Orders of magnitude (molar concentration)

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This page lists examples of the orders of magnitude of molar concentration. Source values are parenthesized where unit conversions were performed.


M denotes the non-SI unit molar:

1 M = 1 mol/L = 10−3 mol/m3.

All orders

List of orders of magnitude for molar concentration
Factor (Molarity) SI prefix ValueItem
10−24yM1.66 yM1 elementary entity per litre [1]
8.5 yM airborne bacteria in the upper troposphere (5100/m3) [2]
10−21zM3.6 zM solar neutrinos on Earth (6.5×1010 /cm2⋅s) [3]
10−2012 zM radon in ambient, outdoor air in the United States (0.4 pCi/L7000/L) [4]
10−19120 zMindoor radon at the EPA's "action level" (4 pCi/L70000/L) [5]
686 zM cosmic microwave background photons in outer space (413/cm3) [6]
10−15fM2 fM bacteria in surface seawater (1×109/L) [7]
10−1420 fM virions in surface layer North Atlantic seawater (10×109/L) [8]
50–100 fM gold in seawater [9]
10−12pM7.51–9.80 pMnormal range for erythrocytes in blood in an adult male ((4.52–5.90)×1012/L) [10] [11]
10−1110–100 pM gold in undersea hydrothermal fluids [9]
10−10170 pMupper bound for healthy insulin when fasting [12]
10−9nM5 nMinhaled osmium tetroxide is immediately dangerous to life or health (1 mg Os/m3) [13]
10−7101 nM hydronium and hydroxide ions in pure water at 25 °C (pKW = 13.99) [14]
10−4180–480 μMnormal range for uric acid in blood [10]
570 μMinhaled carbon monoxide induces unconsciousness in 2–3 breaths and death in < 3 min (12800 ppm) [15]
10−3mM0.32–32 mMnormal range of hydronium ions in stomach acid (pH 1.5–3.5) [16]
5.5 mMupper bound for healthy blood glucose when fasting [17]
7.8 mMupper bound for healthy blood glucose 2 hours after eating [17]
10−2cM20 mM neutrinos during a supernova, 1  AU from the core (1058 over 10 s) [18]
44.6 mMpure ideal gas at 0 °C and 101.325 kPa [19]
10−1dM140 mM sodium ions in blood plasma [10]
480 mM sodium ions in seawater [20]
100M1 M standard state concentration for defining thermodynamic activity [21]
101daM17.5 Mpure (glacial) acetic acid (1.05 g/cm3) [22]
40 Mpure solid hydrogen (86  g/L ) [23]
55.5 Mpure water at 3.984 °C, temperature of its maximum density (1.0000 g/cm3) [24]
102hM118.8 Mpure osmium at 20 °C (22.587 g/cm3) [25]
140.5 Mpure copper at 25 °C (8.93 g/cm3)
10424 kM helium in the solar core (150 g/cm365%) [26]
108122.2 MM nuclei in a white dwarf from a 3  M progenitor star (106.349 g/cm3) [27]
1017228 PM nucleons in atomic nuclei (2.3×1017 kg/m3 = 1.37×1044/m3) [28]
10773.9×1077 Mthe Planck concentration (2.4×10104/m3), inverse of the Planck volume

SI multiples

SI multiples of molar (M)
ValueSI symbolNameValueSI symbolName
10−1 MdMdecimolar101 MdaMdecamolar
10−2 McMcentimolar102 MhMhectomolar
10−3 MmMmillimolar103 MkMkilomolar
10−6 MμMmicromolar106 MMMmegamolar
10−9 MnMnanomolar109 MGMgigamolar
10−12 MpMpicomolar1012 MTMteramolar
10−15 MfMfemtomolar1015 MPMpetamolar
10−18 MaMattomolar1018 MEMexamolar
10−21 MzMzeptomolar1021 MZMzettamolar
10−24 MyMyoctomolar1024 MYMyottamolar
10−27 MrMrontomolar1027 MRMronnamolar
10−30 MqMquectomolar1030 MQMquettamolar

11.04 g/l is the concentration of sodium ions in water in other words. That’s 1.09% sodium ion!

The concentration of hydronium ions in pire water is 1.9 micrograms per liter. That’s 1.9 parts per billion of hydronium.

The normal range for hemoglobin molecules is 254.36 grams per liter or 20.27% hemoglobin. The concentration of pure water is 1 kilogram per liter or 50% water. Glacial acetic acid is 1.05 kilograms per liter or 51.2% acetic acid.

See also

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