013 – August 11, 2013
Michael BoltonMarch 30, 2018
Acting: March 30, 2018 – January 20, 2019
Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
OfficeholderTerm start
Thomas LehrichMay 2017
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Nancy WentzlerSeptember 24, 1989
Donald Smith (Acting)June 17, 1990
Roy LavikOctober 7, 1990
Brett Baker (acting)May 17, 2023
Christopher SkinnerApril 10, 2024
Consumer Product Safety Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Thomas SteinApril 7, 1989
Acting: April 7, 1989 – January 19, 1990
Mary WylesAugust 2, 1998
Acting: August 2, 1998 – February 7, 1999
Christopher DentelJanuary 9, 2003
Acting: January 9, 2003 – January 10, 2004
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
OfficeholderTerm start
Lester LatneyApril 17, 1989
Joe ArvizuFebruary 16, 1997
Frederick Lau (Acting)May 26, 1998
Kenneth KonzNovember 9, 1998
Mary MitchelsonJune 3, 2013
William Richardson (Acting)April 26, 2019
Kimberly HowellOctober 7, 2019
Denali Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Michael MarshDecember 22, 2006
David Sheppard (Acting)May 28, 2014
Roderick Fillinger2014
Election Assistance Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Roger LaRouche (Acting)August 9, 2005
Curtis CriderAugust 24, 2006
Roger LaRouche (Acting)September 30, 2015
Patricia LayfieldFebruary 22, 2016
Brianna SchletzOctober 14, 2021
Sarah Dreyer (Acting)April 2024
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
William MillerJanuary 4, 1989
Aletha BrownFebruary 6, 1995
Acting: February 6, 1995 – July 28, 1996
Milton MayoJanuary 1, 2010
Acting: January 1, 2010 – June 22, 2011
Farm Credit Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Eldon StoehrJanuary 22, 1989
Elizabeth Dean (Acting)December 16, 2000
Stephen SmithJanuary 12, 2001
Elizabeth Dean (Acting)June 16, 2005
Carl ClinefelterJuly 10, 2005
Elizabeth DeanJanuary 4, 2013
Acting: January 4, 2013 – June 19, 2013
Wendy LaguardaAugust 1, 2017
Nick Novak (Acting)October 2024
Federal Election Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Craig Crooks (Acting)April 17, 1989
Lynne McFarlandFebruary 11, 1990
Cameron Thurber (Acting)March 1, 2017
VacantNovember 9, 2018
Tony Baptiste (Acting)May 22, 2019
Christopher SkinnerAugust 5, 2019
Michael Mitchell (Acting)April 2024
Susan Ruge-HudsonOctober 21, 2024
Federal Labor Relations Authority
OfficeholderTerm start
Paul MillerSeptember 24, 1989
John Zielinski (Acting)April 15, 1994
William Tobey (Acting)April 30, 1994
John Suszko (Acting)May 23, 1994
William Tobey (Acting)October 30, 1994
Robert AndaryMay 7, 1995
William Tobey (Acting)July 20, 1997
Francine EichlerFebruary 22, 1998
Charlie Center (Acting)January 3, 2010
Dana RooneyAugust 30, 2010
Federal Maritime Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Tony KominothFebruary 26, 1989
Bridgette Hicks (Acting)March 3, 2005
Adam TrzeciakApril 16, 2006
Dana Rooney (Acting)January 22, 2013
Jon HatfieldAugust 12, 2013
Acting: August 12, 2013 – May 18, 2014
Federal Reserve Board
OfficeholderTerm start
Brent BowenJuly 20, 1987
Barry SnyderJune 1, 1998
Beth ColemanMay 6, 2007
Mark BialekJuly 25, 2011
Federal Trade Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Frederick ZirkelJune 6, 1989
Adam Trzeciak (Acting)February 1, 2005
Howard SribnickMay 30, 2005
John SeebaJanuary 7, 2008
Scott WilsonAugust 13, 2012
Kelly Tshibaka (Acting)June 1, 2014
Roslyn MazerMarch 29, 2015
Andrew KatsarosJune 8, 2018
Acting: June 8, 2018 – November 2018
Marissa Gould (Acting)December 2024
Government Accountability Office
OfficeholderTerm start
Francis GarciaJanuary 19, 1986
Cathy Helm (Acting)December 29, 2012
Adam TrzeciakJanuary 13, 2013
Government Publishing Office
OfficeholderTerm start
Joyce BlaylockMarch 10, 1985
Victor Bouril (acting)June 16, 1990
Lewis SmallMay 7, 1995
Thomas Muldoon (acting)January 6, 1997
Robert AndaryNovember 9, 1997
Andrew Killgore (acting)February 7, 2003
Marc NicholsMarch 17, 2003
Greg Brower October 3, 2004
Anthony OgdenOctober 1, 2006
Michael RaponiNovember 21, 2011
Stephen Roy (acting)April 2018
Melinda MiguelJuly 12, 2018
James Ives (acting)January 8, 2019
Mike LearyApril 24, 2019
House of Representatives
OfficeholderTerm start
John LainhartNovember 14, 1993 – March 31, 1999
Steve McNamaraMarch 13, 2000 – May 30, 2005
James CornellMarch 2, 2006 – January 2, 2010
Terry GrafenstineJanuary 2, 2010 – September 2017
Acting: January 2, 2010 – July 30, 2010
Michael PtasienskiSeptember 2017 – present
Acting: September 2017 – February 15, 2018
International Development Finance Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
International Trade Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Jane AltenhofenApril 17, 1989
Dev Jagadesan (acting)May 30, 1999
Kenneth ClarkJuly 15, 2001
Jean Smith (acting)November 1, 2005
VacantMarch 12, 2006
Jean Smith (acting)August 19, 2007
VacantDecember 20, 2007
Judith Gwynn (acting)January 6, 2008
Antonio Baptiste (acting)August 17, 2009
Philip HeneghanDecember 6, 2009
Rhonda Turnbow (acting)March 1, 2020
Rashmi BartlettJuly 6, 2021
Iraq Reconstruction (Special)
OfficeholderTerm start
Stuart Bowen January 20, 2004
Legal Services Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
David WilkinsonSeptember 5, 1989
Robert Holliday (Acting)September 6, 1991
Edouard QuatrevauxSeptember 17, 1991
Leonard Koczur (Acting)December 2, 2000
Kirt WestSeptember 1, 2004
Dutch Merryman (Acting)September 16, 2007
Jeffrey SchanzMarch 3, 2008
Library of Congress
OfficeholderTerm start
Karl SchornagelMarch 12, 2001
Kurt HydeJuly 28, 2014
Glenda B. ArringtonJune 20, 2023
Debbie Lehrich (Acting)2023/24
Kimberly BenoitNovember 2024
National Archives and Records Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Lawrence ObergApril 16, 1989
Debra Guentzel (Acting)November 9, 1992
Roberta Gross (Acting)January 10, 1993
Floyd JusticeJune 1, 1993
Robert Taylor (Acting)July 23, 1995
Kelly SisarioMarch 18, 1996
Ralph McNamara (Acting)July 4, 1999
Paul BrachfeldDecember 19, 1999
James SpringsSeptember 12, 2012
Acting: September 12, 2012 – March 23, 2015
Brett BakerApril 19, 2021
Acting: April 19, 2021 - July 31, 2021
National Credit Union Administration
OfficeholderTerm start
Joan PerryMarch 23, 1989
Frank ThomasSeptember 8, 1992
William DeSarno (Acting)July 8, 2002
Herbert YollesOctober 21, 2002
William DeSarnoApril 1, 2005
Jim HagenJune 1, 2013
National Endowment for the Arts
OfficeholderTerm start
Leon LillyApril 9, 1989
Edward JohnsOctober 15, 1995
Acting: October 15, 1995 – March 31, 1996
Daniel ShawJanuary 14, 2001
Acting: January 14, 2001 – March 25, 2001
Tonie JonesMarch 17, 2008
Michael Binder (Acting)December 28, 2015
Ron StithJune 13, 2016
National Endowment for the Humanities
OfficeholderTerm start
Sheldon BernsteinApril 12, 1989
Laura DavisJanuary 30, 2011
Acting: January 30, 2011 – December 17, 2012
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
OfficeholderTerm start
Cardell K. RichardsonDecember 2017
Michael BoehmanAugust 2024
National Labor Relations Board
OfficeholderTerm start
Bernard LevineNovember 7, 1989
John Higgins (Acting)July 25, 1994
Robert AllenSeptember 23, 1996
Acting: September 23, 1996 – March 21, 1997
Aileen ArmstrongMay 18, 1998
Jane AltenhofenMay 30, 1999
VacantDecember 21, 2007
David BerryNovember 23, 2008
Kevin Thomas (Acting)2024
Ruth BlevinsOctober 28, 2024
National Railroad Passenger Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
Fred Weiderhold April 3, 1989
Lorraine Green (Acting)June 17, 2009
Ted AlvesNovember 5, 2009
Tom HowardFebruary 4, 2014
Kevin WintersFebruary 1, 2019
National Science Foundation
OfficeholderTerm start
Linda SundroApril 30, 1989
Philip Sunshine (Acting)April 12, 1998
Christine BoeszJanuary 18, 2000
Allison LernerApril 27, 2009
Panama Canal Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
John MathisApril 16, 1989
Peter LiehrDecember 15, 1989
William ForbesJanuary 4, 1997
Victor DiamondJanuary 4, 1998
Peace Corps
OfficeholderTerm start
Gerard RoyJanuary 23, 1989
John Hale (Acting)February 14, 1992
Michael HillMay 31, 1992
Michael Tully (Acting)February 9, 1993
Jeffrey Rush (Acting)February 21, 1993
Deborah Holt KirkMarch 6, 1994
Charles MaddoxApril 30, 1995
Acting: April 30, 1995 – January 3, 1996
Charles SmithJuly 6, 1997
Acting: July 6, 1997 – August 2, 1998
David Kotz January 6, 2006
Kathy BullerMay 25, 2008
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
OfficeholderTerm start
Wayne PollApril 24, 1989
Deborah Stover-Springer (Acting)June 1, 2002
Robert EmmonsJanuary 16, 2003
Deborah Stover-Springer (Acting)October 3, 2007
Rebecca BattsApril 30, 2008
Deborah Stover-Springer (Acting)October 3, 2013
Bob WestbrooksMay 2015
Nicholas Novak (Acting)April 27, 2020
Postal Regulatory Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Jack CallenderJune 25, 2007
Postal Service
OfficeholderTerm start
Charles ClausonOctober 18, 1988
Kenneth HunterSeptember 5, 1992
Karla CorcoranJanuary 4, 1997
David Williams August 20, 2003
Tammy Whitcomb HullFebruary 19, 2016
Acting: February 19, 2016 – November 29, 2018
Securities and Exchange Commission
OfficeholderTerm start
Walter Stachnik March 12, 1989
Nelson Egbert (acting)August 6, 2007
David Kotz December 5, 2007
Noelle Maloney (acting)January 30, 2012
Jon Rymer (acting)May 31, 2012
Carl Hoecker February 11, 2013
Smithsonian Institution
OfficeholderTerm start
John Fawsett (acting)April 17, 1989
Thomas BlairJune 3, 1990
Debra RittMarch 7, 2005
Sprightley RyanJune 11, 2006
Acting: 2006–2007
Scott DahlJanuary 15, 2012
Cathy HelmJuly 14, 2014
Joan Mockeridge (Acting)September 3, 2023
Nicole AngarellaMay 20, 2024
Tennessee Valley Authority
OfficeholderTerm start
Norman ZigrossiJanuary 25, 1986
George Prosser (acting)April 16, 1992
William HinshawMay 4, 1992
George ProsserApril 1, 1994
Robert Thompson (acting)August 22, 1999
George ProsserMarch 18, 2000

Legislative agency inspectors general

JurisdictionOfficeholderTerm startWebsite
Architect of the Capitol (AOC-OIG)Michael Rich (Deputy Inspector General)January 1, 2025 AOC-OIG
Capitol Police (USCP-OIG)David T. HarperFebruary 5, 2024 USCP-OIG
Government Accountability Office (GAO-OIG)L. Nancy BirnbaumMarch 27, 2022 [76] GAO-OIG
Government Publishing Office (GPO-OIG)Nathan DeahlMarch 1, 2023

Acting: March 1, 2023 - June 28, 2023 [77]

House of Representatives Joseph C. PicollaJune 5, 2021
Acting: June 5, 2021 – April 24, 2022
House IG
Library of Congress (LOC-OIG)Kimberly BenoitNovember 2024 LOC-OIG

U.S. military

Within the United States Armed Forces, the position of inspector general is normally part of the personal staff serving a general or flag officer in a command position. The inspector general's office functions in two ways. To a certain degree they are ombudsmen for their branch of service. However, their primary function is to ensure the combat readiness of subordinate units in their command.

An armed services inspector general also investigates noncriminal allegations and some specific criminal allegations, to include determining if the matter should be referred for criminal investigation by the service's criminal investigative agency.

The Air Force Inspector General Complaints Program was established to address the concerns of Air Force active duty, reserve, and Guard members, civilian employees, family members, and retirees, as well as the interest of the Air Force. One of the first responsibilities of the Air Force inspector general is to operate a credible complaints program that investigates personnel complaints: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) allegations; congressional inquiries; and issues involving the Air Force mission. Personnel complaints and FWA disclosures to the IG help commanders correct problems that affect the productivity, mission accomplishment, and morale of assigned personnel, which are areas of high concern to Air Force leaders at all levels. [78]

JurisdictionOfficeholderTerm startWebsite
United States Air Force (DAF/IG) Stephen L. Davis March 2, 2022 USAF-OIG
United States Army (DAIG) LTG Donna W. Martin September 2, 2021 DAIG
United States Navy (NAVINSGEN) John V. Fuller June 11, 2021 NAVINSGEN


Review boards

Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute enforcement

HHS-OIG develops and distributes resources to assist the health care industry in its efforts to comply with the nation's fraud and abuse laws and to educate the public about fraudulent schemes so that it can protect itself and report suspicious activities. [2]

As of 2015, HHS-OIG had targeted hospitals and healthcare systems for Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute violations pertaining to the management of physician compensation arrangements. [79] In 2015, a fraud alert was issued to publicize the OIG's intent to further regulate such non-compliance. [80] In light of such efforts and consequent record-breaking settlements, healthcare experts have begun to call for the transition from paper-based physician time logging and contract management to automated solutions. [81]



Glenn Fine argues that inspectors general save taxpayers billions of dollars a year and have the potential to save much more if given more resources and independence as well as more independent oversight of the inspectors generals themselves. [82] [83] He also argues that the Supreme Court of the United States and all other institutions need independent and nonpartisan inspectors general. [83]


In the Thomas Andrews Drake case, some complainants to the Pentagon's OIG over NSA's Trailblazer Project were later raided by the FBI and threatened with criminal prosecution. [84] [ needs update ]

See also

Explanatory notes

  1. Redacted version of the DoD Inspector General audit, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by the Project on Government Oversight and others. [19] [20]


  1. Pub. L.   94–505
  2. 1 2 "About DHSS-OIG".
  3. "Overview of the Inspectors General 1978-Present" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Kirby, Jen (May 28, 2020). "Trump's purge of inspectors general, explained". Vox . Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  5. Quinn, Melissa (May 19, 2020). "The internal watchdogs Trump has fired or replaced". CBS News . Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  6. Baker, Peter (April 4, 2020). "Trump Proceeds With Post-Impeachment Purge Amid Pandemic". The New York Times . Archived from the original on April 5, 2020. Retrieved April 24, 2020.
  7. Cook, Nancy (June 11, 2020). "Sideshow Don: Trump pursues a non-virus agenda". Politico . Retrieved April 24, 2020.
  8. Stracqualursi, Veronica (May 2, 2020). "Trump names his pick for HHS inspector general after criticizing acting official over coronavirus report". CNN . Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  9. Robertson, Lori (7 April 2020). "The HHS Inspector General Report". . Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  10. Beggin, Riley (January 25, 2025). "Donald Trump fires independent inspectors general at 17 federal agencies". USA TODAY. Retrieved 2025-01-27.
  11. Honderich, Holly (2025-01-25). "Trump purges at least a dozen inspectors general overnight". Retrieved 2025-01-27.
  12. 1 2 Savage, Charlie (2025-02-12). "8 Inspectors General Fired by Trump File Lawsuit Seeking Reinstatement". The New York Times. ISSN   0362-4331 . Retrieved 2025-02-16.
  13. 1 2 3 "Inspector General Act of 1978" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 18, 2011.
  14. "THE INSPECTORS GENERAL" (PDF). 14 July 2014. Retrieved 9 September 2023.
  15. "Federal domestic and foreign assistance programs". Archived from the original on January 16, 2004.
  16. "Inspector General Reform Act of 2008". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on November 24, 2010.
  17. "Stimulus Bill and Strings: Massive Federal Spending Will Be Accompanied by Increased Inspectors General Oversight and Investigations". Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP.
  18. "H.R.928 - Improving Government Accountability Act". Archived from the original on April 30, 2010 via OpenCongress.
  19. Schwellenbach, Nick (June 22, 2011). "POGO Obtains Pentagon Inspector General Report Associated With NSA Whistleblower Tom Drake". Project on Government Oversight.
  20. Radack, Jesselyn (June 11, 2011). "Too Classified to Try Myth in Failed Drake Prosecution". DailyKos.
  21. "Inspector General Historical Data – Federal Departments" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. May 17, 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on August 13, 2009.
  22. "ECIE Members". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on March 24, 2005.
  23. "Home Page". USPS Office of Inspector General. Archived from the original on March 27, 2012. Retrieved June 19, 2016.
  24. "Executive Order 12805 – Integrity and Efficiency in Federal Programs". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. May 11, 1992. Archived from the original on March 5, 2005.
  25. Margasak, Larry. "HHS Chief Janet Rehnquist Will Resign". The Associated Press. Archived from the original on March 24, 2005.
  26. "Office of Inspector General - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services". Archived from the original on 2011-04-06. Retrieved 2016-06-19.
  27. "President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency – Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on March 5, 2005.
  28. "President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Members". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on March 5, 2005.
  29. "IGNET - Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.
  30. "Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on December 10, 2008.
  31. "Inspector General Community Auditor Training". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on December 10, 2008.
  32. "Inspector General Directory/Homepages". Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Archived from the original on March 8, 2005.
  33. "Homeland Security Act of 2002" (PDF).
  34. "Presidentially-appointed / Senate Confirmed IG Appointed Chronicle" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE). 2017-07-25. Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  35. "Biden to replace embattled acting Commerce IG" . Retrieved February 25, 2025.
  36. 1 2 " | SEC Appoints Deborah J. Jeffrey as Inspector General". Retrieved May 8, 2023.
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  38. "Teri L. Donaldson". Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  39. "OIG Senior Staff | EXIM.GOV". Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  40. "The Honorable Fara Damelin". Retrieved May 22, 2024.
  41. "Meet the IG". Retrieved May 22, 2024.
  42. "Meet the Inspector General | FHFA-OIG". Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  43. HUD-OIG". Retrieved February 25, 2025.
  44. "Inspector General". Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of the Interior. Retrieved February 25, 2025.
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  46. "Mr. Robert J. Feitel" (PDF). Office of the Inspector General, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. 2022-12-23.
  47. "Krista A. Boyd". Office of Personnel Management. Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  48. "Inspector General". U.S. Small Business Administration. Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  49. "Inspector General Hannibal "Mike" Ware Designated as Acting Inspector General for Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General". Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration. September 30, 2024.
  50. "Inspector General - Ben R. Wagner | TVA OIG - Office of the Inspector General". Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  51. "Inspector General | Office of Inspector General | U.S. Department of Transportation". Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  52. "Inspector General". Retrieved December 23, 2022.
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  57. 1 2 "Intelligence IGs head for the exit before Trump's return". Government Executive. November 20, 2024.
  58. "Inspector General Historical Data Appointed by the President and Confirmed by the Senate" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. July 25, 2017.
  59. "Stefania Pozzi Porter Named U.S. AbilityOne Commission Inspector General" (PDF). U.S. AbilityOne Commission. 2022-10-13. Retrieved 2023-03-21.
  60. "CFTC Appoints Christopher Skinner as Inspector General". Commodity Future Trading Commission. 2024-04-10. Retrieved 2024-10-11.
  61. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Designated Federal Entity IG Appointment Chronicle" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE). 2015-03-22. Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  62. "Kimberly Howell Appointed Inspector General for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting". 2019-10-03. Retrieved 2022-12-23.
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  64. "Office of Inspector General – Denali Commission". Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  65. "Joyce Willoughby Named as EEOC's New Inspector General". US EEOC. Retrieved 2023-03-21.
  66. "FEC names Susan Ruge-Hudson Inspector General". Federal Election Commission. 2024-10-28. Retrieved 2024-10-28.
  67. Boehler, Adam (2022-08-20). "The Office of Inspector General's Role at DFC" (PDF). U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  68. "Rekha "Rashmi" Bartlett Named Inspector General at U.S. International Trade Commission | USITC". Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  69. "LSC Board of Directors Appoints Tom Yatsco to Inspector General". LSC - Legal Services Corporation: America's Partner for Equal Justice. Retrieved 2023-04-28.
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  71. "Ruth Blevins Appointed as NLRB's Inspector General". National Labor Relations Board. 2024-10-28. Retrieved 2024-10-28.
  72. Toll, Beth (2019-02-01). "Amtrak Board Names Kevin Winters Inspector General". Amtrak Media. Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  73. "Nicole L. Angarella Named Smithsonian Inspector General". Retrieved 2024-10-11.
  74. "Inspector General Historical Data DFE and Legislative Branch Members" (PDF). Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.
  75. "Office of the House of Representatives Inspector General" (PDF). Congressional Research Service. November 15, 2018 via Federational of American Scientists.
  76. "About the Inspector General". U. S. Government Accountability Office. Retrieved 2022-12-23.
  77. "GPO Director Names Inspector General". Government Publishing Office. Retrieved 2023-07-10.
  78. Nicolls, Boone (2007). Airman's Guide. Stackpole Books. p. 135. ISBN   978-0-8117-3397-7.
  79. Ellison, Ayla (January 8, 2015). "4 trends in the current Stark Law enforcement climate". Becker's Hospital Review.
  80. "Fraud Alert: Physician Compensation Arrangements May Result in Significant Liability" (PDF). Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. June 9, 2015.
  81. Peace, Gail. "Why it takes 60 minutes or less to find a Stark Law violation at a hospital". Becker's Hospital Review.
  82. Fine, Glenn (2024-08-27). "Inspectors General Are Doing Essential—And Unpopular—Work". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2024-09-26.
  83. 1 2 Kim, Mina (2024-09-25). "'Watchdogs' Gives Insider's Look at Role of Inspector General | KQED". Retrieved 2024-09-26.
  84. Mayer, Jane (2011-05-23). "Thomas Drake vs. the N.S.A." The New Yorker. ISSN   0028-792X . Retrieved 2024-09-27.

Further reading