Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale

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Diatonic scale on C, equal tempered Play and Ptolemy's intense or just Play. Diatonic scale on C.png
Diatonic scale on C, equal tempered Play and Ptolemy's intense or just Play .

Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale, also known as the Ptolemaic sequence, [1] justly tuned major scale, [2] [3] [4] Ptolemy's tense diatonic scale, or the syntonous (or syntonic) diatonic scale, is a tuning for the diatonic scale proposed by Ptolemy, [5] and corresponding with modern 5-limit just intonation. [6] While Ptolemy is famous for this version of just intonation, it is important to realize this was only one of several genera of just, diatonic intonations he describes. He also describes 7-limit "soft" diatonics and an 11-limit "even" diatonic.


This tuning was declared by Zarlino to be the only tuning that could be reasonably sung, it was also supported by Giuseppe Tartini, [7] and is equivalent to Indian Gandhar tuning which features exactly the same intervals.

It is produced through a tetrachord consisting of a greater tone (9:8), lesser tone (10:9), and just diatonic semitone (16:15). [6] This is called Ptolemy's intense diatonic tetrachord (or "tense"), as opposed to Ptolemy's soft diatonic tetrachord (or "relaxed"), which is formed by 21:20, 10:9 and 8:7 intervals. [8]


The structure of the intense diatonic scale is shown in the tables below, where T is for greater tone, t is for lesser tone and s is for semitone:

Ratio from C 1:1 9:8 5:4 4:3 3:2 5:3 15:8 2:1
Harmonic 24 27 30 32 36 40 45 48
StepName TtsTtTs
Ratio from A1:19:86:54:33:28:59:52:1
Harmonic of Fundamental B120135144160180192216240
StepName TstTsTt

Comparison with other diatonic scales

Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale can be constructed by lowering the pitches of Pythagorean tuning's 3rd, 6th, and 7th degrees (in C, the notes E, A, and B) by the syntonic comma, 81:80. This scale may also be considered as derived from the just major chord (ratios 4:5:6, so a major third of 5:4 and fifth of 3:2), and the major chords a fifth below and a fifth above it: FAC–CEG–GBD. This perspective emphasizes the central role of the tonic, dominant, and subdominant in the diatonic scale.

In comparison to Pythagorean tuning, which only uses 3:2 perfect fifths (and fourths), the Ptolemaic provides just thirds (and sixths), both major and minor (5:4 and 6:5; sixths 8:5 and 5:3), which are smoother and more easily tuned than Pythagorean thirds (81:64 and 32:27) and Pythagorean sixths (27:16 and 128/81), [9] with one minor third (and one major sixth) left at the Pythagorean interval, at the cost of replacing one fifth (and one fourth) with a wolf interval.

Intervals between notes (wolf intervals bolded):

Pythagorean diatonic scale on C Play. Johnston's notation; + indicates the syntonic comma. Pythagorean diatonic scale on C.png
Pythagorean diatonic scale on C Play . Johnston's notation; + indicates the syntonic comma.

Note that D–F is a Pythagorean minor third or semiditone (32:27), its inversion F–D is a Pythagorean major sixth (27:16); D–A is a wolf fifth (40:27), and its inversion A–D is a wolf fourth (27:20). All of these differ from their just counterparts by a syntonic comma (81:80). More concisely, the triad built on the 2nd degree (D) is out-of-tune.

F-B is the tritone (more precisely, an augmented fourth), here 45:32, while B-F is a diminished fifth, here 64:45.

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In musical tuning, the Pythagorean comma (or ditonic comma), named after the ancient mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, is the small interval (or comma) existing in Pythagorean tuning between two enharmonically equivalent notes such as C and B, or D and C. It is equal to the frequency ratio (1.5)1227 = 531441524288 ≈ 1.01364, or about 23.46 cents, roughly a quarter of a semitone (in between 75:74 and 74:73). The comma that musical temperaments often "temper" is the Pythagorean comma.

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In the musical system of ancient Greece, genus is a term used to describe certain classes of intonations of the two movable notes within a tetrachord. The tetrachordal system was inherited by the Latin medieval theory of scales and by the modal theory of Byzantine music; it may have been one source of the later theory of the jins of Arabic music. In addition, Aristoxenus calls some patterns of rhythm "genera".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ditone</span> Interval in music

In music, a ditone is the interval of a major third. The size of a ditone varies according to the sizes of the two tones of which it is compounded. The largest is the Pythagorean ditone, with a ratio of 81:64, also called a comma-redundant major third; the smallest is the interval with a ratio of 100:81, also called a comma-deficient major third.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Comma (music)</span> Very small interval arising from discrepancies in tuning

In music theory, a comma is a very small interval, the difference resulting from tuning one note two different ways. Strictly speaking, there are only two kinds of comma, the syntonic comma, "the difference between a just major 3rd and four just perfect 5ths less two octaves", and the Pythagorean comma, "the difference between twelve 5ths and seven octaves". The word comma used without qualification refers to the syntonic comma, which can be defined, for instance, as the difference between an F tuned using the D-based Pythagorean tuning system, and another F tuned using the D-based quarter-comma meantone tuning system. Intervals separated by the ratio 81:80 are considered the same note because the 12-note Western chromatic scale does not distinguish Pythagorean intervals from 5-limit intervals in its notation. Other intervals are considered commas because of the enharmonic equivalences of a tuning system. For example, in 53TET, B and A are both approximated by the same interval although they are a septimal kleisma apart.

Quarter-comma meantone, or  1 / 4 -comma meantone, was the most common meantone temperament in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and was sometimes used later. In this system the perfect fifth is flattened by one quarter of a syntonic comma ( 81 : 80 ), with respect to its just intonation used in Pythagorean tuning ; the result is  3 / 2 × [ 80 / 81 ] 1 / 4 = 45 ≈ 1.49535, or a fifth of 696.578 cents. This fifth is then iterated to generate the diatonic scale and other notes of the temperament. The purpose is to obtain justly intoned major thirds. It was described by Pietro Aron in his Toscanello de la Musica of 1523, by saying the major thirds should be tuned to be "sonorous and just, as united as possible." Later theorists Gioseffo Zarlino and Francisco de Salinas described the tuning with mathematical exactitude.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">53 equal temperament</span> Musical tuning system with 53 pitches equally-spaced on a logarithmic scale

In music, 53 equal temperament, called 53 TET, 53 EDO, or 53 ET, is the tempered scale derived by dividing the octave into 53 equal steps. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 2153, or 22.6415 cents, an interval sometimes called the Holdrian comma.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pythagorean interval</span> Musical interval

In musical tuning theory, a Pythagorean interval is a musical interval with a frequency ratio equal to a power of two divided by a power of three, or vice versa. For instance, the perfect fifth with ratio 3/2 (equivalent to 31/ 21) and the perfect fourth with ratio 4/3 (equivalent to 22/ 31) are Pythagorean intervals.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Regular diatonic tuning</span>

A regular diatonic tuning is any musical scale consisting of "tones" (T) and "semitones" (S) arranged in any rotation of the sequence TTSTTTS which adds up to the octave with all the T's being the same size and all the S's the being the same size, with the 'S's being smaller than the 'T's. In such a tuning, then the notes are connected together in a chain of seven fifths, all the same size which makes it a Linear temperament with the tempered fifth as a generator.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Five-limit tuning</span>

Five-limit tuning, 5-limit tuning, or 5-prime-limit tuning (not to be confused with 5-odd-limit tuning), is any system for tuning a musical instrument that obtains the frequency of each note by multiplying the frequency of a given reference note (the base note) by products of integer powers of 2, 3, or 5 (prime numbers limited to 5 or lower), such as 2−3·31·51 = 15/8.


  1. Partch, Harry (1979). Genesis of a Music , pp. 165, 173. ISBN   978-0-306-80106-8.
  2. Murray Campbell, Clive Greated (1994). The Musician's Guide to Acoustics, pp. 172–73. ISBN   978-0-19-816505-7.
  3. Wright, David (2009). Mathematics and Music, pp. 140–41. ISBN   978-0-8218-4873-9.
  4. Johnston, Ben and Gilmore, Bob (2006). "A Notation System for Extended Just Intonation" (2003), "Maximum clarity" and Other Writings on Music, p. 78. ISBN   978-0-252-03098-7.
  5. see Wallis, John (1699). Opera Mathematica, Vol. III. Oxford. p. 39. (Contains Harmonics by Claudius Ptolemy.)
  6. 1 2 Chisholm, Hugh (1911). The Encyclopædia Britannica , Vol.28, p. 961. The Encyclopædia Britannica Company.
  7. Dr. Crotch (October 1, 1861). "On the Derivation of the Scale, Tuning, Temperament, the Monochord, etc.", The Musical Times, p. 115.
  8. Chalmers, John H. Jr. (1993). Divisions of the Tetrachord. Hanover, NH: Frog Peak Music. ISBN   0-945996-04-7 Chapter 2, Page 9
  9. Johnston, Ben; Gilmore, Bob (2006). 'Maximum Clarity' and Other Writings on Music. p. 100. ISBN   978-0-252-03098-7.