"Radicalesbians" were several lesbian-feminist organizations founded in the post-Stonewall period of gay activism. [1] The first, most well-known of these groups was founded in New York City, and was short-lived, though their impact was not: the manifesto the group distributed during their protest, titled "The Woman-Identified Woman," came to be known as one of the foundational documents of lesbian-feminism. [2] [3] [4]
Following the first group in New York City, other groups known as "Radicalesbians" arose elsewhere. The Philadelphia Radicalesbians were explicitly connected to the New York City group, and some of the membership overlapped. However, another group of Radicalesbians in Australia also formed in the 1970s, unrelated to the United States groups, but motivated by similar concerns of misogyny and homophobia.
In the 1960s, both women's liberation and gay liberation movements in the United States were amassing increasing levels of support. Yet, some lesbian women of this time period were feeling excluded from both movements.
In response to misogyny from the men of gay liberation organizations such as the New York City Gay Liberation Front, lesbians began to form their own, distinctive groups. They also held their own events, beginning with their first women's dance on April 3, 1970. [5] [6] Similarly, lesbian women often found themselves on the margins of women's groups due to their sexuality. This issue was exacerbated by comments from Betty Friedan, then-leader of the National Organization for Women (NOW), who referred to lesbians as a "lavender menace" to the women's movement in 1969. Then, in March 1970, Susan Brownmiller's article "Sisterhood is Powerful" (published in The New York Times ) referred to lesbians as a "lavender herring." [7] While Brownmiller's comment has since been characterized as her "attempting to make a joke and dissociate from Friedan’s views," it was clear that "some activists did not see the humor in it, and instead saw it as a comment on lesbians’ insignificance in the march toward women’s rights." [8]
In New York City, the frustration some lesbian women felt at this time led to one group of women deciding it was time to take action, and they formed a temporary group to protest the Second Congress to Unite Women on May 1, 1970. [9] [10]
Around 7pm, during the conference's opening session (led by author Kate Millett), the women began their zap. One newsletter after the event recalled: "The lights went out, people heard running, laughter, a rebel yell here and there, and when the lights were turned back on, those same 300 women found themselves in the hands of the LAVENDER MENACE." [9]
The women sported t-shirts they had designed themselves, featuring the words "Lavender Menace" across the front. Some of the women took to the stage and "announced their intention to discuss lesbian issues." Members of the group who had remained seated stood to reveal their own "Lavender Menace" shirts and voice their support. [2]
The group had anticipated resistance (though Millet encouraged the zap), but they were pleasantly surprised as the conversation was actually welcomed. The remaining two days of the Congress became dedicated to discussions, debates, and workshops about lesbian issues and their needs from other women in the movement. [2]
US-based Radicalesbians chapters continued to organize for lesbian-feminism after the May 1970 action. [11]
The NYC-based women who had organized the protest began to hold consciousness-raising groups for women of all sexualities. They also took on a name, abandoning their prior label of "Gay Liberation Front Women." [12] and the "Lavender Menace" (the title of their demonstration [9] ). They first experimented with the name Lesbian Liberation, then adopted their better-known name, Radicalesbians. [2] Despite the changes, Radicalesbians of NYC is sometimes still mistakenly referred to as "Lavender Menace," given it was that demonstration that is typically considered the catalyst for the Radicalesbians group and the rapid growth in lesbian-feminist thought. [9] [13]
There is not a full list of the membership of the NYC Radicalesbians, but many of its members have written about their participation and thus made their connections public. Some known members of the group include: [10] [2]
In an effort to avoid unjust, "patriarchal 'leadership hierarchies' that would allow individual women to exert undue influence on the group," the group adopted a lot system that ensured responsibilities were spread around, allowing all women to participate in each role. Though this method showed some promise, over time, some women were routinely taking on leadership roles in an unofficial capacity due to their perceived expertise or experience. This led to some women feeling like they were unable to participate equally. [14]
Other women criticized the group for a lack of direct action. Those who sought a more active role in the lesbian-feminist movement eventually began to turn elsewhere. [11]
The Congress where the women held their initial protest was in Manhattan, in the building known today as New York City Lab School for Collaborative Studies; the site is recognized by the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project as a historic location. [9]
Their manifesto, "The Woman-Identified Woman," introduced a new way to discuss lesbianism that diverged from the pathologizing definitions in psychology at the time. [15]
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, another Radicalesbians group began in 1971. [16] Some of the women in this chapter had experiences in the NYC chapter, and therefore wanted to avoid the problems that led to the NYC group's dissolution. Philadelphia Radicalesbians "focused on the meaningful connections between and among women in consciousness-raising groups and small direct actions," trying to maintain a greater sense of community than what existed in their NYC counterpart. [10] [11]
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In the 1970s, tensions between lesbian women and the mainstream gay rights movement, mirroring those in the US, were rising in Australia. By 1972, lesbian women were forming their own groups, separate from mixed-gender groups. [17]
In July 1973, Australian lesbian-feminists held their first conference, nicknamed the "Sorrento Conference" as it was held at the Whitehall Guest House in Sorrento, Australia. [18] This initial conference allowed lesbian feminists of Australia their first organized effort at defining "what a lesbian is, what she could be and what we could do about it." [17] [19]
The Stonewall riots, also known as the Stonewall uprising, Stonewall rebellion, or simply Stonewall, were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. Although the demonstrations were not the first time American homosexuals fought back against government-sponsored persecution of sexual minorities, the Stonewall riots marked a new beginning for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.
Lesbian feminism is a cultural movement and critical perspective that encourages women to focus their efforts, attentions, relationships, and activities towards their fellow women rather than men, and often advocates lesbianism as the logical result of feminism. Lesbian feminism was most influential in the 1970s and early 1980s, primarily in North America and Western Europe, but began in the late 1960s and arose out of dissatisfaction with the New Left, the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, sexism within the gay liberation movement, and homophobia within popular women's movements at the time. Many of the supporters of Lesbianism were actually women involved in gay liberation who were tired of the sexism and centering of gay men within the community and lesbian women in the mainstream women's movement who were tired of the homophobia involved in it.
Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was the name of several gay liberation groups, the first of which was formed in New York City in 1969, immediately after the Stonewall riots. Similar organizations also formed in the UK, Australia and Canada. The GLF provided a voice for the newly-out and newly radicalized gay community, and a meeting place for a number of activists who would go on to form other groups, such as the Gay Activists Alliance, Gay Youth New York, and Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) in the US. In the UK and Canada, activists also developed a platform for gay liberation and demonstrated for gay rights. Activists from both the US and UK groups would later go on to found or be active in groups including ACT UP, the Lesbian Avengers, Queer Nation, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and Stonewall.
Feminist separatism is the theory that feminist opposition to patriarchy can be achieved through women's separation from men. Much of the theorizing is based in lesbian feminism.
The gay liberation movement was a social and political movement of the late 1960s through the mid-1980s in the Western world, that urged lesbians and gay men to engage in radical direct action, and to counter societal shame with gay pride. In the feminist spirit of the personal being political, the most basic form of activism was an emphasis on coming out to family, friends, and colleagues, and living life as an openly lesbian or gay person.
Karla Jay is a distinguished professor emerita at Pace University, where she taught English and directed the women's and gender studies program between 1974 and 2009. A pioneer in the field of lesbian and gay studies, she is widely published.
Lavender Menace was an informal group of lesbian radical feminists formed to protest the exclusion of lesbians and their issues from the feminist movement at the Second Congress to Unite Women in New York City on May 1, 1970. Members included Karla Jay, Martha Shelley, Rita Mae Brown, Lois Hart, Barbara Love, Ellen Shumsky, Artemis March, Cynthia Funk, Linda Rhodes, Arlene Kushner, Ellen Broidy, and Michela Griffo, and were mostly members of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the National Organization for Women (NOW). They later became the Radicalesbians.
"The Woman-Identified Woman" was a ten-paragraph manifesto, written by the Radicalesbians in 1970. It was first distributed during the Lavender Menace protest at the Second Congress to Unite Women, hosted by the National Organization for Women (NOW) on May 1, 1970, in New York City in response to the lack of lesbian representation at the congress. It is now considered a turning point in the history of radical feminism and one of the founding documents of lesbian feminism redefining the term "lesbian" as a political identity as well as a sexual one.
Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) was a gay, gender non-conforming and transvestite street activist organization founded in 1970 by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, subculturally-famous New York City drag queens of color. STAR was a radical political collective that also provided housing and support to homeless LGBT youth and sex workers in Lower Manhattan. Rivera and Johnson were the "mothers" of the household, and funded the organization largely through sex work. STAR is considered by many to be a groundbreaking organization in the queer liberation movement and a model for other organizations.
During the 1960s, the United States underwent a sexual revolution. The revolution was a social and cultural movement that resulted in liberalized attitudes toward sex and morality. Social norms were changing as sex became more widely discussed in society. Erotic media, such as films, magazines, and books, became more popular and gained widespread attention nationally. Sex was entering the public domain.
Radical lesbianism is a lesbian movement that challenges the status quo of heterosexuality and mainstream feminism. It arose in part because mainstream feminism did not actively include or fight for lesbian rights. The movement was started by lesbian feminist groups in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. A Canadian movement followed in the 1970s, which added momentum. As it continued to gain popularity, radical lesbianism spread throughout Canada, the United States, and France. The French-based movement, Front des Lesbiennes Radicales, or FLR, organized in 1981 under the name Front des Lesbiennes Radicales. Other movements, such as Radicalesbians, have also stemmed off of the larger radical lesbianism movement. In addition to being associated with social movements, radical lesbianism also offers its own ideology, similar to how feminism functions in both capacities.
Martha Shelley is an American activist, writer, and poet best known for her involvement in lesbian feminist activism.
Feminist views on sexuality widely vary. Many feminists, particularly radical feminists, are highly critical of what they see as sexual objectification and sexual exploitation in the media and society. Radical feminists are often opposed to the sex industry, including opposition to prostitution and pornography. Other feminists define themselves as sex-positive feminists and believe that a wide variety of expressions of female sexuality can be empowering to women when they are freely chosen. Some feminists support efforts to reform the sex industry to become less sexist, such as the feminist pornography movement.
Barbara Joan Love was an American feminist writer and the editor of Feminists who Changed America, 1963–1975. With the National Organization for Women, Love organized and participated in demonstrations, and she also worked within the organization to improve its acceptance of lesbian feminists. She helped to found consciousness-raising groups for lesbian feminists and was active in the gay liberation movement.
Ellen Shumsky is a lesbian feminist activist, photographer, psychoanalytic teacher, psychotherapist, supervisor, and writer.
The Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention (RPCC) was a conference organized by the Black Panther Party (BPP) that was held in Philadelphia from September 4–7, 1970. The goal of the Convention was to draft a new version of the United States Constitution and to unify factions of the radical left in the United States. The RPCC represented one of the largest gatherings of radical activists across movements and issues in the United States. The Convention was attended by a variety of organizations from the Black Power Movement, Asian American Movement, Chicano Movement, American Indian Movement, Anti-war movement, Women's Liberation, and Gay Liberation movements. Estimates of attendance range from 6,000 to 15,000. Attendees convened in workshops to draft declarations of demands related to various issues, which were ultimately intended to be incorporated into a new constitution which would function as the final vision of those movements. The RPCC also signified a shift in BPP focus from black self-defense to a broader revolutionary agenda. While conflicts did arise during the Philadelphia Convention, the conference was ultimately deemed a success by the Panthers. After the Philadelphia conference, attempts were made to reconvene to finalize and ratify the new constitution in Washington, DC a few months later but ultimately failed due to police interference and Panther disorganization.
Lavender Woman was a lesbian periodical produced in Chicago, Illinois, from 1971 to 1976. The name Lavender Woman comes from the color lavender's prominence as a representation of homosexuality, starting in the 1950s and 1960s. It is believed that the color became a symbol due to it being a product of mixing baby blue and pink. Lavender truly hit the spotlight as a symbol of homosexuality empowerment in 1969 when lavender sashes and armbands were distributed during a "gay power" march in New York.
Dolores Bargowski (1943–2008) was an American feminist and lesbian activist active in the early years of second-wave feminism.
The Effeminists was a political and social advocacy group composed primarily of gay men in the 1970s who concerned themselves with allying the gay liberation movement with women and the feminist movement at the time. The group was borne out of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), when some members expressed disagreement with the ways in which women were being treated by the gay liberation movement.
Come Out! was an American LGBT newspaper that ran from 1969 to 1972. It was published by the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), a gay liberation group established in New York City in 1969, immediately following the Stonewall riots. The first issue came out on November 14, 1969, it sold for 35 cents, and 50 cents for outside of New York City. Its run only lasted for eight issues. Its tagline for the first paper was: "A Newspaper By And For The Gay Community".
The Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was also an inadvertent co-founder of Radicalesbians. While some men involved in GLF were attuned to sexism within the nascent movement, others were not. And many lesbian activists felt as separate from the gay men of GLF as they did from straight women of NOW.
At the second Congress to Unite Women, held at the beginning of May 1970, 'The Woman-Identified Woman' was distributed and discussed, and the result was a completely new ground for discourse about and understanding of lesbianism. The centerpiece of 'The Woman-Identified Woman' is its answer to the question, 'What is a lesbian?' The answer is not to be found in psychology textbooks.