Location of Earth

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Earth Location
Extended logarithmic universe illustration.pngEarthMoonSunVenusMercuryHalley's CometMarsPhobosDeimosAsteroid BeltAsteroid BeltAsteroid BeltCeresVestaPallasHygieaJupiterIoCallistoEuropaGanymedeʻOumuamuaSaturnDioneTitanUranusNeptuneTritonPlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisSalaciaSednaGonggongProxima CentauriAlpha CentauriArcturusPleiadesCapellaProcyonLuhman 16Van Maanen's StarAldebaranCanopusCarina NebulaSiriusVegaTau CetiUY ScutiLalande 21185BetelgeuseAntaresRigelPolluxAcruxOmega NebulaRing NebulaLuyten 726-8GacruxEagle NebulaHorsehead NebulaMilky Way GalaxyPerseus ArmLarge Magellanic CloudSmall Magellanic CloudOmega CentauriTerzan 1Andromeda GalaxyTriangulum GalaxyWLM GalaxyNGC 300The Whale GalaxyCaldwell 5Cetus ABlack Eye GalaxyWhirlpool GalaxyAntennae GalaxiesCaldwell 101Pinwheel GalaxyNGC 1300Sombrero GalaxyCartwheel GalaxyM100Arp 194 GalaxyNGC 7319Barnard's StarWolf 359CastorThe Bird GalaxiesMice GalaxiesNGC 4314Arp 147Cigar GalaxyMayall's ObjectNGC 5256Tadpole GalaxyNGC 2936Hoag's ObjectSculptor GalaxyBubble GalaxyNGC 6745NGC 1614Eyes GalaxiesAtoms for Peace GalaxyButterfly GalaxiesSarah's GalaxyCircinus GalaxyM66Centaurus ABode GalaxySunflower GalaxyVirgo ClusterCaelum SuperclusterCentaurus ClusterASASSN-15lh Brightest SupernovaSaraswati SuperclusterClowes Campusano LQGU1.11 LQGBullet ClusterGiant GRB RingHercules–Corona Borealis Great WallSouthern Local SupervoidCorona Borealis SuperclusterKBC VoidPandora's ClusterHorologium SuperclusterHuge-LQGGiant VoidShapley SuperclusterBOSS Great WallHydra ClusterEl Gordo ClusterSculptor WallGN-z11 (most distant known galaxy)Northern Local SupervoidGRB 090423 (most distant known gamma ray burst)Coma WallTonantzintla 618 (most massive known black hole)Leo SuperclusterIcarus (most distant individual star detected)Sloan Great WallULAS_J1342+0928 (most distant known quasar)PolarisHadarDubheAlnairRegulusSpicaRanAlnilamMusicaBellatrixRegorDenebSargasDelta_PavonisAlkaid
Extended universe logarithmic illustration (English annotated).pngEarthMoonSunVenusMercuryHalley's CometMarsPhobosDeimosAsteroid BeltAsteroid BeltAsteroid BeltCeresVestaPallasHygieaJupiterIoCallistoEuropaGanymedeʻOumuamuaSaturnDioneTitanUranusNeptuneTritonPlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisSalaciaSednaGonggongProxima CentauriAlpha CentauriArcturusPleiadesCapellaProcyonLuhman 16Van Maanen's StarAldebaranCanopusCarina NebulaSiriusVegaTau CetiUY ScutiLalande 21185BetelgeuseAntaresRigelPolluxAcruxOmega NebulaRing NebulaLuyten 726-8GacruxEagle NebulaHorsehead NebulaMilky Way GalaxyPerseus ArmLarge Magellanic CloudSmall Magellanic CloudOmega CentauriTerzan 1Andromeda GalaxyTriangulum GalaxyWLM GalaxyNGC 300The Whale GalaxyCaldwell 5Cetus ABlack Eye GalaxyWhirlpool GalaxyAntennae GalaxiesCaldwell 101Pinwheel GalaxyNGC 1300Sombrero GalaxyCartwheel GalaxyM100Arp 194 GalaxyNGC 7319Barnard's StarWolf 359CastorThe Bird GalaxiesMice GalaxiesNGC 4314Arp 147Cigar GalaxyMayall's ObjectNGC 5256Tadpole GalaxyNGC 2936Hoag's ObjectSculptor GalaxyBubble GalaxyNGC 6745NGC 1614Eyes GalaxiesAtoms for Peace GalaxyButterfly GalaxiesSarah's GalaxyCircinus GalaxyM66Centaurus ABode GalaxySunflower GalaxyVirgo ClusterCaelum SuperclusterCentaurus ClusterASASSN-15lh Brightest SupernovaSaraswati SuperclusterClowes Campusano LQGU1.11 LQGBullet ClusterGiant GRB RingHercules–Corona Borealis Great WallSouthern Local SupervoidCorona Borealis SuperclusterKBC VoidPandora's ClusterHorologium SuperclusterHuge-LQGGiant VoidShapley SuperclusterBOSS Great WallHydra ClusterEl Gordo ClusterSculptor WallGN-z11 (most distant known galaxy)Northern Local SupervoidGRB 090423 (most distant known gamma ray burst)Coma WallTonantzintla 618 (most massive known black hole)Leo SuperclusterIcarus (most distant individual star detected)Sloan Great WallULAS_J1342+0928 (most distant known quasar)PolarisHadarDubheAlnairRegulusSpicaRanAlnilamMusicaBellatrixRegorDenebSargasDelta_PavonisAlkaid

Observable universe logarithmic illustration.png

Observable universe logarithmic illustration with legends.png
Logarithmic representation of the universe centered on the Solar System. Celestial bodies on this graphic are clickable Interactive icon.svg and shown with their sizes enlarged.

Knowledge of the location of Earth has been shaped by 400 years of telescopic observations, and has expanded radically since the start of the 20th century. Initially, Earth was believed to be the center of the Universe, which consisted only of those planets visible with the naked eye and an outlying sphere of fixed stars. [1] After the acceptance of the heliocentric model in the 17th century, observations by William Herschel and others showed that the Sun lay within a vast, disc-shaped galaxy of stars. [2] By the 20th century, observations of spiral nebulae revealed that the Milky Way galaxy was one of billions in an expanding universe, [3] [4] grouped into clusters and superclusters. By the end of the 20th century, the overall structure of the visible universe was becoming clearer, with superclusters forming into a vast web of filaments and voids. [5] Superclusters, filaments and voids are the largest coherent structures in the Universe that we can observe. [6] At still larger scales (over 1000 megaparsecs [a] ) the Universe becomes homogeneous, meaning that all its parts have on average the same density, composition and structure. [7]


Since there is believed to be no "center" or "edge" of the Universe, there is no particular reference point with which to plot the overall location of the Earth in the universe. [8] Because the observable universe is defined as that region of the Universe visible to terrestrial observers, Earth is, because of the constancy of the speed of light, the center of Earth's observable universe. Reference can be made to the Earth's position with respect to specific structures, which exist at various scales. It is still undetermined whether the Universe is infinite. There have been numerous hypotheses that the known universe may be only one such example within a higher multiverse; however, no direct evidence of any sort of multiverse has been observed, and some have argued that the hypothesis is not falsifiable. [9] [10]


Earth is the third planet from the Sun with an approximate distance of 149.6 million kilometres (93.0 million miles), and is traveling nearly 2.1 million kilometres per hour (1.3 million miles per hour) through outer space. [11]


(most suitable unit)(km, with scientific notation)
Earth 12,756.2 km
1.28×104Measurement comprises just the solid part of the Earth; there is no agreed upper boundary for Earth's atmosphere.
The geocorona, a layer of UV-luminescent hydrogen atoms, lies at 100,000 km.
The Kármán line, defined as the boundary of space for astronautics, lies at 100 km.
[12] [13] [14] [15]
Orbit of the Moon 768,210 km [b] 7.68×105The average diameter of the orbit of the Moon relative to the Earth. [16]
Geospace 6,363,000–12,663,000 km
(110–210 Earth radii)
6.36×106–1.27×107The space dominated by Earth's magnetic field and its magnetotail, shaped by the solar wind. [17]
Earth's orbit 299.2 million km [b]
2  AU [c]
2.99×108The average diameter of the orbit of the Earth relative to the Sun.
Encompasses the Sun, Mercury and Venus.
Inner Solar System ~6.54 AU9.78×108Encompasses the Sun, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and the asteroid belt.
Cited distance is the 2:1 resonance with Jupiter, which marks the outer limit of the asteroid belt.
[19] [20] [21]
Outer Solar System 60.14 AU9.00×109Includes the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
Cited distance is the orbital diameter of Neptune.
Kuiper belt ~96 AU1.44×1010Belt of icy objects surrounding the outer Solar System. Encompasses the dwarf planets Pluto, Haumea and Makemake.
Cited distance is the 2:1 resonance with Neptune, generally regarded as the outer edge of the main Kuiper belt.
Heliosphere 160 AU2.39×1010Maximum extent of the solar wind and the interplanetary medium. [24] [25]
Scattered disc 195.3 AU2.92×1010Region of sparsely scattered icy objects surrounding the Kuiper belt. Encompasses the dwarf planet Eris.
Cited distance is derived by doubling the aphelion of Eris, the farthest known scattered disc object.
As of now, Eris's aphelion marks the farthest known point in the scattered disc.
Oort cloud 100,000–200,000 AU
0.613–1.23 pc [a]
1.89×1013–3.80×1013Spherical shell of over a trillion (1012) comets. Existence is currently hypothetical, but inferred from the orbits of long-period comets. [27]
Solar System 1.23 pc3.80×1013The Sun and its planetary system. Cited diameter is that of the Sun's Hill sphere; the region of its gravitational influence. [28]
Local Interstellar Cloud 9.2 pc2.84×1014 Interstellar cloud of gas through which the Sun and a number of other stars are currently travelling. [29]
Local Bubble 2.82–250 pc8.70×1013–7.71×1015Cavity in the interstellar medium in which the Sun and a number of other stars are currently travelling.
Caused by a past supernova.
[30] [31]
Gould Belt 1,000 pc3.09×1016Projection effect of the Radcliffe wave and Split linear structures (Gould Belt), [32] between which the Sun is currently travelling. [33]
Orion Arm 3000 pc
9.26×1016The spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy through which the Sun is currently travelling.
Orbit of the Solar System 17,200 pc5.31×1017The average diameter of the orbit of the Solar System relative to the Galactic Center.
The Sun's orbital radius is roughly 8,600 parsecs, or slightly over halfway to the galactic edge.
One orbital period of the Solar System lasts between 225 and 250 million years.
[34] [35]
Milky Way Galaxy 30,000 pc9.26×1017Our home galaxy, composed of 200 billion to 400 billion stars and filled with the interstellar medium. [36] [37]
Milky Way subgroup 840,500 pc2.59×1019The Milky Way and those satellite dwarf galaxies gravitationally bound to it.
Examples include the Sagittarius Dwarf, the Ursa Minor Dwarf and the Canis Major Dwarf.
Cited distance is the orbital diameter of the Leo T Dwarf galaxy, the most distant galaxy in the Milky Way subgroup. Currently 59 satellite galaxies are part of the subgroup.
Local Group 3 Mpc [a] 9.26×1019 Group of at least 80 galaxies of which the Milky Way is a part.
Dominated by Andromeda (the largest), the Milky Way and Triangulum; the remainder are dwarf galaxies.
Local Sheet 7 Mpc2.16×1020Group of galaxies including the Local Group moving at the same relative velocity towards the Virgo Cluster and away from the Local Void. [40] [41]
Virgo Supercluster 30 Mpc9.26×1020The supercluster of which the Local Group is a part.
It comprises roughly 100 galaxy groups and clusters, centred on the Virgo Cluster.
The Local Group is located on the outer edge of the Virgo Supercluster.
[42] [43]
Laniakea Supercluster 160 Mpc4.94×1021A group connected with the superclusters of which the Local Group is a part.
Comprises roughly 300 to 500 galaxy groups and clusters, centred on the Great Attractor in the Hydra–Centaurus Supercluster.
[44] [45] [46] [47]
Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex 330 Mpc1×1022 Galaxy filament that includes the Pisces-Cetus Superclusters, Perseus–Pisces Supercluster, Sculptor Supercluster and associated smaller filamentary chains. [48] [49]
Observable Universe 28,500 Mpc8.79×1023 At least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, arranged in millions of superclusters, galactic filaments, and voids, creating a foam-like superstructure. [50] [51] [52] [53]
Universe Minimum 28,500 Mpc
(possibly infinite)
Minimum 8.79×1023Beyond the observable universe lie the unobservable regions from which no light has yet reached the Earth.
No information is available, as light is the fastest travelling medium of information.
However, uniformitarianism argues that the Universe is likely to contain more galaxies in the same foam-like superstructure.
Logarithmic scale universe.png
Logarithmic depiction of Earth's location
Location of Earth in the Universe
Galaxymap.com, map 100 parsecs (2022).png
Star associations and interstellar medium map of the Local Bubble
Galaxymap.com, map 1000 parsecs (2022).png
Molecular clouds around the Sun inside the Orion-Cygnus Arm
Orion-Cygnus Arm and neighbouring arms
Milky Way Arms ssc2008-10.svg
Orion-Cygnus Arm inside the Milky Way
Milky Way side view.png
The Sun within the structure of the Milky Way
Clickable image of the Location of Earth. Place your mouse cursor over an area in the image to see the related area name; click to link to an article about the area.
(view * discuss) LocationOfEarth-1600.jpgEarthMoonInner Solar SystemOuter Solar SystemClosest StarsMilky Way GalaxyLocal GroupLaniakea SuperclusterLocal Supercluster ComplexObservable Universe
Interactive icon.svg Clickable image of the Location of Earth . Place your mouse cursor over an area in the image to see the related area name; click to link to an article about the area.
Observable Universe Logarithmic Map (horizontal layout english annotations).png
A logarithmic map of the observable universe. From left to right, spacecraft and celestial bodies are arranged according to their proximity to the Earth.
Stereoscopic view of the universe (805 x 416) for cross-eyed viewing Stereoscopic view of the universe (805 x 416) for cross-eyed viewing.png
Stereoscopic view of the universe (805 x 416) for cross-eyed viewing

See also


  1. 1 2 3 A parsec (pc) is the distance at which a star's parallax as viewed from Earth is equal to one second of arc, equal to roughly 206,000 AU or 3.0857×1013 km. One megaparsec (Mpc) is equivalent to one million parsecs.
  2. 1 2 Semi-major and semi-minor axes.
  3. 1 AU or astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the Sun, or 150 million km. Earth's orbital diameter is twice its orbital radius, or 2 AU.

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Local Group</span> Group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way

The Local Group is the galaxy group that includes the Milky Way, where Earth is located. It has a total diameter of roughly 3 megaparsecs (10 million light-years; 9×1019 kilometres), and a total mass of the order of 2×1012 solar masses (4×1042 kg). It consists of two collections of galaxies in a "dumbbell" shape; the Milky Way and its satellites form one lobe, and the Andromeda Galaxy and its satellites constitute the other. The two collections are separated by about 800 kiloparsecs (3×10^6 ly; 2×1019 km) and are moving toward one another with a velocity of 123 km/s. The group itself is a part of the larger Virgo Supercluster, which may be a part of the Laniakea Supercluster. The exact number of galaxies in the Local Group is unknown as some are occluded by the Milky Way; however, at least 80 members are known, most of which are dwarf galaxies.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Supercluster</span> Large group of smaller galaxy clusters or galaxy groups

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Virgo Supercluster</span> Former supercluster

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Milky Way</span> Galaxy containing the Solar System

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Galaxy filament</span> Largest structures in the universe, made of galaxies

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The Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex is a galaxy filament. It includes the Laniakea Supercluster which contains the Virgo Supercluster lobe which in turn contains the Local Group, the galaxy cluster that includes the Milky Way. This filament is adjacent to the Perseus–Pegasus Filament. Astronomer R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawaii's Institute of Astronomy identified the Complex in 1987.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Local Sheet</span> Nearby extragalactic region of space

The Local Sheet in astronomy is a nearby extragalactic region of space where the Milky Way, the members of the Local Group and other galaxies share a similar peculiar velocity. This region lies within a radius of about 7 Mpc (23 Mly), 0.46 Mpc (1.5 Mly) thick, and galaxies beyond that distance show markedly different velocities. The Local Group has only a relatively small peculiar velocity of 66 km⋅s−1 with respect to the Local Sheet. Typical velocity dispersion of galaxies is only 40 km⋅s−1 in the radial direction. Nearly all nearby bright galaxies belong to the Local Sheet. The Local Sheet is part of the Local Volume and is in the Virgo Supercluster. The Local Sheet forms a wall of galaxies delineating one boundary of the Local Void.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Laniakea Supercluster</span> Galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way Galaxy and many more galaxies

The Laniakea Supercluster or the Local Supercluster is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way and approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies.

The Taurus Void is a vast, near-empty region of space situated between the Perseus–Pisces Supercluster and the Virgo Supercluster. The Taurus void is unique because of its relatively close proximity to Earth, and because it helps to define the edge of latter's home supercluster, the Virgo Supercluster. Despite its close proximity to Earth, the Taurus Void is not well-studied because it is partially obscured by the Milky Way when viewed from Earth. In contrast to its ambiguous boundary in the section of sky obscured by the Milky Way, the Taurus Void has a very well-defined boundary with the Perseus–Pisces supercluster.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southern Supercluster</span> Closest neighboring galaxy supercluster

The Southern Supercluster is a nearby supercluster located around 19.5 Mpc (63.6 Mly) in the constellations of Cetus, Fornax, Eridanus, Horologium, and Dorado. It was first identified in 1953 by Gérard de Vaucouleurs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hélène Courtois</span> French astrophysicist

Hélène Courtois is a French astrophysicist specialising in cosmography. She is a professor at the University of Lyon 1 and has been a chevalier of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques since 2015.

Daniel Pomarède is a staff scientist at the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, CEA Paris-Saclay University. He co-discovered Laniakea, our home supercluster of galaxies, and Ho'oleilana, a spherical shell-like structure 1 billion light-years in diameter found in the distribution of galaxies, possibly the remnant of a Baryon Acoustic Oscillation. Specialized in data visualization and cosmography, a branch of cosmology dedicated to mapping the Universe, he also co-authored the discoveries of the Dipole Repeller and of the Cold Spot Repeller, two large influential cosmic voids, and the discovery of the South Pole Wall, a large-scale structure located in the direction of the south celestial pole beyond the southern frontiers of Laniakea.

The Telescopium−Grus Cloud is a galaxy filament in the constellations of Pavo, Indus, and Telescopium. It was first defined by astronomer Brent Tully in his book The Nearby Galaxies Atlas and its companion book The Nearby Galaxies Catalog.


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